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You are not a transsexual.

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posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Took me a few to find it to the point I started second guessing myself. But after a few changes in my parameters I found it.


I'm sure the procedure used is far more rudimentary that the ones you linked but it is the start.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:28 PM
The fact that nature occasionally makes mistakes doesn't make it "normal." It's still a mistake.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 06:40 PM
Oh joy! Another trans bashing thread!

originally posted by: Boadicea
Confusing the language is part of the Trans Activist battle plan.

There was a time when transsexual (living as opposite sex after sex-reassignment surgery), transgender (living as opposite sex without sex-reassignment surgery), and transvestite (living as natal sex but enjoys dressing as opposite sex occasionally) had specific meanings.

Not so much today, as all fall under the "transgender umbrella" and are all equally "valid" as transgender identities.

Oh my, how not politically correct and un-woke you are.

However I agree and encourage you to use and promote these definitions henceforth but with some slight adjustments to your definition of “transgender”.

Because the TRAs wish to blur the lines and distinctions between disparate segments of their “community” with the ever expanding umbrella, the term transgender has become so nebulous, non-distinct and broadly encompassing not to mention politicized, it hardly has any meaning at all and what meaning it does have varies from person to person.

Drag queens, occasional cross-dressers (transvestites), non-binary identities (whatever that is) and just about anybody that deviates from social gender norms now falls under the transgender umbrella and if you dare speak or think differently, you’re a transphobic terf loving heretic, a truscum or a trans medicalist for even suggesting some are more or less valid or even different than others.

This has led to many of the problems we have today because it is confusing as hell and who can keep up with an ever moving target? In many ways and in the minds of most of the general public, transgender has become synonymous with either the trope of a man in a dress or a woman with a penis which is really unfortunate and quite unfair to the small 10% to 15% of actual transsexual people subsumed into the “transgender community” that quietly and unobtrusively go about living their lives blended into society as regular men and women who by default get lumped into this madness.

Dare they, actual transsexuals, speak out about their differences, they are silenced, cancelled and labeled as self-loathing infidels unsupportive of the cause and are virtually unseen and unheard in any of these discussions or visible in the minds of the general public. If you are transsexual and do not support the silliness of the modern transgender movement and all their ideals, like trans women in sports for example which is a really stupid hill to die on, then you had best keep your head down and your mouth shut.

The point is as much as some wish it to be, not all things trans are the same nor are all falling into the trans category, often against their wishes, part of some hive mind or supposed “ideology” and it would be wise for people to consider this before demonizing and vilifying all trans people as a whole or as some monolithic entity because it is just easier to comprehend and provides a unified target to point fingers at even if it is not true or accurate.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 07:00 PM
They will be okay. Gather yourself. Please and slowly, become accustomed to the fact, your days of consoling are over and will you please stop shouting. We must live with these issues
a reply to: QwertyMyself

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

Why do I have to accept you for who you say you are when you can't accept yourself for who you actually are?

That's what I ask them. The cope and seeth is all I get.

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

Wow, bigot central!

This thread disgusts me. It is a collection of far right extremists who refuse to allow a huge number of people their identity. You deny the human any gender fluidity.

You are uneducated fools. Your words are ridiculous and full of errors and complete lies. None of you even bothered to check Wiki for few facts. I will have to put you right.

"Transgender people have existed since ancient times."

"Ancient Egypt had third gender categories, including for eunuchs.[11] In the Tale of Two Brothers (from 3,200 years ago), Bata removes his penis and tells his wife "I am a woman just like you"; one modern scholar called him temporarily (before his body is restored) "transgendered".[11][12][page needed][13][page needed] Mut, Sekhmet and other goddesses are sometimes represented androgynously, with erect penises,[11][14] and Anat wears clothes of both men and women.[14]"

"The Nuba peoples of Sudan (including the Otoro Nuba, Nyima, Tira, Krongo, and Mesakin), have traditional roles for male-assigned people who dress and live as women and may marry men, which have been seen as transgender roles."

