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Horrified hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender

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posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

If this was initiated by children then this would have been going on since time started.

But it hasn't. Adults with an agenda are initiating this.

If anything is being pushed it's inclusivity.
meaning, people talk about themselves more openly.

That only scares one bunch of humans, don't be that bunch of humans.



posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

hear hear!

because those genderspecials can obviously do no wrong

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

If this was initiated by children then this would have been going on since time started.

But it hasn't. Adults with an agenda are initiating this.

Adults with an agenda have been suppressing it! Now that they are free to talk, it's everywhere. That's just as probable as a scenario if not more so. (is it really everywhere, or just some Republicans political talking points?)
The real question becomes what the actual # have we done to them till now?

If anything is being pushed it's inclusivity.
meaning, people talk about themselves more openly.

That only scares one bunch of humans, don't be that bunch of humans.


It's been a conspiracy for 50,000 years to brainwash our children to be heterosexual.

And you are pushing excluvity. Only your Marxist ideology is allowed.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ignoring everything else that contributes to a topic but some fundamentals about sexual reproduction.
sounds like Reductio ad absurdum and will only make you a sex driven monkey.

Is that what you think humanity is, or should use as the base for their reasoning?

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ignoring everything else that contributes to a topic but some fundamentals about sexual reproduction.
sounds like Reductio ad absurdum and will only make you a sex driven monkey.

Is that what you think humanity is, or should use as the base for their reasoning?

Word salad.

Can I have some crushed black pepper please.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 07:52 PM
old trick to be vague when you want your detailed point to be thought of for brainwashing public

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

If this was initiated by children then this would have been going on since time started.

But it hasn't. Adults with an agenda are initiating this.

If anything is being pushed it's inclusivity.
meaning, people talk about themselves more openly.

That only scares one bunch of humans, don't be that bunch of humans.



3 year old children????

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: SigmaXSquared
Common practice to record psychiatric patients for academic purpose

It's a video of kids talking about their feelings, you know that 1st amendment stuff

The immediate hostile reaction from people here is laughable, everyone has demonstrated a clear double standard

Free speech is to be protected at all cost unless it means kids talking about gender to their qualified physician, how else do you diagnose your patient


I don't think coaching children to accept gender roles to satisfy Cultural Marxist ideology is enshrined in the Constitution.

I could be wrong though. . . .

Haven't seen video in question, article is hearsay, all we have is speculation about what those children said or why they said it

Your interpretation is valid as mine

There is no constitution decree saying kids must not explore concepts of gender with qualified medical staff

Everything else around this publication is speculation

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: AlienBorg

First you need to indoctrinate and brainwash little kids who may think they're the other gender and they're probably in the wrong body.

Maybe they should just do it on newborns then?
That would save them alot of trouble, if it was only about the parents stupid ideology.
But it isn't!

That's the other 60% of the USA that thinks like that.
So maybe stop the projection.
Not everyone is as sick as those actually practicing child mutilation.

If they were allowed to approach newborns then I am sure they would have tried songs and stories about being in the wrong body, the infinite spectrum of genders, explore yourself and the many possibilities, dance and trans, the rainbow queen, and the rest... I am sure they're pushing them to the kids who at least understand a few things.

Remember, the trans ideology relies on lies and deception, antiscientific claims, indoctrination and brainwash. So before any transition happens and from a very young age the children must be indoctrinated and even brainwashed.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

You have spent an entire day trying to defend the trans ideology! Well done!

Do you think little kids can come up with the idea they are in the wrong body?

Imagine being a kid, just trying to be a kid, and then trying to defend yourself against one of these predators. No argument will stop them from their agenda. Relentless until they get you to agree you might be trans, gay, or somehow not just normal a kid. filth of filth.

Also, don't waste your time on these people. It's obvious they will defend their predatory nature at any cost.

Until the state outlaws the transgender propaganda just as many states did with 'gender affirming care' and until the parents kick out from schools all gender ideologues and activists.

I am not debating much in this thread, there is nothing new to debate btw. These threads are good for exposing the trans ideology and expose further the position of the gender ideologues and trans activists. They're loosing at every thread and their arguments have been refuted again and again.

