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You are not a transsexual.

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posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Grenade

So genetics and physiology have nothing to do with mental health is what you're saying?

And also please point out my logical fallacies if you would.
edit on 8-7-2023 by Poofmander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

You’re free to think what you like, just don’t try and force people to live that fantasy or attempt to normalise or indoctrinate children into taking life changing and irreversible medical treatments.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

That’s not what I said.

Male babies are not born with a predisposition to wearing womens clothes, taking drugs or mutilating their genitals in order to live a life of fantasy, driven by their sexual fetish.

Feelings are a psychological construct, your genitalia and biology are determined at birth and are physiological.

Thinking you’re a woman does not change the objective truth.

As I’ve said before, men who act upon their feelings without control are the most dangerous members of our society.
edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
The rules of nature are in charge, I believe, and man cannot change those rules.
Men and women play their roles for the future of humanity.
There can't be much of a future with things like men 'chestfeeding' and similar nonsense. How dangerous to mess with fake and artificial hormones! Women are warned against taking hormones to relieve menopausal suffering, yet they are going to be pushed on helpless and vulnerable infants?

You mentioned in another thread how this whole topic confuses you but please, please, please don’t let the things you read on this website be your source of learning and coming to a better understanding about the subject because it is full of misinformation and often outright lies pushed by those some would call haters or “transphobes”. I prefer to think they are simply un or misinformed and lack any actual knowledge or experience with the things they get so fervent about and some are just pushing their own anti-trans agenda. The topic as it is discussed here is neither fair or balanced so please keep that in mind.

Perhaps you’ve noticed how “trans” brings out the worst in people who usually resort to name calling, slurs and the demonization and dehumanization of trans people when I’ll bet 99 percent of the time, they’ve never actually known or knowingly even met someone trans instead basing their opinions on inflammatory stories they read on the internet or saw in a YouTube video from their favorite partisan pundit to form their opinions. It's sad but true.

This whole “chestfeeding” thing has been wildly blown out of proportion and sensationalized to spark outrage and sell newspapers and get clicks and everybody want to fall for it because if fits in with their confirmation bias when this is something super extraordinarily rare and isolated to maybe 100 people on the entire planet if even that?

How dangerous to mess with fake and artificial hormones!

In Western countries practicing modern medicine, the cross-sex hormones used by trans people are bio-identical and chemically the same to those produced by the human body and are administered at levels to match those of natal males and females which is frequently monitored through routine blood testing.

In the infinitesimally rare and tiny percent of trans people who may wish to induce lactation, the protocols employed are exactly the same as broadly used by adoptive mothers or in cases of surrogacy so why no concern about “helpless and vulnerable infants” in these cases?

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: Grenade

We all have to deal with the consequences of our actions, the idea that any doctor out there is doing slap-dash gender reassignments without a comprehensive evaluation of a patient's mental and physical state over a period of time, is something I would disagree with, but I also disagree with the fact that I'm missing my foreskin I'd like it back but that is not in my power that was a choice made for me very early on in my life. Every moment in time is life changing nothing stays the same but if someone is constantly feeling but they don't want to be a certain way they should be free to explore options. America is the land of the free, and I hope that you could be brave enough to live alongside some people that are just different than you. Letting someone know of your existence is not indoctrination. Having me as a child drink wine every Sunday and tell me it's blood, that's indoctrination, I was given a mind altering substance at a very young age and told about how I should live my life. No laws against that and let me tell you what I can't go back and undo what that did to me, EVER. So your argument about irreversible things lends itself to the category of everything that happens because you can't take anything back ever it's impossible. Their path is just a different one than you and your's, and in America that's absolutely okay no one is forcing anyone to do a damn thing, except those making law to make things illegal that's forcing someone, so your camp is doing the forcing while transgendered folk are an extreme minority with barely a political foothold so you can calm down my friend.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

Do you support administering these hormones to young children?

I’ve never dehumanised a trans person, simply called into question the clear fallacy in their crazy logic.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:50 PM
It would be funny to see how the republicants religious zealots are going to protect the kids from indoctrination and sexual preferences will be banished to the bedroom.
Then they'll get it served on a cold platter, sermons will be for adults only, holding hand and kissing in public will be considered inappropriate behaviors...

Go for it, Republicants, I double dare you...

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

I’ve never ever said consenting adults aren’t free to live however they choose. Again, inject hormones, mutilate your genitals, prance around in a dress. That’s entirely up to the individual. My problem is when you want me to accept that a man in drag is anything other than that. I’ll continue to live in the real world rather than accept the fantasy of people in order to placate their sexual deviance. When you start teaching and forcing these opinions into children you’re overstepping the line and people like me will be there to defend those who can’t defend themselves.

Men who want to tramp all over womens rights and gain access to their private places for sexual kicks, or who want to sexualise children will be met with extreme resistance.

edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Group think ideology as per usual. This isn’t a partisan political debate, it’s a matter of humanity and morality, something which is clearly lacking in those who defend this garbage.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

Child abuse should be illegal.

