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It has begun... Iran begins attack on Israel, launches tons of drones towards the country

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:45 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Consvoli
Imagine what could happen if Turkey and Egypt alongside Jordan and Syria join hands to assist Iran?

Won't happen. Like I said, most of the Islamic countries over there really do hate Iran. They want stability. Iran constantly pokes the bear. That nutbag Erdogan of Turkey might go along with it. He's radical Islam and wants a caliphate and he hates Jews. But the others ... nah.

The Turkish regime is dangerous and Erdogan is a nutcase. Let's hope they don't assist Iran or start a wider conflict (including Egypt and the Saudis).

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: ARM19688

My hope is that Israel and Iran will leave it here.

You think Iran is going to stop sponsoring terrorist states and will start honouring treaties?

You can't leave out if we think the DS players might set Iran up for the fall go so we get WW3.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: Macenroe82

More like one preamble of many.

Similar to NATO forcing Russia's hand.

WW3 will be the final push for TPTB to get everyone on the financial reports.

That means the US to declare war on either Iran, North Korea, Russia, China.

Once that happens to one of them the others will realize that if they don't act now they are basically dominoes waiting to be knocked over one by one.

Most people commenting here are already on board whether they realize it or not.

Consider the Soros sponsored illegal influx of immigrants who will sympathize with those countries.

Look at the demographics all through Europe and the United States.

Realize that even though a lot of people feel confident about the military superiority of the West the same people in charge of your military have stood by as your countries' have been deliberately dealt a crippling blow from within.

People on here cheering a specific side plays right into the hands of the Internationalists.

There aren't sides anymore.

The people of the world are about to be enslaved completely and too many idiots are thinking they are supporting "the Good Guys".

I love ATS but when I look at the lack of critical discernment these days I realize that whoever bought and then abandoned their "investment" intended to destroy this website all along.

"Lou Troglodyte".

That's just adding insult to injury.

I am not confident in the west's military superiority for a lot of reasons one of which being this gem

The War in Afghanistan was an armed conflict from 2001 to 2021. It was the direct response to the September 11 attacks. It began when an international military coalition led by the United States launched an invasion of Afghanistan, declaring Operation Enduring Freedom as part of the earlier-declared war on terror; toppling the Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate and establishing the Islamic Republic three years later. The Taliban and its allies were expelled from major population centers by the US-led forces, supporting the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance; however Bin Laden relocated to neighboring Pakistan. The conflict officially ended with the 2021 Taliban offensive, which overthrew the Islamic Republic, and re-established the Islamic Emirate. It was the longest war in the military history of the United States, surpassing the length of the Vietnam War (1955–1975) by approximately six months.

I mean tip of iceberg type thing but. Come on man.

I am just not sure what reason the US would declare war on another country. Would it have to be a direct attack on us? Or is it just if someone attacks one of our NATO allies we have to help?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: malte86
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

some folks here give the impression that they wish for a third world war. the disappointment is certainly great now.

I think it is a combination of it breaks up life’s monotony to think and worry about such an upsetting event abstractly and/or some feel like they are toxic (usually subconsciously) and the world is toxic (consciously) and that a war will purge these toxins and allow the world to build something new and cleaner.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: malte86
some folks here give the impression that they wish for a third world war. the disappointment is certainly great now.

Honestly, I don't think that Iran is liked by the other Middle Eastern/Persian countries. They want stability and instead Iran is constantly poking the bear. I'd bet a box of donuts that the 'muslim' leadership of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc would love to see the 'palestinians' in Gaza GONE .. and Iran smacked down. I doubt they'd join Iran in a war against israel/USA.

Trump's Abraham Accords came into play last night.
Israel has more 'friends' in the area now.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:13 AM
Thinking about it, TPTB really seem to want us in a near constant state of conflict and war.

