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all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

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posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: Tomkat

Absolutely my friend!

Whatever ails you, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual, you need only ask for help and nature will respond. We are all part of the source, and as such we can heal each other and share great burdens to make them light.

Close your eyes, envision a great tree, both the branches and leaves above as well as the roots and ground below. At the base, or middle, give your ailment to it and you will see it transform into two parts; the negative going below to be cleansed in the cycle of transformation, and the positive/truth traveling up and out of the leaves.

In this way you will find the connection with all of nature and the source. Be well

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: ntccutz

Given what you describe this may be what we call 'Aliens' and a veritable 'abduction' may have occurred. Remember ALL are connected to the source, but from what you say I would believe this experience was indeed real and happened elsewhere, AKA not on Earth (Terra, Gaia, etc...)

You might even have something implanted in your thumb, I would look into it.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: Hadriel

Strange, I don't think I have any blocks on my account for DMs, but no worries my friend.

The significance is the marking of the bloodlines, and it is before the church or Templars. The mark signifies connection to the source and as far as I know denotes ones inherent understanding of it; while it commonly is used to identify one of the ancient lines, its true meaning is to remember the old ways and knowledge. By sharing with each other we are able to remember ancient times and lives lived, lessons learned and (most importantly) the directive one is given upon their formulation. Mine reminded me of a few of my recent lives, which then led me to search and find my first directive.

The only thing I will not say is WHAT that is; it is a very personal thing to all who have it.

As far as your story, you most certainly did call to them, whether you knew it or not, and they responded. That in itself is a blessing and I would explore that side of yourself! Sometimes you need only go outside, close your eyes and FEEL the flow around you through your senses; then imagine yourself radiating out like a growing flash of light and energy. You will be amazed at what you feel and see when you open your eyes again.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: nid6452

Ok, so you say vampires -- vampyres if you prefer -- and demons exist, but what about all the other mythological creatures? Are you saying that unicorns exist? How about the hundreds of mythological creatures in the D&D Monster Handbook? How about the Japanese Kappa or Shirokodama, which sucks the soul out of humans through their anus? And the Fenris the Wolf and the Midgard Serpent as well? Really? Where are all those cyclops that used to inhabit some island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Guess you still believe in Santa Claus, his elves, and the Krampus too.

Just wondering.

Now that I think about it, my ex-wife was definitely a Shirokodama.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: nid6452

I’ve mentioned a few times on ATS how the Catholic Church is covering up Bigfoot, and of course you can see why the notion is scoffed at, but it doesn’t make it less of the truth. They are one of the oldest organizations on the planet with members globally, and it is hard for people to see how such an ancient organization is pulling a lot of strings using religion as a shield.

If they are so benign why not digitize their entire library and share it with the world? Because knowledge is power and the truth would set us free.

Ps: I’m from a Catholic family and I care about them, so this isn’t an attack on Catholics. I just see the power of the church, and if anyone is hiding truths, they have the ability to.

Just because the Catholic Church has hidden man-made secrets before, is a long damn stretch to they have every mythical creature at the Vatican

LOL if they have just one of every creature on the Wikipedia list I feel sorry for the Vatican janitorial crew

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: MrInquisitive

"Guess you still believe in Santa Claus, his elves, and the Krampus too."

Why not?

NORAD tracks Santa's sled every Christmas.

But you knew that.

posted on Aug, 1 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: Mikemp44

I also tried to reach out to you via DM. Can you link any reliable sources/studies for some of your claims?

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: Mikemp44

Thank you Mike

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 02:26 AM
This is really interesting, thank you for sharing this

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: nid6452

When will you present any proof, mr. I would present proof if you believed me without any proof?

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 06:11 AM
I am not trying to be rude, but this post reeks of mental illness mixed with narcissism, main character syndrome with a bit of attempted manifestation sprinkled in.

"All these things are real and I'll give proof if you hang in there. Nevermind on the proof, your mind couldnt handle it and I found out the information on why I'm the chosen one in this post by a druid who sounds suspiciously like a duplicated account of my own, in an attempt to manifest all these things that I want to be real and true. I got much of this info from a relative who was a simple priest, yet somehow was privy to the secrets of the Vatican. I know much of whats in one of the most mysterious places on Earth, but I cant tell you for my own safety."

