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The opinion of young Englishmen about Russia and Russians

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posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 05:49 AM
Hello ATS!

Some Englishmen on our forum are trying to create an atmosphere as if absolutely everyone in Britain unanimously dislikes and opposes Russia and Russians. But that's not true.

Many residents of Western countries are still not lazy to go on YouTube to watch videos about real life in Russia. And some people travel to Russia personally, for tourism or emigration purposes. Telegram channel Tsypkin writes (link 1, link 2):

"A view of us from London.

It so happened that yesterday I spoke with English twenty-year-old guys who came to Russia as tourists. Yes, it happens.

We talked for about an hour. To say that I listened to the Russian TV program is to say nothing. I just want to give you quotes right away. I repeat, the guys are absolutely normal, advanced, studying at prestigious universities, not pumped up with propaganda from either side, they spoke only about facts. So, I quote:

“Alexander, first of all, I would ask you not to indicate our names, because if in England they find out everything that I am about to say, I will have quite big problems at the university.”

“The atmosphere in Russia caused incredible amazement; from England it seems to us that this is North Korea, gloomy and unsettled. And today Moscow and St. Petersburg are the best cities in the world in terms of infrastructure, restaurants, hotels, security, well-kept museums and prices for this That’s all. I also can’t help but note the very smiling faces and friendliness, in all the places where they found out that we were foreigners they offered to help, in the bars they wanted to immediately pour us something, they helped us explain the way and everyone was very warm.”

"The amazing thing is that no matter who I talk to in Russia, everyone is happy with what is happening and are glad that they live here. No matter who you talk to at home, everyone is unhappy with what is happening in England, and many would like to leave to leave. Honestly, I’m going to live either in Dubai or in Moscow, because the England that was before is over. We have enormous problems with medical care, hospitals are closing, we have huge problems with migrants, with security, with taxes. and in general with work. How we got to this point, we cannot understand.”

“The topic of transgender and LGBT people has become some kind of obsession. I’ll say right away that the majority of the population is not close to these ideals, but it’s forbidden to talk about it anywhere, God forbid you say somewhere that you’re against the idea of ​​gender reassignment, you’ll easily get thrown out work or from school. That’s why everyone is silent.”

“The English flag has ceased to have any meaning, because if you drive around London, you will see Ukrainian or LGBT flags. We often even joke in our company that the English flag can be replaced with half Ukrainian and half LGBT.”

“Nobody wants to have a conflict with Russia. Moreover, all those with whom I talk understand that the conflict was inspired by us, and Russia is protecting its interests as best it can. Everyone immediately remembers the Cuban missile crisis, the war in Iraq and many other conflicts. Everyone understands that the West will abandon Ukraine just as they abandoned everyone in Afghanistan. They will simply say, “well, sorry, Russia turned out to be stronger, goodbye.”

“You will laugh, but the most popular political leaders in England are Putin and Xi Jinping, because they look like politicians. The leaders of the Western world in most cases resemble some kind of clowns, like Johnson, or majors like Macron. I’m talking about America In general, I’m silent, two old men are running for president. Many say that yes, Putin has authoritarian traits, yes, he served in the KGB, but everyone is sure that he protects Russian interests as best he can, and not his personal ones. And the British also talk about this. they say calmly. Many of my friends joke that it would be nice if Putin took part in the elections, if only we had someone to vote for.”

“Is there corruption in England?! What kind of corruption! During Covid, Boris Johnson handed out incomprehensible orders left and right, and hundreds of millions of pounds disappeared somewhere.

“We understand that from a military point of view, England will not be able to defend itself from anyone now.”

“When I found out that you pay 6% taxes as a writer (and I told the guys about individual entrepreneurs), I couldn’t believe my eyes! You just don’t understand what taxes we have.”

“There is no more democracy, we did not vote for BLM, nor for LGBT, nor for the war with Russia.”

“How can you be such idiots to create an alliance of China, Russia, Iran and the Arab world against Western Europe and the USA. You and I are so similar.”

“You have the inscription Christ is Risen on all your churches, we would definitely start to be indignant that this offends Muslims and would remove it.”

“We couldn’t believe that all your banking services were on your phone, or that the trains were on time.”

