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Half a million people march in London for Palestine

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posted on Nov, 4 2023 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Does it make very much difference if 100k or 300k or 500k showed up.

They are all on the wrong side of history , no matter how many there are.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

There are just the unbiased, independent, professional UK Police

As before.

You need to have done sort of proof when you make these statements.

There is nothing there that shows the Police are unbiased and independent and therefore what they say should be taken at face value.

Prove they are unbiased and independent and then prove their number is correct.

You argument argument goes like this

"this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument..."

The whole premise of your argument relies on an unsubstantiated assertion: police are unbiased and independent therefore their numbers are correct.

This is some sort of Taliban logic.

edit on 5-11-2023 by Leviathan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: quintessentone
You did the same thing with the police crowd number of 100,000 with no data as to how they arrived at that number.

Nope. What 'data'?? There is no 'data' needed. There is no 'data' released. There are just the unbiased, independent, professional UK Police doing their job as they were trained to do, and as they have done many times before, and professionally counted the number of protestors using their resources. (Livecams, drones, people on the ground, etc etc).

His 'sources' were biased people, with a stated agenda being anti-Israel, without any training and without any resources just pulling a wishful thinking number out of their butts.


I just posted a link to the twitter #freepalestine washington DC protest with a title reading: hundreds of are we to confirm that as true, as with any other source we choose to use? Is my problem here.

You should be ready for another round of denialism from the usual suspects.

It seems these protests have become a major problem to those who are in favour of the view that Israel must have unequivocal support. But that is impossible given the way they handled this matter by killing a very large number of innocent civilians and committing a range of war crimes.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
That's your own arguments and it's based on an unsubstantiated assertion. You need proof before claiming the Police are unbiased and independent and that's why there number given by them is the correct one.

The burden of proof is on you.
We're still waiting to see the proof.

Already given. Many times. Learn how to read. I'm not reposting.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Nope I haven't presented them as proof. .

YES YOU DID. You presented those three biased crap 'sources' as proof that there were 500,000 marching and 300,000 marching. That's why you posted them. That's the whole basis of this thread. You are now squirming and trying to backpedal.

Have some integrity for a change and admit that you used crap sources because they agreed with your obvious agenda. You have ZERO credibility here. This is just another example of why.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
You said

this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument...

You still are cut and paste spamming that nonsense. I never said that. Not even close.
You have a problem with telling the truth. And you don't listen.

I haven't made any claim about the sources I used so there is nothing to prove

YES YOU DID claim those sources as proof. Many times. It's the whole premise of this thread. And YES, you have something to prove. You are the one claiming 300,000 and 500,000 people marched. SO PROVE IT. The sources you used to prove it have already been shredded and debunked. Either try again or admit that you just used crap sources because it agreed with your agenda.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Leviathan4

If you try to claim that all Celtic Fans are associated with the IRA that's terrible. The did have many Palestinian Flags and the whole crowd was singing in support of Palestine. Likewise in London.

Many Celtic supporters have long associated themselves with Palestinians.
It stems from back in the day when the IRA & PLO had strong links.
They are a stain on Celtic FC.

Is it any surprise that some Palestinian flags are seen in Londonistan?

Why is it in the Mets interests to downplay the number in attendance?
It doesn't make sense at all.

P.S. From a disgusted Celtic supporter!

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: Leviathan4

... And you continue to cut and paste drivel and spam. The proof about the police have been given many times by multiple posters. The proof about the number 100,000 has been given many times by multiple posters.

And your inane circular logic statement is absurd and not even remotely true, as I have already posted multiple times and I'm not going to keep addressing it. You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

You fail to address the fact that the sources you put forward as proof of your assertion are crap and have been shredded. You fail to read what is presented. You fail to comprehend anything. You just continue to cut and paste repeating spam. You are just emotionally invested in your propaganda and are trolling.

The premise of this thread has been proven wrong. THE END.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:22 AM

originally posted by: MoreCoyoteAngels
Does it make very much difference if 100k or 300k or 500k showed up.

The OP has an agenda and falsely made a claim that 500,000 showed up. He has been proven wrong. It was only 100,000. That's a big difference. It's important to call out inaccuracy when it is presented here. Gotta' deny ignorance.

They are all on the wrong side of history , no matter how many there are.


posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

If you try to claim that all Celtic Fans are associated with the IRA that's terrible. The did have many Palestinian Flags and the whole crowd was singing in support of Palestine. Likewise in London.

Many Celtic supporters have long associated themselves with Palestinians.
It stems from back in the day when the IRA & PLO had strong links.
They are a stain on Celtic FC.

Is it any surprise that some Palestinian flags are seen in Londonistan?

Why is it in the Mets interests to downplay the number in attendance?
It doesn't make sense at all.

P.S. From a disgusted Celtic supporter!

That was like a protest. Almost the entire crowd was singing in support of Palestine with plenty of flags creating a great atmosphere. I am sure there were tens of thousands of them in the stadium. Solidarity and support for Palestine and against the actions of Israel that seems to target everything and everyone in the name of self defense and freedom.

"You'll never walk alone"

I know this song and it's great.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 05:47 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: MoreCoyoteAngels
Does it make very much difference if 100k or 300k or 500k showed up.