As someone who is familiar with Druidism and as someone who has held TS-SCI clearances during different points of my life I can tell you that:

Not every "secret" is a "fear for my safety" type of secret. You can give proof that doesnt jeopardize your life and still serves to prove you arent "stolen valor".

At this point, this conversation is several bi-polar individuals validating one another's delusions of grandeur or it is one person using 2 accounts.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Poveglia

You're justified in calling him out for failing to provide proofs and for neglecting to address most people's concerns (one user listed several good questions on here. Over email, I have repeatedly asked questions, requested sources), but not in your personal attacks, arbitrarily diagnosing users and recklessly ascribing motives.

Resorting to the mental illness card is downright low and a classic discrediting tactic. It's meaningless to use terms like Schizophrenia and Bipolar without drawing a clear distinction. Bipolar is chiefly an emotional affliction; Schizophrenia is mental illness proper. Alfred Adler rightly drew attention to how most mental illnesses were really defense-mechanisms conceived to help cope with a harsh reality.

Bipolar describes uncontrollable mood swings; Schizophrenia entails a splitting of identity. The transition from Bipolar to Schizophrenia occurs with disassociation of personality. For instance, "I am not my body". A person in his right mind can benefit from adopting this mindset (when the stomach is growling, say: my stomach is hungry, not I'm feeling hungry), he has no good reason to identify with his physical urges. But in the case of a mentally ill person, there's a risk he'll misinterpret the statement and experience an existential crisis, either developing suicidal tendencies or being terrified by the vastness of space, by the idea of being absorbed into the infinite. To borrow a scene from the Marvel show Legion, in which a man becomes convinced that his leg isn't his:

However, not all Bipolar cases can be characterized as mental illness. There are bipolar cases which are attempts to coerce an individual to identify with foreign moods, intrusive thoughts, habits, lifestyles, etc. Eventually, an obsession ensues, they develop an idee fixe/fixation. - related topics: - related topic:

In these two cases, the men, despite having a history of violence/anger, had assured their women that they wouldn't direct their aggression towards them and up until that point refused to behave in an unseemly manner before them.

From Philostratos' The Life of Apollonius:

"In fact the youth was, without knowing it, possessed by a devil; for he would laugh at things that no one else laughed at, and then would fall to weeping for no reason at all, and he would talk and sing to himself. Now most people thought that it was boisterous humor of youth which led him into excesses; but he was really the mouthpiece of a devil, though it only seemed a drunken frolic in which on that occasion he was indulging."

It's worth noting that Apollonius accurately described the affectations of drunkards in Book II, Chapter 36. A good example of this can be read in a Rasputin biography:

"Rasputin could be heard singing wildly, laughing one minute, then crying the next, his emotions seesawing from one extreme to another. He had forgotten to close the window shade and a crowd formed outside to watch his antics. Some laughed and mocked, some uttered threatening words. Rasputin was oblivious to it all. He passed out, vomited, came to briefly, and then fell back to sleep."

If you were really familiar with Druids, then you'd know that they believed that during the new moon, spirits from the lower regions of the netherworld would be "seeded" on earth and compete over newly born infant bodies.

Your posting history leaves much to be desired, but I'm willing to overlook your rudeness/crassness in consideration for your exceptional theory under Aliens and UFOs, which was actually very sensible, free of logical poisoning. There is actually support for the idea that souls which hinder development are eventually exiled to other planets or solar systems in Buddhism (Agganna Sutta), it is in fact a part of a belief embraced by ancient Jews, Greeks, and Druids!
edit on 2-8-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Suiren

This is a request to nid to actually take the time to address this user's concerns. I'd like to read the answers too.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:52 AM

edit on 2-8-2023 by Poveglia because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: hjesterium
a reply to: Suiren

This is a request to nid to actually take the time to address this user's concerns. I'd like to read the answers too.

The OP isn't going to post a single shred of evidence to back up their claims made here.
How many times has ATS had new posters arrive who say they know the "real" truth but we won't understand or that only they can see the real "truth" because they're "special"??
Dozens and dozens of times I've seen threads like this.

To the OP, post a single piece of evidence (you've claimed you have tons of it) to back up your claims or like others have said, or you're just out for a narcissistic joyride.

