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Controversy After Teachers Union Tells Educators to Destroy Evidence Regarding Gender Identity

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posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 01:45 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: nickyw

It might be this or that keeping incriminating evidence is the actions of fools.
Applying your logic:

the jews hiding from nazi is because they were the bad guys.

This is more like sexual liberation 2.0... With a few retards peddling their reactionary politics...

number 2.. so i guess you missed out the the naughty 90s for a reason, that is 1890s where most of this stuff and its pseudoscience was born between the Vienna and London schools of thought..

tavistock and portman NHS Trust are 2 clinics from that period the first dealt with identity the other criminality and perversions.. they are linked for the reason when you dump the abused/different/paraphilias in the trans pot it captures the abused some of whom go on to become abusers.

the issue here is those who fanatically defend he tq+ will find themselves fanatically defending abusers just as those who defended the rc church have..

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 02:02 AM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

The word "attack" in the title of that HRC article, Imo, hints that there might be an agenda there.

Last night I was looking up information about trans victims of violent crimes.

The HRC will have you believe that all trans murders last year were because the victims were trans.

I'm not entirely through the list, but so far the circumstances around their deaths had nothing to do with being trans, except in one possible case, and maybe others that are still under investigation.

But my point is, they will have you believe hate crimes and violence against trans individuals is skyrocketing. But at least in this instance of the HRC article I was reading last night, it is (so far - again still searching through all the names) propaganda. They find somebody who was unfortunately murdered, happened to be trans, then spend the rest of the article with the impression they want to leave the reader with. That this persons death was the result of a hate crime. When that is not always the case. But look at all the language they use.

Emotional trigger, load reader with sensationalized propaganda.

Yes, hate crimes obviously do happen. I am not denying that.

I'm saying they lie about the numbers.

edit on 9-7-2023 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Well, I have to agree with you on the victims of violent crime thing. It is absolutely sensationalized and there is even a day of remembrance for trans people killed even if being trans wasn't the reason for it or was only a peripheral factor.

But, you've got to consider that trans people do feel "under attack" if you will by the massive rise of limiting legislation and focused right-wing and Christian Nationalist wave of anti-trans sentiment and propaganda.

There were over 500 anti-LGBT pieces of legislation proposed just this year, most of them focusing on transgender youth and many being passed into law and if you want to look into something, take a look at where this "attack" is coming from.

It is not as one might think a grassroots movement brought by constituents to their legislators but rather a case of legislators being lobbied by radical far right evangelical groups such as the Alliance Defending Freedom, The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, The Liberty Counsel and Focus on the Family, most of which have been labeled as hate groups by the SPLC. (yes, I know so don't bother)

The text of these bills in nearly identical or in some cases identical from state to state because they have been provided by these organizations who have lobbied heavily for their passage in the hopes of imposing a Christian theocracy and "winning". Republican politicians have been quite compliant because this topic engages their base and trans issues have been used as a cudgel and a wedge issue to manufacture a culture war because they lost their fight against marriage equality.

In my opinion, it is pretty lame a cowardly to go after one of the smallest and most vulnerable minority demographics to get votes and politicians have no business meddling in medical decisions.

If LGBx and trans people are making more noise than they used to, I think they have the right to stick up for themselves when threatened by oppression and ignorance.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 02:59 AM
From what I've ascertained, the newer generations are much more accepting an tolerant of these issues than when we were kids. I've heard of no reports from schools that have these programs about their transgender students being bullied and assaulted for their transitions.

The younger community is very empathic and supportive of kids going through this phenomenon in some circles.

Back when I went to school, it was common for the gay kids to be targeted and harassed and abused mercilessly by some students. Many dropped out or changed schools for their safety, the ones who stayed fought back and refused to be victimized, and eventually were left alone.

The transgender I met in High School back in 1991 eventually killed himself because he was so isolated in his experience and most people generally avoided him because of his obessive fixation and fantasies of having a different body.

I met him in drama class and he asked me to talk to him in the teachers office in private and he just started unloading on me about how badly he wanted to look like and sing like Cher. At the time I didn't know how to respond to such information, and he made me uncomfortable because I had just met the guy and he's dumping all this heavy stuff on me like I was a personal therapist or something.

He was a very passionate young man, full of dreams and emotion, but there was no way any amount of plastic surgery would make this stocky overweight teenager into the vision he desired for himself, and he was extremely hard to listen to and be around because of the way he expressed himself and how obsessed he was with his dream.

