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Half a million people march in London for Palestine

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posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

What better people to give an estimate for the amount of people attending the demonstration than the people tasked with the security of the march and those attending it?

What actual evidence is there that the police supplied incorrect numbers?

As for shouting 'From The River to The Sea'; as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, its a phrase used by Palestinian supporters expressing their wish for an Islamic/Arab state stretching from the river Jordan to the Med Sea free from Jews. That's what the phrase means.
Why would someone shout it out if they didn't believe what it meant?
And when taken in context with other pro-Jihadi like slogans shouted at the march it simply can only mean one thing - the actual thing its meant to mean.

This is a pointless exercise.
Your obstinance and wilful ignorance prevents any sort of reasoned dialogue.
I really am very, very bored with trying to talk and engage with you.

posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

What better people to give an estimate for the amount of people attending the demonstration than the people tasked with the security of the march and those attending it?

What actual evidence is there that the police supplied incorrect numbers?

As for shouting 'From The River to The Sea'; as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, its a phrase used by Palestinian supporters expressing their wish for an Islamic/Arab state stretching from the river Jordan to the Med Sea free from Jews. That's what the phrase means.
Why would someone shout it out if they didn't believe what it meant?
And when taken in context with other pro-Jihadi like slogans shouted at the march it simply can only mean one thing - the actual thing its meant to mean.

This is a pointless exercise.
Your obstinance and wilful ignorance prevents any sort of reasoned dialogue.
I really am very, very bored with trying to talk and engage with you.

I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification. Then the Guardian adopted it and you have been reproducing it again and again.

According to the people who went to the demonstrations there have been many Jewish people attending. Not surprising as there are Jews who are against the war and against the occupation of Palestine by Israel.

No this isn't a pointless exercise at all. The rest of us who are not Jews or Arabs (true for myself and many others here) can criticise the State of Israel when they get things wrong. This time they got things very wrong with their response by killing innocent civilians. That's not acceptable to many of us Americans or Europeans or from other parts of the world.

Yes I know that from the slogan can be perceived one specific way but most demonstrators were there for to protest for ceasefire, peace, and a free Palestine. I have never been to a demonstration but I do recognise that Palestine has been occupied for decades and that can't be right. Any demonstration for this reason is very legitimate. Nobody wants to be born into captivity.

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

edit on 2-11-2023 by Leviathan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

What better people to give an estimate for the amount of people attending the demonstration than the people tasked with the security of the march and those attending it?

What actual evidence is there that the police supplied incorrect numbers?

As for shouting 'From The River to The Sea'; as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, its a phrase used by Palestinian supporters expressing their wish for an Islamic/Arab state stretching from the river Jordan to the Med Sea free from Jews. That's what the phrase means.
Why would someone shout it out if they didn't believe what it meant?
And when taken in context with other pro-Jihadi like slogans shouted at the march it simply can only mean one thing - the actual thing its meant to mean.

This is a pointless exercise.
Your obstinance and wilful ignorance prevents any sort of reasoned dialogue.
I really am very, very bored with trying to talk and engage with you.

I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification. Then the Guardian adopted it and you have been reproducing it again and again.

According to the people who went to the demonstrations there have been many Jewish people attending. Not surprising as there are Jews who are against the war and against the occupation of Palestine by Israel.

No this isn't a pointless exercise at all. The rest of us who are not Jews or Arabs (true for myself and many others here) can criticise the State of Israel when they get things wrong. This time they got things very wrong with their response by killing innocent civilians. That's not acceptable to many of us Americans or Europeans or from other parts of the world.

Yes I know that from the slogan can be perceived one specific way but most demonstrators were there for to protest for ceasefire, peace, and a free Palestine. I have never been to a demonstration but I do recognise that Palestine has been occupied for decades and that can't be right. Any demonstration for this reason is very legitimate. Nobody wants to be born into captivity.

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

I have question? Do you think Israel has committed war crimes? Yet to hear your opinion on this.

posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 10:33 PM

originally posted by: NeonKnights

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

What better people to give an estimate for the amount of people attending the demonstration than the people tasked with the security of the march and those attending it?

What actual evidence is there that the police supplied incorrect numbers?

