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posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: BeyondKnowledge3
I forgot to mention I have some Tronya in the refrigerator. Still tweaking the mix though. The honey is still too strong in my last batch

Share a recipe? Corbomite is easily one of my top 3 TOS. I actually use the Balok 'scarecrow' as my avatar in social media ha. Bailey's smile at the end makes the episode for me; a young officer who maybe doesn't quite fit in with humans, maybe a bit of a dreamer head in the clouds, but he feels right at home in the face of the mysterious and unknown.

Anyways back on topic! I've heard people came up with recipes for things like plomeek soup and Romulan ale (isn't it illegal?)

I never got to do the star trek experience in Vegas but I'm sure they did all kinds of dishes.

I used to drink blue Gatorade as a kid and pretend it was Romulan ale.

edit on 11-7-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

ain't that picture the one where the little fella was pretending to be a big bad alien. and the one crewman stayed with him.

i looked it up and yeah it is, and the boy who played the little fella is ron howard's brother, and they both were in the The Andy Griffith Show. he was the peanut butter and jelly sandwich eating leon wearing boots a cowboy hat and a cap gun. who always wanted to share his sandwich with people.

and someone has already mentioned the Episode earlier it was The Corbomite Maneuver.

edit on 11-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

Yes indeed. It was the first 'true' production episode that wasn't a pilot.

"Cage" being first pilot, but execs didn't think the characters were likable enough. Jeffrey Hunter declined to return upon that comment and other reasons. I'd read he actually hit his head in a drunken fall and died as a result. Sad.

Then 2nd pilot was "Where No Man Has Gone Before"

Another poster mentioned this plot would've made a better movie instead of Into Darkness. I agree. I think the idea of figuring out what to do with your friend who is gaining godlike powers could be an interesting drama instead of revenge villain du jour.

Once it got picked up "Corbomite Maneuver" was the first actual episode.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

They still use blue Gatorade for the Romulan Ale, non alcoholic. I know of Sauren brandy but not the recipe. I have heard of an alcoholic version of Romulan Ale also. You can get Romulan Ale bottles and Sauren brandy bottles on eBay.

As far as I know, all Tranya is non alcoholic.

2 parts orange juice
1 part lemon juice
1 part lime juice
2 parts honey
12 parts water

I find the honey a little overpowering of the other flavors. I am adjusting it to 1 part for the next batch then add to taste if needed. You can leave out or add to the water to make it stronger or weaker. Originally the instructions say to heat the honey in some water to make it mix better. I haven't had a problem with just putting the ingredients in a bottle and shaking.

For more drinks there is this link.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

i went ahead and looked it up and posted a edit in my last.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 09:25 PM
i decided to check clint howard's wiki page he's been in 4 star treks series shows DS9, Enterprise, Discovery, and Strange New Worlds. i've known he was ron howard's brother for a long time and it's funny to me i don't remember him in any of them.

he was also in the series Fringe which i also liked and was directed by jj abrahms playing as a man who thought he was the son of Sarek.

As a nod to Howard's prominent place in Star Trek culture, he played a part in Star Trek director J. J. Abrams' series Fringe: in the season one episode "The Road Not Taken", as a man who thought he was the son of Sarek of Vulcan. He discussed a fictitious plot by Romulans from the future, much like the one in Abrams' own Star Trek film. (In the next episode, Leonard Nimoy was revealed to be the mysterious character he was discussing.)
Clint Howard

edit on 11-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

"Faith of the Heart" really turned me off of STE for such a long time. I couldn't get over feeling like I was watching the intro for Family Matters or something. It tainted my preceptor so bad that I couldn't sit through the first episode the first several times I tried.

One day I forced myself through it, and I came to enjoy the series much more than I anticipated.

I think my favorite intro is DS9, but TNG is the most nostalgic one for me which gets me excited. I grew up on TNG.

I do like Discovery's into, too.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: BernnieJGato

That one where planet Vulcan got destroyed was a bit of a continuity problem!

My fave is Voyager.

I liked all the alternative universe episodes, especially the DS9 ones.

Well, the newer movie continuity issues were explained away by the Kelvin time line. Lazy, but at least they explained it. Even though they foolishly struck it down I like to place Discovery and Star Trek Picard in the Kelvin category.

They aren't so bad if they aren't "real" Star Trek.

posted on Jul, 11 2024 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: Morrad

I have an unopened Quark action figure hanging on my bedroom wall in a shadow box along with a copy of "The Rules of Acquisition".

Quark is my favorite, too. Armin Shimerman was one of the greats in Star Trek. Nog wound up being one of my favorites. The character arc was great.

Really, the Ferengi are my favorite species as a whole... If you forget the way TNG portrayed them in season 1.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

Most appreciated BernnieJGato.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: Loadandgo
a reply to: Morrad

I have an unopened Quark action figure hanging on my bedroom wall in a shadow box along with a copy of "The Rules of Acquisition".

Wow. I would never admit to that ! ! pmsl

Only joking that is pretty cool

I like Nog as well.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Loadandgo

I must have missed that. What's the Kelvin time line thing?

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Loadandgo

I must have missed that. What's the Kelvin time line thing?

I think it's just an explanation for why Paramount/ JJ Abrams decided to do a prequel while breaking continuity. It's explained in the movie (2009) that Nero travelling back in time altered the course of events and therefore everything happening onwards is a new timeline, so forget keeping track of what you already know.

