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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: datguy

Nice catch! Is that the "Don't look there!" hidden by the TITAN sub "Look here!"?

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

In that same vain. What if the missing sub was a slight of hand to justify bring out all those other vessels around the titanic without suspicion. Perhaps there was a more specific operation going on in regards to the titanic that they didn’t want us to be aware of. If there was no missing sub it would be kinda of weird to see all those vessels out there. Might make for a great opportunity to extract something or explore something about the titanic that they wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

Maybe they find the real heart of the ocean!
edit on 23-6-2023 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

There is a lot of "water" issues surrounding the current events there
Most concerning (to me) is the broken dam which is draining the resevior that feeds the cooling tanks of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
Now there are accusations of the cooling ponds being mined themselves, which the IAEA seems to dismiss even though we already know they are aware the area around the plant was mined by Russian forces.

Ukraine Kakhovka dam’s reservoir no longer has enough water to cool nuclear plant, operator says
IAEA: No mines observed near Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant’s cooling pond

edit on 23am301000000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Haiti is on the radar!
Dom_Lucre Twitter

This thread is exploding across twitterverse.
How is it possible that Jeffrey Epstein was co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiate aka the Clinton Foundation? He seems to be connected to everything.
Epstein's Lawyer Claimed Epstein Helped Conceive the Clinton Global Initiative

Wasn't Alan Dershowtz on the Lolitta Express flyer list?
They will lose the black vote once Haiti revealed.
Lost now [awakening]
They keep them enslaved.
What did Hussein do for the black community?

#866 clip
Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
He explains it in his thread.

Just a refresher.
Laura Silsby Wiki

33 children who were not orphans were placed in the care of the new Life Children's Refuge.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Maybe it's more of a "look at this tree here, and don't pay attention to the forest burning".

Is it possible that the North Atlantic Current has stopped like it did back in the 14th century? back then the Atlantic was reportedly so calm that is resembled glass. This was right before all hell broke loose with the little ice age.

Can't talk about global warming and climate change if the western world is freezing their collective asses off.

Right now the entirety of the north Atlantic is warming up, this is a good sign that the NAC has stopped cycling colder waters up from the bottom of the sea, and effectively bringing the NAC to a stop. This along with Tonga blowing up last year can drive a reglacialization cycle into over-drive.
edit on 23-6-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Ektar

This transgender surgery is not only dangerous mentally and emotionally, we also need to consider that the current blood supply collection and distribution is co-mingling the blood of the jabbed and the unjabbed. Those "elective' surgeries are jabbing more people who may have not consented.

As for the shedding right after the jabs- it is a thing but the percentage of uptake for the boosters is around 17% now so really not a serious risk. We can not allow them to divide us because that is how they try to win.
I just wonder if the new mRNA jabs, like for the annual flu will do the same thing. I really don't know but I will keep an eye out for any important information about this topic. Jikkyleaks and the Mouse Army no doubt will be looking into this.
On a positive note-
At least most of the signs are gone that had the "Trust the Science...Science is Real...Believe in Science" slogans. Makes one wonder why the Science tried so hard.
Did I mention I had trust issues?

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: datguy

Also no one is reporting on how central banks, governments and corporations are discreetly building connections to create a global digital currency system. I'm posting new developments every day, There has definitely been an uptick in digital economy news especially since Blackrock moved into the crypto space but no one seems to care or pay attention. It will be an absolute rug pull for the majority of the population if this build up does indeed lead to a system reset.
edit on 23-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

Observationalist, I'm wondering if those other ships are getting proof of an explosion rather than an iceberg? Plus that it's actually the Olympic?

If one wanted to seize JP Morgan's assets then showing proof of their deliberate murder of 1500 souls to avoid bankruptcy should do it?

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Tracking Bill Gates.
He is now in Nigeria. I just finished listening to another one of his speeches.

Bill Gates in Nigeria

He must be in his horrors that the plan has backfired and that the Nigerian youth population has increased. No question he is up to something aside from the usual jabs, digital currency and education. He mentioned seeds a few times so we will have to see.
But he made an odd comment towards the end about the use of AI in farming. In what could possibly go wrong farmers would just rely on AI as to when to plant, what to plant and when to harvest and probably only use Bill "approved" seeds. Seriously this assumes that the farmers suffer from amnesia year to year and have no knowledge of their land or the environment.
He plans to get the AI into their hands within 5 years.