Only trans activists and gender ideologues will come to defend this debunked ideology. They forgot the reasons why several states made 'gender affirming care' illegal and why so many sports have banned transwomen from female competitions. They seem to have a short term selective memory.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: AlienBorg

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: AlienBorg
Who do you think is pushing this agenda?

Right now in this case, you and people like you.

Your biased opinion is noted, however I was asking the OP a direct question that he won't answer for a thousand pages so far.

That has been answered long time ago. You made strawman arguments that have been refuted and you are further exposing your arguments by supporting openly the trans ideology.

If you want to find who these adults are then ask the whistleblower. I don't work for them. But the push for the agenda is there.

Deflection. You were the one who identified 'adults' as pushing. Show us proof of these adults pushing the ideology.

Yes because it's adults who are pushing the trans agenda to minors. 3 year old kids don't know about 'trans' issues....

How does this pushing relate to the DEI video from Kaiser hospital? Nobody here has seen it and this is what your thread is all about.

For the video you need to ask the whistleblower. Not me.

If what they're saying is untrue the hospital will come back and dismiss it. There hasn't been any counter argument and stories yet. Unlikely they will be in the future.

But again if you think the trans agenda comes down to a video you have forgotten how many others threads and stories are here.

You are making claims from the video that the whistleblower claims that Kaiser is pushing 3 year old children identifying as transgender. Isn't that what your thread title implies?

Then you run with it claiming 'adults' are pushing the transgender ideology without posting the offending video so we all can see it and judge for ourselves what the video is actually showing/instructing. Isn't that correct?

The whistleblower said and nobody from the hospital said the opposite.

Yes, adults are pushing the trans ideology to kids.
Who is giving hormones and 'puberty' blockers to kids? Adults

Who is performing child mutilations? Adults

Who is teaching and indoctrinating kids they could be in the wrong body? Adults

The only reason I am on this thread is to find the truth in your claim and the whistleblower's claim that Kaiser is without a doubt pushing a transgender ideology. What I need now is actual proof and you come up short as usual.

The only you appear in similar threads and this one is to try to find some holes in the stories to try to defend the trans ideology and 'gender affirming care'. And you always fail.

If you want the video then you can ask the whistleblower. But it doesn't make any difference in regards to the trans agenda which has been created by activists and deluded adults. This isn't something kids have come up with...

I haven't made any claims. I am just giving the story and commenting on the trans agenda. The story doesn't have any names given. Even the whistleblower is anonymous. But the hospital or anyone else hasn't refused or dismissed this version of events. We could consider it true.

That's not true. I am here asking for proof because the accusations from the whistleblower and yourself could be taken as slander.

What slander are you talking about?!
There is a whistleblower out there who has made some allegations. If the Hospital wanted to go against them they would have done it already. They haven't. Unlikely they will do in the future.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

If this was initiated by children then this would have been going on since time started.

But it hasn't. Adults with an agenda are initiating this.

Adults with an agenda have been suppressing it! Now that they are free to talk, it's everywhere. That's just as probable as a scenario if not more so. (is it really everywhere, or just some Republicans political talking points?)
The real question becomes what the actual # have we done to them till now?

If anything is being pushed it's inclusivity.
meaning, people talk about themselves more openly.

That only scares one bunch of humans, don't be that bunch of humans.

Hmmm... Inclusivity?
Who pushed 'inclusivity'? Some deluded adults who believe they're the other gender or that you can transition between genders. That's not inclusivity but paranoia!

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:32 PM
Not all children develop at the same rate.

Some children are very advanced at a younger age, not neccecarily prodigies, but still, there are some young children capable of strikingly well developed thought and vocal comprehension.

It would not surprise me that a three year old might start claiming to be a boy or a girl, and if they were my children, I'd just say "that's nice" and if they wanted to be called a different name, i would indulge them. If they wanted to play dress up as a way to express themselves, sure no harm done.

Children at that age are in the process of self discovery and exploration, and it's compelely natural to let them go through it at their own rate of development, but I certainly wouldn't start pushing for hormone therapy at that age.