As for shouting 'From The River to The Sea'; as has been repeatedly pointed out to you, its a phrase used by Palestinian supporters expressing their wish for an Islamic/Arab state stretching from the river Jordan to the Med Sea free from Jews. That's what the phrase means.
Why would someone shout it out if they didn't believe what it meant?
And when taken in context with other pro-Jihadi like slogans shouted at the march it simply can only mean one thing - the actual thing its meant to mean.

This is a pointless exercise.
Your obstinance and wilful ignorance prevents any sort of reasoned dialogue.
I really am very, very bored with trying to talk and engage with you.

I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification. Then the Guardian adopted it and you have been reproducing it again and again.

According to the people who went to the demonstrations there have been many Jewish people attending. Not surprising as there are Jews who are against the war and against the occupation of Palestine by Israel.

No this isn't a pointless exercise at all. The rest of us who are not Jews or Arabs (true for myself and many others here) can criticise the State of Israel when they get things wrong. This time they got things very wrong with their response by killing innocent civilians. That's not acceptable to many of us Americans or Europeans or from other parts of the world.

Yes I know that from the slogan can be perceived one specific way but most demonstrators were there for to protest for ceasefire, peace, and a free Palestine. I have never been to a demonstration but I do recognise that Palestine has been occupied for decades and that can't be right. Any demonstration for this reason is very legitimate. Nobody wants to be born into captivity.

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

I have question? Do you think Israel has committed war crimes? Yet to hear your opinion on this.

You haven't probably had a look at my threads and haven't seen my posts. What do you mean you have yet to hear my opinion? Are you not paying attention?

Do you think there is any sane person who thinks Israel hasn't committed war crimes?

Why do you think this demonstration happened and other demonstrations around the world? There are many reasons but one of them it's the atrocities committed by Israel.

Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks wipe out entire families in Gaza

As Israeli forces continue to intensify their cataclysmic assault on the occupied Gaza Strip, Amnesty International has documented unlawful Israeli attacks, including indiscriminate attacks, which caused mass civilian casualties and must be investigated as war crimes

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: Leviathan4

I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification.

So, who do you think is best qualified to give an accurate estimate of crowd size; The Metropolitan police who have considerable experience of managing and policing large crowds or agenda driven individuals with little experience - if any - of being in large crowds.

Have you ever been in a large gathering?
From personal experience I think its very hard to guestimate.
I've been at football matches, large concerts, protests marches and the poll tax riots....its incredibly hard.

Do you know what 100,000 people looks and feels like either from an independent observers point of view or as someone inside the crowd?
How different would it feel to 500,000 people?

And you still haven't even attempted to explain exactly WHY the police would under report the number of people attending.

Yes I know that from the slogan can be perceived one specific way but most demonstrators were there for to protest for ceasefire, peace, and a free Palestine.

How do you KNOW that?
Seems to me you want to believe that....but you can't possibly KNOW.

And its not that the phrase, From the river to the sea can be perceived one specific way, it was adopted by Palestinians to mean just that - from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, an Islamic/Arab state free from all Jews.
That is exactly what it infers.
That's what ALL Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims mean by it.

When someone in my country says 'No Surrender' it means one thing and one thing only - No Surrender to the IRA.

This is exactly the same sort of thing.

Yet you seem to be independently off your own back seem to be implying that somehow these demonstrators, who you've no contact with or anything, somehow for some reason meant something entirely different.

I have never been to a demonstration.....

Yet you seem to have incredibly firm convictions about what people really say and mean at demonstrations and how it feels to be involved in a demonstration.

Like I said in my previous post, its a completely pointless exercise trying to converse with you.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Yes keep arguing with yourself to find an excuse to minimise the numbers attended the demonstrations.

Nope. I keep pointing out that the people who are in charge of the crowd and who have training in crowd control and in estimating crowd sizes says that there were 100,000 at the event. That's not 'arguing with myself'.

But the source here proves you wrong for once more

Your 'source' is not a source. It's just an opinion piece by the socialists who marched in the event. They were in the crowd and have ZERO knowledge of how big it was and ZERO training in crowd control and have NO WAY to know the crowd size. It's just their wishful thinking. Nothing more.