A year later, he committed suicide and everyone acted like it was no big deal, it was like oh well whatever anyway...

My heart broke. Here was a kid who desperately needed a friend he could talk to about who he was and what he was dealing with, and I was too selfish and self centered to be there for him even though he dropped out of drama and I never saw him in passing in the halls after that initial encounter.

As sad as suicide is, I hope the Good Lord granted his wish and he's living his dream of being a Cher impersonator.

Anyway, regardless of how I feel about the issue and my concerns about mentally unstable children being encouraged into rushing into transitions for the wrong reasons, the new generation seems to be rolling right along with the program.

I haven't heard a single report of a child comfortable with their sexual identity being pressured into transitioning.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: nickyw

do some rather small numbers of abusers make a whole group abusers?

can you defend Christianity and condemn abusers?

the problem is making it about the group instead of the individuals. Sick individuals are everywhere and need to be brought to justice, especially by the group they seek shelter in.
So far, the LGBTQ-whatever has not been caught moving pedos from one school to another...

might be a question of time, or a case of projection...

edit on 7-9-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Never did and never subjected my children to such hidden pimping of babies.

Soo the answer is no.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

It cost the state and taxpayers when the blotched surgeries of sex change and mutilations become emergency medical care. 

And yes if the medical institutions that give gender transition can prove is medical necessary for the patient to have sex change Medicaid can paid a portion of it.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

Neither is mutilation of the body to achieve a desirable look and sadly never works as intended and the side effects are for life.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: nickyw

do some rather small numbers of abusers make a whole group abusers?

can you defend Christianity and condemn abusers?

the problem is making it about the group instead of the individuals. Sick individuals are everywhere and need to be brought to justice, especially by the group they seek shelter in.
So far, the LGBTQ-whatever has not been caught moving pedos from one school to another...

might be a question of time, or a case of projection...

i have no intention of defending either Christianity or the church and i say that as a roman catholic in a protestant country.. when a group defends abusers then it taints the whole group in the same way male rapists taint all males..

those male who use the witness like protections the tq+ give them to mask previous abuse convictions is where this is similar to the rc church.. add onto that those in power who stymie investigations because they to are also abusers is another similarity..

don't have to move them around if the media censor and mask the stories for what ever reason we see that with the rotherham grooming gangs where police classified the victims as sluts (age 10+)and the bbc at the time labeled them prostitutes (at 10+) and even with pride and drag queens as media like the bbc edit out such details..

where the uk isn't rc the same types did it to those in care, and celebrity abusers like saville even had the doctors/nurses turning a blind eye to him abusing patients on their wards.. abusers will use whoever will offer the most protections the more protections a group gets the more abusers it attracts..

a society that protects abuse of the young doesnt deserve to thrive or survive.
edit on 7-9-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: nickyw

2 recent cases highlight these issues a senior editor of number of major left wing media outlets has been stymying investigations into abuse since the 1990s, for the uk these centered on care homes not churches, Ty Mawr, Bryn Estyn and many others has now been convicted of ... the other is the convicted sex offender drag queen who founded pride events..

whether its rochdale and the so called westminster pedo ring or rotherham and the muslim grooming gangs these scandals keep appearing and it feels some are being incredibly naive to think their side doesn't have abusers, liberal conservative religious or not.. as a survivor i have zero illusions on this..

anyone who is willing to erode societies safeguards because they feel their side doesn't need safeguards is opening the door to abusers

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

at school in the 70s we had plenty of gays and lesbians, a few transexuals even a few with fetishes who wanted to try things like feminine hygiene products (went to an rc school these where freely available in the girls loos), aside from the normal child bullying tropes the fat boy/girl, the slut girl, the fleabag, the four eyes etc no one was bullied for being lesbian/gay/weird, i guess this shows a cultural divide, what i see today is plenty of young girls upset about sharing toilet facilities with boys who look over stolls and try to capture them going to the toilet on their phones to share with their mates..

