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all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

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posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
my uncle has recently passed on, he was a priest who shared with me videos, books, and pictures of things the public doesnt know about

Vampires were a relatively rare phenomenon even back in the middle ages. Today, they are allegedly confined to remote villages in eastern European countries like Hungary and Russia. Slavic vampires are real, they are driven by the urge to inflict harm, not bloodlust.

1. NGL this sounds like a scene straight out of Gotham, when an uncle from the Court of Owls approaches James Gordon with an offer.

2. This is a very curious claim. ATS user WanderingMrM confirmed for me about the existence of a sect which burned down the Library of Alexandria, did they ever mention anything about a "Mother"?

3. Did they ever say anything about the creation of a vampire monarch?

4. Tell me, how do you distinguish between angels and daemons?

5. Regarding Excalibur, what do you make of these posts? -

originally posted by: nid6452
...and not just that God... all the Gods are real,
The deity of western Christians is no god, but a monster. The deity of eastern Orthodoxy is real.

Thomas Jefferson pointed out that the world population is inhabited by millions upon millions of people, professing a thousand different systems of religion, each claiming to be the bearer of truth, and that Christianity is but one of thousands; if there is but one right path, then obviously the other 999 sects are wrong and should pour into one sect.

The Romans built a monument to an unknown god at Athens, an universal god was incomprehensible to them: if a thousand warring sects each pray to the same deity, then the majority of sects are praying to empty air.

But the ancient Persians and Germans should be commended for seeking freedom as their highest ideal (their god):

"Let the enemies of the Persians be ruled by democracies; but let us choose out from the citizens a certain number of the worthiest, and put the government into their hands." (Megabyzus)

"Let Syria and Asia play the slave: the East is used to tyrants: but there are many still living in Gaul who were born before the days of tribute." (Civilis)

For comparison, Molotov writes: "It’s normal for the bourgeoisie to have some unknown soldier. For us communists, it’s not every soldier but only those who helped in the struggle against imperialism. These are the soldiers we should glorify."

So too should only gods worthy of reverence be selected from the crowd, the rest can be discarded.

originally posted by: nid6452
mass belief keeps them in existence, of course they are vampiric, they feed off our prayers,
The thought-form concept is hardly new, it's been around since theosophists. Not all gods are thought-forms.

Not mass-belief, but mass-perception, an image or symbol needs to be first glimpsed by millions then pondered upon, it must have both a shape and a name to be identified. When people hear god, they think of a white bearded man sitting in the clouds, to which they ascribe the name Jehovah.

Thought-forms mustn't be called vampiric, as they lack urges, willful intent, motive force; it'd be better to say they're actively sustained by prayers.
edit on 30-7-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 02:14 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
they sent locks of his hair to the moon, now why would they do that?
Based on a translated Russian comment I read, the child seer Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov (Slavik) claimed:

1) demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us.
2) demons invite people to be healed inside their UFOs, those who accept will be like zombies.
3) government provides demons with diamonds and allows them to abduct people, demons use diamonds and "souls" to power their UFOs.
4) Demons allegedly have 4 UFO bases: moon, Mount Kailash in Tibet, Lake Baikal in Russia, Atlantis.

Yet at the same time, Slavik insisted there were no aliens and nobody lives on other planets, I reject both claims.

1) Mimics are a well-documented phenomena, these cases are often mistaken for time travelers.

3) I'm only willing to indulge this claim based on something an exceptional clairvoyant friend mentioned to me once: "My youngest uncle is going to be talking about the time he was basically abducted, had a fake job in a fake building hire him. Paid for an extraction from his skin, under his skin was a diamond. Then when he went back to work. The entire work place was gone. As if the place never existed."

However, her view was the very opposite of Slavik: "I have never seen a ufo or an alien so, again I would have to see it or experience it. So until then, I do believe aliens have to exist out there. The universe is just too massive. Also there are way too many planes of existence: so I would not believe that no other timeline universe has not figured out how to travel physically plane to plane. I think for studying yes humans would be interesting to study."

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:06 AM
I dont feel like this attempt to take ATS back to pre 2012 is going to be succesfull

everyone whose been here for ages sees what is happening and knows all these new accounts doing all this strange stuff are bs....

Ban me if you like but honestly

what.........tha fk..........are you guys doing

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: nid6452

but do live forever in their bloodline, the difference is they remember their past lives just as elephants do

is that why new born elephants cant figure out how to get out of captivity even though their parents know?

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:31 AM
I am sorry but all i have got is..

All the best anyway

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:41 AM
Where does the Tooth fairy get all of her money?

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

According to Apollonius of Tyana, captive elephants instinctively yield to humans.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: Mikemp44
a reply to: nid6452

One more question, and in return I will answer one if you choose to answer it. Do you have a mark on the index finger of your right hand? Just below your second knuckle?

I have one on my right thumb between second knuckle and nail that I’ve had my entire life. Asked my parents about it when I was a teenager and they couldn’t remember/didn’t know where it came from. Any significance? Also have a very very vivid dream when I was little of being either abducted or taken and being “examined” by what I can only explain as people in skeleton dress and masks. It’s the only dream that has ever stuck with me throughout life. Could be reaching here, but maybe you would have info?

