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Controversy After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence Regarding Gender Identity

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posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

It does not make it a lie, stats are stats, you can chose and pick at wish depending on what you want to believe.

Mutilation of the gender genitalia is not pretty and is never reversible, vaginas and penises do not grow from surgeries and never will.

(post by Halfswede removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

It does not make it a lie, stats are stats, you can chose and pick at wish depending on what you want to believe.

this is absolutely incredible, your brain must be so aerodynamic!
i mean, you said it yourself right there, if you start with what you want to believe and cherry pick whatever supports that, how is a conversation even possible? You've decided for whatever irrational reason to make this one thing your entire personality despite it not effecting your life in the slightest, and you don't even CARE if you're sharing actual facts as long as it buoys up the bitter ball of hatred in your heart.

i honestly, genuinely think you need to re-evaluate your choices here. This bile is doing nothing but hurting your own throat. These "mutilated" people you're obsessed with don't care about your opinions. It's les than that - you're raging on a corner of the internet they don't know about, this is nothing at all to them. I'm going to be spending tomorrow with several trans people who've had surgeries, all of whom have found it improved their quality of life, and we're going to be in the sun, laughing and enjoying our lives.
Please, for your own sake, let go of irrational hatred. Find some positivity in your life. Log off and play with a puppy. The burning in your throat will go away if you stop screaming, i promise.

(post by Terpene removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: nickyw

do some rather small numbers of abusers make a whole group abusers?

can you defend Christianity and condemn abusers?

the problem is making it about the group instead of the individuals. Sick individuals are everywhere and need to be brought to justice, especially by the group they seek shelter in.
So far, the LGBTQ-whatever has not been caught moving pedos from one school to another...

might be a question of time, or a case of projection...

So the fact that some gay dudes used the church to predator some kids becomes a problem of the church's teachings rather than some gay predator problem? [...].

are the predators as much the issue as the people who defend them so they can continue to prey on kids/vulnerable without the gatekeepers more would be brought into the light saving many..

we see this with the recent conviction of a senior left wing editor who derailed pedo investigations and the independent investigation into historic child abuse in the uk, its accepted now people know they defend abuse and abusers but ideology, political leaning or religion prevents them stopping it or speaking out as their side being seen as good is more important than the lives of kids be it in the 60s rochdale scandal or the more recent rotherham scandal..

sad but that is humanity.
edit on 8-9-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Sep 8 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

(post by Halfswede removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 07:48 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Well, I have to agree with you on the victims of violent crime thing. It is absolutely sensationalized and there is even a day of remembrance for trans people killed even if being trans wasn't the reason for it or was only a peripheral factor.

But, you've got to consider that trans people do feel "under attack" if you will by the massive rise of limiting legislation and focused right-wing and Christian Nationalist wave of anti-trans sentiment and propaganda.

I do empathize with feeling attacked and do acknowledge there is real hate coming from some people and groups, with their own agendas, focused against the trans community. Those are things I do not defend either! But I also want to think about other reasons they feel attacked, and explain why I think it's a cultivated reaction.

Why is it that even raising an eyebrow at this movement, gives them the reaction of feeling attacked? To be clear, I'm not talking about hateful eyebrows, questioning, or concerned eyebrows. Also to be clear, when I'm talking about a trans movement or agenda, I'm not trying to lump in every trans individual as part of that. Just like I wouldn't lump every Christian individual in with religious anti-trans movements or agendas. Why do those in the trans movement lump everyone not on their side anti-trans?

Well in my opinion it's because of Woke ideology (woke identity politics) and everything that goes with it. I'm not sure how familiar you are with wokeism, but if you're not, it's worth researching. The "woke" are obsessed with being offended. Any little thing could be a microaggression. They need trigger warnings or they might have a meltdown. When they have a meltdown, they demand a "safe space". If you're not wholeheartedly with them, you're against them! They'll turn on you or I, just as quickly as their own. Right now, society is being saturated with wokeness. To what ends?