You got the figure from the Guardian without even checking anything else

Because the Guardian has the official numbers from the professionals who worked the crowd and who know how many showed up.

It refutes the whole story and the low estimates..

Your opinion piece from marchers doesn't refute anything.

The rest of your post is just a rant where you talk to yourself.

That's your new schtick eh? Anyone who proves you wrong is on a rant?
Good luck with that. Nothing about my post is a 'rant'.
And yeah .... with you not listening I am talking to myself.
That's on you though, not me.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Being a socialist newspaper doesn't make the news less credible.

They are still claiming that Israel hit the hospital with an airstrike.
That makes them non credible.

You have cited the Guardian. What do you think the Guardian is? Right wing? It's a left wing newspaper. You have issues with them though when they give estimates of the Palestinians who died as it doesn't suit your arguments.

I have never slammed the Guardian.

I have stated that the numbers of dead coming out of Gaza can not be believed because they come from HAMAS, which is known to lie and make up whatever suits them.

The Guardian is quoting the non biased professional POLICE who are in charge of crowd control and who know how to estimate a size. The police don't lie. They have no agenda.

No comparison.
edit on 11/3/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 04:13 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Yes they are a source and they have given the wrong figure that Guardian adopted and you have been reproducing it again and again.

Prove that the secular unbiased police, who were in charge of crowd control and who are trained in estimating crowd numbers, gave the wrong figure to the Guardian. Prove it.

Prove that the socialist marchers, who want big crowds, have the right number. That they, who were marching in the mob, knew how to estimate crowd numbers and that their number is right.

Good luck with that.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification. Then the Guardian adopted it and you have been reproducing it again and again.

Once again ....

The non biased police are PROFESSIONALS who are TRAINED in crowd control and in estimating the numbers in a crowd. They don't have to describe how they estimate the numbers each time they give a figure. That's silly. They know how to look at a crowd and determine that if it stretches from this street to that street it is XXX marchers, etc etc.

The socialist marchers, who have an agenda and a desire for large crowds, have no way of knowing how many people were marching. They were in a mob. They have no training with crowds and they were just giving their OPINION.

Official estimate by police crowd control trained for these situations verses agenda driven socialist marchers in the crowd. It's OBVIOUS that the police number is the right one.

BOTTOM LINE - there were not a half million marchers like the thread title claims and like the biased Muslim opinion piece from India claims in the opening post. It was 100,000 marchers. That's still a lot of people being useful idiots for Hamas. Too bad.

edit on 11/3/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Yes they are a source and they have given the wrong figure that Guardian adopted and you have been reproducing it again and again.

Prove that the secular unbiased police, who were in charge of crowd control and who are trained in estimating crowd numbers, gave the wrong figure to the Guardian. Prove it.

Prove that the socialist marchers, who want big crowds, have the right number. That they, who were marching in the mob, knew how to estimate crowd numbers and that their number is right.

Good luck with that.

I have nothing to prove.
The number you have been arguing about, was given or actually asserted by the police, there is nothing to it other than what they said. And this was immediately disputed by those who participated.

The police are not trained to count demonstrators and whether they are a 'secular unbiased force' it's a bit of a risky statement to make. It's an assertion with nothing much into it.

Those who were marching and you label them as the mob were there for a specific reason, i.e to protest against the war and for a free and independent Palestine.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification.

So, who do you think is best qualified to give an accurate estimate of crowd size; The Metropolitan police who have considerable experience of managing and policing large crowds or agenda driven individuals with little experience - if any - of being in large crowds.

Have you ever been in a large gathering?
From personal experience I think its very hard to guestimate.
I've been at football matches, large concerts, protests marches and the poll tax riots....its incredibly hard.

Do you know what 100,000 people looks and feels like either from an independent observers point of view or as someone inside the crowd?
How different would it feel to 500,000 people?

And you still haven't even attempted to explain exactly WHY the police would under report the number of people attending.

Yes I know that from the slogan can be perceived one specific way but most demonstrators were there for to protest for ceasefire, peace, and a free Palestine.

How do you KNOW that?
Seems to me you want to believe that....but you can't possibly KNOW.