"By the modern period, the Igbo, like many other peoples, had gender and transgender roles,[21][26] including for females who take on male status and marry women, a practice which also exists among the Dahomey (Fon) of Benin and has been viewed through both transgender and homosexual lenses.[27] Anthropologist John McCall documented a female-assigned Ohafia Igbo named Nne Uko Uma Awa, who dressed and behaved as a boy since childhood"

"Among Swahili-speaking people in Kenya, male-assigned mashoga may take feminine names, marry men, and do womanly household work (while mabasha marry women).[50][full citation needed][51] Among some other Kenyan peoples, male-assigned priests (called mugawe among the Meru and Kikuyu) dress and style their hair like women and may marry men,[52][page needed] and have been compared to trans women.[21][23]"

"During the Civil War, over 200 people who had been assigned female at birth donned men's clothing and fought as soldiers; some lived the rest of their lives as men and are thought by some to have been transgender, such as Albert Cashier.[136] After the war, Frances Thompson, a formerly enslaved black trans woman, testified before Congress's investigation of the Memphis Riots of 1866; ten years later, she was arrested for "being a man dressed in women's clothing".[137][138][139]"

"In ancient Assyria, transgender cult prostitutes took part in public processions, singing, dancing, wearing costumes and sometimes women's clothes, carrying feminine symbols, and even at times performing the act of giving birth.[182]"

"Certain drawings and figures from the Neolithic period and Bronze Age found around the Mediterranean have been interpreted as genderless.[287]

Near what is today Prague, a burial from 4,900 to 4,500 years ago was found of a biologically male skeleton in a woman's outfit with feminine grave goods, which some archaeologists consider an early transgender burial."

"In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and the Roman Republic and Empire, Cybele and Attis were worshiped by galli priests (documented from around 200 BCE to around 300 CE)[293] who wore feminine clothes, referred to themselves as women, and often castrated themselves,"

"Trans figures and non-normative gender traits were acknowledged by the medieval church, and were often interpreted as expressions of God's plan, rather than deviations from it.[308] Many transgender saints and clergy members were celebrated and uplifted by the medieval church. Trans people were canonized in the early days of Christianity on account of their "extraordinary lives" and the view that they were extraordinarily blessed by God.[341] As the medieval church developed stricter policies and procedures, its view of trans people changed."

"Marina the Monk, or Marinos, was a transgender person in the clergy. Sources vary, but he likely lived somewhere between the fifth and eighth centuries near modern-day Syria.[342] Marinos, though assigned female at birth, chose to enter a monastery as a monk, following his father and saying the modesty and abstinence that came with the life of a monk would protect his identity. He was expelled from the monastery after a woman accused him of impregnating her, but never refuted the claims made against him, as doing so would involve revealing his genitals; instead, he fathered the child and was eventually allowed back into the monastery along with his son. His sex was only discovered after his death. He is named a saint by both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches.[343]"

"Historian Caroline Walker Bynum has explored the idea of Jesus as an androgynous figure. In the 12th century, the idea of "mother Jesus" began showing up more and more in religious texts. In many Cistercian texts, Jesus is described as both the son of God, and the mother of all people. He is ascribed traits like nurturing and affectionate, which were not used to describe men at the time, presenting Jesus as somewhere between distinctly male and distinctly female.[347]"

"Roman emperor Elagabalus (d. 222 AD) preferred to be called a lady (rather than a lord) and sought sex reassignment surgery, and in the modern day has been seen as a trans figure."

All of you who participated in this disgusting thread should be intellectually ashamed of yourselves. You never even bothered to check or do a search did you.

All of you who abuse the Bible as your discrimination against your brothers who want to be sisters and your sisters who want to be brothers are way off. Jesus would never have behaved like you. He would have called you out as I have.

Luke 13:34; "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!"

Do you not see clearly how Jesus was using feminine imagery that is strikingly unusual for a Rabbi of His day.

Bernard wrote many times of the role of the abbot as mother within the monastic community. In one example, Bernard encourages his fellow monastic leaders to balance their fatherly harshness with motherly gentleness and nurtur- ing: Learn that you must be mothers to those in your care, not mas- ters; make an effort to arouse the response of love, not that of fear: and should there be occasional need for severity, let it be paternal rather than tyrannical. Show affection as a mother would, correct like a father. Be gentle, avoid harshness, do not resort to blows, expose your breasts: let your bosoms expand with milk, not swell with passion.5

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You are classically ignorant and this thread proves it beyond doubt.