I would teach them it's ok to be a girl in a boys body, or a boy in a girls body, and help guide them into accepting the incarnation and phsyical body they have been born into instead of denying it and attempting to surgically modify their bodies in an attempt to "fix" the problem.

For most children, it's a phase and they grow out of it with time.

I think the current trend of over indulging this type of explorative behaviour with young children and overdoing the positive reinforcement to be damaging in a lot of cases.

Angelina Jolies daughter went through a similiar phase, and they let her cut her hair and dress like a boy until she grew out of it. The young lady is now comfortable and secure in being a woman, and no harm was done.

There are far too many case examples of parents rushing in with medical and chemical intervention and the damage is irreperable. I can't tell you how many case stories of people who regret surgical procedure and talking about the dangers done to their health and well being under the hand of plastic surgery.

The young transgender, Jazz, who was all the rage a decade ago is regretting her full transition, and it's being broadcast on natuional television as a reality show. Jazz is tired of the maintence that goes into keeping her psuedovagina from closing up because the body want to heal itself, and Jazz is going through a lot of emotional regret about her transition.

These types of cautionary realities need to be more well known, the dangers of bottom surgery, the regret and realities of having the breasts removed at a young age and/or transitional age.

Making such drastic changes while the body and mind are still maturing is a bad decision, and I firmly believe there is an agenda by the phamacutical and plastic surgery (not to mention porn fetish communities) industries to push the transgender movement forward without being aware of the dangers and realities to undergoing such radical transitions.

edit on 9/4/23 by GENERAL EYES because: spelling

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: SigmaXSquared

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: SigmaXSquared
Common practice to record psychiatric patients for academic purpose

It's a video of kids talking about their feelings, you know that 1st amendment stuff

The immediate hostile reaction from people here is laughable, everyone has demonstrated a clear double standard

Free speech is to be protected at all cost unless it means kids talking about gender to their qualified physician, how else do you diagnose your patient


I don't think coaching children to accept gender roles to satisfy Cultural Marxist ideology is enshrined in the Constitution.

I could be wrong though. . . .

Haven't seen video in question, article is hearsay, all we have is speculation about what those children said or why they said it

Your interpretation is valid as mine

There is no constitution decree saying kids must not explore concepts of gender with qualified medical staff

Everything else around this publication is speculation

The smart thing would be to default this entire issue and leave children alone.

Why can't people leave other peoples children alone!

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
Not all children develop at the same rate.

Some children are very advanced at a younger age, not neccecarily prodigies, but still, there are some young children capable of strikingly well developed thought and vocal comprehension.

It would not surprise me that a three year old might start claiming to be a boy or a girl, and if they were my children, I'd just say "that's nice" and if they wanted to be called a different name, i would indulge them. If they wanted to play dress up as a way to express themselves, sure no harm done.

Children at that age are in the process of self discovery and exploration, and it's compelely natural to let them go through it at their own rate of development, but I certainly wouldn't start pushing for hormone therapy at that age.

I would teach them it's ok to be a girl in a boys body, or a boy in a girls body, and help guide them into accepting the incarnation and phsyical body they have been born into instead of denying it and attempting to surgically modify their bodies in an attempt to "fix" the problem.

For most children, it's a phase and they grow out of it with time.

I think the current trend of over indulging this type of explorative behaviour with young children and overdoing the positive reinforcement to be damaging in a lot of cases.

Angelina Jolies daughter went through a similiar phase, and they let her cut her hair and dress like a boy until she grew out of it. The young lady is now comfortable and secure in being a woman, and no harm was done.

There are far too many case examples of parents rushing in with medical and chemical intervention and the damage is irreperable. I can't tell you how many case stories of people who regret surgical procedure and talking about the dangers done to their helth and well being under the hand of plastic surgery.

The young transgender, Jazz, who was all the rage a decade ago is regretting her full transition, and it's being broadcast on natuional television as a reality show. Jazz is tired of the maintence that goes into keeping her psuedovagina from closing up because the body want to heal itself, and Jazz is going through a lot of emotional regret about her transition.

These types of cautionary realities need to be more well known, the dangers of bottom surgery, the regreat of having the breasts removed at a young age.