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: nid6452

Ok, so you say vampires -- vampyres if you prefer -- and demons exist, but what about all the other mythological creatures? Are you saying that unicorns exist? How about the hundreds of mythological creatures in the D&D Monster Handbook? How about the Japanese Kappa or Shirokodama, which sucks the soul out of humans through their anus? And the Fenris the Wolf and the Midgard Serpent as well? Really? Where are all those cyclops that used to inhabit some island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Guess you still believe in Santa Claus, his elves, and the Krampus too.

Just wondering.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
evidence ia in the works, when i have my protections in place youll have your evidencea reply to: boredhere74

You earlier in the thread in your response to me said evidence is not needed. Why the change of heart? 6 pages of comments and no supportive information provided. Story telling is fun, but all you’ve managed to do is water down my stock ATS is a place for actual discussion of such subjects not in jest.

You made bold claims and have offered us nothing else but a change of heart that you’ll share some supporting evidence in the future. You obviously knew that without such evidence you can’t be taken seriously. The only conclusion one can draw from this as to why you’ve not opened with supportive evidence of your claims is that none such exists.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Tomkat

Hey Tomkat, yes it means something in the DNA was activated to cause this. Our DNA strands contain code that often lays dormant, but given the right combinations of genes (conception) can lead to a genome activating and giving one webbed feet.
That is the scientific perspective.

From a spiritual perspective, because the two are almost always linked, the 'gift' of webbed toes would be for certain purpose, one who has them may not even realize has served them, or others saved by them, in one way or the other.

Either way it is considered a blessing.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: ntccutz

That is very interesting....

A mark on the thumb is not associated with druidic lineage as far as I know, but what I find most interesting is your dream. It IS possible you had an actual abduction and there may even be something implanted in your thumb, but the way they were dressed is something else entirely.

Skeletal garb with masks does bring something to mind, but to be sure I would need to ask a question of you. Were there any symbols you can remember? And if there was fire, what color was it?

This may not make sense but it matters, let me know.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:16 AM
I see what you did there OP

Interesting how Mike that supports your claim has an exact same literary style as yours 'my friend'.

You're pretty talented. Why not write a book? I would certainly love to read it as you nearly got me there. I love a bit of a mystery, even if, at the end, it turns out to be BS. I hope you learned from all this, and took another step forward. Good luck to you!

Btw, I have a scar just where you described and a blood type O, funny coincidence

Don't turn me into a vampire though, if anything turn me into something exactly opposite. There is an enormous power in sharing your energy/creativity with the world, more so than any vampire could ever hope for, if it existed.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

No need for a Ban MBTM lol! And yes I pointed this out in my first post, a lot of new accounts popping up, but I can give nid6452 a break here as new folks don't know how forums should be run. The title does not match the OP and it should be classified as another forum type, not where it's at now.

That being said I DO hope we go back to being pre 2012 ATS, it's just the world of information (and dis-information) hasn't gotten so crazy it seems we happy crew at ATS are now the scions of truth lol. HOWEVER proof is always needed, and I am old school like you; pics or it didn't happen.

Having an open mind does not mean you also should be trusting of everything you read and hear. I am with you, but don't let things like this get you upset. Stay well my friend.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:27 AM
i have no interest in taking ats back to the pre era, was merely seeking what my uncles last words to me meant and someone has given me my answer, after this ill no longer be posting

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
I dont feel like this attempt to take ATS back to pre 2012 is going to be succesfull

everyone whose been here for ages sees what is happening and knows all these new accounts doing all this strange stuff are bs....

Ban me if you like but honestly

what.........tha fk..........are you guys doing

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: bipolarnightmare

Hey bipolarnightmare, you know I didn't even notice that but yes that is true.

I can promise you I am not nid6452 and have on ATS or quite some time here. If you have the mark you are likely of a druidic bloodline as well, and type O blood has nothing to do with it; I am type B-

Would love to write a book soon, just don't have the time yet.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:41 AM
Well it looks like the summer school holidays are finally in full swing or the OP has been watching re-runs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!!

6 pages in and I was hoping for some of the vids. photos or any other evidence the OP claimed to have seen would have been posted by now.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: cooperton

Did you witness it drive off?

I didnt even finish going outside because it beeped it's horn and I realized what had happened. I think I did glance out the window, totally dumbfounded. My friends were just sitting in the living room like, "you good dude?"

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: nid6452

Did you already mention his last words on here?

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: nid6452

I’ve mentioned a few times on ATS how the Catholic Church is covering up Bigfoot, and of course you can see why the notion is scoffed at, but it doesn’t make it less of the truth. They are one of the oldest organizations on the planet with members globally, and it is hard for people to see how such an ancient organization is pulling a lot of strings using religion as a shield.

If they are so benign why not digitize their entire library and share it with the world? Because knowledge is power and the truth would set us free.

Ps: I’m from a Catholic family and I care about them, so this isn’t an attack on Catholics. I just see the power of the church, and if anyone is hiding truths, they have the ability to.

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