Wake up and stop poisoning the human race and denying others their identity because of your bigotry, paranoia, misunderstanding and hatred of the feminie.

THE ANIMA IS NOT THE PRESERVE OF WOMEN. Jung clearly told us we all have an anima and an animus.

This is one of the most ignorant and hateful threads I have read in a long time. None of you are to be trusted intellectually. You are a disgrace to write all these lies.

You need to first acknowledge your ignorance and then go about learning to correct it.

edit on 7-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

You all look like dinosaurs on your way out. There is no way your attitudes will make it beyond this generation. Lastly, the God of the Hebrews and Jesus wants you to know this,

"Deuteronomy 32:18 God who gives birth

“You were unmindful of the Rock that bore you; you forgot the God who gave you birth.”

Isaiah 66:13 God as a comforting mother

God: “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.”

Isaiah 49:15 God compared to a nursing mother

God: “Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”

Isaiah 42:14 God as a woman in labor

God: “For a long time I have held my peace, I have kept myself still and restrained myself; now I will cry out like a woman in labor, I will gasp and pant.”

Psalm 131:2 God as a Mother

“But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; my soul is like the weaned child that is with me.”

Psalm 123:2-3 God compared to a woman

“As the eyes of a servant looks to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to you, YHWH, until you show us your mercy!”

Matthew 23:37 and Luke 13:34 God as a Mother Hen

Jesus: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!”

Luke 15:8-10 God as woman looking for her lost coin

Jesus: “Or what woman having ten silver coins, is she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”"

I don't throw stones at anyone who is different to me. I do point out errors and ignorance though especially dangerous errors and poison of lies that has shown its ugly face in this thread and can end up as beasts like Hitler who slaughter us on account of our identities. It is not God who did it ever. It is ignorant humans who want to scapegoat what they fear and do not understand. It is their own insecurity of identity and wish to force everyone else to be like them rather than accept a world of diversity and individuality.

Who is the thug in this Creation? It is not the feminine and the nurturing.

All of you should be well ashamed and go hide your heads for your ignorant behaviour against your brothers and sisters who have individual gender needs. We are now making a society that can provide that instead of beating them and oppressing them. I know who the civilized one is and it is not the one who beats others for their identity is it.

edit on 7-7-2023 by Merman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2023 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: linda72

originally posted by: QwertyMyself
There is no such thing.

You were born a male or a female.

Very few are hermaphrodite.

When you are long dead and they find your remains, they will know you as a male or a female.

Why do you seek to redefine yourself as something else?

You were born perfect.

It takes a lifetime to get to know oneself.

Why do you reject what you are in order to identify as something other than what you were born as?

And for those who are members of this prideful group whose name is riddled with meaningless letters, why do you demand acceptance for something you know is off-putting to many?

Understand their comfort in the norm.

Do not push your oddity unto them demanding acceptance, then act surprised at backlash.

Physically altering your body with surgery or chemical injections is not the answer you seek.

It will not bring you the peace you seek.

Only knowing and accepting yourself as you are will.

This is not a reproach.

I am simply expressing myself.

I do not understand this modern movement.

I am concerned for the young who may be fooled into this mindset by the colorful parades and claims of "love and acceptance" when they display quite the contrary.

Edit: I may have meant transgender. I see no difference. I admit I am ill informed on the matter as I consider the whole thing to be of little value.

No human hermaphrodites ever existed on this planet--
To be a hermaphrodite you must have the repoductive organs of both sexes-- as a result you can get pregnant and be able to impregnate other humans-

You made a completely false claim. There are too human hermaphrodites.

We used to call them hermaphrodites

And even a person of one gender or the other, who has reproductive organs, might not be able to produce offspring. You have heard of infertility problems, I trust.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Merman

Trans people have always existed, this is the first time in history the political establishment is trying to force people to accept their delusions. If you keep it in the bedroom then I have no problem what people want to wear or how they see themselves in the mirror. If you’re a consenting adult then drug yourself and mutilate away. Just don’t take the moral high ground defending a community which advocates for the sexualisation of children, or force people into rejecting basic biological facts and objective reality.