“When the war began in Ukraine, my economics teacher said that in two weeks Russia would fall into the Middle Ages. Two years have passed. We are in the Middle Ages, and Moscow has moved away from London ten years into the future.”

“Appreciate your country, you don’t understand how lucky you are.”

Continued below...
edit on 25-6-2024 by RussianTroll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 05:50 AM
As I wrote on the forum earlier, some Britons still dream of returning to the days of Good Old England. Such slogans are put forward, for example, by the Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage. The reformists' ratings are now growing rapidly, and the electorate of the Conservative Party, whose inglorious reign brought Britain to its current state of ruin, is flowing to them.

Here's what's in Farage's party manifesto (link):

"– New tax for employers hiring foreign workers
– Blocking boats with migrants, returning illegal migrants back to France.
– “Freeze” of unskilled immigration “to protect our culture and identity”, withdrawal from the European Court of Human Rights.
– Zero tolerance in policing: Crimes related to drug dealing and drug trafficking will be punishable by life imprisonment.
– A “substantial” increase in stop and search by hiring 40,000 new police officers over the next 5 years.
– Requiring all job seekers to accept employment within 4 months or after 2 job offers or they will lose all their benefits.
– Introduction of a patriotic curriculum in primary and secondary schools, including teaching about European imperialism.
– Declaration of St. George's Day and St. David's Day as additional holidays.
– Increasing defense spending to 3%, increasing the number of full-time military personnel by 30,000 people.
– Introduction of a 25% tax benefit for married couples.
– Increasing the tax-free income tax allowance to £20,000.

It is curious that Mr. Farage, like some other right-wing politicians in Europe, recognizes the responsibility of Western countries for what is happening in Ukraine and supports, in words at least, Vladimir Putin (link):

The expansion of NATO and the European Union into Eastern Europe is the reason for the launch of a special Russian military operation in Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by Nigel Farage, leader of the British Reform party, which is gaining popularity in public opinion polls.

According to him, the accession of more Eastern European countries to the EU and NATO pacts forced Russia to respond. In an interview with the BBC on Friday (the resource is blocked in the Russian Federation), Farage supported comments he made earlier, accusing the West of provoking Moscow.

"I'm the only person in British politics who predicted what would happen, and of course everyone said I was an outcast for daring to suggest it," he said. Farage said he admires Vladimir Putin "as a politician because he was able to take control of the governance of Russia."

I don't think Farage is a friend of Russia. But any sanity, especially among degenerating British politicians, should be welcomed.

Thank you.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:02 AM
Looks like propaganda to me. Reading the supposed quotes by Englishmen, it becomes clear that they were written by someone other than an English speaking person. Little phrases and incorrect usage of words makes is clear this wasn't a native English speaker. So, most likely case, these quotes were made up by some russian as propaganda.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

That's impressive.

I don't think I've ever seen so many lies and propagandized BS crammed into one article.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: DAVID64
Total contrast to the poor Russian ATS member who got called up for cannon fodder duty, and hasn't been heard of since 😥
At least that member questions the propaganda in the style/spirit of ATS...this thread however, it stinks of compliance and brainwashing🤣

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Hakaiju

Let's listen to the Scot's opinion about Russia

Here are 5 reasons to move from the West to Moscow, in his opinion, which he offers to the English-speaking public.

1. Security. Unlike Scotland, in Moscow there are no crowds of heroin addicts ready to commit crimes for the sake of a fix. No one punches each other in the face on public transport or on the streets. Unlike Britain, where the streets are violent on a Friday or Saturday night, Moscow's streets are calm and friendly at any time of the day.

2. Standard of living. Everything is very cheap, but the standards of quality, cleanliness and safety are higher than in any city in the West. A modest thousand dollars a month is enough to ensure complete living comfort.

3. Services. In Moscow there is a Troika card, which allows you to use public transport, and there are also rental scooters and bicycles - everything is in good condition and safe.

4. Cleanliness. This is the cleanest city a Scot has ever seen in his life. Imagine, Russians wash their streets with special tractors on a regular basis! Everything is so pure that it’s just some kind of magic.

5. Traditional values. In Britain and the USA everything is spoiled by leftists, while in Russia it is traditional family values. In Russia, men are men and women are women. No transponders in women's sports, and in prison male criminals cannot pose as women in order to be put in a women's cell.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

English speaking people didn't actually give those quotes.
It's obvious that some foreign speaking person made them up.
They don't have the flow and wording of a native English speaker.