Kelvin is just the name of the shuttlecrafts in this new universe/ timeline, whereas they were called Galileo in the TOS days that we know.

For example, in the Galileo timeline James Kirk has a brother named Sam. In the Kelvin timeline, James Kirk seems to have no brother.

edit on 12-7-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: AlroyFarms

For example, in the Galileo timeline James Kirk has a brother named Sam.

who was killed in the episode where the big ass single cells killed his colony and made spock go blind trying to find a way to kill them.
plus he must have been his twin cause the only differnce in their look is a mustache.

and as to continuity or the Kelvin timeline doesn't work in Strange New Worlds either, cause Spock is Sam's boss and it is suggested by Pike that he is going to die.

also a fun fact, Michael Myers mask is Kirks face, well Shatners face.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

I actually pointed out the Michael Meyers mask thing to a Halloween fan the other day! All it needs is the mustache!

I actually have not seen any of the new series yet. I barely just watched ST: Picard after years of ignoring it. It was better than I thought it would be, even if it was far from perfect. They had me intrigued with many of the cliffhangers so I was impressed.

I'm waiting for Discovery Complete Series set to come out on blu-ray next month and will give it a chance.

SNW is a spinoff of Discovery, right? It could be a while before I get to that one depending on how I like Discovery. I might cave and get Paramount + if it's good enough.

Gotta admit though I got Trek fever bad lately. I haven't watched any in many years despite owning all of it on disc.

Into Darkness did kill my passion for a while, then Beyond proved that Paramount isn't interested in doing anything besides rabid revenge plots.

I think I fell for the Carol Marcus/ Dr. Dehner red herring for Into Darkness and it really pissed me off.

It didn't help that Discovery had bad reviews when it came out so I took a very long break.

Oddly enough Picard pulled me back in last month. It has some TOS nostalgia for me with the android planet. Reminded me a lot of "What Little Girls Are Made Of" and "I, Mudd."

I have zero interest in watching any of the animated/ kids stuff. However, I'm going to see if I can find the old school animated series on DVD. It seems legit.

edit on 12-7-2024 by AlroyFarms because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 10:24 AM
What is up with all the cracking space helmets? It happened in First Contact and Discovery so far. They are transparent aluminum. They would go klang and dent when hit. Not fracture like a rock hitting a windshield.

And what is up with the bridge front window? Not needed, not necessary, not practical , not useful. I guess it is just a visual thing like the lights inside space helmets. If there is a light inside the helmet you can't see out just like you can't see out through a huge window from a well lit bridge. Optical physics seems to have left the studio.

Form the bridge, that window would just look like a bad reflection of the interior of the bridge. Makes a nice picture window for any space dwelling life forms to see if they want to eat what is inside that hard shell.

Now back to Discovery. It is not as bad as I thought it would be from the reviews. On to the next episode.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: BeyondKnowledge3

What is up with all the cracking space helmets? It happened in First Contact and Discovery so far. They are transparent aluminum. They would go klang and dent when hit. Not fracture like a rock hitting a windshield.

there are a bunch of space movies, and shows that they crack in some place or the other. also it take a long time to put a real space suit on, not just like slapping on a cover all flight suit on.

i guess the premise is, it's extremely cold in space, extreme cold can make metal crack, micro roids flying round hauling ass can go through stuff and cuase major damage. but you would think that they would know that real ones don't hardly ever do that, or that they don't have lights in them like on tv and movies. it all for the suspense and drama and so you can see the actors face better.

edit on 12-7-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

The examples I mentioned were in hand to hand combat in space. No micrometeroids were involved, just humanoid muscle energy.

Yes, space is very cold but it is also a vacuum. There is almost nothing to transfer any heat to therefore it is extremely well insulated and eliminating body heat is a problem with spacesuits. The temperature of a space helmet visor would be almost the same as the breathing mix inside which would be body tempeature. That is assuming the one in the suit is alive.

I lean more to the mechanical pressure suits that are more easily worn than the pressurized air filled suits popular today. The mechanical pressure suit is just a skin tight garment that keeps ones skin intact against the vaccume. The helmet and counterlung are the only parts that contain breathing mix. These suits can be put on quickly end easily compared to the air filled ones. The major advantage is if you rip your suit, you only get a bad bruise instead of loosing all your breathing mix. If you don't like the looks of a skin tight space suit, any common coveralls will do over it and provide many convenient pockets for tools and such. The coveralls will hinder the natural cooling effect of sweat evaporating into space though.

I am not going into space personal combat much as Star Trek has effective energy weapons. I do think swords would be used before their development as they are effective with little damage to surrounding equipment, unlike various projectile weapoms that are commonly used. If you want to board another ship, the ship is the prise and not something you want to destroy in the process of taking it.

I don't have a problem with the sounds in space. Sounds would be produced within your own equipment, both ship and suit systems, by natural and artificial means such as charging weapons and nuclear explosions. Anything with a speaker, or even a large flat surface, would make a noise in responce to the energy change causing a electromagnetic pulse.

Star Trek is not true hard science fiction but tries to be. Many of the more recent representations of it seem to not understand this. Especially when it comes to technical details like space suits.

I find the small technical problems more forgivable if the story is good. For the most part Star Trek delivers in this area.

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 12:24 PM
Double post

edit on 12-7-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2024 @ 12:24 PM
Triple post

edit on 12-7-2024 by BeyondKnowledge3 because: (no reason given)

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