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Half a million people march in London for Palestine

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posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: gortex
Demonstration happening in Pakistan today heading into Islamabad.

Pakistan’s ambassador to the UN.

It is amazing that people don't or can't (bias) see that Israel has occupied Palestine for over 50 years and even with agreements for them to leave they did not leave.

The ambassador is right how can Israel commit atrocities against helpless citizens with impunity? What is the end game for all the other government players, those who are and have always been turning a blind eye to what is going on?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Call out the inaccuracy.... that is important.

But only because its important to catch them lying. Not because the 'my crowd is bigger than your crowd' when it comes to people looking for a reason to march and yell and act up. Which we know is on the left of the aisle.

So who cares, it's recreation with them. A nice afternoon in the city makes a big difference in the numbers.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

According to who? Al Jazeera?

Why are you pushing the major propaganda outlet in the Muslim world?

Do you remember Bagdad Bob? He worked for AJ.

A laughing stock.

When are we going to call out the blatant anti-semitism of these leftists?

Hope Jews start paying better attention. A democrat may never get elected again.

And if they want to continue to vote for leftists, I really don't care if they cease to exist. They brought it on themselves.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: MoreCoyoteAngels
a reply to: quintessentone

According to who? Al Jazeera?

Why are you pushing the major propaganda outlet in the Muslim world?

Do you remember Bagdad Bob? He worked for AJ.

A laughing stock.

When are we going to call out the blatant anti-semitism of these leftists?

Hope Jews start paying better attention. A democrat may never get elected again.

And if they want to continue to vote for leftists, I really don't care if they cease to exist. They brought it on themselves.

According to historical fact. They didn't bring it upon themselves, Israel created Hamas and didn't live up to their end of the agreements. Read and learn the truth by researching historical realities.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:10 AM
Here in the UK we have a democratically elected Govt with elected Assemblies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

We don't have mob rule.

Simple as that, really.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
Here in the UK we have a democratically elected Govt with elected Assemblies in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

We don't have mob rule.

Simple as that, really.

Yet just glancing at England's history there have been many civil uprisings and riots, not mob rule, but the beginnings.

Since Hamas was created by Israel government to let's say keep civil uprisings/riots at bay, with sham agreements and lies, doesn't it stand to reason mob rule would be the next step after oppression? And BTW the Palestinian people had no vote in Hamas taking power.
edit on q000000381130America/Chicago1212America/Chicago11 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Yes, but I was talking about the UK and how we do things.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: quintessentone

Yes, but I was talking about the UK and how we do things.

Yes, but I was thinking about the Irish war of independence, how again did England do things throughout history?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

We can argue back and forth about history but I prefer to look at the here and now and the topic of the thread.

The Irish history could be it's own thread.

It's complicated.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: quintessentone

We can argue back and forth about history but I prefer to look at the here and now and the topic of the thread.

The Irish history could be it's own thread.

It's complicated.

The Isareli/Hamas/Palestinian war is all about their history.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Yes, I know. Not really about Irish history, was my point.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: quintessentone

Yes, I know. Not really about Irish history, was my point.

Same uprising and mob rule? Weren't you going on about mob rule?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

In connection with the thread topic, the London demonstration.

Not going on about it ,just making a point.

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: Leviathan4

... And you continue to cut and paste drivel and spam. The proof about the police have been given many times by multiple posters. The proof about the number 100,000 has been given many times by multiple posters.

And your inane circular logic statement is absurd and not even remotely true, as I have already posted multiple times and I'm not going to keep addressing it. You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

You fail to address the fact that the sources you put forward as proof of your assertion are crap and have been shredded. You fail to read what is presented. You fail to comprehend anything. You just continue to cut and paste repeating spam. You are just emotionally invested in your propaganda and are trolling.

The premise of this thread has been proven wrong. THE END.

I am not the one who has made the argument that the police are unbiased and independent

This is your argument

"this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument"

You said the proof has been given for both your assertions.

Nothing has been given other than your assertions..

You said

You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

Regardless of whether I lack or not the intellectual ability to understand, I am still asking for proof for toot assertions that the number of protestors were 100,000 because the olive said so. And I am still asking you to prove that the police are unbiased and independent and therefore we have to accept what they say at face value.

You said the premise of this thread has been proven wrong. You seem not to understand what proof is and what it requires.

There are menu more protests coming up and there one yesterday

The protests are “a testament of just how much more support has grown around the Palestinian solidarity movement and that people really want to see change come

Great to see protests all over the world.

Right we are talking about the UK police here so the default position is that they are unbiased professionals.if you are alleging bias and unprofessionalism it is on you to provide proof of such.
I shared with you a document outlining the requirements for applying to the Met, you have provided nothing, all you have done is squawk incorrectly that me and the others should provide proof of what is the currently accepted default position in regards to the UK police.
If you say its different its up to you to prove it.

What default position?!
Are you kidding me?

I am not alleging anything. I have strong doubts of the assertions made the UK Police are unbiased and independent therefore we should accept the numbers given at face value.

The burden of proof is on those who make these assertions. I don't have to disprove your assertions and your 'axiom:

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: FlyersFan
a reply to: Leviathan4

... And you continue to cut and paste drivel and spam. The proof about the police have been given many times by multiple posters. The proof about the number 100,000 has been given many times by multiple posters.

