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all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

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posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: nid6452

no offense but words on a screen isn't leaking, its just a story. bring something tangible to the table.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: nid6452
i have no interest in taking ats back to the pre era, was merely seeking what my uncles last words to me meant and someone has given me my answer, after this ill no longer be posting

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
I dont feel like this attempt to take ATS back to pre 2012 is going to be succesfull

everyone whose been here for ages sees what is happening and knows all these new accounts doing all this strange stuff are bs....

Ban me if you like but honestly

what.........tha fk..........are you guys doing

Up to 7.......SEVEN pages of pleading, begging, enabling and utter nonsense for what??

You got your answer and left us with nothing???

Nice move.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Mikemp44

Thanks. Mikemp, would it be ok to ask that you send healing energy to me? Thank you

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Mikemp44
a reply to: ntccutz

That is very interesting....

A mark on the thumb is not associated with druidic lineage as far as I know, but what I find most interesting is your dream. It IS possible you had an actual abduction and there may even be something implanted in your thumb, but the way they were dressed is something else entirely.

Skeletal garb with masks does bring something to mind, but to be sure I would need to ask a question of you. Were there any symbols you can remember? And if there was fire, what color was it?

This may not make sense but it matters, let me know.

I don’t remember any fire but i do remember it being very dark with like a metallic white/silver glow. The thing that has really stuck with me is the figures looking down at me.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 02:51 AM
So, one time you say you are going public and that anyone involved in this will know that this is you and you want this. Next post you say you are anonymous because you fear for your safety. One post you say you are preparing proof, next one you don't have anything. You do know that this incostistency shows that you are just being a troll (another mythological creature), do you?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
with closed mindedness even if the evidence is right in front of you, you would refuse to believe, hence why i said hold the crude comments, if you dont believe in the unexplainable
there is more out there than what you see or hear
a reply to: nid6452

Why don't you let us determine what evidence we will believe. Claiming noone will believe it is a great way to not release any evidence without sounding like you don't have evidence.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Mikemp44

I met one of your kind some months ago..I knew he was a druid the second bit met literally was a loud "knowing " in my head the moment we shook hands. Hung out with him and some friends late tha night. He proceeded to tell me I was VERY ancient and kept acting almost bashful and called me Metatron like a billion times, which I have no real idea what that means..but I could feel he was many centuries old but he FELT like, young to me I guess, it was an interesting experience...also have had witches and mediums panic when they see me and literally run for the hills and it makes me feel very strange because I feel like I know them somehow but they seem to hate me just cause. I feel like I've seen life on earth SO many times and also lots if odd stuff from infancy. I'm adopted and my birth records are closed so I cat find out who my bio rents are..did DNA tests (plural) and all say my paternal lineage traces back through dynasties and empires, the Basque, European royalty, Scottish kings, ottoman emperors, I'm O neg blood type, absurdly empathic and intuitive to the point I KNOW concretely intentions, truths and falsehoods, I can sense evil and it angers me, I am married in a life that I literally manifested somehow through accepting it as already occurring for 7 years and the it happened, I never was taught to read or what any words meant or how to use them, I simply just knew, same with literally everything I either already know but or can do it after an attempt, Dad was a pastor and got literally tired of being called out of crowds my entire life and being "prophesied" over by strangers who somehow knew about me..idk. just venting guess but I feel so strongly that I'm alive in this exact moment for something huge mbut no clue what it is. Thanks for listening!

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 10:53 AM
im not leaking, was searching for information which i haved received but thank you for your comment

originally posted by: jidnum
a reply to: nid6452

no offense but words on a screen isn't leaking, its just a story. bring something tangible to the table.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 10:57 AM
i know this and have done so on purpose because it allows me to know who is who
there is more negativity on ats than there was back in the day, those who dont believe without evidence wont believe with evidence and dismiss it as cgi or made up documents
surely you must know the quote read between the lines
thank you for your opinion though

originally posted by: baburak
So, one time you say you are going public and that anyone involved in this will know that this is you and you want this. Next post you say you are anonymous because you fear for your safety. One post you say you are preparing proof, next one you don't have anything. You do know that this incostistency shows that you are just being a troll (another mythological creature), do you?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 11:02 AM
because most of you wont believe with the truth staring you in the face anyway, so there is no point, ats has become a gathering of non believers and dismiss things to quickly, even with evidence, military members, congress members, and senators have come on here personally to try and tell people the truth and were dismissed immediately, many on here arent ready for the truth is my general consesus, those who were have emailed me directly, those who could make sense of the confusion and lack of evidence, those who knew where i was going with this have given me evidence, i never meant for this post to be successful, just to lure out those who believe, those who dont arent in tune with their intuition

originally posted by: EternalShadow

originally posted by: nid6452
i have no interest in taking ats back to the pre era, was merely seeking what my uncles last words to me meant and someone has given me my answer, after this ill no longer be posting

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
I dont feel like this attempt to take ATS back to pre 2012 is going to be succesfull

everyone whose been here for ages sees what is happening and knows all these new accounts doing all this strange stuff are bs....

Ban me if you like but honestly

what.........tha fk..........are you guys doing

Up to 7.......SEVEN pages of pleading, begging, enabling and utter nonsense for what??

You got your answer and left us with nothing???

Nice move.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:15 PM
I’m just sitting here with my popcorn ,watching this thread play out ! Interesting …

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: RhNegativeKing

Interesting … I think Metatron was Gods Scribe …I could be wrong on that …. I’m negative type blood as well . I wonder what that has to do with extra sensory perception.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Meldionne1

I A pos bloodtype.

sometimes called A "piece of sh**" in the military.

