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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

That ggg link was infuriating!

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: 777Vader

#ty meme since those two are not the only ones around Biden.

But a better question might be, why do we need rulers?

I say this because in all the time i have been on ATS when the question of a one world government comes up there are many members who ask who will "president".

That just seems like some people want to be ruled.

God answered the prayers of the Hebrews with the official anointment of King Saul. The reality of the laws of unintended consequences where the reason I suspect God tried to talk them out of having a ruler. Then David was anointed and as far as I know that was the last one that was formally approved by God in the Old Testament Torah portion of the Bible.

edit on 22000000463020246America/Chicago06am6 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen2
a reply to: Justoneman

I agree. A skinning would be good!......for us anyway, not so much for them. Since you are saying that the fake meat might be tasty, I will retract that and we will feed them poop meat and plastic with a dash of arsenic, just for flavor ya know, before the skinning! (by dash I mean a heaping tablespoon)

Unless you know of something else..........I'm open to opinions......I just want them to be treated in the manner that they will, have, and are treating us........A$$HEADS!!! and scum with money!!!!

The danger with wants like that a lot of us have, is it might hurt our soul to participate more than just reading about it. We get too acidic and our need for Justice sometimes makes us go overboard. That said if I see a child rapist hurting children I think God demands we defend the innocent children with an understanding they are precious people who are our future.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 05:17 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Following Flip Flop crumbs...
This was all part of the plan to teach the population to fear diseases. The CDC proved to be especially helpful. First they gave guidelines that pregnant women or those planning to get pregnant should not travel to countries like Brazil that had active Zika but it was a delayed recommendation which now meant that people were returning infected but asymptomatic.

Then cases began to appear in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas. Since this is in a specific order-
and just happens to be on page 333.

Even he concedes that the CDC had made a mess with poor communications. What to do now- tell women to remain in their homes- first test of quarantining the population.

Does anyone know if DEET is safe for pregnant women? Struggling with trust issues when they say read my lips- safe and effective in insect repellent.

DEET is not drinkable in a glass. You can get some in your mouth, and you won't suffer. Basically it is an aromatic compound that Biting bugs don't like to taste.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: 777Vader

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano vs Pope Francis

This is going to be more than controversial to excommunicate him, in fact it could tear the church apart.

"I consider the accusations against me an honor".
He is to appear at 3.30 p.m.- symbolism will be their downfall.

Shadow of Ezra tweet

I am nearing my few months at work before I ride off. The other day I got on line with a linked in site where work said they were going to do something for kids with data and the Gov. I made a comment online, on purpose, that we need to not be getting into the weeds with fake pronouns and promoting dysphoria. Needless to say it was taken down and I was called about it. I promised them I would were it like a badge if they tried to abuse me over this. They let it slide so far, but I am out of the door at any time I want to be. I am hanging around because I enjoy what I do and I enjoy being a mentor to the young scientist about the corruption at the EPA and elsewhere in our business. What can they do now but send me packing sooner?

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Fauci on the View

I wonder if any of them have even read his book. The chapter being referred to is "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" on Page 374.
Black Betty Tweet

I haven't read the chapter yet but one would expect that one of them might have asked about this-
When the Coronavirus task force met "Peter Navarro... burst in and interrupted the discussion. He was clutching a folder of papers that he dumped on the conference table. 'I hear you're saying hydroxychloroquine doesn't work', he barked at me. 'I've have all the evidence in the world that hydroxychloroquine works. And by preventing people from getting it, you have blood on your hands.'

Fauci wrote this book. Now consider this statement "I was already familiar with the material in the folder."

Fauci replied "Those papers are not properly reviewed, they're anecdotal, and they really don't prove anything." Pages 374-375.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Thanks for clarifying that. At this point I don't trust any of their recommendations.

Back to the book.
"Passing the Baton is just 2 pages.
Fauci seems to have had a very close relationship with Obama "I had the feeling of imminent loss as I approached Obama on the receiving line." That was at the State dinner on October 18, 2016.