It’s not far right or stupid to tell the truth, even if it hurts feelings. You’ve never heard the expression “the truth hurts”?

Fascism generally manifests from the extreme far left of the political spectrum, that’s why you’re attempting to compel speech, censor and attack anyone who dares challenge your crazy narratives. Let’s see how long you can maintain composure in this thread without having a meltdown or throwing abuse around.

As for on our way out. Who do you think has more children? People from the LGBTQ community or conservatives with traditional family structures? The majority of this planets population are religious and family orientated. The birth rates in Western society are plummeting and Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world. The secular world in which you live holds only a tiny fraction of the worlds population. Don’t mistakenly think because you believe something and live in a rich nation that you can force that view onto the rest of us.

Don’t forget, you’re the one who’s a member of a tiny minority fringe group of extremists. A group made up of people who generally don’t procreate.
edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Merman

What does any of that have to do with men pretending to be women?

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

Physically altering your body with surgery or chemical injections is not the answer you seek.

Actually that's not exactly true as many end up better looking than a natural born woman.

Then again most are train wrecks like the "dude" in the White House. Miss Yuck

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 06:33 AM
The rules of nature are in charge, I believe, and man cannot change those rules.
Men and women play their roles for the future of humanity.
There can't be much of a future with things like men 'chestfeeding' and similar nonsense. How dangerous to mess with fake and artificial hormones! Women are warned against taking hormones to relieve menopausal suffering, yet they are going to be pushed on helpless and vulnerable infants?

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: Merman

Correct, the mentally ill have always existed. Not sure what you think this proves here.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

I've said this before: At BIRTH...the newborn female has a birth canal to allow a baby to pass. Male skeletons at birth have no such pelvis opening.

Now...whatever the hell form that outside shell takes in life... LGBTQ or are correct.

At birth... skeleton denotes male..or female...ONLY.

Retired EMT
edit on 07234231America/ChicagoSat, 08 Jul 2023 08:56:42 -050056202300000042 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: QwertyMyself

What's going on now is nowhere near organic. Rarely is the question asked, "How did we get here in the first place?" My brief take:

The public education system has warped our society into an immoral, deluded abomination of it's former self. Granted before, we weren't perfect by any means, but we had defining roles and dignified boundaries. We SHUNNED anything that would hurt or harm a child and now you see people actually debating it.

The US Department of Education has absolutely gutted this country's capacity for common sense and rational thought. They have created the land of make believe and we as a society are sunk unless there's an immediate line drawn. I think it's starting to unravel but it's hard to break a generation with 12+ years of hard conditioning.

Just thought I should add this so that anyone can see just how wide and insidious this "public education" influence really is, this time in the UK:

Get your kids OUT if you can.

edit on 7/8/2023 by EternalShadow because: eta

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 10:40 AM
In the 1950’s, there was Christine Jorgensen.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 10:43 AM

I still think it's scandalous after all these years.
edit on 8-7-2023 by Marsha1948 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: QwertyMyself

If everyone is born perfect, that means they are perfectly acting the way their physiology is asking of them.

The feelings of discomfort you allude to that "normals" feel when "oddities" are pushed on "normals" are the same feelings that someone has a certain "way to be" pushed on them.

If you ask for this community (full of letters that actually DO have meaning if you have any interest in LEARNING the definition of the words) to be understanding about some people's comfort in "the norm", that should allow for an understanding to allow others to act how they wish outside "the norm", especially if it is just about their relationship with their own body.

This idea of pushing an "agenda" makes me wonder, what's the agenda? What's their goal, to turn everyone gay make everyone confused?

I wonder what your feelings on plastic surgery would be as we have many idols out there in the world that use chemicals and implants, yes to assert the gender they were assigned at birth, but they are also trying to be something they are not, do you have any misunderstandings about this community do they need to stop pushing their strange agenda of jelly filled lips and buttocks?