In response to the rise in abuse some schools now lock toilets or only allow certain toilets to remain open and some schools have introduced a red card system so that girls can say when they come on and use a red card when they need to go change, next step would be to put up period huts in the playgrounds.. from my point of view i see us going backwards.

for some its becoming far more common to not go to the toilet at school, risking toxic shock for some or like many older women at work having to find a toilet outside school/workplace that is safe to use, akin to the victorian urinary leash...

it seems the current answers are not answers but kids won't complain as they don't really know differently.. there have been protests in uk schools over these policies that remind me of the protests we had at school against corporal punishment that led to cp being banned in the 1980s.. though then we clashed with the police.. those clashes set the scene for later poll tax riots.. i'm sure kids today will do something similar to the way they rejected masks in the end..

edit on 7-9-2023 by nickyw because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion
In my opinion, it is pretty lame a cowardly to go after one of the smallest and most vulnerable minority demographics to get votes and politicians have no business meddling in medical decisions.

If LGBx and trans people are making more noise than they used to, I think they have the right to stick up for themselves when threatened by oppression and ignorance.

Hey, appreciated your post. I have some responses but don't have the time at the moment to type them all out. Just wanted you to know I did see it, and will come back later this evening probably to write out a proper response.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Individuals abusing legal loopholes, is not the same as a top down organised structures actively protecting them.

We know of one group that did that, accusing others without a shred of proof is not a wise course of action.

that this is coordinated and not individuals doing what individuals do, should be easy to proof.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

It cost the state and taxpayers when the blotched surgeries of sex change and mutilations become emergency medical care. 

And yes if the medical institutions that give gender transition can prove is medical necessary for the patient to have sex change Medicaid can paid a portion of it.

Serious complications from vaginoplasty and "botched surgeries" are extremely rare. This is not crossing the border to have kitchen table surgery in 1960s Tijuana. Satisfaction rates are high and regret rates are very low - 1% to 2%. In comparison, regret rates for knee, hip and bariatric surgery range from 18% to 30%.

In most of the states banning gender related surgeries for minors, which is also extremely rare, have provisions excluding coverage under Medicaid.

Neither is mutilation of the body to achieve a desirable look and sadly never works as intended and the side effects are for life.

Here is a suggestion. I've read your comments in other threads and your hate and disgust toward trans people comes through loud and clear. So much so that it easy to write you off as some lunatic crank when you repeatedly use only hyperbolic dogwhistles like "mutilation" in your hit and run posts. Maybe if you tone it down a little, you might get a little more traction? Just sayin'.

Also, I'd like to know what are "side effects for life"?


originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Hey, appreciated your post. I have some responses but don't have the time at the moment to type them all out. Just wanted you to know I did see it, and will come back later this evening probably to write out a proper response.

Thanks, I look forward to it (kind of? LOL). Out for a bit this afternoon myself.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

It cost the state and taxpayers when the blotched surgeries of sex change and mutilations become emergency medical care. 

And yes if the medical institutions that give gender transition can prove is medical necessary for the patient to have sex change Medicaid can paid a portion of it.

Serious complications from vaginoplasty and "botched surgeries" are extremely rare. This is not crossing the border to have kitchen table surgery in 1960s Tijuana. Satisfaction rates are high and regret rates are very low - 1% to 2%. In comparison, regret rates for knee, hip and bariatric surgery range from 18% to 30%.

In most of the states banning gender related surgeries for minors, which is also extremely rare, have provisions excluding coverage under Medicaid.

Neither is mutilation of the body to achieve a desirable look and sadly never works as intended and the side effects are for life.

Here is a suggestion. I've read your comments in other threads and your hate and disgust toward trans people comes through loud and clear. So much so that it easy to write you off as some lunatic crank when you repeatedly use only hyperbolic dogwhistles like "mutilation" in your hit and run posts. Maybe if you tone it down a little, you might get a little more traction? Just sayin'.

Also, I'd like to know what are "side effects for life"?


originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
Hey, appreciated your post. I have some responses but don't have the time at the moment to type them all out. Just wanted you to know I did see it, and will come back later this evening probably to write out a proper response.

Thanks, I look forward to it (kind of? LOL). Out for a bit this afternoon myself.

These are classical responses by the trans lobby and the gender ideologues. Trying to justify and support the use of harmful drugs, hormones, and body part mutilations, so to further an agenda which us based on nothing more than a debunked ideology.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Debunked in your mind only.

Try Neuroscience.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

Serious complications from vaginoplasty and "botched surgeries" are extremely rare. This is not crossing the border to have kitchen table surgery in 1960s Tijuana. Satisfaction rates are high and regret rates are very low - 1% to 2%. In comparison, regret rates for knee, hip and bariatric surgery range from 18% to 30%.


