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UFOlogist going to Peru to investigate recent attacks.

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posted on Jan, 21 2024 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: DaydreamerX
Another interview with the girl abducted.

posted on Jan, 21 2024 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

We don't have any other tech. Period. And the girl is a good actress. You put too much faith in some unknown secret tech. No such thing. May be there is but it is not what you think.
And where is that medical clinic where organs being extracted? It has to be close by with highly skilled surgeons. Otherwise, good story for a movie.

posted on Jan, 21 2024 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: DaydreamerX

We don't have any other tech. Period. 


May be there is but it is not what you think.

A lot of the technology mentioned in Talia's report is just modern tech, some of which may be a little more advanced than what the public has available to them.

Body armor, helmets, numbing creams, laser scalpels, and fly boards are all technologies that are public knowledge, however not necessarily available to the public or just anyone.

It's conceivable that laser scalpels have been made increasingly portable, and someone has found a way to keep Flyboards relatively quiet.

As far as your claim that,

And where is that medical clinic where organs being extracted? It has to be close by with highly skilled surgeons. Otherwise, good story for a movie.

In this case, it sounds like the assailants were the surgeons, and they were just after a face ($$,$$$), but just because we don't have any evidence of such a clinic nearby at the time, doesn't mean it wasn't there. A mobile clinic could have been used like an ambulance, helicopter, or other VTOL craft. There are other possibilities as well, tents in the jungle, a hidden underground tunnel or base, or a nearby house or other structure.

Since there's been reports of other vertical take off and landing craft in the area. It's possible that the assailants used another form of transportation, besides the Flyboards, for the greater part of their route.

It sucks I know, nobody wants to believe that humans are doing this to other humans, but in this case, rest assured that a bunch of gringos pitched in to attempt to make it up to Talia by paying for her medical treatment, along with helping her and her community out.

I think the lesson here is that, those who are assaulted should get away or defend themselves, fighting for their lives if need be, call for help if it makes sense to, and do their best to identify the assailants if possible.

edit on 21-1-2024 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Jan, 21 2024 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: DaydreamerX
a reply to: KrustyKrab

We don't have any other tech. Period. And the girl is a good actress. You put too much faith in some unknown secret tech. No such thing. May be there is but it is not what you think.
And where is that medical clinic where organs being extracted? It has to be close by with highly skilled surgeons. Otherwise, good story for a movie.

There are quite literally hundreds of people who have seen them.

This girl screamed and a half dozen villagers came running and saw these guys and confirmed her story.

It is not just one or two individuals seeing them. At times whole villages are seeing them.

Just because it doesn’t fit your worldview does not mean it is not happening.

posted on Jan, 21 2024 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: DaydreamerX

We don't have any other tech. Period.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you don’t know that to be absolutely 100% true. Regardless of what you may think.

And the girl is a good actress.

Villages in Peru must produce a lot of good actors because a LOT of people have witnessed this and have also been interviewed. One thing I noticed unlike other sightings of this magnitude, is that the story’s were pretty much verbatim identical as to what they saw, very few discrepancies did I hear with the interviewed witnesses. This has happened in multiple villages not just this one and supposedly it’s happened in Brazil also.

And where is that medical clinic where organs being extracted? It has to be close by with highly skilled surgeons. Otherwise, good story for a movie.

No one in this thread has said that is a absolute as to what they believe is happening, except for you apparently assuming they did. That’s your assumption and yours alone. There has been speculation and hypotheticals but nobody has said that is for sure what they know they’re doing (face transplants). Maybe you need to remind yourself that you’re on a conspiracy website. Most everyone here is searching for truth not trying to push some whacked out conspiracy, there’s other sites for that garbage, you’d have a field day on them.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

From the guy who brought Peru mini mummies now comes "giants" in Peru

Video in link

Coming soon… 2 weeks probably.


I don’t trust that guy but I post for two reasons.

1. If by some miracle it’s true then in definitely affects theories in this thread.
2. It’s Peru and sociologically what is going on in that society, truth or deception, so has to also inform our decision making process in processing info coming out.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 11:09 AM
I do not dismiss what is going on. What I do not agree with... there is no technology exists today that would look like what is being described by witnesses.

That leaves me with only two possibilities - aliens or a prank. Either people are playing a game along with 'perpetrators' or it is a real deal...which is also a possibility.

Did any villagers hear those silenst hooverbord pilots talk? I have not watched the videos but please tell me.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

a reply to: DaydreamerX

No one in this thread has said that is a absolute as to what they believe is happening, except for you apparently assuming they did. That’s your assumption and yours alone. There has been speculation and hypotheticals but nobody has said that is for sure what they know they’re doing (face transplants). Maybe you need to remind yourself that you’re on a conspiracy website. Most everyone here is searching for truth not trying to push some whacked out conspiracy, there’s other sites for that garbage, you’d have a field day on them.

I have been struggling with this aspect of the phenomenon for quite some time. While I may not be fully informed about all other hypotheses on the subject of human and animal mutilation, my current hypothesis is that there has to be some property of the types of tissues which are being taken which is sufficiently different from other tissues to necessitate surgical extraction of only those tissue types.

What is it about the face or the muscles, nerves, and other tissues of the face, that makes it so desirable in both human beings and animals? One example i could think of was that cheeks are lined with tissues called oral mucosa. These types of tissues replicate very quickly since they are at the interface between the body and a hazardous environment with constant abrasion and threat vectors (the mouth). When you do a cheek swab DNA test these are the tissues which are coming off your mouth and onto the swab.

Scientists are working on a technique called Oral Mucosa Tissue Engineering to replace tissue lost due to accident or injury.

