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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 03:39 PM
What a few days eh.

Trump gets another indictment which means discovery. Trump on TS "If you come after me I'm coming for you".

Don Jr get's asked who is Q? Clearly as Rel said the body language is telling. The Lady from US on GBnews saying they have proof of a stolen election.

My favourite part was the video of Glitch McConnell.

Back to lurking

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
How long does an empire last? on average, survives for 250 years.

How old is the American 'empire'? 245 years.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

We're not supposed to see Biden's Navy and Marine Corp preparing for war, as a GOOD thing, are we?

Quit flagging me...!

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


I would never ever attempt to doxx Q but we can look at some possibilities, I'll go with the who and what, we've covered most of this before in previous threads.

1.Trump and Military
2.Trump, Military and A.I
3. Our future selves talking to us.
4. A.I without Trump.
5. GOD
6. Manifestation through so many of us now believing in more.
7. Quantum which could be all the above.
8. Some spiritual entity.
9. Just A.I.

Which is the most probable? That's rhetorical.

I've always done numbers, probabilities and possibilities, now it's time for beer.

Big shout out to Cranky, we await your return Brother.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


I would never ever attempt to doxx Q but we can look at some possibilities, I'll go with the who and what, we've covered most of this before in previous threads.

1.Trump and Military
2.Trump, Military and A.I
3. Our future selves talking to us.
4. A.I without Trump.
5. GOD
6. Manifestation through so many of us now believing in more.
7. Quantum which could be all the above.
8. Some spiritual entity.
9. Just A.I.

Which is the most probable? That's rhetorical.

I've always done numbers, probabilities and possibilities, now it's time for beer.

Big shout out to Cranky, we await your return Brother.

Something smelled like AI or a foreign person to me when Q first started posting. I’m going with AI and / or maybe Melania being part of the team.

Doesn’t really matter whom or what as long as things are stopped and the USA and it’s people become better off again.
edit on 5-8-2023 by Kaiju666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


I would never ever attempt to doxx Q but we can look at some possibilities, I'll go with the who and what, we've covered most of this before in previous threads.

1.Trump and Military
2.Trump, Military and A.I
3. Our future selves talking to us.
4. A.I without Trump.
5. GOD
6. Manifestation through so many of us now believing in more.
7. Quantum which could be all the above.
8. Some spiritual entity.
9. Just A.I.

Which is the most probable? That's rhetorical.

I've always done numbers, probabilities and possibilities, now it's time for beer.

Big shout out to Cranky, we await your return Brother.

Something smelled like AI or a foreign person to me when Q first started posting. I’m going with AI and / or maybe Melania being part of the team.

Doesn’t really matter whom or what as long as things are stopped and the USA and it’s people become better off again.

I agree but worldwide not just USA. Interesting you went with AI. If the AI looked like a person who would it look like? Someone beautiful or something? FOLLOW THE WIVES. That's just one possibility, I hope they don't get too excited.AI fits in the current climate, I'm certain it's bigger than that.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


I would never ever attempt to doxx Q but we can look at some possibilities, I'll go with the who and what, we've covered most of this before in previous threads.

1.Trump and Military
2.Trump, Military and A.I
3. Our future selves talking to us.
4. A.I without Trump.
5. GOD
6. Manifestation through so many of us now believing in more.
7. Quantum which could be all the above.
8. Some spiritual entity.
9. Just A.I.

Which is the most probable? That's rhetorical.

I've always done numbers, probabilities and possibilities, now it's time for beer.

Big shout out to Cranky, we await your return Brother.

Something smelled like AI or a foreign person to me when Q first started posting. I’m going with AI and / or maybe Melania being part of the team.

Doesn’t really matter whom or what as long as things are stopped and the USA and it’s people become better off again.

I agree but worldwide not just USA. Interesting you went with AI. If the AI looked like a person who would it look like? Someone beautiful or something? FOLLOW THE WIVES. That's just one possibility, I hope they don't get too excited.AI fits in the current climate, I'm certain it's bigger than that.