Female-to-male genital reconstruction surgery has a high negative outcome rate, including urethral compromise and worsened mental health.

The results of a 2021 international survey [1] of 129 female-to-male patients who underwent genital reconstruction surgery support anecdotal reports that complication rates following genital reconstruction are higher than are commonly reported in the surgical literature.

Complication rates, including urethral compromise, and worsened mental health outcomes remain high for gender affirming penile reconstruction. In total, the 129 patients reported 281 complications requiring 142 revisions.

Another paper [2] found a 70% complication rate in one type of female-to-male genital reconstruction surgery.

Even with the “radial forearm free flap” method of creating a synthetic penis — “considered by many as the gold standard for phalloplasty” [3] — there are high rates of complications, with up to 64% urethroplasty related complications [4].

Medical transition puts both males and females at risk of infertility.

Genital surgeries tend to reduce the capacity for orgasm in males, and may do so in females.

One study showed that around 30% of male-to-female genital surgeries result in the inability to orgasm [1].

Figures on female-to-male transitioners are less clear. However, a clinical follow-up study [2] of 38 transmen – 29 of whom had received phalloplasty, and 9 metoidioplasty – found that reported loss of orgasmic capacity was more marginally common than reported gain of orgasmic capacity.

The negative intrapsychic and interpersonal consequences of anorgasmia (the inability to climax) is well-documented, and applies equally to transgender individuals [3].

Vaginoplasty can result in fistula, stenosis, necrosis, prolapse and even death.

Male-to-female genital surgery (vaginoplasty) is associated with significant long-term complications: there is a 2% risk of fistula, 14% risk of stenosis (abnormal narrowing), 1% risk of necrosis (tissue death) and 4% risk of prolapse [1].

One systematic review [2] found an overall complication rate of 32.5%.

A Dutch study [3] of 55 (out of an original 70) adolescents treated with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, and genital surgery, showed that among 22 male-to-female patients who underwent vaginoplasty, one adolescent died as a result of necrotizing fasciitis after the surgery.

Around 1 in 5 vaginoplasty surgeries lead to corrective surgery.

A systematic review [1] of neo-vagina surgeries found a re-operation rate of 21.7% for non-esthetic reasons.

A Brazilian paper [2] found a somewhat lower, but similar, reoperation rate of 16.8%.

There is evidence that up to a quarter of transgender genital surgeries result in incontinence.

As more and people are doing medical procedures of mutilations to achieve a sex they were no born with, the cases are going to skyrocket.

Mutilation of the genital area for males and females is going to become a life time crisis for the majority.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Stats for Gender is powered by Genspect

Genspect is known for criticizing and opposing gender-affirming care, as well as social and medical transition for transgender people. Genspect opposes allowing transgender people under 25 years old to transition. Genspect opposes laws that would ban conversion therapy on the basis of gender identity and opposes public health coverage for transgender healthcare at any age.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: marg6043
I am sorry but data compiled from unspecified sources by Stats for Gender Org, which is a faction of the fringe notably anti-trans group Genspect, is unreliable and heavily biased propaganda and hyperbole.

Genspect is an international group founded in June 2021 by psychotherapist Stella O'Malley that describes itself as gender-critical.[1][2][3][4] Genspect is known for criticizing and opposing gender-affirming care, as well as social and medical transition for transgender people.[5][6] Genspect opposes allowing transgender people under 25 years old to transition,[7][8][9] opposes laws that would ban conversion therapy on the basis of gender identity,[10] and opposes public health coverage for transgender healthcare at any age.[7] Genspect also endorses the concept of rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD), which proposes a subclass of gender dysphoria caused by peer influence and social contagion. ROGD has been rejected by major medical organisations due to its lack of evidence and likelihood to cause harm by stigmatizing gender-affirming care.[11][12][13][14][15]

Genspect's positions are contradicted by major medical organizations such as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the Endocrine Society, the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which states "robust evidence demonstrates that access to gender-affirming care decreases risk of suicidal ideations, improves mental health, and improves the overall health and well-being of transgender and gender-diverse youth".

Stella O'Malley of Stats for Gender, Genspect and a variety of other fringe front groups is a conservative extremist leader in the "gender critical" (TERF) movement.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 07:11 PM

"Not THAT science!!"

Cant make this crap up.

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