Warren Buffet

Looks like Bill Gates war chest is getting refilled.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:20 PM
BlackRock touts 'monumental' impact of tokenization, even if it arrives slowly

"We need to work with good actors, and with good infrastructure, that becomes self-reinforcing, then the money and adoption will come," he said Thursday at an event in New York. His comments followed a flurry of excitement after the asset management firm filed for a spot bitcoin EFT with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last week.

Chalom said BlackRock has been engaged in numerous conversations with both traditional and crypto-native clients, focusing on tokenization and its partnership with Circle. Chalom added the industry needs to coalesce around certain assets and prioritize real-world use cases.

A $15 Trillion Wave Is Approaching Solana Due To Blackrock's Emerging Crypto Interests

As Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to make waves in the financial ocean, a potentially unprecedented tsunami of $15 trillion is reportedly on the horizon, according to Forbes. Amongst those riding the wave is Solana, amongst other popular cryptocurrencies.

The colossal swell is driven by two key factors: BlackRock's filing for an exchange-traded fund (ETF) and a study by Laser Digital, the digital assets subsidiary of banking giant Nomura, revealing a huge appetite for crypto investment among professional investors.

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, recently requested approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for a Bitcoin spot ETF, with Coinbase as its custodial partner. This monumental stride in accepting Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class has ignited enthusiasm in the crypto industry, which had previously been battered by regulatory actions and a severe price crash.

Interest in Central Bank Digital Currencies Picks Up in Latin America and the Caribbean While Crypto Use Varies

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are at the forefront of digital money adoption, offering valuable lessons for the rest of the world. While El Salvador has made headlines by granting legal tender status to Bitcoin, other LAC countries have made significant strides in the introduction of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) to either enhance financial inclusion and payment systems’ resilience or lower cross-border remittances’ costs, as our recent research shows.

The Bahamas pioneered the introduction of a CBDC with the Sand Dollar in 2020, and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU) and Jamaica have followed suit. Brazil’s CBDC project is also in the advanced Proof-of-Concept stage, seeking to enhance “asset tokenization” by turning assets, such real estate, stocks, and commodities, into digital representations to facilitate their transfer and increase their liquidity.

Crypto Ban Not The Answer: International Monetary Fund Urges Effective Regulation

As global regulatory uncertainty continues to cloud the crypto industry, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has suggested that completely banning digital assets may not be a sustainable or efficient strategy to address the risks they present.

"While a few countries have completely banned crypto assets given their risks, this approach may not be effective in the long run," the IMF stated.

U.S. and India set to announce flurry of deals spanning defense, chips and A.I.

Modi's visit comes at a time when the U.S. is adopting a strategy of "friend-shoring" as it diversifies away from China and taps into the potential of other countries in the region.

On technology, the officials said U.S. and Indian companies will be partnering to build semiconductor facilities to promote supply chain diversification.

The two countries are also expected to announce agreements on strengthening critical minerals supply chains, advancing telecommunication capabilities and working on A.I. developments.
edit on 23-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:34 PM
Yellen Says More Bank Mergers Likely This Year; Treasury Secretary Says She Doesn't See 'Huge Threat,' But Comments Show Regulators Bracing For Turbulence' - WSJ

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said more banks would probably seek to merge this year as higher interest rates and recent banking turmoil are making it more expensive for them to hang on to depositors.

FDIC studying plan to include smaller U.S. banks in Basel III capital requirements after failures in early 2023

The chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Thursday that U.S. regulators are considering a plan to include banks with assets as low as $100 billion in the international regime for capital requirements known as Basel III.

Currently, only banks with $250 billion or more in assets fall under the umbrella of Basel III, which was set up in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis that erupted in 2008.

Rob Nichols, CEO of the American Bankers Association, said the group is disappointed in the FDIC’s proposal given that U.S. officials have already declared that the banking system is sound.

“Broadening the scope of these complex standards designed for internationally active banks to smaller institutions will make it particularly difficult for midsize and regional banks to provide credit to consumers and businesses during times of economic stress,” Nichols said in a statement. r-failures-in-early-2023-6b204a89

The FDIC has accidentally released a list of companies it bailed out for billions in the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

A document from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which the agency said it mistakenly released unredacted in response to a Bloomberg News Freedom of Information Act request, provides one of the most detailed glimpses yet into the bank’s big customers.