I also agree about 'worldwide'. Own home needs to be in order first is all, than it's all dominoes...

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 08:51 PM
Remember we're saving Israel for last? It happened in July.

Remember seeing is believing and believing is seeing?

The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.

Crazy right?....not.

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

The Nation or the guy? Scott Israel, the
From: MSN News

The school shooting that killed 17 people inside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida will be reenacted Friday with live gunfire in attempts to settle a civil lawsuit against the school's resource officer, who said he didn't enter the building to help stop the shooting because he couldn't tell where the shots were coming from.

The reenactment will retrace the steps of the man who opened fire inside the school, and the families of the victims who brought the suit hope to prove former sheriff's deputy Scot Peterson could hear the shots "and knew where they were coming from,” CNN reported.

The reenactors will use the same model of semiautomatic rifle and caliber of cartridges and the bullets will be fired into a ballistic trap. Nine congressmen and families of the victims will tour the school this morning ahead of the reenactment, the second time a lawsuit has brought a tour to Marjory Stoneman Douglas: jurors in the death penalty trial of gunman Nikolas Cruz, 19, also visited the site—he was sentenced to life without parole last year.

Was the shooting more than a random act?
From: Psychology Today

A ritual is a specific act or series of acts that are performed in a precise manner and repeated often.

Also from Psychology Today

No one joins a cult voluntarily; they are recruited into it. There is lack of informed consent. Everyone has vulnerabilities. Possible situational vulnerabilities include illness, the death of a loved one, breakup of an important relationship, loss of a job, or moving to another city, state or country.

Individual vulnerabilities may include high hypnotizability, strong ability for concentration and vivid imagination, learning disorders, or autism spectrum disorders. Excessive use of hypnosis, meditation, and other activities can induce an altered state of consciousness. These, in turn, increase susceptibility to being recruited by a cult unless there are strong critical thinking, media literacy and good supportive network, which can help a person stay grounded.

If in a vulnerable state, you may fall for one of the many recruitment strategies. Some take place in person, where you may meet someone at work, through a friend or from a community. Or you may find yourself recruited online from social media posts, websites, YouTube videos, discussion forums, dating apps, movies or video games.

If the shooting was a cult ritual, then the importance of reliving it the act through can be done through symbolic re-enactment rather than through actual re-enactment. Think of how people decorate Christmas Tree to celebrate the first Christmas.

So was -Q- talking about saving Israel the Country or Israel the man, for last?

posted on Aug, 5 2023 @ 11:50 PM
I like how Dem pundits cite turnout numbers from a fake election to make their case for a Biden 2024 win. This feels right.

edit on 5-8-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: nisei
Who is Q?

Since no one else has posted. Thought I would. Time to force the Q?

Keep up the amazing work guys. God Bless!

I would say Don does not know who Q is, personally. He knows more than he leads on, but his BL disagrees with his verbal statements. Shaking his head no, shallow breaths and nervous shifting around in his chair...

He knows Q is a real thing, and that it is more than just a person. Multiple parties in-play.

Maybe they should have asked who or what? Project looking glass was not a who.


I believe Q is God.

A few years ago when this Q thing emerged, I was often wondering who or what is Q.
I often meditate & connect with Spirit, & I ask Spirit to show me things to help me understand what is happening & why etc.

Back to a few years ago. I was meditating & I asked Spirit what/who is Q?
Spirit showed me the Pi symbol, the figures 3.14, the number 17.
I was guided to the Holy Bible, Exodus 3.14. "I am who I am".

I asked "are you telling me Q is God?".
Spirit showed me the image of Exodus 3.14 the Tetragrammaton. It is Hebrew, & I noticed how it resembled two number 17s = 17/17. I looked at the clock on the wall, the time was 13.14pm (I mention the time because it's relevant how Spirit makes connections & validates my understanding of the message I'm shown).

The Hebrew 'He' looks like the number 17.
The Hebrew 'He' is a way of saying 'God' without actually saying the name of God.

