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The opinion of young Englishmen about Russia and Russians

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posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Even the stooges who stood "against" him supported him!

As for any real opposition, well........

What a farce!!!!

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

And again, don't believe the propaganda. In Russia, most people do not even know who Navalny was.
A PR man created by Western propaganda and killed by it. As always.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Some Englishmen on our forum are trying to create an atmosphere as if absolutely everyone in Britain unanimously dislikes and opposes Russia and Russians. But that's not true.

Well, I can kill your hate filled propaganda piece straight off.

As a Brit' I can say with my hand on my heart, that I do NOT hate, dislike or oppose the Russian people. I hate those that support, and keep Putin in power. He's a tyrant dictator that is lying and attempting to corrupt the Russain people, and I can tell it works on some idiots because of the propaganda pieces you post here.

One of my closest friends is married to a wonderful young Russian Girl and she hates what is being done to her country and hates those dragging her countrys name and reputation through the s*it. She also loves living in Great Britain and thinks it's a wonderful country.

I have spoken about your posts to her and her partner, and they think that you're here to try sow dissent, and that you must work in a propaganda factory, which why you can access more western sites than most. She said it was known fact amongst Russians that Putin employs lots of people to post the sort of articles you post, join groups on facebook and the like, purely to post lies and spread propaganda.
edit on 25-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"A PR man created by Western propaganda and killed by it."

Oho! So you now admit he was killed?

The official line is natural causes. Tsk...

So, the West killed him, in a high security Russian prison?

Pull the other one. It's got bells on.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:41 AM
It reads like it's made up due to not being natural English and using incorrect terminology (teacher insteasd of lecturer etc..) plus a lot of the claims like Putin and Xi being the most popular leaders in the UK/banking apps don't exist in the UK are clearly very poor attempts at propaganda.

Have no animosity to Russians as have a few Russian friends and have been there a couple of times myself but the UK isn't anythnig like what these alleged English students are describing - can't remember the last time I saw an LGBT flag or BLM being mentioned in the last two years - loads of places are flying the England flag and Union Jack because of the Euros.

Reform may get one seat out of 650 in the upcoming election if they're very lucky which would put them on par with the Greens and the Worker's Party but a long way off Parties who have any say in UK politics.
edit on 25-6-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: Hakaiju

I'm not sure if I can play this game since I don't know Hollywood well.

You might find this interesting?
Russian actors in Hollywood

I don't want to drift your thread too much, so I'll stop here. Unless you are enjoying my secret attempt to westernize you?

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:42 AM

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: bastion

Lots of England flags and Union Jacks around here, on cars and everywhere so this smells....fishy.

To put it politely.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

I can say with my hand on my heart, that I do NOT hate, dislike or oppose the Russian people. I hate those that support, and keep Putin in power.

That kind of mindset seems to be previlant in all countries these days, especially America where hatred of people who support Donald Trump has been turning violent.

To despise the leader of a country is one thing, but expanding it to any person who supports them exacerbates a growing problem.

RT seems ultra patriotic, as do so many people who are proud of their countries. Some Russians suppot Putin, and some Americans support Joe Biden, etc; I don't see how that justifies hating them.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: chr0naut

Don't believe the propaganda. The level of support for Putin in Russia is determined by objective data - the results of the recent presidential elections (more than 87% with a record turnout of more than 77%).

Putin is not as popular as Kim Jong Un . He got 99.9% of the vote.

People are actualy starving to death in North Korea. Yet they must love him to keep him in power. Why else vote for him.

North Korea and Russia are just pure comedy, and can't be taken as being genuine democratic countries.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:11 AM

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: bastion

Lots of England flags and Union Jacks around here, on cars and everywhere so this smells....fishy.

To put it politely.

There's no mention of Palestinian flags which have covered every Uni halls residencein the UK over the last 6+ months either which makes me believe it's a poorly researched propaganda piece by the Telegram writer. It'd be a good description of UK Unis 2 - 3 years ago but certainly not comments from current students.

I'd still hapilly buy RT a pint or five as he's got a good sense of humour and he's an interesting guy outside his UK hatred. Same goes for the Turretless guy who was sent to the frontlines by Russia but didn't seem to support the war.

He always got comments from UK members glad to see he was well when on leave from the front lines but haven't seen him post in a worryingly long time since (may be pre ATS crash/login issues).
edit on 25-6-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: nugget1

The cronies at the Kremlin and the Oligarchs that are keeping Putin in power, it's those people I hate.
It's also the people posting daily propaganda pieces full of hate for the west (but happy to use a western website?) and support of an illegal war. Happy to kill Ukrainians but then moan if a Russian is killed....

I've never posted a thread on 'How awesome Great Britian is', I may love my Union and the people in it but I don't need to shove it down ATS' throat on a daily basis, unlike some on here who seem to think ATS is full of gullible idiots that swollow their twisted version of events.

edit on 25-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: bastion

There's no mention of Palestinian flags which have covered every Uni halls residence

I haven't seen those either, are you sure you're in the UK? To claify, I have seen a few but not covering every residence hall??
edit on 25-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:32 AM

We all can find video to show another country in a darker light.

Notice the difference in tone. Mine about NYC shows the industrial-ness of the homeless.

Yours shows them as alcoholics...propaganda.

a reply to: xuenchen

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: bastion

There's no mention of Palestinian flags which have covered every Uni halls residence

I haven't seen those either, are you saure you're in the UK? To claify, I have seen a few but not covering every residence hall??

Yup, in the North West. They've been prominent at Lancaster, Manchester, UCLan and Leeds when I've been through in recent months - I mean hung off balconies and windows by students; not anything put in place bythe Unis.

It's been the most visible flag/movement around here this year prior to the Euros buil-up in my experience.
edit on 25-6-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Hakaiju
Try to Westernize me? Are you joking? I am a Russian Orthodox person, with the appropriate mentality. Yes, I am a fan of English rock of the 60s and 70s, I have a huge collection of extremely rare rock albums on CD and DVD. I know English and American literature well, and, accordingly, history and philosophy. But mentally I am Russian))))

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

the results of the recent presidential elections (more than 87% with a record turnout of more than 77%).

ha! after some heavy handed penciling in and some deletions, and the fear of dying in prison, or then being offered the chance to go die in Ukraine once they entered the prison system.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

So links from a poor Russia State imitation of twitter is your version of evidence on English peoples feelings about Russia and it's population.
No wonder you hate the west if you're swollowing and believing the Rubbish you posted, Putin really has got you eating up the lies. Yummy yummy....

You do seem to like supporting nut jobs like Putin and Farage is it now? You can't seem to be able to tell the difference between political porpaganda (bullsh*t) and the truth. That can't be good for the job, as you claimed you were a Journalist?

How is your Holiday in Yalta, Crimea going? I'd check it's not just sunshine falling down around you, what with all Russian misfires and debris thats also falling??

edit on 25-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 11:14 AM
How did you find English people in London?

Thats a big red flag right there, more likely to find English lads in St Petersburg

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