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Horrified hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender

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posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:50 PM
I am a mom & nanny in Seattle. They start the "trans" agenda young, here. Before covid, I had been seeing it at toddler settings, during circle time, and this is after a morning gym play, babies were there at circle time as well. The group leaders and parents would change pronouns in toddler songs, for example, "Old MacDonald" is now a "they/them" because "they/them" could "choose to be a man, a woman, both man and woman or niether man or woman." Toddlers and babies. I also recently took my son to a huge animal sanctuary here in WA state, and they had signs telling guests to not use pronouns other than "they/them" for any of the animals, because "animals can not speak and tell us what their preffered pronouns are." Not even the staff followed the rule, they called the animals by their names and told us if they were female or male. My own son, in the 1st grade, had gotten a homework assignment asking him to choose his gender. Like before, he could "choose" to be "a boy, a girl, a boy AND a girl, or niether boy or girl." I tweeted about it, and local news, then world-wide MSM caught onto it and reported on it. Even Russia made fun of us. So embarrassing. The school's defense was that they were "teaching diversity" and teaching "to accept other people of different identities" why did they tell 7-year-olds they can each "choose" their gender, and then send an assignment asking them to make themselves as a "snow-person" with thier "chosen gender." So are they born in the wrong body or are they choosing daily they want to be a different gender? It's confusing as heck to me as a 38-year-old woman, how does it sound to a 7-year-old?

Last thing I'll say is that I studied Early Childhood Education at North Seattle College, with some of the most liberal teachers (big Obama fans) and they didn't teach me that children can be "born in the wrong bodies". They taught me psychology as well, and how to handle issues involving children and abuse, how to help them to grieve when there is a death, and other such life tragedies that could arise, but never was I taught about "gender dysphoria." From my own experience, that is 20 years as a nanny now, children don't think this way, unless they are being fed the agenda. That's all I have to say.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

Lying is the best thing to undermine your own credibility, so carry on.

It bothers the living # out of me that parents are alowed to disfigure their kids at will.

It's you and the likes that don't want to acknowledge circumcision to be just as sick of a practice. And we all know why...

Yes let's make it illegal but let's also be thorough. Otherwise this outcry for kids well being is nothing but a weak showcase of doublestandards.

Enough with the sikos mutilating their kids....

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:52 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: AlienBorg

Anything to say about the story and the trans ideology trying to indoctrinate and brainwash kids to believe they're in the wrong bodies.

So far I only see definitive proof of one person, being either victim or peddling, indoctrination and brainwashing techniques.

Unfortunately this thread indicates it's the OP!

Maybe you show proof of your claims, and show us the field guides for this indoctrination?

Your attempts have been noted but it's very few of you who try to push the trans agenda. You keep getting refuted, unless you haven't noticed.

Imagine what kind of ideology you're supporting when you're ok with 'gender affirming care' for minors and at the same time the fact it happens through indoctrination even at a very young age doesn't seem to bother you at all.

Show us this 'pushing' in Sure I'll even take a field guide or manual.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

Yes, your 'pushing' transgender agenda, ideology is supposedly in an employee DEI training video at Kaiser, so it does come down to a video in relation to your claims to Kaiser.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

I didn't make any claims with regards to the video btw or any other claims in general. The trans agenda is pushed to kids by adults. That's a fact. I just gave the story and commented on the trans ideology. I didn't even say anything about who is pushing the agenda other than adults.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
It's you and the likes that don't want to acknowledge circumcision to be just as sick of a practice. And we all know why...:

Dude ... we get it ... you were circumcised as a baby and aren't happy about it now. Start a thread about it.
edit on 9/4/2023 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

The whistleblower said and nobody from the hospital said the opposite.

Yes, adults are pushing the trans ideology to kids.
Who is giving hormones and 'puberty' blockers to kids? Adults

Who is performing child mutilations? Adults

Who is teaching and indoctrinating kids they could be in the wrong body? Adults

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Terpene

You have been trying to make comparisons between the 'gender affirming' child mutilations and circumcisions. Only the fact you tried to draw parallels shows how desperate your arguments are. And...I didn't notice anyone trying to make threads supporting circumcisions.

This argument has been refuted so many times.

To the point of this conversation.
How else can child mutilations happens in the trans scene? First you need to indoctrinate and brainwash little kids who may think they're the other gender and they're probably in the wrong body.

Classical example the story of this thread.

