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Controversy After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence Regarding Gender Identity

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posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Yep and now democrats are labeling us that want to know about impeaching biden conspiracist theorist, is just becoming a progressive decline of our rights in America.

We should not question the state or else, the scarlet letter will print on our foreheads.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Yea, on occasion I look up the addresses of cult religions operating in the area and drop my kids off for the day. Its free baby sitting and it is teaching them about a choice they can make for themselves. My kids seem to always want to come home with me when I go to pick them up so I guess that does prove that children aren't as impressionable as people think they are.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: continuousThunder

I'm working on a more comprehensive thread (that may or may not come to full fruition) to show that there is a larger agenda at play here. Its aim will be to break it down into it's various angles and methods, and explain them thoroughly. This isn't right vs left or blind hatred towards people who identify as transgender.

People, human beings, should understand what's actually going on. Of course, it is my opinion, and again, it's not based on knee jerk reactions, ahtred or phobia, or some sort of moral panic. I feel any objective look and honest consideration will shed light into a dark corner.

ooooh, awesome, a comprehensive and thorough objective explanation that isn't just blind hatred against trans people, we really need one of those around here!

Just quickly, is it gonna be like this one we had a week or two ago that objectively and non-hatefully explained how all trans people are in the thrall of lucifer and controlled by demons, and which mysteriously petered out the moment i shared my personal firsthand experience?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
This is a very sensitive subject about a phenomenon that is starting to manifest in our culture.

There is no easy answer to this and there seems to be a fad of association where people are obessed with the transgender concept, especially children who may just be experiencing dysphoria as part of growing up and trying to understand themselves and the changes in the bodies they are in.

I don't know what's causing the wave of children to have these feelings, thoughts and obessions.

Some of it may be genuine, others may be from suggestion and them thinking about the issue and becoming confused about their orientation while trying to process what it means to be a "boy" or a "girl".

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the solution isn't always an immediate dump of chemicals and surgeries.

A lot of young people just need time to process their internal understandings of themselves and come to terms with the reality of their natural born bodies and learn to live in harmony with the cards they have been dealt.

I'm very angry at whomever is pushing this gender ideology to the masses, as it seems like some sort of sociological experiment to introduce such concepts to an increasingly suggestable generation of children.

Studies have shown that the majority of these new "transgender children" are also suffering from various conditions such as autism (who tend to internalize and overanalyze everything and can get obessed with certain concepts or ideas), children with other mental health issues that make them more likely to think that changing their gender will be the magical solution to all their problems because they think the opposite sex has it easier for some reason, and then there's the very real case of those who do actually benefit from hormone treatment.)

The problem is, is that for whatever reason, there is a phenomena of children who are experiencing this dysphoria.

It angers me as a psychologist, because I am very aware of how certain children will become obessed with new information and concepts introduced to them, especially children with underlying mental health issues.

I am well verse in the power of suggestibility and the marketing of ideas in order to stimulate certain parts of the populace to buy a certain brand, or engage in other consumer behavior, and there are so many case examples of children like this on the internet with other fads and consumer goods and mytholgies. They're obessive about such things and will adopt a new idea or fictional storyline and make it a huge part of their lives.

Case in point, how much money did JK Rowling make when Harry Potter hit the shelves and fans went ballistic over the books and started buying the merchendise en masse to make everything in their room align with their favorite House in Hogwarts, all the trinkets and toys and so forth.

But fads come and go, and it's rare to see anyone sporting a Hogwarts shirt anymore because of the recent contraversy over Ms Rowling opinion on transgenders. Everyone took their merchendise and threw it in the trash, to rid themselves of her influence.

But it's one thing to get obessed over a story or series and move on and divest yourself of those consumer trinkets.

Exposing these children to a new "trend" of believing you can change genders is going to leave a lot them chemically castrated, bearing lifelong scars, or dealing with the uncomfotable physical realities of bottom surgery should they go that far with their fantasy.

It makes me angry, because like I said, this smacks of an agenda targeting a new generation of kids with mental issues that make them more likely to internalize such concepts.