And its not that the phrase, From the river to the sea can be perceived one specific way, it was adopted by Palestinians to mean just that - from the river Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea, an Islamic/Arab state free from all Jews.
That is exactly what it infers.
That's what ALL Palestinians and Arabs/Muslims mean by it.

When someone in my country says 'No Surrender' it means one thing and one thing only - No Surrender to the IRA.

This is exactly the same sort of thing.

Yet you seem to be independently off your own back seem to be implying that somehow these demonstrators, who you've no contact with or anything, somehow for some reason meant something entirely different.

I have never been to a demonstration.....

Yet you seem to have incredibly firm convictions about what people really say and mean at demonstrations and how it feels to be involved in a demonstration.

Like I said in my previous post, its a completely pointless exercise trying to converse with you.

Yes, according to the demonstrators who have been in a different demonstration some days earlier the number of protestors was much higher than what the police said and in comparison with last time. The police is not trained to count demonstrators and I won't take their word as gospel.

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

Young people, students and workers carried the Palestinian flag and chanted, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free”, in defiance of the Conservative government’s attempts to criminalise these actions. Noticeable was the number of homemade banners, with slogans such as “Stop killing children”, “Free, free Palestine” and “End the Occupation”. A large number of Jewish protesters took part.

You asked me why they could try to downplay the event. The answer is straight forward, the Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and and high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

The people who attended the demonstration, and it wasn't just one of them, have done it for a specific reason and under very special circumstances i.e to demonstrate against the massive loss of life and for a free and independent Palestine.

The slogan they chanted didn't necessarily imply what you meant. It could be perceived this way by those who try to find something to dismiss it or to argue against it. You should be more worried with the statements made by several Israeli Officials and Politicians who argued for the destruction and annihilation of Gaza.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
I have nothing to prove.

Actually ... you do. YOU are the one who started this thread with a claim that 500,000 people marched. YOU started it with an opinion piece by a muslim based source out of INDIA. It's up to YOU to prove your claim.

The number you have been arguing about, was given or actually asserted by the police, there is nothing to it other than what they said.

It is the official number given by the trained professionals who were handling the crowds. It's more than 'nothing other than what they said'.

And this was immediately disputed by those who participated.

Those who participated were BIASED and had AGENDA and had NO WAY OF KNOWING how many people participated.

The police are not trained to count demonstrators

Yes they are. Absolutely they are.

whether they are a 'secular unbiased force' it's a bit of a risky statement to make.

It's true. The police are unbiased and professional. The mob, on the other hand, had a bias and an agenda.

Those who were marching and you label them as the mob were there for a specific reason, i.e to protest against the war and for a free and independent Palestine.

100,000 Useful idiots for Hamas.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
I am not saying they're not a source but they have given that wrong numbers according to the demonstrators and haven't provided any justification. Then the Guardian adopted it and you have been reproducing it again and again.

Once again ....

The non biased police are PROFESSIONALS who are TRAINED in crowd control and in estimating the numbers in a crowd. They don't have to describe how they estimate the numbers each time they give a figure. That's silly. They know how to look at a crowd and determine that if it stretches from this street to that street it is XXX marchers, etc etc.

The socialist marchers, who have an agenda and a desire for large crowds, have no way of knowing how many people were marching. They were in a mob. They have no training with crowds and they were just giving their OPINION.

Official estimate by police crowd control trained for these situations verses agenda driven socialist marchers in the crowd. It's OBVIOUS that the police number is the right one.

BOTTOM LINE - there were not a half million marchers like the thread title claims and like the biased Muslim opinion piece from India claims in the opening post. It was 100,000 marchers. That's still a lot of people being useful idiots for Hamas. Too bad.

The Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

You said that the socialist protesters have an agenda. First of all, has anyone told you everyone there was a socialist?! That's is absurd and another assertion you made as to who was there and what were their intentions. Just because the event was covered by s socialist newspaper doesn't make it a socialist event....

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

I don't see any agenda, just a demonstration to protest against the massive loss of life and for a free and independent Palestine. I am sure that even the Jewish people want this to happen. According to the demonstrators they were many Jewish people too attending the march.

I don't see how you can claim there were only 100,000 protesters there when numerous sources say otherwise. You're not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it.

As if they're useful idiots for Hamas that's a nonsensical argument reflecting your biased views when at the sane time you promote Israeli State Propaganda in a number of threads.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
I have nothing to prove.