Pure propaganda.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Can you provide links to support your words?

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Outside of Moscow or St Petersburg RT or London or Washington tell a different story when it comes to infrastructure, housing and roads ,just like every other country the politicians care little of what goes on as long as their bank balances are fat .

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
Can you provide links to support your words?

My statement stands, no links necessary. I speak English. I know when something is being faked and claimed to be by an English speaking person when it's not really by one. The flow and wording used in those alleged quotes is NOT natural. It's fake.


posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Hakaiju
Looks like propaganda to me. Reading the supposed quotes by Englishmen, it becomes clear that they were written by someone other than an English speaking person. Little phrases and incorrect usage of words makes is clear this wasn't a native English speaker. So, most likely case, these quotes were made up by some russian as propaganda.

Maybe so, maybe not.

TBH, If I had the money to visit Russia, I would. I have always wanted to go and see the sights and the history. I have also wanted to visit to see Siberia...the vastness seems immense.

I am very much a patriotic American, but after all the BS the left tried to sell us about the Russian Dossier, I know that my country feeds me just as much propaganda....maybe more.

Add the fact that anytime RT posts something, ya'll instantly attack. Which tells me that there is some truth to what RT says.

I do think that ALL of us need to find our common ground, otherwise, the politicians we ALL despise, are GOING to stay in charge.


posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 06:58 AM
I've made it clear that I have no animosity towards ordinary Russians. I'm not a Russophobe, I'm a Kremlinphobe.

I'm also not the one who keeps gleefully threatening sundry countries with nuclear annihilation.

You will forgive me that I don't believe a word of your supposed quotes from "young Englishmen".

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

It's clear. You have no objective data to support your opinion. Only subjective personal opinion.
By the way, these comments went through two translations by online translators before appearing on our forum.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll
That's just one guy's opinion and there certainly is the possibility that he is a paid shill and/or pro communism.
Second, he is in Moscow, the capital city of Russia. Of course it's going to be clean and "utopian". Heck, there's a street in the capital of north korea where they paint the line and curbs every week in order to make it appear perfect at all times, for the tourists, yet, go two blocks away and it's like a run down ghetto. Of course you are going to present the best of the best that you have, but it's not the average russian experience.
But, in your defense, I agree with some of the points made in those 5 reasons, which is why I am opposed to almost everything the democrats do here in the US.

And then, of course, there is your government. With everything you've presented here, I would MUCH rather live in the US.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:14 AM

originally posted by: Hakaiju
a reply to: RussianTroll
That's just one guy's opinion and there certainly is the possibility that he is a paid shill and/or pro communism.

That is, your statement that I provide fake propaganda opinions is a lie.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:15 AM
a reply to: theatreboy
I have nothing against the russian people or the country in general terms. But their government is the problem.
Why not visit Alaska instead?

We might all attack, as you say, but I have to ask, is lying and propaganda really the best way to convince people that russia is a good guy? Seems counterproductive to me.

And I fully agree with you on the BS that our government has tried to feed us. Also counterproductive as I see right through it.

edit on 25-6-2024 by Hakaiju because: there their they're

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Hakaiju
Looks like propaganda to me. Reading the supposed quotes by Englishmen, it becomes clear that they were written by someone other than an English speaking person. Little phrases and incorrect usage of words makes is clear this wasn't a native English speaker. So, most likely case, these quotes were made up by some russian as propaganda.

You do realize RT uses a translator program to translate articles from Russian to English, right?

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

"Some Englishmen on our forum are trying to create an atmosphere as if absolutely everyone in Britain unanimously dislikes and opposes Russia and Russians."

Can you provide any evidence for this? "absolutely everyone in Britain"?

Sounds like a bit of a strawman to me.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

originally posted by: Hakaiju
a reply to: RussianTroll
That's just one guy's opinion and there certainly is the possibility that he is a paid shill and/or pro communism.

That is, your statement that I provide fake propaganda opinions is a lie.

Do you know this Scot personally? If not, how do you know that my statement isn't true? And I did say it was "possible", not definite.

posted on Jun, 25 2024 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel
You do realize RT uses a translator program to translate articles from Russian to English, right?

It's not on me to verify his posts for accuracy. It's on him.

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