I've said it before and I'll say it again as someone who has experienced profound dysphoria twice in her life, you have to stop living in a fantasy world where drugs and surgeries and radical transformations will magically make everything ok.

Life isn't easy.

Being a man isn't easy. It has it's own unique challenges.

Being a woman isn't easy, it has it's own ordeals and realities.

You are who you are, the consciousness has no gender. The psyche is a balance of masculine and feminine forces and will wax and wane from day to day.

The solution is therapy, getting the child to learn how to live comfortably in the body they are born with and adapt to the natural changes in puberty with bravery, resillience, patience and perseverence. Coming to terms with reality.

There are legit transgenders out there who benefit from hormones, I see personal stories all the time of young people on tumblr showing off pics and telling their stories.

I also see a lot of people testifying to regreting their transitions and saying they were rushed through the process too quickly without enough time to discuss their dysphoria before chemical and surgical procedures were recommended.

At some point, we need to find a balance and compromise, and keeping parents ignorant of what their children are going through is a dangerous idea. It concerns me that so many kids out there feel they can't discuss this with their parents and feel they have to keep it a secret, or else hide it from their parents because they fear they will be told no and are stubborn and bullheaded about getting their way and instead go to these educators who simply reinforce their confusion and advocate transitioning.

I'm not saying every household is abusive, some children definitely need help if that's the case such as sexual abuse or physical abuse, but just wanting to use the system to play gender swap without parental knowledge is unheard of.

I believe we have laws on the books regarding providing kids with drugs, cigarettes or alcohol and it's called "contributing to the deliquency of a minor" is pushing pharmecutial hormones and chemical castration any different?

Quoted for posterity and accolade.

Remember the metoo movement? How many real victims were left in the dust over all the feigned outrage and click whores?

I see this the same way.

When we have people here and elsewhere on the internet who claim to have trans kids and cart them around like teacup dogs in purses, there's clearly a problem.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Blame it on social media, is not only to parade your "tran babies" but also is ok to pimp them as drag queens.

Is just incredible the type of porn we introduce children this days.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: JinMI

Blame it on social media, is not only to parade your "tran babies" but also is ok to pimp them as drag queens.

Is just incredible the type of porn we introduce children this days.

All while claiming it's not sexual in nature.

Not only are they feebily trying to gaslight others, they've made the mistake of believing their own BS. As shown by the extensive catalogue of lack of logic and scientific impossibilities.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:01 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Do not forget the scientific repercussions of a life full of hormones and surgeries to fix the mutilations gone bad, at the end the desirable outcome will never be there.

But is ok, is all in the name of "gender freedom" that more often than not are chosen by outsiders and influencers.
edit on 6-9-2023 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: marg6043

At the very least, it's psychotropics, and the most, surgery.

I'd like someone to tell me how this is perfectly healthy.

Serious question: Are there trans people who do not require medication?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:10 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: JinMI

Blame it on social media, is not only to parade your "tran babies" but also is ok to pimp them as drag queens.

Is just incredible the type of porn we introduce children this days.

i hope you're just as aggrieved about child beauty pageants and onesies for newborns with "ladykiller" and the like that have been perpetuated and celebrated in mainstream culture for decades and decades, it would suck to think that this righteous fury of yours had any sort of ideological bias

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

You won't hear anything like that coming from me.

And no, I've got nothing to say about Baphomet or the like.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: JinMI

Blame it on social media, is not only to parade your "tran babies" but also is ok to pimp them as drag queens.

Is just incredible the type of porn we introduce children this days.

i hope you're just as aggrieved about child beauty pageants and onesies for newborns with "ladykiller" and the like that have been perpetuated and celebrated in mainstream culture for decades and decades, it would suck to think that this righteous fury of yours had any sort of ideological bias

Most people here are not exactly "down" with mainstream culture, or mainstream anything.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: vonclod

When they cannot defend something with even the most meager of logic, the strawman is the next step.

Yet you've found a way to cut right to the bone, mainstream.