(post by Terpene removed for a manners violation)

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

You have spent an entire day trying to defend the trans ideology! Well done!

Do you think little kids can come up with the idea they are in the wrong body?

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: AlienBorg

Anything to say about the story and the trans ideology trying to indoctrinate and brainwash kids to believe they're in the wrong bodies.

So far I only see definitive proof of one person, being either victim or peddling, indoctrination and brainwashing techniques.

Unfortunately this thread indicates it's the OP!

Maybe you show proof of your claims, and show us the field guides for this indoctrination?

Your attempts have been noted but it's very few of you who try to push the trans agenda. You keep getting refuted, unless you haven't noticed.

Imagine what kind of ideology you're supporting when you're ok with 'gender affirming care' for minors and at the same time the fact it happens through indoctrination even at a very young age doesn't seem to bother you at all.

Show us this 'pushing' in Sure I'll even take a field guide or manual.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

Yes, your 'pushing' transgender agenda, ideology is supposedly in an employee DEI training video at Kaiser, so it does come down to a video in relation to your claims to Kaiser.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

I didn't make any claims with regards to the video btw or any other claims in general. The trans agenda is pushed to kids by adults. That's a fact. I just gave the story and commented on the trans ideology. I didn't even say anything about who is pushing the agenda other than adults.

When it comes to this hospital, yes, you are claiming it is pushing the transgender agenda ... your 1

Nobody said anything about medical interventions.
That's a strawman argument as usual. Learn to read the stories first and then you can engage in your own denialism.

The 'transition' doesn't start with surgeries or hormones but with indoctrination and brainwashing. You start at a very young age pushing absolute nonsense to unsuspected kids.

Nice try but as always you loose...

If I were to read the story you posted, as you advise me to do, then the implication that I should arrive at is 'transition', indoctrination, brainwashing...starting at a very young age.

Well I read the story and now I need proof, yet there is no proof.

And I am not loose.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

He spelt it wrong on purpose because he's not a loser.

how would you know how to spell the word looser when you are not a loser?

It's very sad when that's the only kind of argument one is able to processe...

edit on 4-9-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

The whistleblower said and nobody from the hospital said the opposite.

Yes, adults are pushing the trans ideology to kids.
Who is giving hormones and 'puberty' blockers to kids? Adults

Who is performing child mutilations? Adults

Who is teaching and indoctrinating kids they could be in the wrong body? Adults

The only reason I am on this thread is to find the truth in your claim and the whistleblower's claim that Kaiser is without a doubt pushing a transgender ideology. What I need now is actual proof and you come up short as usual.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

The whistleblower said and nobody from the hospital said the opposite.

Yes, adults are pushing the trans ideology to kids.
Who is giving hormones and 'puberty' blockers to kids? Adults

Who is performing child mutilations? Adults

Who is teaching and indoctrinating kids they could be in the wrong body? Adults

The only reason I am on this thread is to find the truth in your claim and the whistleblower's claim that Kaiser is without a doubt pushing a transgender ideology. What I need now is actual proof and you come up short as usual.

The only you appear in similar threads and this one is to try to find some holes in the stories to try to defend the trans ideology and 'gender affirming care'. And you always fail.

If you want the video then you can ask the whistleblower. But it doesn't make any difference in regards to the trans agenda which has been created by activists and deluded adults. This isn't something kids have come up with...

I haven't made any claims. I am just giving the story and commenting on the trans agenda. The story doesn't have any names given. Even the whistleblower is anonymous. But the hospital or anyone else hasn't refused or dismissed this version of events. We could consider it true.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: AlienBorg

Anything to say about the story and the trans ideology trying to indoctrinate and brainwash kids to believe they're in the wrong bodies.

So far I only see definitive proof of one person, being either victim or peddling, indoctrination and brainwashing techniques.

Unfortunately this thread indicates it's the OP!

Maybe you show proof of your claims, and show us the field guides for this indoctrination?

Your attempts have been noted but it's very few of you who try to push the trans agenda. You keep getting refuted, unless you haven't noticed.

Imagine what kind of ideology you're supporting when you're ok with 'gender affirming care' for minors and at the same time the fact it happens through indoctrination even at a very young age doesn't seem to bother you at all.

Show us this 'pushing' in Sure I'll even take a field guide or manual.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

Yes, your 'pushing' transgender agenda, ideology is supposedly in an employee DEI training video at Kaiser, so it does come down to a video in relation to your claims to Kaiser.