Drugging and mutilating children is child abuse.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Are you also against women seeking membership of the "Good Ole Boys Club". You seem to be directing your anger at a subset of a subset.

There are what we call IMPOSTORS, who speak act and talk certain ways to get away with crime.

Trans people are not criminals you need to stop limping them in with people who do creepy things, because people who do creepy things do them for reasons I know and are also LIARS, as they don't want to be caught for their CRIMES.

Again telling someone your way of life is not indoctrination and doesn't force anything on anyone, deleting the idea that people exist and are part of the community is forcing IGNORANCE on people and THAT is indoctrination.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Your definitions are too broad my friend, with that belief open heart surgery would be child abuse, you live in this slight semantic world, not objective reality, and anyway none of us live in objective reality, and if you believe you do then you are an NPC for real.

We all have our subjective realities and we come to a consensus reality where we live together and you don't like the consensus some others find themselves at. That's fine, but again your idea your going to resist their existence is laughable because how will you do it?

Are you going to make anti-trans curricula, are you going to become a censor for the MPAA, what will you do to resist this INVASION of your subjective reality.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

I didn’t, they created a community called LGBT, which from what I can tell accepts all kinds of weird sexual preferences. Then they started promoting these fantasies in our schools in the name of acceptance, filling the minds of our children with fantasy. The school curriculum should not be polluted with the latest social crusade of fringe minorities. These discussions are for adults, leave our children to worry about having fun rather than sexuality. I will not stand by while children are sexualised in our schools.

I have no problem with someone who’s trans, my issue is with the group think ideologues who accept perverts into their community and do it with “pride”.

Keep your sexual preferences in the bedroom and I have no issue. March down my street blowing a trumpet while wearing bondage gear and flashing your junk at young kids and we’re going to have a serious problem.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

Elective procedures are easily to differentiate. Saving a child’s life is not comparative to mutilating their perfectly functional genitalia.

If you want to test my resistance then flash your junk at my children and see how that works out for you.
edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Having a child and bringing them to term and raising a family is a statement about your sexual preference, because it fits in the norm you're okay with it but it's still sexualizes girls and boys. It just sexualizes them in the way you accept as truth. You think all children do not understand how babies are made at least in some effect?

Also if you believe removing all sexual education from those who have not yet reached the age of 18 literally will cause sexual chaos where children who have urges will not understand how to do things properly and end up in situations where perhaps they didn't want to.

Because if we need to keep all sexual preference in the bedroom then you cannot speak about a man and a woman raising a family because that is a sexual preference, just one of many I know a very popular one albeit but just because it's the most popular doesn't mean it gets a pass.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Again trans people have no interest in flashing their junk at your children those are a subset of a subset of a subset there are creeps who are straight there are creeps who are trans there are creeps who come from every corner of the planet, all trans people are not creeps you have a logical fallacy that you keep purporting to be truth.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

You’re right, children understand how babies are made. It’s the unity between a man and woman, there’s no other way. Rendering your assertions that teaching alternatives are nothing but fantasy and sexual deviance. You need sperm and ovum to create a life, there’s only one type of sexual relationship which can achieve that and anything else is driven by sexual desires, which should be kept out of the classroom.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

You ever seen a pride rally? Grown men in highly sexualised drag and bondage gear literally parading in the streets.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: Grenade

So choosing who you want to procreate with has nothing to do with sexual desire?

Yes I have seen a pride rally, I'm straight and they're pretty fun. I don't find myself changed in any way, I don't find myself entertaining new ideas of things to do with my genitalia. If I did though that would be fine, I also used to watch MTV as a child, and through music videos I believed I was being taught "what a girl wants and what a girl needs" "whatever makes her happy sets her free", I was not being taught this as music videos are depiction of fantasy.

Also if there's enough people out there to all get together and have a parade those people are not a fantasy they are real people living real lives that you must accept for if you believe those people are a fantasy you are delusional

And as for the leather clad parades, what's your point. Just pointing out that people want to walk around in a costume that you don't like has literally no bearing on anything anywhere.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

The vast majority of prisoners who identify as trans are there for sexual crimes, and almost exclusively biological males who commit crimes against women and children. Men who put their feelings up front and centre are dangerous individuals.

Ask any woman what she wants in a partner. A thoughtful, stoic, strong, protective and traditional man, or an emotionally charged wreck who can’t decide what gender he is and who acts out their feelings without consideration.

As I said in another thread. Real men do the things we don’t want to, we suppress our feelings. A fireman doesn’t enter a burning building because he feels like it, a soldier doesn’t charge the battlefield because it’s in his interest. We do the things we don’t want to as selfless acts because of our masculinity and it shouldn’t be seen as some kind of character flaw.

Real men populate this planet, not men who spend all their time looking in a mirror trying to figure out who or what they are.

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