I mean we went from WW1 to WW2 to Korea to Vietnam to what the Middle East to Bosnia/Kosovo to the Middle East part 2 and now we I guess are gearing up for either Asia or the Middle East part 3 or actual WW3.

And these are just big things the US has been in. There are a lot of conflicts between other countries amongst themselves that don't really involve the US.

WHY IS THAT? why so much conflict constantly all the time? Do you have a problem with these people? Who is having all these problems that can't be resolved with out millions billions trillions being spent and so many lives lost and buildings destroyed and collateral damage. Do any of us regular joes really have that big of a problem with anybody? Why is this going on all the time?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:15 AM
Recent reports are proclaiming a 99% success rate in defeating the drone swarm attacks.

Iran at this point is only helping make the defense better.

They're not going to defeat Israel, Iran is on a losing team.

Bunch of cowardly Jihadist anyways, they'll rot in hell.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:24 AM

originally posted by: 19Bones79
a reply to: ARM19688

My hope is that Israel and Iran will leave it here.

I wish I still had your hope but escalation has been the plan all along.

TPTB know that if you can get people arguing over insane ideas and absurdities it disempowers them.

That makes the majority of the people on earth to not be a threat to them.

Religion. Politics. Tribalism over moralism.

The majority of people on earth have been mentally enslaved a long time ago.

This is the nightmare world now.

But that's the way the world works. Our whole existence seems to run in cycles. History proves this. There is always a big bad wolf around some corner, some more powerful and extreme than others.

Humans seem to not be able to exist without controversy. If there's none, they will create it. Maybe it's some internal reset system.

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” G. Michael Hopf

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Hang gliders were more effective penetrating defenses.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:27 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

Humans seem to not be able to exist without controversy. If there's none, they will create it. Maybe it's some internal reset system.

I think it has more to do with there is always some a-hole wanting just a bit more than everyone else and they are willing to murder and / or set themselves up as a god to do it.

(post by JAY1980 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: 5thHead
There are reports saying Biden told Benjamin he wouldn't support an Israeli counter attack on Iran.

"You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.

This is the wrong move.

I know, I know, "The US shouldn't get involved."

That's how you get a war though.

You guys can sit here and say you don't think Israel should respond, but as I stated earlier in the thread, you're not Israel. This isn't about what YOU would do, it's about what Israel is gonna do.

Israel is gonna feel like they have to respond because this was a massive shift in the dynamic of their conflict with Iran. If Israel doesn't respond, this gives Iran a green light that you can attack Israel directly and they'll just take it.

"Oh but most of it got shot down." THIS TIME. With a lot of U.S. assistance. What happens in 6 months or a year when Iran doesn't spend a week telling us this is coming and we don't have all the forces arrayed in the area to help stop it and Israel isn't on alert? Does most of it get shot down then? It's easy from your couch to say yes, but the reality is Israel's defenses aren't foolproof.

So Israel is likely going to respond. Once you realize that fact, regardless of whether you feel it's the right move, the right move if they respond is for the U.S. to go with them. And even better if you get the U.K., France, and some of the Arab partners like Jordan and Saudi Arabia on board.

"Isn't that gonna start a broader war?" No. Israel going by itself is more likely to start a broader war than if Israel goes with the U.S. and other partners. We don't have to launch a massive attack, but the more partners Israel brings with it, the more likely Iran decides it's too dangerous to keep escalating tit-for-tat.

Iran might decide they can keep escalating and fight Israel--which runs the risk of us getting drug in eventually.

Iran is likely to decide they don't want to keep escalating and fight Israel, the US, UK and several Arab countries.