And your inane circular logic statement is absurd and not even remotely true, as I have already posted multiple times and I'm not going to keep addressing it. You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

You fail to address the fact that the sources you put forward as proof of your assertion are crap and have been shredded. You fail to read what is presented. You fail to comprehend anything. You just continue to cut and paste repeating spam. You are just emotionally invested in your propaganda and are trolling.

The premise of this thread has been proven wrong. THE END.

I am not the one who has made the argument that the police are unbiased and independent

This is your argument

"this is the right number because the police are unbiased and independent and because they are unbiased and independent the numbers are right. More of a circular argument"

You said the proof has been given for both your assertions.

Nothing has been given other than your assertions..

You said

You clearly lack the intellectual ability to understand.

Regardless of whether I lack or not the intellectual ability to understand, I am still asking for proof for toot assertions that the number of protestors were 100,000 because the olive said so. And I am still asking you to prove that the police are unbiased and independent and therefore we have to accept what they say at face value.

You said the premise of this thread has been proven wrong. You seem not to understand what proof is and what it requires.

There are menu more protests coming up and there one yesterday

The protests are “a testament of just how much more support has grown around the Palestinian solidarity movement and that people really want to see change come

Great to see protests all over the world.

Right we are talking about the UK police here so the default position is that they are unbiased professionals.if you are alleging bias and unprofessionalism it is on you to provide proof of such.
I shared with you a document outlining the requirements for applying to the Met, you have provided nothing, all you have done is squawk incorrectly that me and the others should provide proof of what is the currently accepted default position in regards to the UK police.
If you say its different its up to you to prove it.

What default position?!
Are you kidding me?

I am not alleging anything. I have strong doubts of the assertions made the UK Police are unbiased and independent therefore we should accept the numbers given at face value.

The burden of proof is on those who make these assertions. I don't have to disprove your assertions and your 'axiom:

God almighty you are the most tiresome idiot it's been my misfortune to have to deal with on here, read your own post back out loud and see if you can understand the abject stupidity of what you wrote?

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

According to historical fact. They didn't bring it upon themselves, Israel created Hamas and didn't live up to their end of the agreements. Read and learn the truth by researching historical realities.

What historical facts said that Israel made hams, that is a lie, hamas palestine terrorist propaganda and you know it, and you keep repeating the same rhetoric, is been poster over and over the origins in the 70s of hamas, it was the muslim brotherhood, no Israel and it was an effort to create groups to help with humanitarian reason, they went bastard and went on their own to recruit terrorist for their cause.

Stop lying.

Origins of hams

From the late 1970s, activists connected with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood established a network of charities, clinics, and schools and became active in the territories (the Gaza Strip and West Bank) occupied by Israel after the 1967 Six-Day War. In Gaza they were active in many mosques, while their activities in the West Bank generally were limited to the universities. The Muslim Brotherhood’s activities in these areas were generally nonviolent, but a number of small groups in the occupied territories began to call for jihad, or holy war, against Israel. In December 1987, at the beginning of the Palestinian intifada (Arabic intifāḍah, “shaking off”) uprising against Israeli occupation, Hamas (which also is an Arabic word meaning “zeal”) was established by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and religious factions of the PLO, and the new organization quickly acquired a broad following. In its 1988 charter, Hamas maintained that Palestine is an Islamic homeland that can never be surrendered to non-Muslims and that waging holy war to wrest control of Palestine from Israel is a religious duty for Palestinian Muslims. This position brought it into conflict with the PLO, which in 1988 recognized Israel’s right to exist.

Hamas soon began to act independently of other Palestinian organizations, generating animosity between the group and its secular nationalist counterparts. Increasingly violent Hamas attacks on civilian and military targets impelled Israel to arrest a number of Hamas leaders in 1989, including Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the movement’s founder. In the years that followed, Hamas underwent reorganization to reinforce its command structure and locate key leaders out of Israel’s reach. A political bureau responsible for the organization’s international relations and fundraising was formed in Amman, Jordan, electing Khaled Meshaal as its head in 1996, and the group’s armed wing was reconstituted as the ʿIzz al-Dīn al-Qassām Forces.

Jordan expelled Hamas leaders from Amman in 1999, accusing them of having used their Jordanian offices as a command post for military activities in the West Bank and Gaza. In 2001 the political bureau established new headquarters in Damascus, Syria. It moved again in 2012, to Doha, Qatar, after leadership failed to support the Assad government in its crackdown on the Syrian uprising.
edit on 5-11-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:08 PM
Here's a read on Israel helping fund the beginning of Hamas before bombing them. link

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

'I have strong doubts of the assertions made the UK Police are unbiased and independent therefore we should accept the numbers given at face value."

Then the burden of proof is on you to prove your assertion of your 'strong doubts".

Otherwise, it's just your uncorroborated "assertion".

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Leviathan4

'I have strong doubts of the assertions made the UK Police are unbiased and independent therefore we should accept the numbers given at face value."

Then the burden of proof is on you to prove your assertion of your 'strong doubts".

Otherwise, it's just your uncorroborated "assertion".

No because I haven't asserted anything.
Someone else did without any evidence.

Someone else said it's the default position to say the Police is unbiased and Independent. So like an axiom....

posted on Nov, 5 2023 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Leviathan4

'I have strong doubts of the assertions made the UK Police are unbiased and independent therefore we should accept the numbers given at face value."

Then the burden of proof is on you to prove your assertion of your 'strong doubts".

Otherwise, it's just your uncorroborated "assertion".

Nope. I have every reason to doubt any assertions made.

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