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: nid6452
my uncle has recently passed on, he was a priest who shared with me videos, books, and pictures of things the public doesnt know about
since the church/vatican took all his belongings money and family heirlooms ive decided to leak what hes shared
1. because of him i was approached by a member of the vampyre council to be sired in when i was 18, i told them i wasnt ready yet, i know they will read this post, im ready now, they know who i am

2. we only think of rome as catholic, yet it has a much more rich history, before they burned down the library of alexandria, they kept some of the relics and readings
these things include the truth about our past

3. they have beings imprisoned in the vault that teach them how to rule the world, its time they be let free

4. not all demons are evil, 2 of them are very dear to me, as are a few angels

5. they tried to eradicate magick, the king arthur stoey is true, as is excalibur

hes shared so many experiencea with me because he knew that i wanted to know more, everything i could about what is hidden to supposedly keep humanity safe

everything that is hidden must come to light, God is light after all isnt He?....and not just that God
...all the Gods are real, mass belief keeps them in existence, of course they are vampiric, they feed off our prayers, i purposely didnt do this anonymously because its time the world knows, we are in chaos....chaos will only be stopped with the truth

please hold the crude comments, my uncle gave his life for this and if you dont believe me....they sent locks of his hair to the moon, now why would they do that
im currently seeking the paperwork so you have proof

ill answer any questions you have....but this post is specifically for the council....its time my friends, ill help you now
Everyone has or had an uncle with secret knowledge lol

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

My own evangelical father used to tell me crazy sh*t like: NASA manufactures UFOs, Vatican & Crystal Cathedral will be "swallowed up" by the earth, God will build me a mansion, etc. He borrowed a ton of cash from a relative. And then he abandoned our household without every saying farewell. Some months later, my mother met him by chance at another apartment complex not far off from ours.

On the upside, my father was the only one who bothered taking me up to the mountains and not giving any excuses for not going. He also taught me how to fast.

It's quite possible that the vampire claims are no fault of the op, but his uncle. I've seen it not only on ATS, but on International Skeptics forum. Spiritualists duped by their relatives or clairvoyants experiencing premonitions proclaim their subjective truths as facts and are backed into a corner by skeptics, unable to provide proofs. Then they learn from experience not to go public with their experiences.

I'm mainly interested in vampire phenomena since I've been studying Slavic culture lately. Currently reading The Vampire, His Kith and Kin (1928) by Montague Summers.
edit on 2-8-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: hjesterium
a reply to: psychotrail

My own evangelical father used to tell me crazy sh*t like: NASA manufactures UFOs, Vatican & Crystal Cathedral will be "swallowed up" by the earth, God will build me a mansion, etc. He borrowed a ton of cash from a relative. And then he abandoned our household without every saying farewell. Some months later, my mother met him by chance at another apartment complex not far off from ours.

On the upside, my father was the only one who bothered taking me up to the mountains and not giving any excuses for not going. He also taught me how to fast.

It's quite possible that the vampire claims are no fault of the op, but his uncle. I've seen it not only on ATS, but on International Skeptics forum. Spiritualists duped by their relatives or clairvoyants experiencing premonitions proclaim their subjective truths as facts and are backed into a corner by skeptics, unable to provide proofs. Then they learn from experience not to go public with their experiences.

I'm mainly interested in vampire phenomena since I've been studying Slavic culture lately. Currently reading The Vampire, His Kith and Kin (1928) by Montague Summers.
That book sounds interesting.
Monsters exist on earth , they are human .

posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: nid6452
i know this and have done so on purpose because it allows me to know who is who
there is more negativity on ats than there was back in the day, those who dont believe without evidence wont believe with evidence and dismiss it as cgi or made up documents
surely you must know the quote read between the lines
thank you for your opinion though

i am only a lurker here but decided to register because of this post. You are bashing ATS for its negativity but all i see are legit questions from user about your statement and never got a solid response. You know internet is full of bs and people is pretty used to be overwelmed by fake news and larping posts so if you had your fun it's ok but if you want to continue your story give those people a little proof of what you are saying cause to me is pretty vague. Posters were pretty gentle with you so your turn to give them some hints or just quit your fun.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 08:00 AM
Can you tell the vampires that i want to be sired too? Thank You.

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