However attacked a trans individual might feel, does that make it acceptable to sensationalize or lie about it? Is it okay to cultivate and propagate a false narrative? Let's use the trans victims of violent crimes as an example. What's the purpose of taking any trans individual's victimhood, and automatically correlating it to transphobia, even if that isn't the case? It's to inflate the numbers, cultivate victim mentality, and push a narrative.

Also consider trans on trans crime. I'm sure they won't talk about those statistics because it would cast them in a negative light. What about crimes where trans individuals are the offenders? It would be just as dishonest to correlate their crimes with their gender identity, as it is to correlate their victimhood with their gender identity. That said, it's still worth looking into the data on crimes perpetrated by trans individuals, to look for possible trends. Two things that I found interesting were that they are often sexual in nature, and trans woman often exhibit male offense patterns.

What else is being sensationalized? The bullying and suicide rates perhaps? Look, I'm not saying those things don't happen. Indeed they do, unfortunately. Just not in the way the picture they paint would have you believe. They want you to believe the youth are in mortal peril.

They want you to believe there is a widespread pandemic of hate hyper focused on the trans community, when that's not the case. Hate certainly exists in the world and some of it is going to be focused on them. It's an unfortunate reality. But look at how they define hate. It's basically, if you're not a trans ally and you don't buy the false narratives being pushed, you are labeled as anti-trans. You must be full of hate, and you become part of their narrative.

You become a target to be silenced.

Jordan Peterson is a great, recent example of this.

edit on 9-10-2023 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 12:00 AM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

There were over 500 anti-LGBT pieces of legislation proposed just this year, most of them focusing on transgender youth and many being passed into law and if you want to look into something, take a look at where this "attack" is coming from.

It is not as one might think a grassroots movement brought by constituents to their legislators but rather a case of legislators being lobbied by radical far right evangelical groups such as the Alliance Defending Freedom, The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, The Liberty Counsel and Focus on the Family, most of which have been labeled as hate groups by the SPLC. (yes, I know so don't bother)

The text of these bills in nearly identical or in some cases identical from state to state because they have been provided by these organizations who have lobbied heavily for their passage in the hopes of imposing a Christian theocracy and "winning". Republican politicians have been quite compliant because this topic engages their base and trans issues have been used as a cudgel and a wedge issue to manufacture a culture war because they lost their fight against marriage equality.

That's fair to point out. There are agendas all around us. I myself don't wish for a theocracy of any kind. While I may agree on some positions other people have, it doesn't necessarily mean I agree with how they got there. Some of the legislation you mention might be extreme in my opinion (I haven't looked at them all) but I'd probably agree with them in whole, part, or in essence. Especially when it comes to the youth. This does not make me radical far right, evangelical, or anti-trans. The trans agenda doesn't care about facts though, and would throw those accusations at me.

Those infected with the woke social contagion would argue that, my opinions on the trans movement can't come from any honest attempt at objectivity. Instead they come from far right propaganda, an inherit transphobia, a lack of personal experience and understanding. To top it off, I'm also a straight white male, so naturally, any thought I have is full of bias anyway. This is as laughable as it is hypocritical. I'm not the only one pushing back against a lot of this trans stuff that doesn't have a radical point of view based on religion or hatred. But again, as I've tried to show, it doesn't matter who or what you are to them. If you're not a trans ally and you don't buy the false narratives being pushed, you are labeled as anti-trans. You must be full of hate, and you become part of their narrative.

On the point of hypocrisy. I find it very interesting that for a group of people that claim to promote inclusivity and claim to have the best interest of children in mind, they completely disregard or discredit the de-trans community. Aren't personal experiences and understanding important to them? Well if it hasn't clicked yet, the de-trans aren't their allies. They're out there exposing some of these narratives (namely "Gender Affirmation Care" and surgery) and thus they become a target. But I feel their voices are crucial to this whole subject, and should be heard.

That doesn't really happen though. Even in some of these threads you'll read users stating plainly that they don't care about what these people have to say. It's more important to rush children onto the drug treatments and give them a roadmap for future surgeries. No concern about other factors. That's a good attitude to highlight the seeds planted by the narratives at work. We have no time to worry about if it's a good idea to give kids time to be kids, no time to concern ourselves with other factors (such as mental health), no time to worry about what happens later, because if we don't start "Gender Affirmation Care" as soon as possible, they're going to live the worst possible lives, and/or kill themselves.