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: nid6452
yea i do
some of which are extinct
some of which are extraterrestrial
or locked up in the vatican
open your mind and quit being so closed
explain the gargoyle statues on most churches then
a reply to: ColeYounger

Gargoyles explained.

Does the Vatican have Unicorns?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: nid6452

Our motto is "Deny Ignorance".

Also, extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

Not seeing any at all, so far?

posted on Jul, 31 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: nid6452
Well nid I was gonna email you but it's gone. I tried to pm but can only pm staff, I guess cause I'm new? Not sure, but would love to know more

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
i know this and have done so on purpose because it allows me to know who is who
there is more negativity on ats than there was back in the day, those who dont believe without evidence wont believe with evidence and dismiss it as cgi or made up documents
surely you must know the quote read between the lines
thank you for your opinion though

originally posted by: baburak
So, one time you say you are going public and that anyone involved in this will know that this is you and you want this. Next post you say you are anonymous because you fear for your safety. One post you say you are preparing proof, next one you don't have anything. You do know that this incostistency shows that you are just being a troll (another mythological creature), do you?

LOL ... Really? "those who dont believe without evidence wont believe with evidence" ... you said that? Now I am sure that you are a mythological creature (a troll) .. you claim that you have evidence but won't release it because people don't believe you without evidence? Try to go to court with this approach haahaha

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
my uncle has recently passed on, he was a priest who shared with me videos, books, and pictures of things the public doesnt know about
since the church/vatican took all his belongings money and family heirlooms ive decided to leak what hes shared
1. because of him i was approached by a member of the vampyre council to be sired in when i was 18, i told them i wasnt ready yet, i know they will read this post, im ready now, they know who i am

2. we only think of rome as catholic, yet it has a much more rich history, before they burned down the library of alexandria, they kept some of the relics and readings
these things include the truth about our past

3. they have beings imprisoned in the vault that teach them how to rule the world, its time they be let free

4. not all demons are evil, 2 of them are very dear to me, as are a few angels

5. they tried to eradicate magick, the king arthur stoey is true, as is excalibur

hes shared so many experiencea with me because he knew that i wanted to know more, everything i could about what is hidden to supposedly keep humanity safe

everything that is hidden must come to light, God is light after all isnt He?....and not just that God
...all the Gods are real, mass belief keeps them in existence, of course they are vampiric, they feed off our prayers, i purposely didnt do this anonymously because its time the world knows, we are in chaos....chaos will only be stopped with the truth

please hold the crude comments, my uncle gave his life for this and if you dont believe me....they sent locks of his hair to the moon, now why would they do that
im currently seeking the paperwork so you have proof

ill answer any questions you have....but this post is specifically for the council....its time my friends, ill help you now

I have a few questions for you:

- Has the Church/Vatican ever had anything to say about vampires?
- Was there ever an "official" cause of death or conclusion as to what happened to your uncle?
- How are vampires sired? Does a vampire sire has any advantages/power over his progeny and further descendants?
- What are all the rules a formal vampire have to follow?
- Do you need permission from the Vampire Council to turn a human into a vampire? What are the risks?
- Where are they (the location)? How many vampires are in the Council? If you are the last of the family did the older vampires tell you to prepare somehow, if you would be the last?
- What really distinguishes a vampire from a normal human?
- Can people tell if a vampire is hunting them? Are there any tell-tale signs that people tend to ignore?

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Mikemp44
a reply to: nid6452

That's because it wasn't a cut.

Now as I promised, I will answer a question in return if you so wish.

Also do not despair at those who refute you, many do not know why they do it in the first place.

Hello please could you explain the significance of a scar in this location? Why would you ask this? I saw you mention about druids and being tuned with nature at times. I tried to message you for these questions but i can't. Please message me if you'd rather keep this knowledge from coming out.

One time I was in a pet shop with an old ex gf. We went to tarantula/ scorpion exhibits and she ran ahead of me excited. She looked around at all the boxes and with a sigh, exclaimed their were none stocked at this time. I felt bad for her she really wanted to see them. I stood there in front of the glass wall exhibit and after a couple seconds, all of the critters, it was like they all came alive. Every creepy crawly seemed to be walking into the glass towards me. I got the feeling they all liked me and knew I wanted to see them. My ex was amazed and grossed out. We both laughed and i didn't think much of it until you were telling OP about being in touch with nature.
edit on 1-8-2023 by Hadriel because: 1 more question

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 10:27 AM
i cant explain that only that it didnt bleed
i am in tune with nature, cats, dogs, when i visit a zoo the animals try to get to me, idk, i have to have a conversation with mike about this

originally posted by: Hadriel

originally posted by: Mikemp44
a reply to: nid6452

That's because it wasn't a cut.

Now as I promised, I will answer a question in return if you so wish.

Also do not despair at those who refute you, many do not know why they do it in the first place.

Hello please could you explain the significance of a scar in this location? Why would you ask this? I saw you mention about druids and being tuned with nature at times. I tried to message you for these questions but i can't. Please message me if you'd rather keep this knowledge from coming out.

One time I was in a pet shop with an old ex gf. We went to tarantula/ scorpion exhibits and she ran ahead of me excited. She looked around at all the boxes and with a sigh, exclaimed their were none stocked at this time. I felt bad for her she really wanted to see them. I stood there in front of the glass wall exhibit and after a couple seconds, all of the critters, it was like they all came alive. Every creepy crawly seemed to be walking into the glass towards me. I got the feeling they all liked me and knew I wanted to see them. My ex was amazed and grossed out. We both laughed and i didn't think much of it until you were telling OP about being in touch with nature.

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