Oral Mucosa Tissue Engineering Wikipedia

These tissues can be used to replace other organ tissues as well, not just the cheeks and mouth.

In biotech research people do work on cell lines. The specific cell lines have specific properties because of the types of tissues from which they were derived. Instead of thinking that someone is trying to harvest a face, let's think about what kinds of cells make up the area being targeted, what are their uses, and what special properties they might have.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: DaydreamerX

The girl is only person to ever describe them as talking.

Actions speak louder than words:
[WARNING graphic links]

2016 ATTACK: They heard cries for help, with people shouting about being pursued by "pelacaras", a girl ran past them, and the local police arrived, leading to a tense confrontation with people using some form of jetpacks/ flying machine.

April 2017, 2 fisherman were found dead and their faces completely peeled like in cattle mutilation. This shocked locals near Requena, Ucayali River in peru. Whoever this is are using precision laser cutting.


In 2018 this photo was taken of a victim who was killed and the skin of their face peeled off. They were found along the Tapiche River area of the Peruvian Amazon. The eyes and skin were removed as well the body mutilated.

In 2020 The "Pelacaras" were blamed for the murder of a 17-year-old named, Murayari Gonzales who was found with his face peeled and body mutilated. The News of this murder shocked the nation of peru.

There is reports of the Pelacaras back in 2021. They described the beings flying and seeing UFOs. Reports near the Tahuayo River and the Nuevo Valenrin hamlet (all in peru). THIS IS VERY REAL.

This young boy was severely attacked by the facepeelers/ Pelacaras back in july this year. This took place in Nueva Esperanza de Panaillo located in the district of Yarinacocha, peru. Wednesday 26th July 2023.

CONFIRMED: A boy is telling me this is an accurate image to what the "Pelacaras" look like from when he was attacked and chased by a red light/UFO. I sent him many images and he said this is the most accurate of them all.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 06:53 PM

I told you the wave continued West back into Brazil (and actually started in Brazil in early spring)

Well now the police are taking it seriously and getting involved.


posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 08:17 PM

You know...yes, we are on conspiracy site, that's right. My conspiracy is these are aliens we talk about here and yours, it is human tech and some transplant operation using unknown secret tech, of course created in USA. Do you see the difference?
As to shadows of the doubt, I follow physics. You follow some faith that USA has worked out silent hoover boards, levitation and who knows what else.
Sorry, English is my second language. I am trying to be as clear as possible. Doing a poor job at that apparently.
Or do you think I went too far with aliens version of events even for ATS?

cheers my friend.

edit on 23-1-2024 by DaydreamerX because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2024 by DaydreamerX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 10:27 PM

Hesitant to post as not so sure about this one..

Younger boy, 2 aliens bust through tarp and start to abduct him from house.

Some similarities but doesn’t seem the same as the attacks on other villiages. Different description of attackers. It’s not clear.

He says he hears them speaking. They have weird accents. Say they are going to come back for the village. Confused as what that means. Kill them? Abduct them? My Spanish not good enough.

There are several videos on Twitter. Here is the Twitter thread. There is also a 30 minute Spanish fb post in thread.

you must watch this. a boy in peru was told his whole village would be eradicated by an alien who attacked him in his bedroom.


based off the testimony of this boy and his whole family i dont believe this is the 'pelacaras' not all encounters are murderous. He said he picked him up with 1 arm while it was levitating and then dropped him suddenly. This was a 7ft+ being hovering silently.

Large hands, holes in its face, weird vocalization, UFO in the sky, agile and silent, incredible strength and speed. And also most important it can not be a jet pack because they are loud and not a hover board either because he could see the beings legs dangling.

posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

Decided to put "face peeler aliens" into Google Trends to see how far back it might go...

2006 had a couple of peaks

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: BeTheGoddess2

It’s been going on for about 50 years. It’s referenced a few times throughout this thread.

Grandparents say this started with ing their lifetime.

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 04:58 PM
Never forget, at the beginning of last century, science and technology made enormous strides. Some of these technologies were considered too disrupting and dangerous for the public. It is clear that these are not too dangerous for some hidden figures. Trillions and trillions of dollars go deep into the dark worlds of the pentagon and the three letter organizations. Just imagine what you could develop with that kind of money. It makes an apollo rocket look cheap and antiquated. DO NOT underestimate human ingenuity.

An interesting thought experiment is to think "there are no aliens", and then reread articles and books about encounters and abductions. It is revolting. I am an old man now, there is no real progress in this (public) world. This is by design. The deception has never been this all encompassing. And remember that all media and forums are being monitored.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 10:03 PM

A lot of ufo activity in Peru and Brazil right now.

Here is the nightly news reporting on several incidents.

News TV shows from Peru are reporting sightings of UFOs above the sea in different parts of the country. On tuesday while a formation of seven luminous spheres were seen hovering for many minutes in Miraflores, a UFO was recorded above the sea near Ocucaje.

You can watch the newscast on Twitter

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 11:25 PM
Historically, Brazil has had many reports of violent contact with aliens and UFOs.
Maybe they're moving over to Peru, right next store.

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:24 AM

George Knapp interviews Tim (the guy making the video which started this thread)

I fell asleep listening. There is literally more and more accurate info in this thread now if you watch all the links.

Will keep updating this thread, hope everyone keeps following.

posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: pianopraze

Ahhhh yeahhhh ….this movie has played out before…


posted on Feb, 5 2024 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I sometimes think:

1. Hollywood has insiders pumping them info.
2. Hollywood has spooks pumping them disinfo to cover things up.

3, all of the above.

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