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Russian nuclear doctrine and the likelihood of nuclear war

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posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll


How racist is that?

"Sub humans"? That rings some bells.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

You have been for your daily indoctrination session i see.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: Joneselius

Please tell me how many nuclear facilities of NATO countries have been attacked by Russian missiles and drones?

How many Russian anything have been attacked by NATO? The answer is zero.

Just all NATO weapons, mainly US weapons attacking Russia, it's people and armed forces. It is the absolute perfect definition of a US led proxy war against Russia. THE US is using its weapons against Russia without sacrificing any US troops, by using Ukraine and its people to use their weapons and fight Russia.

We all know this war would have been long over if the US had not kept supplying Ukraine with 100s of Billions of dollars in weapons & training. Zelenskyy is nothing but a yes man when it comes to Biden administration and the US. Zelenskyy is not looking out for the best for his countrymen, he will just keep sending them to be slaughtered. It's not Zelenskyy, his children or any of his family that is fighting in the war so he will just keep sending more Ukrainians to the battlefield with THE US weapons to fight the US proxy war.
edit on 31-5-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: Typo

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

What do you expect them to use, harsh language?

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: network dude

Just before the nukes start flying, I'm taking my family somewhere nobody gives a # about.
I'm thinking Canada...or maybe New Jersey.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Must be more funny in Russian.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Russia invaded a country that has a defense agreement with the US.

I’m struggling to see how we started this.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Just all NATO weapons, mainly US weapons attacking Russia, it's people and armed forces. It is the absolute perfect definition of a US led proxy war against Russia.

Russia is the second largest supplies of arms in the world l. Are those russian proxy wars?

We all know this war would have been long over if the US had not kept supplying Ukraine with 100s of Billions of dollars in weapons & training

It wouldn't have started at all if Russia hadn't invaded. I think your blame for the war might be slightly misplaced.

edit on 31-5-2024 by BedevereTheWise because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

If I were you, I would consider shelters that have been built a long time ago in one of the safest and most beautiful places in the world - the Altai region of Russia. Shelter-apartments were built there more than 10 years ago and they were sold on Western market places. The only negative is that it is very expensive.
But even if there is no nuclear apocalypse, you will still have wonderful real estate in a gorgeously beautiful place, which I also dream of, but cannot afford))))

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

What do you expect them to use, harsh language?

No , nothing. Just allow the ethnic Russian Ukrainians to continue living their lives like they have for centuries. Why is Ukrainian government making new laws and rules against these ethnic Russian Ukrainian communities? Why did Ukrainian government ban teaching and allowing ethnic Russian Ukrainian children to speak and learn Russian in school when they always have going back before anyone alive was even born? Why did Ukraine remove Russian as a 2nd language when such a huge percent of Ukraine speaks Russian? Why did Ukraine ban Russian from the street signs in these Ethnic Russian Ukrainian communities in the East?

It would be like Canada banning French in Schools and on road signs, store fronts in French speaking communities in Quebec. Would that make any type of sense? If Canada did something like that do you think the French people in Quebec might revolt and separate? Would it be worth it for English speaking Canadians to go to war with French speaking people and for thousands to die just so the French can go back to living life how they previously were with their language and culture.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

I'll add to your excellent post. Right now, Russian troops, as part of a large-scale offensive, are storming the settlement of New York, which has been Russian Novgorod all its life.
Imagine what is happening with toponyms throughout Ukraine.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

None of that is a good analogy.

You seem to forget that Russia "annexed" Crime and then launched a full scale invasion.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: network dude

I'm wondering who told you this? Those who survived?))))

I am 55 years old. I lived through the drills for nuclear attacks. I lived through all the fear of the cold war. Now, I wonder how we were so easily fooled. Nobody will use a nuke, if they do, everyone dies. Everyone. it's the stupidest war tactic that exists. I don't need someone to tell me this, I used common sense.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Just all NATO weapons, mainly US weapons attacking Russia, it's people and armed forces. It is the absolute perfect definition of a US led proxy war against Russia.

Russia is the second largest supplies of arms in the world l. Are those russian proxy wars?

We all know this war would have been long over if the US had not kept supplying Ukraine with 100s of Billions of dollars in weapons & training

It wouldn't have started at all if Russia hadn't invaded. I think your blame for the war might be slightly misplaced.

Is Russia giving away 100s of billions in weapons to one country that is at war with another country? Is Russian personnel training this country free of charge? If they are then yes those are Russian proxy wars but as far as I know that is not happening.

Selling weapons for money is completely a different story. You don't know what a real proxy war is?

It wouldn't have started at all if Russia hadn't invaded. I think your blame for the war might be slightly misplaced

What about the ethnic Russian Ukrainians in the East? Should Russia just have ignored them and let them get slaughtered and walked on? Should Russia just have allowed the US to continue operating in Ukraine and politically influencing the country and its leaders? I think its funny you people think that's perfect fine but had Russia or another US enemy cozied up with Canada or Mexico the US would put an instant end to it.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Did I miss something? Is Ukraine under NATO's nuclear protection umbrella?
The entire civilized world perceives this situation as a banal protection of investment in the aborigines.

apparenlty you missed some history.

check into it.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

Zelensky is defending his country against a murderous invader and has not rolled over and surrendered.

He sure ain't a yes man to Putin.


posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: network dude
Although you did not answer my question, the central words sounded in your post: “everyone will die.” I’m glad that you realize this and don’t throw around schizophrenic expressions, as my British “friends” want))))

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: network dude

No links needed, I'm not interested in other people's opinions. I'm interested in your personal opinion.
So yes or no?

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: network dude

An agreement that Russia reged on and broke.

Hard to see how Ukraine might trust a word they say.

posted on May, 31 2024 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: CarlLaFong
Local British “activists” remind me of an old Russian joke:

"One wimp comes up to the campaign of ordinary guys and starts bullying them:
“Who’s against me, I’ll bury all of you now, well, who’s against me?”
Here comes one cabinet with huge biceps.
- Well, I!
- What is your name?
- Vasya.
- Who is agains Vasya and me?"))))))

All that hatred swelling up and turning into bile isn't good for your health RT. Here's some calming music for you...

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