Making such drastic changes while the body and mind are still maturing is a bad decision, and I firmly believ ethere is an agenda by the phamacutical and plastic surgery (not to mention porn fetish) industries to push the transgender movement forward without being aware of the dangers and realities to undergoing such radical transitions.

When you're 3-4-5 years old you don't know anything about sexuality or what is meant to be trans or trans issues. These are just the views and ideas pushed by adults to unsuspected kids.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: AlienBorg

I asked my mom to explain sex and marriage when I was three years of age.

She went to the library and got several books she thought would help, age appropriate.

She explained the differences between the male and female reproductive system and how babies were made.

I knew from the age of three what my body was designed to do and why.

I still stand by my assertion that if the child brings the issue up on their own, it's natural.

An adult introducing these concepts to a child without the child expressing such ideas is wrong and confusing, and perverted in my opinion, and yes, a form of indoctrination and grooming.

I do not approve of the current trend of educators introducing these concepts to innocents while they are just busy being children and exploring at their own pace. It sickens me and needs to be reigned in.

A lot of the children they are targeting are autistic, chldren who overthink, overanalyze and internalizes everything and it's a form of abuse on sensitive kids.

If such a program had been in place when I was young, I would have been targeted because I prefered playing with racecars, dumptrucks and building blocks, traditional male-centric toys.

At the age of eight I asked my mother if I was really a boy because of my interests and preferences for things like toy soldiers, war games, rough and tumble and so forth. I didn't have the same interests as girls my age and found it easier to play with the boys back then.

My mother assured me there was nothing wrong with my interests, that girls could enjoy such things and that we were called "Tomboys" and it was completely natural.

She never once told me to deny my body or attempt to modify my sex organs to be "complaint".

The puberty hit and all that entails and I went through the blossoming into womanhood.

It was uncomfortable, as puberty usually is, but she guided me through it.

These days there are too many parents and "educators" encouraging kids who experience dysphoria to take proactive measures to deny reality, and instead embrace the mythology of Magical Scientific Solutions instead of teaching them to buck up and deal with it.

It's sick.

edit on 9/4/23 by GENERAL EYES because: spelling

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: AlienBorg

Lying is the best thing to undermine your own credibility, so carry on.

It bothers the living # out of me that parents are alowed to disfigure their kids at will.

It's you and the likes that don't want to acknowledge circumcision to be just as sick of a practice. And we all know why...

Yes let's make it illegal but let's also be thorough. Otherwise this outcry for kids well being is nothing but a weak showcase of doublestandards.

Enough with the sikos mutilating their kids....

This thread isn't about circumcisions and we haven't created any threads about the subject. I don't think there is support for it. But your attempts to compare circumcisions with 'gender affirming' child mutilations have been noted several times in an effort to trivialise them.

Lies come only from the side of the gender ideologues and trans activists who ate lying to themselves and the rest of the world. But they don't care as all they want is to push their twisted ideology especially to kids.

No wonder why Missouri and North Carolina a few days ago outlawed 'gender affirming care' for minors.

It seems the ideology you support doesn't have much future. Lies and deception can go forever and the same is true in every setting even if it's a hospital or a school where staff and parents have had enough.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ignoring everything else that contributes to a topic but some fundamentals about sexual reproduction.
sounds like Reductio ad absurdum and will only make you a sex driven monkey.

Is that what you think humanity is, or should use as the base for their reasoning?

Has humanity evolved passed sex driven monkey? Nope

And castrated children certainly shouldn't be the gadge that we have evolved passed sex driven monkey thats for sure.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Well, this isn't related specifically to the OP but...

The Messiah Complex:

We parents do become tired of being accused of exaggerating, lying or being “bigots” when we try to tell our stories of negligent or unethical clinician conduct in the care of our kids. Hence, I have included here only instances where the clinician or institution involved is clearly identifiable – statements made by clinicians to the media or in public lectures, information from gender clinic or hospital websites, and the like.

For what it's worth to you...

edit on 9-4-2023 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Tanks for confirming we shouldn't even try to interpret the uttered sounds of sex driven monkeys as anything remotely meaningful, they aren't capable of the same effort anyways.

edit on 5-9-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

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