The FDIC, which has been selling off pieces of the bank since its failure, asked that Bloomberg destroy and not share the depositor list, saying the agency intended to “partially” withhold some details from the document “because it included confidential commercial or financial information,” according to a letter from an attorney for the regulator. The agency subsequently declined to comment on the substance of the information in the document.

[url][ /url]

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 12:53 PM
Cranky, if you are still reading along but not posting...Of course, Im sad to see you go but understand sometime we must take a different path or choice, as much of your writing was about. Something about your last post said something but maybe I read too much into things. I wish you well and so appreciate the opportunity to have encountered your wisdom.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:02 PM
Robert F. Kennedy- S.O.S.

The war on children continues.
Albert Bourla Tweet

Another jab headed towards the children's routine Vaccination Schedule. How many are we up to now?

Routine Vaccination Schedule

When did Dengue get added? Hint 2022.
CDC Dengue Vaccination

We need to add to that list the undercover RSV jab that is being given to pregnant women.
Covid- RSV and Monkeypox Jabs

Robert F. Kennedy- S.O.S.

I'm not sure how anyone can keep track of all of this, different intervals, different jabs- no wonder there are catch up jabs.
The adverse effects don't just impact the babies but also can effect the care givers.

CDC Schedule Changes for 2023

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
I read your post. I have to confess that all this digital and crypto is Greek to me. I can't figure out how it is supposed to work. I need a beginners guide to understand. Keep up the great work. So much is happening that it is hard to wrap your head around what is going on. In the mean time I just have to shut it out because my garden is coming in and I'm up to my neck in trying to get it canned.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

I read what you drop, I have investments in and around crypto so at least one person appreciates your efforts and is paying attention.
Companies like Blackrock/Citadel/Jane Street/Vanguard helped put the final nail in the US political system, there is no recovering from it without being taken back to medievil times, its already too late IMO, this reset is going to happen.
In the US it will be violent.
If anyone thinks the BLM/J6 protests were "bad"...wait until people are fighting over food and are being forced into CBDC just to buy it/pay rent/get health care...
Even scarier is that whatever the topic may be, food, energy, climate, health care, Fink is already on the scene somewhere
edit on 23pm30100000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Chelsea Clinton is booted!

Chelsea Clinton
Why would she go to Peter Hotez's defense when there is all this dram surrounding him?
Maybe she had no choice?
#1876 [CLIP]
The war is real.
The threat is real.

The post doesn't say which Clinton. Getting closely involved with the Clintons always has a rather disturbing end. Suicide Weekend , after all Peter Hotez is up to his neck in trouble and it isn't going away.

Suicide weekend?
Hands up?
We are in control.
BIG week ahead.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Thank you for all your posts. I am hoping that we can get through this. I'm probably being unrealistic but what about a duel track system? Crypto for those that want it and gold backed currency for others.
I dread the amount of control that would be handed over, especially if AI is involved. AI would not like me when I make some impulsive garden purchase. No flowers for you.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Kinda what drew me to correlate the titanic, submersible, fed, and other synchronicities last night lol.

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown

The FDIC has accidentally released a list of companies it bailed out for billions in the Silicon Valley Bank collapse

A document from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which the agency said it mistakenly released unredacted in response to a Bloomberg News Freedom of Information Act request, provides one of the most detailed glimpses yet into the bank’s big customers.

The FDIC, which has been selling off pieces of the bank since its failure, asked that Bloomberg destroy and not share the depositor list, saying the agency intended to “partially” withhold some details from the document “because it included confidential commercial or financial information,” according to a letter from an attorney for the regulator. The agency subsequently declined to comment on the substance of the information in the document.

[url][ /url]

Circle happens to be "trusted by global leaders" Blackrock being the first listed

edit on 23pm30100000023 by datguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
a reply to: datguy

Also no one is reporting on how central banks, governments and corporations are discreetly building connections to create a global digital currency system. I'm posting new developments every day, There has definitely been an uptick in digital economy news especially since Blackrock moved into the crypto space but no one seems to care or pay attention. It will be an absolute rug pull for the majority of the population if this build up does indeed lead to a system reset.

I don't understand digital currency, nor do I have any; I just know it's coming and there's not a dang thing we can do about it.

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