Being fooled into a mindset sounds like you're talking about a cult, and there are cults of everything, people want stuff to believe sometimes they want a unique thing to believe different than other people. Sometimes when someone starts to believe something it truly changes their life, wether it be positive or negative that is for only them to determine. I don't enjoy folks falling for cult ideas that's why I left the Catholic Church, because I was tired of EATING THE FLESH AND DRINKING THE BLOOD OF MY LORD. Sorry just had to emphasize that I was once part of a desert wizard cannibal cult, so I know what it's like to be stuck in a set of beliefs that DO NOT WORK FOR YOU.

Let these people be, if your afraid of people you know or yourself becoming part of your dreaded ALPHABET SOUP, perhaps you need to go over some stuff and see if maybe it's right for you if you feel so drawn to it. Pray tell why else are you so drawn to this topic, do you also tell Muslims "Mohammed was a liar" or tell children "the Easter bunny isn't real Santa Claus is your parents", if you want to inform the world on what's not real and what doesn't exist you can do that, just understand that opposed to the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus, these are real flesh and blood people who do exist and are just trying to live a life, one which will not change your life unless YOU allow it to.

You speak of others to expect backlash for how they are different than the norm. Please tell me what is an allowable level of backlash? Is it to make laws against the act of trying to be what one wants to be? We are all very aware of how there is a direct correlation to Catholic priests being pedophiles and protected by their institution at one point in time. These are facts that can be found were recorded and are available to be researched. Do we have laws preventing children from being considered for holy orders and groomed into being priests? No we do not because here in the United States we believe that a few bad apples do not spoil the bunch, or if that were true anyone who had a criminal in their family would have their entire family incarcerated.

One thing you have in common with the person who will apparently inevitably dig up some transgender person's body and sex them as the sex that they were given at birth, is that you know 0% of that person's experience, experience truly in the eye of every beholder and no one person's experience is the same as any others.

Just as you are expressing yourself as I will express myself because this is how a believe we can make a better world when we can let go of some of the conflicts that absolutely have no bearing on the future of our race. These type of people have been around FOREVER, as long as there have been people. Nothing new is happening, this generation of them is, as other have throughout history, attempting to not have to live in the shadows to avoid persecution. That's all anyone wants, and when one comes out of the shadows they know there are others still languishing in the darkness, these are the people they are trying to reach so that they can find their tribe so to say. If you feel this tribe calling to you constantly perhaps you have more of your own thoughts and feelings wrapped in their world but you refuse it. We can all have conflicts, I have alphabet soup friends, do we agree on everything, no but do we agree you do you and I'll do me, yes because THAT'S America.

Deny Ignorance Y'all

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Grenade

I was forced to accept the delusion that I was eating flesh and blood every Sunday at church for the first 18 years of my life. What say you about that?

But if transgenderism somehow organized as a religion would their religious practices be protected by the constitution then?

Also you admit that transgendered individuals have been around forever yet they don't procreate so how are they still around?!?!! Strange isn't it seems like it's just a natural part of the human process that's been with us since the beginning of time? If it is a natural process why are you so against it, I just wonder if you expect these people to exist why the animosity? Just expect them to be there and be not surprised when they show themselves, they just don't want to be discriminated against or marginalized and have the right to exist how they want to exist.

So in conclusion regular "normal" procreation leads to some folks who are transgender, so it's just natural, give it a rest they're not coming for you or you children, in all reality it could be you or your child that finds themselves feeling this way, and yeah whoever feels that way will benin the minority, a scary place to be sometimes especially with human history showing us how sometimes groups of people like to just eliminate other groups altogether. I think THATS the problem we should be talking about.

posted on Jul, 8 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Poofmander

I don’t believe or prescribe to any religious doctrine however I can admire some of the philosophical virtues and morals contained within the gospel. I believe in creation, not religion. In fact you’ll see me regularly criticise religious leaders and the Catholic Church. Any organisation with a history of child abuse will feel my wrath. You’ve conflated a symbolic gesture with literal meaning.

Just no, to all of that. There’s no logic to any part of your argument, zero.

How can a man profess to be like a woman or understand what it is to be a woman if he’s never been one? How can you claim to feel like a woman if you’ve never been one?

Mental illness has always existed, confusion is part of the human experience.

Objective reality doesn’t match up with your claims.

This is not a genetic or physiological condition, it’s a psychological construct and so is not passed down through any kind of genetic process.

edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/7/23 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

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