Personally, I've been living under the notion that counter-culture by nature was not main stream. ATS and it's members, in some facet, would fall under that umbrella.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: vonclod

yeah, makes it a lot more interesting that none of that ever receives any pushback around here, doesn't it?
it's almost like everyone, even supposed independent thinkers and countercultural types, have unexamined inherited biases....... no surely not

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: vonclod

When they cannot defend something with even the most meager of logic, the strawman is the next step.

Yet you've found a way to cut right to the bone, mainstream.

Personally, I've been living under the notion that counter-culture by nature was not main stream. ATS and it's members, in some facet, would fall under that umbrella.

I do think we are historically far more "counterculture" than mainstream. It's funny though, I keep seeing this clip of Charles Manson, he says to the effect.."there used to be a time when being crazy meant something..but now, everyone is crazy" It seems to be more true now than ever. Are the lines blurred now? I think he is referring to a whole different crazy though.

As for CT's premise that anyone around he is cool with child beauty pageants, I don't see it, but have definitely seen threads on it, rarely in a good light. IMO, the reason the trans stuff is the topic, has been due to the push, the's topical, hard to ignore.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: vonclod

I do think we are historically far more "counterculture" than mainstream. It's funny though, I keep seeing this clip of Charles Manson, he says to the effect.."there used to be a time when being crazy meant something..but now, everyone is crazy" It seems to be more true now than ever. Are the lines blurred now? I think he is referring to a whole different crazy though.

Manson aside, yes, the lines are blurred. What the current culture and society deem crazy is what was once considered normalcy.

That's the caveat of post modern thinking. If everything is subjective, then life itself is subjective and the world view is based upon that. There is no anchor. Now I could get into an entire religious thing here but I'm not a religious person yet still have values and core ideals to stay on the rails.

As for CT's premise that anyone around he is cool with child beauty pageants, I don't see it, but have definitely seen threads on it, rarely in a good light. IMO, the reason the trans stuff is the topic, has been due to the push, the's topical, hard to ignore.

I find it quite simple. Keep the kids out of it. Seems to be that's where this topics line is blurred for some.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
a reply to: vonclod

yeah, makes it a lot more interesting that none of that ever receives any pushback around here, doesn't it?
it's almost like everyone, even supposed independent thinkers and countercultural types, have unexamined inherited biases....... no surely not

Child beauty pageants are just not the topic of the day, they are not pushed so much in culture, but they do exist, to the revulsion of many of us. I don't think many here would support them. I have seen threads over the years, I can't think ever in a positive light.

You may disagree, but the trans stuff has been pushed pretty hard, for far more time than most have patience for. I'm a live let live guy, but tired of the activism/activists, I just don't want to know..TBH. I suspect many in the LGBT community are equally as tired of it. I could be wrong, but that's my gut feeling.

If you started a thread about child beauty pageants, as it pertains to this subject, I think you would get some thoughtful discussion.


posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I find it quite simple. Keep the kids out of it. Seems to be that's where this topics line is blurred for some.

I agree! giving benefit of the doubt, I think it's mostly the activists/activism that push for the involvement of children. I think it's ok in general to teach kids to be accepting, but it's seems like it's going too far. Teachers taking it way too far, we have seen/heard/read the examples. They will say these are one off's, but I don't think they are. I dunno, social media likes to feed people what gets them talking, be it positive or negative, the algorithm doesn't seem to discern.

I have seen in my own extended family, how it became rather "trendy"..I think it gets confusing to kids.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: vonclod

Oh, there most certainly is an agenda for reasons you describe and plenty of threads here or around the internet.

I think of it this way. Remember when you were approaching puberty? What If I told you that you would receive immediate peer acceptance AND would be able to suppress the physical effects of that puberty by simply speaking words and taking a pill. Would you do it? Would you consider it? Now add peer pressure to that question you are asking your young self.

We live in a low risk/high reward culture (which is an incredibly eye opening topic) that shifts priorities and outcomes while at the same time costs everyone else.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: JinMI the same time costs everyone else.

What does some kids being trans cost you or anyone else?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

originally posted by: JinMI the same time costs everyone else.

What does some kids being trans cost you or anyone else?

That would be part and parcel of the thread.

Ideology over education.
State over parents.

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