The wording "He thanked me for going 'through the wars' with him, 2009 influenza pandemic, Ebola and Zika."
All of this happening under Obama and all tackled with successfully until President Trump.
The next chapter has much more in it.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
Who said anything about god?

I was talking about the quote choice in that meme making it seem like Biden, or any president for that matter, is the ruler of the US.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

This is not in order but I wanted to tackle this first. Barney Graham, a Fauci approved vaccinologist received the genetic sequence and then contacted a company "that artificially produces or synthesizes strings of genetic code. He placed an order for the nucleic sequence, and this life saving product was delivered in a small test tube package in a Fed Ex envelope."

Medical Courier Service

We need to circle back to "The Premonition" by Michael Lewis.
The issue with FedEx matters.
Pages 136-137 deals with Joe DeRisi and his lab and the CDC. He was trying to get a biological sample so that the lab could investigate.
"The sample resided in a chunk of lung, taken from a person who'd died of the new disease. To Joe's surprise, the CDC shipped the lung in an ordinary FedEx box. Weekend delivery."
Joe managed to find the driver and before touching the box he put on "a pair of thick laboratory safety gloves."
"Hey what's in the box?"
"Oh it's nothing."
..."I'm never coming back here."

CDC excuse? "Until a pathogen is formally identified, remains classified as just another benign packet of genetic material.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Fauci makes it very clear that he has enjoyed a very tight relationship with the media. In fact on January 1, 2020 a health reporter called him on his home line to ask what he knew about the pneumonia like illness in China." This is a holiday and they knew before Fauci?

Weirdness alert-
Lou Dobbs called Fauci. "The president wanted to meet me, Lou said." Why not a White House staff member reaching out to him?

Right from the beginning Fauci did not like President Trump.
"He shocked me on day one of his presidency...his aggressive disrespect for the media." And President Trump made the critical error of calling him Anthony- no one called him that but his family.

Then there is his bias against the CDC-
"CDC traditionally had something of a go-it-alone perspective, generally excluding input from outside sources." The CDC's focus was on dealing with symptomatic cases but Covid was different- because according to Fauci- many people were asymptomatic and were spreading Covid. That meant lots of testing.

I've already covered the problems with the CDC test kits from Scott Gottlieb's book "Uncontrolled Spread".

Again the picture is painted of the different health agencies and their turf wars. Rather than working together they each appear to be pursing their own agendas.

While President Trump was trying to reassure the country Fauci had no such intention. "I kept the message going: things would be getting worse, and indeed they did. Page 361.
At every turn he did his best to undermine President Trump.

This part is speculation- Why was New York City targeted? There is the obvious reasons but what if it was used in the hopes to manipulate President Trump? Both Fauci and Trump were born and raised there. If it was hard hit Trump would be more likely to heed Fauci's advice and instead of leading he would be following.

"The other reality was in the images coming out of New York City in the fourth week of March. These also appeared to shake the president. By this time it was the epicenter of COVID in the U.S. and videos capturing long lines outside hospitals, the sound of endless ambulance sirens, and emergency rooms with patients on ventilators terrified the nation.
There were refrigerator trucks parked outside Elmhurst Hospital, not far from the neighborhood where Donald Trump grew up."

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

This is too funny.
Who is Joe Biden?

Even funnier.
Brainstorm Joe- masks, masks everywhere.

Tomorrow I'll cover the chapter "He Loves Me, He loves Me Not by snake in the grass Fauci. Listening to the endless media coverage of Fauci and his book I seriously doubt any of them have read it. They are probably just given talking points so that they do not have a clue of just what a narcissist he is and that he was determined from the outset to undermine Trump.

Page 368 "This is when people began to make donuts with my face on them and to create bobbleheads, T-shirts, candles, socks, and such with my image. I was glowingly profiled in endless articles."