The OP has an agenda and falsely made a claim that 500,000 showed up. He has been proven wrong. It was only 100,000. That's a big difference. It's important to call out inaccuracy when it is presented here. Gotta' deny ignorance.

They are all on the wrong side of history , no matter how many there are.


There is no evidence that the crowd was only 100,000 just because the police said so. The argument we have to accept the numbers given by the police at face value because they're unbiased and independent is just bogus.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Nope I haven't presented them as proof. .

YES YOU DID. You presented those three biased crap 'sources' as proof that there were 500,000 marching and 300,000 marching. That's why you posted them. That's the whole basis of this thread. You are now squirming and trying to backpedal.

Have some integrity for a change and admit that you used crap sources because they agreed with your obvious agenda. You have ZERO credibility here. This is just another example of why.

Not at all. I have just provided the sources. You have made the claim that it was 100,000 because the police are unbiased and independent. You have been speaking these threads for long time now.

There is no evidence that the crowd was only 100,000 just because the police said so. The argument we have to accept the numbers given by the police at face value because they're unbiased and independent is just bogus.

All you have it's your assertions and nothing else

Prove that the police are unbiased and independent and then prove they have given the correct numbers because they are unbiased and independent.

So far, nothing.

Only propaganda

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: Leviathan4

... And you continue to cut and paste drivel and spam. The proof about the police have been given many times by multiple posters. The proof about the number 100,000 has been given many times by multiple posters.

And your inane circular logic statement is absurd and not even remotely true, as I have already posted multiple times and I'm not going to keep addressing it. You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

You fail to address the fact that the sources you put forward as proof of your assertion are crap and have been shredded. You fail to read what is presented. You fail to comprehend anything. You just continue to cut and paste repeating spam. You are just emotionally invested in your propaganda and are trolling.

The premise of this thread has been proven wrong. THE END.

I am not the one who has made the argument that the police are unbiased and independent

This is your argument

"this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument"

You said the proof has been given for both your assertions.

Nothing has been given other than your assertions..

You said

You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

Regardless of whether I lack or not the intellectual ability to understand, I am still asking for proof for toot assertions that the number of protestors were 100,000 because the olive said so. And I am still asking you to prove that the police are unbiased and independent and therefore we have to accept what they say at face value.

You said the premise of this thread has been proven wrong. You seem not to understand what proof is and what it requires.

There are menu more protests coming up and there one yesterday

The protests are “a testament of just how much more support has grown around the Palestinian solidarity movement and that people really want to see change come

Great to see protests all over the world.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:05 AM
Demonstration happening in Pakistan today heading into Islamabad.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the UN.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: Leviathan4

... And you continue to cut and paste drivel and spam. The proof about the police have been given many times by multiple posters. The proof about the number 100,000 has been given many times by multiple posters.

And your inane circular logic statement is absurd and not even remotely true, as I have already posted multiple times and I'm not going to keep addressing it. You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

You fail to address the fact that the sources you put forward as proof of your assertion are crap and have been shredded. You fail to read what is presented. You fail to comprehend anything. You just continue to cut and paste repeating spam. You are just emotionally invested in your propaganda and are trolling.

The premise of this thread has been proven wrong. THE END.

I am not the one who has made the argument that the police are unbiased and independent

This is your argument

"this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument"

You said the proof has been given for both your assertions.

Nothing has been given other than your assertions..

You said

You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

Regardless of whether I lack or not the intellectual ability to understand, I am still asking for proof for toot assertions that the number of protestors were 100,000 because the olive said so. And I am still asking you to prove that the police are unbiased and independent and therefore we have to accept what they say at face value.

You said the premise of this thread has been proven wrong. You seem not to understand what proof is and what it requires.

There are menu more protests coming up and there one yesterday

The protests are “a testament of just how much more support has grown around the Palestinian solidarity movement and that people really want to see change come

Great to see protests all over the world.

Right we are talking about the UK police here so the default position is that they are unbiased professionals.if you are alleging bias and unprofessionalism it is on you to provide proof of such.
I shared with you a document outlining the requirements for applying to the Met, you have provided nothing, all you have done is squawk incorrectly that me and the others should provide proof of what is the currently accepted default position in regards to the UK police.
If you say its different its up to you to prove it.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:28 AM

originally posted by: gortex
Demonstration happening in Pakistan today heading into Islamabad.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the UN.

Frankly if you are gonna listen to them then there is no bloody hope for you is there?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Frankly if you are gonna listen to them then there is no bloody hope for you is there?

Because ignoring what is happening makes it go away ?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: SprocketUK

Frankly if you are gonna listen to them then there is no bloody hope for you is there?

Because ignoring what is happening makes it go away ?

You might as well post something by Goeballs as from that hole. He's about as honest and unbiased as the average Pakistani politician.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: Leviathan4

You're seriously trying to teach me something about Celtic F.C, a team I have supported since childhood?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: MoreCoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

Does it make very much difference if 100k or 300k or 500k showed up.

They are all on the wrong side of history , no matter how many there are.

Many won't or can't be bothered to learn their history. So the wrong side is both sides as both are guilty of the same atrocities over history.
edit on q000000211130America/Chicago4343America/Chicago11 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

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