Actually ... you do. YOU are the one who started this thread with a claim that 500,000 people marched. YOU started it with an opinion piece by a muslim based source out of INDIA. It's up to YOU to prove your claim.

The number you have been arguing about, was given or actually asserted by the police, there is nothing to it other than what they said.

It is the official number given by the trained professionals who were handling the crowds. It's more than 'nothing other than what they said'.

And this was immediately disputed by those who participated.

Those who participated were BIASED and had AGENDA and had NO WAY OF KNOWING how many people participated.

The police are not trained to count demonstrators

Yes they are. Absolutely they are.

whether they are a 'secular unbiased force' it's a bit of a risky statement to make.

It's true. The police are unbiased and professional. The mob, on the other hand, had a bias and an agenda.

Those who were marching and you label them as the mob were there for a specific reason, i.e to protest against the war and for a free and independent Palestine.

100,000 Useful idiots for Hamas.

No I don't. Numerous sources give a very different figure to what you have given and as I said earlier
the Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

There is no such thing as an 'official' number. It is s number that was given by the police and nothing more. You're not convincing at all by the way.

You claim they are an 'unbiased secular service'. That's again nothing more than an assertion of yours with nothing much accompanied to it.

There is no agenda. Millions of people around the world see what's going on and argue against the war and destruction in Gaza.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
The Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

That's PROJECTION on your part. The police don't give out fake numbers to somehow make future crowds smaller. That's absurd. The police are trained unbiased professionals and they gave the official estimate based on their training and experience. The protestors, on the other hand, are biased and have agenda. They want bigger crowds reported to try to make their stand look more popular. They have no knowledge in how to count a crowd.

You said that the socialist protesters have an agenda. First of all, has anyone told you everyone there was a socialist?!

They are a socialist group. It's even the title of the opinion paper that YOU quote.

I don't see any agenda,

Because you don't want to see it. The protesters have an agenda and bias. The police do not.

I don't see how you can claim there were only 100,000 protesters there when numerous sources say otherwise.

The official unbiased sources, who have been trained in crowd control and know how to count the number of people in a crowd, say 100,000. Your 'sources' are nothing more than biased OPINION pieces with an agenda. They have NO KNOWLEDGE of how many people were there.

You're not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it.

YOU'RE not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and are trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it.

BOTTOM LINE - it was 100,000 people, not 500,000 and not 300,000.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Nothing more than a usual rant trying to defend the indefensible. I know you're running high with emotions but reality isn't on your side. No sane person will support the slaughtering of individuals and especially of children and women. That's why hundreds of thousands of people- half a million- choose to demonstrate against the slaughtering and the war crimes committed in this war.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Numerous sources give a very different figure to what you have given

Two OPINION PIECES by biased protesters with an agenda to inflate their numbers to make their cause look more popular.

and as I said earlier the Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order.

and as I said earlier, the Police are unbiased and have no agenda. It is PROJECTION on your part to try to claim that they would downsize the number of people to somehow help themselves with crowd control in the future. That's a bizarre and unsubstantiated claim on your part.

There is no such thing as an 'official' number. It is s number that was given by the police and nothing more.

Oh yes there is. There most definitely IS an official number given by the authorities in charge of crowd control.

You're not convincing at all by the way.

To those without bias and agenda, to those with common sense, I most certainly am convincing.

You claim they are an 'unbiased secular service'. That's again nothing more than an assertion of yours with nothing much accompanied to it.

Nope. It's the truth. The police are unbiased and secular. They are professionals and it's their job to do crowd control and determine crowd size. Your protesters, on the other hand, have a biased agenda to want to inflate the numbers.

BOTTOM LINE - There were 100,000 people marching. Not 500,000 as the Muslim 'source' in India claims. Not 300,000 as the socialist protestor claims. It was 100,000 useful idiots for Hamas protesting.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
The Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

That's PROJECTION on your part. The police don't give out fake numbers to somehow make future crowds smaller. That's absurd. The police are trained unbiased professionals and they gave the official estimate based on their training and experience. The protestors, on the other hand, are biased and have agenda. They want bigger crowds reported to try to make their stand look more popular. They have no knowledge in how to count a crowd.

