posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:40 PM
originally posted by: RonnieJersey
The rules of nature are in charge, I believe, and man cannot change those rules.
Men and women play their roles for the future of humanity.
There can't be much of a future with things like men 'chestfeeding' and similar nonsense. How dangerous to mess with fake and artificial hormones!
Women are warned against taking hormones to relieve menopausal suffering, yet they are going to be pushed on helpless and vulnerable infants?
You mentioned in another thread how this whole topic confuses you but please, please, please don’t let the things you read on this website be your
source of learning and coming to a better understanding about the subject because it is full of misinformation and often outright lies pushed by those
some would call haters or “transphobes”. I prefer to think they are simply un or misinformed and lack any actual knowledge or experience with the
things they get so fervent about and some are just pushing their own anti-trans agenda. The topic as it is discussed here is neither fair or balanced
so please keep that in mind.
Perhaps you’ve noticed how “trans” brings out the worst in people who usually resort to name calling, slurs and the demonization and
dehumanization of trans people when I’ll bet 99 percent of the time, they’ve never actually known or knowingly even met someone trans instead
basing their opinions on inflammatory stories they read on the internet or saw in a YouTube video from their favorite partisan pundit to form their
opinions. It's sad but true.
This whole “chestfeeding” thing has been wildly blown out of proportion and sensationalized to spark outrage and sell newspapers and get clicks
and everybody want to fall for it because if fits in with their confirmation bias when this is something super extraordinarily rare and isolated to
maybe 100 people on the entire planet if even that?
How dangerous to mess with fake and artificial hormones!
In Western countries practicing modern medicine, the cross-sex hormones used by trans people are bio-identical and chemically the same to those
produced by the human body and are administered at levels to match those of natal males and females which is frequently monitored through routine
blood testing.
In the infinitesimally rare and tiny percent of trans people who may wish to induce lactation, the protocols employed are exactly the same as broadly
used by adoptive mothers or in cases of surrogacy so why no concern about “helpless and vulnerable infants” in these cases?