Once again, any opposition, makes you an anti-trans target, to be silenced.

Pro-trans legislation uses its own cudgels and wedges. What's your opinion on the push to keep parents in the dark when it comes to their children? Taking power away from the parents, going so far as to compare them to domestic terrorists, if they aren't in compliance with all this? In some cases the State can hide your kid from you and start them on "Gender Affirmation Care" without the parent's knowledge or consent.

Do you believe that all the opposition is from hateful anti-trans ignorance?

In my opinion, it is pretty lame a cowardly to go after one of the smallest and most vulnerable minority demographics to get votes and politicians have no business meddling in medical decisions.

If LGBx and trans people are making more noise than they used to, I think they have the right to stick up for themselves when threatened by oppression and ignorance.

I ask you to look at it from another perspective and apply those sentiments differently:

Isn't it pretty lame and cowardly to go after vulnerable and impressionable children? Aren't they meddling in the medical decisions of families and ultimately giving the children authority to make those decisions on their own?

Are we really going after a minority group based on their gender identity or are we going after the indoctrination, the propaganda, the marketing to impressionable children, and much more?

Peter Boghossian - Interview on Woke Ideology

Peter Boghossian and I discuss the political religion of Wokeness, where it came from, how it operates and more.
This is part of an interview I did back in 2019 for my film When in Doubt. I was primarily interviewing him about his book How to Have Impossible Conversations and then I spent part of our interview discussing Woke ideology.

Peter Boghossian - The New Tyranny

I interviewed Peter Boghossian in late 2021 for my series The Woke Reformation, and we talked about why he resigned from Portland State University, the state of Portland, the lack of trust in institutions, Woke ideology being a form of tyranny and much more.

The Most HATED (anti-woke) Trans Man in America (ft. Buck Angel)

Buck Angel used to be a beloved figure in the transgender community. Then, he spoke out against child transitioning and other excesses of the modern movement—and quickly became one of the most hated figures in the LGBT community.

Detrans Awareness Day Panel Discussion With Detransitioners For 'No Way Back 'Documentary

The panel discusses the medical ethics of the gender affirmation model of care for gender dysphoria, and the untold harm personally endured by notable detransitioners Chloe Cole, Laura Becker, Luka Hein, Brian Wagner, Estella Suarez-Hamilton, and Shapeshifter.

The panel answers questions from concerned parents about the relationship between gender distress, social contagion, trauma, and familial relationships, and panelists give advice about maintaining and repairing relationships with children and loved ones who are experiencing identity issues.

Put however much weight you want into the things I'm saying.

edit on 9-10-2023 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: OdinsPath
a reply to: Annee
So you live in the #hole part of California...Hemet?
Schools in California started to fail when illegal immigration flooded the school system with non English speakers. They cater to the illegals and DONT teach the other kids anything anymore except crazed gender ideology

Never said I lived in Hemet.

There are areas where film industry people have homes, built homes, are building.

I can have goats, horses, chickens, etc.

It’s an escape from the city.

But continue on with your negativity doom and gloom.

San Berdoo has never been a good place. You may like it for some open space on the edges, but the city is is not desirable. Gangs and blight.
I lived in Murrieta and Moreno Valley. MV not very good either. Murrieta and Temecula were mostly cow farms when we first got there in 1988.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
So interesting how someone can support, actually live, all of the beliefs of lgbt, and become hated by them simply for being against child abuse.
It’s what the left is serving. Every variation of child abuse, starting with slaughter abortions during and after birth. Throw in a few 100 K of those tasty little illegal children, and you really have a big swinging party. The party being dems.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
The USSR planned it and followed through.
Helped by numerous American traitors who hated America - Alinsky, Cloward, Piven, Ayers, Dohrn, Fonda, the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens.

Namely, the growth and permanent agitation of LGBT, people like BLM, antifa, climate fools, man-boy love guys, now the trans. Also make the schools suck across the country.
Bingo - society falls apart.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: stevieray

And don't forget who owns and controls TikTok.


posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 03:18 PM

edit on 9-10-2023 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

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