You said that the socialist protesters have an agenda. First of all, has anyone told you everyone there was a socialist?!

They are a socialist group. It's even the title of the opinion paper that YOU quote.

I don't see any agenda,

Because you don't want to see it. The protesters have an agenda and bias. The police do not.

I don't see how you can claim there were only 100,000 protesters there when numerous sources say otherwise.

The official unbiased sources, who have been trained in crowd control and know how to count the number of people in a crowd, say 100,000. Your 'sources' are nothing more than biased OPINION pieces with an agenda. They have NO KNOWLEDGE of how many people were there.

You're not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it.

YOU'RE not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and are trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it.

BOTTOM LINE - it was 100,000 people, not 500,000 and not 300,000.

Numerous sources give a very different figure to what you have given and as I said earlier
the Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

The police are not trained to count number of protestors. They are not counting machines.

I don't see how you can claim there were only 100,000 protesters there when numerous sources say otherwise. You're not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it. There is no such thing as an official unbiased source.

It is your claim only that the group was made up of socialists only. Nothing much other than your opinion. You claim they are an 'unbiased secular service'. That's again nothing more than an assertion of yours with nothing much accompanied to it.

There is no agenda. Millions of people around the world see what's going on and argue against the war and destruction in Gaza.

Numerous sources prove you wrong I am afraid in terms of the number of protestors.

The police ludicrously still tried to claim it was smaller than last week’s 150,000-strong demonstration, saying that around 100,000 attended. This vast playing down of its size was faithfully repeated by the media, including the Guardian.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Nothing more than a usual rant trying to defend the indefensible.

Posting actual substantiated facts that run counter to your bias and agenda isn't a 'rant'. My posts are clear and concise and on topic. They prove your premise wrong.

I know you're running high with emotions but reality isn't on your side.

That would be YOU, not me. You are the one emotionally invested in this. Reality isn't on YOUR side. I posted the reality. 100,000 protesters. Learn to deal with it.

That's why hundreds of thousands of people- half a million- ....

100,000. Not hundreds of thousands. Not half a million.
You have been proven wrong. It's clear for all to see.
100,000. That's a fact. Deal with it.

posted on Nov, 3 2023 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Leviathan4
Numerous sources give a very different figure to what you have given

Two OPINION PIECES by biased protesters with an agenda to inflate their numbers to make their cause look more popular.

and as I said earlier the Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order.

and as I said earlier, the Police are unbiased and have no agenda. It is PROJECTION on your part to try to claim that they would downsize the number of people to somehow help themselves with crowd control in the future. That's a bizarre and unsubstantiated claim on your part.

There is no such thing as an 'official' number. It is s number that was given by the police and nothing more.

Oh yes there is. There most definitely IS an official number given by the authorities in charge of crowd control.

You're not convincing at all by the way.

To those without bias and agenda, to those with common sense, I most certainly am convincing.

You claim they are an 'unbiased secular service'. That's again nothing more than an assertion of yours with nothing much accompanied to it.

Nope. It's the truth. The police are unbiased and secular. They are professionals and it's their job to do crowd control and determine crowd size. Your protesters, on the other hand, have a biased agenda to want to inflate the numbers.

BOTTOM LINE - There were 100,000 people marching. Not 500,000 as the Muslim 'source' in India claims. Not 300,000 as the socialist protestor claims. It was 100,000 useful idiots for Hamas protesting.

The Police has an interest in discouraging large scale protests for the interests of safety, security, and public order. It is much easier to police a smaller crowd than a much larger crowd and a high number of protestors can attract even higher numbers and make the job of police officers even harder.

You said that the socialist protesters have an agenda. First of all, has anyone told you everyone there was a socialist?! That's is absurd and another assertion you made as to who was there and what were their intentions. Just because the event was covered by s socialist newspaper doesn't make it a socialist event...

I don't see how you can claim there were only 100,000 protesters there when numerous sources say otherwise. You're not convincing at all. You took a figure that suits your argument and trying to orbit around it. Nothing much into it. There is no such thing as an official unbiased source.

No there were not 100,000 protestors. That's your own unsubstantiated opinion for which you have nothing more than a link that has been refuted.

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