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it?

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video.

I didn't make any claims with regards to the video btw or any other claims in general. The trans agenda is pushed to kids by adults. That's a fact. I just gave the story and commented on the trans ideology. I didn't even say anything about who is pushing the agenda other than adults.

When it comes to this hospital, yes, you are claiming it is pushing the transgender agenda ... your 1

Nobody said anything about medical interventions.
That's a strawman argument as usual. Learn to read the stories first and then you can engage in your own denialism.

The 'transition' doesn't start with surgeries or hormones but with indoctrination and brainwashing. You start at a very young age pushing absolute nonsense to unsuspected kids.

Nice try but as always you loose...

If I were to read the story you posted, as you advise me to do, then the implication that I should arrive at is 'transition', indoctrination, brainwashing...starting at a very young age.

Well I read the story and now I need proof, yet there is no proof.

And I am not loose.

Again as you may misunderstood what is claimed and by whom

The agenda doesn't come down to a video.
Several states have banned child mutilations. Why do you think they did it? There is an obvious agenda and business behind this type of 'care'.

Better come with better arguments rather than trying to connect the entire trans ideology with a video. As I said earlier.

I didn't make any claims with regards to the video btw or any other claims in general. The trans agenda is pushed to kids by adults. That's a fact. I just gave the story and commented on the trans ideology. I didn't even say anything about who is pushing the agenda other than adults.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

The whistleblower said and nobody from the hospital said the opposite.

Yes, adults are pushing the trans ideology to kids.
Who is giving hormones and 'puberty' blockers to kids? Adults

Who is performing child mutilations? Adults

Who is teaching and indoctrinating kids they could be in the wrong body? Adults

The only reason I am on this thread is to find the truth in your claim and the whistleblower's claim that Kaiser is without a doubt pushing a transgender ideology. What I need now is actual proof and you come up short as usual.

The only you appear in similar threads and this one is to try to find some holes in the stories to try to defend the trans ideology and 'gender affirming care'. And you always fail.

If you want the video then you can ask the whistleblower. But it doesn't make any difference in regards to the trans agenda which has been created by activists and deluded adults. This isn't something kids have come up with...

I haven't made any claims. I am just giving the story and commenting on the trans agenda. The story doesn't have any names given. Even the whistleblower is anonymous. But the hospital or anyone else hasn't refused or dismissed this version of events. We could consider it true.

That's not true. I am here asking for proof because the accusations from the whistleblower and yourself could be taken as slander.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 03:30 PM
Training hospital staff to think three year olds can be TRANS certainly is frightening.
Looks like the Transgender lobby is proudly sticking to their nefarious agenda.
Worth a re-read -

Far Left Feminist Professor Praises Transgender Agenda for Frightening People

The Berkeley professor said the movement's agenda to change the reality about gender is going to be 'very frightening'.

A gender studies professor at the University of California at Berkeley said the transgender agenda is supposed to make people "uncomfortable" and has aims at "changing reality."

Butler further acknowledged that the transgender agenda – to redefine the terms sex and gender – is designed to make people uncomfortable, "even among progressive and liberal people".

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

First you need to indoctrinate and brainwash little kids who may think they're the other gender and they're probably in the wrong body.

Maybe they should just do it on newborns then?
That would save them alot of trouble, if it was only about the parents stupid ideology.
But it isn't!

That's the other 60% of the USA that thinks like that.
So maybe stop the projection.
Not everyone is as sick as those actually practicing child mutilation.

edit on 4-9-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

You have spent an entire day trying to defend the trans ideology! Well done!

Do you think little kids can come up with the idea they are in the wrong body?

Imagine being a kid, just trying to be a kid, and then trying to defend yourself against one of these predators. No argument will stop them from their agenda. Relentless until they get you to agree you might be trans, gay, or somehow not just normal a kid. filth of filth.

Also, don't waste your time on these people. It's obvious they will defend their predatory nature at any cost.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

If this was initiated by children then this would have been going on since time started.

But it hasn't. Adults with an agenda are initiating this.

Adults with an agenda have been suppressing it! Now that they are free to talk, it's everywhere. That's just as probable as a scenario if not more so. (is it really everywhere, or just some Republicans political talking points?)
The real question becomes what the actual # have we done to them till now?

If anything is being pushed it's inclusivity.
meaning, people talk about themselves more openly.

That only scares one bunch of humans, don't be that bunch of humans.

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