Meanwhile HHS was monitoring the Dark Web and realized not everyone was a fan so by March he and his family already had a security detail. Page 369.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Black Betty tweet-

Pinned "So McDonald's is gonna be giving out Bill Gates for the rest of the year.
Did he vaccinate them?"
More details

I wonder if Billy is trying to corner the potato market. It is somewhat suspicious that Idaho, where potatoes are an important crop, are facing water wars with the government. Soon it would make only Gates approved spuds for us probably slathered with Apeel.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
I don't understand your obsession with apeel. It is an alcohol, with a surfactant, orange terpenes and Benzisothiazolinone, a microbicide and a fungicide, to extend shelf life of fresh produce and it can be washed off.

But you logic is so faulty that you totally omit the fact that fast food fries would not be slathered in apeel because they are processed, par-fried and shipped frozen.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 09:41 PM
Place your bets.

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: 777Vader
Two straight talkers but the fact is that the patriot act was signed into law by a republican.

That cost of the american people of the rights that Tulsi wants to blame the Biden admin for wasn't done by the Biden admin.

That ship sailed about 18 years ago. Biden wasn't even VP at the time.

edit on 22-6-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2024 @ 11:19 PM

Shown Here:
Passed Senate (05/14/2020)
USA FREEDOM Reauthorization Act of 2020

This bill reauthorizes through December 1, 2023, provisions related to intelligence gathering under the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) and amends FISA-related provisions.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
Who said anything about god?

I was talking about the quote choice in that meme making it seem like Biden, or any president for that matter, is the ruler of the US.

I did, and I will do it again when needed.
The point being no one was ordained and these want to be's act like they were God's gift to mankind with their "know-it-all" better than you and me attitude. They don't know it all, but they do know some things that we believe will ruin their plans for world domination. The ruler of course is an age old theme here in the USA when we want to slam a POTUS for acting like a king.
edit on 23000000473020246America/Chicago06am6 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: 777Vader
Two straight talkers but the fact is that the patriot act was signed into law by a republican.

That cost of the american people of the rights that Tulsi wants to blame the Biden admin for wasn't done by the Biden admin.

That ship sailed about 18 years ago. Biden wasn't even VP at the time.

A member of the Cabal. The two Bushes are/were part of an international crime syndicate, and just plain criminals. They showed their true colors on this one. It sealed my understanding of how corrupt both parties are. I had just left the Dem supporter section of my life and could not give it to R's. I do vote for good ones. To me Trump is not a real R and is more of a Libertarian. Of course, we can hear them whine otherwise as if they were telling it like it is instead of like they want it.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 12:18 PM

To me Trump is not a real R and is more of a Libertarian.

a reply to: Justoneman

I agree 100%.
Trump was more of a democrat before the democrats moved far left. Simply put Trump is iconoclastic. The ideological scale is way out of wack, Trump is doing his best to recalibrate our political landscape and doing a great job too in my opinion. George Bush 41 was, to give cliff notes version, was head of CIA for well over a decade VP for 8 years and president for 4, got his son George Bush 43 the presidency and would have got Jeb Bush the 45th slot but Trump destroyed him. Post WW2, the New World Order was managed by Gearge Bush 41 as well as being one of the architects. He was a WW2 Navy fighter pilot, played in the 1st college World Series, 1st "ambasador" to China. His father Prescott Bush played a huge role, too much to cover here.
I am always amazed at the life "Poppy" had. I wonder if he had good intentions and felt he did what he had to in order to preserve the American way? Even though I see him as responsible for assainations and war etc.., I still have an odd fondness for his life and accomplishments.

George H.W. Bush was largely known for his work in public office, from his time as a Texas congressman and CIA director to his years in the White House as president and Ronald Reagan’s vice president. But the World War II hero and great-grandfather also was an avid skydiver, played in the first-ever College World Series and was the longest-married president in U.S. history.

amazing life he had

edit on 23-6-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

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