posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to:
So you believe that speaking about the existence of other ways to live your life will cause everyone to not want to be straight anymore?
That is some paranoid s*** bro. You have already admitted that these people have existed forever, they have had varying levels of visibility
throughout history, most of the time after they make themselves very visible they then have to go into hiding after bigots come after them and try and
eliminate them.
Then generations later the same community is forced to grapple with the idea of stepping out of the shadows or not. Some of this generation has
decided to step out of the shadows. They in no way shape or form are trying to make everyone the way they are. You are afraid of a thing that is not
happening. Obviously them being an extreme minority their views will never be normal, as that is impossible, allowance for them to be free to express
themselves how they wish, is a right granted to every US citizen that you cannot take away based on what you think is the only Union that can continue
the human race as all others are pointless.
There are straight men and straight women who are sexual deviance who victimize children and you speak none of them. This is part of what I believe
to be your community how do you explain this, what are you doing about them those who have infiltrated your own community?