Q is 17. 17 is 'He'. 'He' is God.

This is what Spirit showed me.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 05:45 AM
A couple of days ago I prayed to Almighty God (as I usually do) to send his fearless warrior Angels to help fight this evil darkness that is wreaking havoc upon our Earth.

Spirit replied "they're already here". It is the first time Spirit has said this in reply to my prayers.

Things are about to turn around.

Most of us on here already know that there are many good people in positions of power & influence that have been threatened & blackmailed & tempted into working with/for the dark side. They are afraid.
We must pray for them to be brave, pray they find the courage to turn away from the dark & step towards the Light. Giving in to fear is a choice. Faith will protect them from fear.

Our part in this is to forgive, & help them step toward the Light. Many aren't bad people, they're just very fearful of the bad people, the dark ones.

God's Angels are here.
God wins. God always wins. He is Almighty. Amen.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

Good to hear from you, Doob.


posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: doobydoll

I asked "are you telling me Q is God?".
Spirit showed me the image of Exodus 3.14 the Tetragrammaton. It is Hebrew, & I noticed how it resembled two number 17s = 17/17. I looked at the clock on the wall, the time was 13.14pm (I mention the time because it's relevant how Spirit makes connections & validates my understanding of the message I'm shown).

A twenty four hour clock needs no "am/pm".

13.14 = 1.14pm.

John 1:14:

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

"Q" has transferred to many people from something unknown to them.

A "Q" with many tails is a SON.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: doobydoll

I asked "are you telling me Q is God?".
Spirit showed me the image of Exodus 3.14 the Tetragrammaton. It is Hebrew, & I noticed how it resembled two number 17s = 17/17. I looked at the clock on the wall, the time was 13.14pm (I mention the time because it's relevant how Spirit makes connections & validates my understanding of the message I'm shown).

A twenty four hour clock needs no "am/pm".

13.14 = 1.14pm.

John 1:14:

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

"Q" has transferred to many people from something unknown to them.

A "Q" with many tails is a SON.

Yes the time was 13.14 when I looked at the clock. I don't know why I wrote the 'pm' in there. The '3.14' is a Spiritual conection for me - it is my DOB & it is also my intials CAD. It is my Spiritual sign for God. 3.14 is Pi, Pi is God. Pi symbol looks like the number 17, & also looks like the Hebrew letter 'He'. 'He' is 17. 'He' is God.
Spirit told me "'He' is coming. 'He' is unstoppable".
Q = 17 = 'He' = God.

DJT knows what Q is. He is fearless bc he knows Q is God.

I'm not a Bible/scriptures expert or anything like that & I only quote chapters/verses if Spirit uses them to convey a message.
For example, Spirit spoke to me last year & said "10, 7". I asked, "is that a day/month, 10th July?". Spirit replied "Matthew 10. 7". So I looked up Matthew 10. 7 =
"As you go, proclaim this message: the Kingdom of Heaven has come near".
I understood it that Spirit wanted me to spread the message that 'He' is on His way & will be here soon.

I just describe what Spirit shows me & pass on any spoken messages.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 10:03 AM

WE KNOW where the Bodies Are

“…when you watch this speech, Trump actually makes a remark on knowing where all the dead bodies are found in relation to the deep state!

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: doobydoll

Q = 17 = 'He' = God.

Q = 17 = 1+7 = 8 = Infinity.

Infinity is God's Mother and she put that 1 and 7 together.

And Mother Nature is THE coolest Chick in the Heavens.

17 also applies to Judgement Day, my Birthday actually.


edit on 6/8/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Speaking of Obama I just finished reading this.

Interesting detail

Isn't it curious that with all of the reporters in Washington DC that none of the are staking out Obama's residence.

"Doesn't it strike you as odd? I mean, I have heard from more than one source that there are regular meetings at Obama's house in Kalorama involving top figures in the current White House, with secret service and cars outside."

Probably has nothing to do with a shadow presidency.

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