If Israel decides to counterattack, the US getting involved is the safest option.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
I am not confident in the west's military superiority for a lot of reasons one of which being this gem

The War in Afghanistan was an armed conflict from 2001 to 2021. It was the direct response to the September 11 attacks. It began when an international military coalition led by the United States launched an invasion of Afghanistan, declaring Operation Enduring Freedom as part of the earlier-declared war on terror; toppling the Taliban-ruled Islamic Emirate and establishing the Islamic Republic three years later. The Taliban and its allies were expelled from major population centers by the US-led forces, supporting the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance; however Bin Laden relocated to neighboring Pakistan. The conflict officially ended with the 2021 Taliban offensive, which overthrew the Islamic Republic, and re-established the Islamic Emirate. It was the longest war in the military history of the United States, surpassing the length of the Vietnam War (1955–1975) by approximately six months.

That's not a reflection of our lack of military superiority, it's a reflection of our lack of will.

If 9/11 happened in 1951 instead of 2001, we would have turned Afghanistan into a sheet of glass and probably Saudi Arabia too. It would have been a decisive victory.

But in the 21st century, a lot of children in the bodies of adults expect you to fight a "humane" war and so we half-ass everything and wind up stuck in a quagmire for 20 years instead of just going all in, getting the job done, and going home.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
F*** Israel they deserve everything they get moving forward. I'm tired of my government and my stupid peers justifying the indiscriminate slaughter of women and children because their bigoted ideological dogmatic BS.

You call yourselves patriots and Christians while supporting our governments assistance in the slaughter of innocence?

Hell I don't think we can even call you a human being if you continue to support Israel at this point.

If this triggers you GOOD!
F*** off you zionist war pig pieces of ****. I hope they draft you first to go die for your bigoted beliefs. Us real patriots will stay here and fight the actual threats to our way of life.

What's funny is most of the Jews Hamas and the Palestinian "civilians" slaughtered on Oct 7 were just like you.

A lot of them were left wingers (I don't know your politics but you sound like a progressive college kid--clueless about the real world.) They lived close to Gaza because they saw the Palestinians as their neighbors. They thought Israel wasn't fair to them. Some of them even did volunteer work in Gaza helping Palestinians.

And just like you would be, they were killed because Islamic terrorists love people who have been seduced by their propaganda.

Keep supporting terrorism.

edit on 14-4-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
If this triggers you GOOD!

You are the one who is triggered.
Spouting the usual antiIsrael/AntiJew crap.
Now throwing in death wishes upon people who disagree with you.
How very Hamas of you.

As for the actual topic, which you didn't address, Israel came through just fine. Israel hit a building, which was calling itself an embassy, because a terrorist was in it that was running terrorism out of it against Israel. The attack was in self defense. So Iran tried to save face and hit Israel. IT FAILED. And none of the big Muslim world players - Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia - like Iran. So they didn't jump in to help them.

Looks like you have to learn to live with the fact that Israel still exists and the Jews still live. Or maybe you'll just go over and sign up with Hamas and live your dream, eh?
edit on 4/14/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Shoshanna

It's a rhetoric question, right?

If not, the answer is rather simple. If a substantial part of your economy is comprised of war, you are to expect alot of war that has to be fought by it's citizens.

It's a lucrative business no doubt. Even a "neutral" country like Switzerland is profiting higly from military tech exports, but getting involved beyond selling equipment is very detrimental to its citizens.

If you think you can export, morals, peace and prosperity by dropping bombs you are a fool beyond redemption...

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
If a substantial part of your economy is comprised of war

This is another myth that won't die.

The defense industry isn't even in the top 10 industries that drive the US economy.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:23 AM
Well this was interesting.

Irans attack killed a 7 year old girl in Israel.

And JORDAN helped Israel during the attack.


posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Well this was interesting.

Irans attack killed a 7 year old girl in Israel.

And JORDAN helped Israel during the attack.


It was reported EGYPT helped, as well.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Well this was interesting.

Irans attack killed a 7 year old girl in Israel.

And JORDAN helped Israel during the attack.


To be clear, that article calls the girl a "casualty." That doesn't mean she died. Injuries are included in casualty counts. Every report I've heard said she had minor injuries. We don't want to spread misinformation in a time like this.

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