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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

You probably already know that train accidents are a huge indicator of crust movement.

I see the water temps in the Caribbean are wildly high now, along with all of the volcanic activity, and brush fires, the whole NA craton heating and moving.

edit on 24-6-2023 by FlyingFox because:

edit on 24-6-2023 by FlyingFox because: wait for it...

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The whole North Atlantic is warming up, as I stated in a prior posting; the North Atlantic Osculation Current seems to have either shut down or has stagnated. If Yellowstone goes "POP" then we're looking at a century or more of ice age conditions.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I found something important in Bill Gate's book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic."
From the chapter 'Learn From Covid' he has *= [8] on the keyboard at the bottom of page 29.

"Microsoft would've done it for free, and I'm sure many other companies would have to."

He was angry because he didn't get his way. Probably a first for him. What he wanted to do was to provide software [Trojan Horse] that the government/CDC could use for Covid testing. He never, as in never, provides anything for free.

The proposal was that people could go to the website where Q's could be asked about symptoms, risk factors and where to get tested.
This is where things get creepy.
"Or, if test supplies were limited, the site might determine that their case was not high enough priority and notify them when they Could be tested."
Talk about control. But it gets better.

Imagine what can be done with this data. Just looking at the obvious, this would allow specific groups of people, employed in specific sectors, to be locked out because they could not show negative test results... which the Biden administration and the CDC had decreed was mandatory.

How about this?
"The site would also have provided people with instant eligibility to participate in a clinical trial if they tested positive or were at high risk, and could later have been used to make sure that vaccines went to the people at the highest risk of getting sick or dying. And the site could be useful in nonpandemic times for fighting other infectious diseases."

With the way things have been going I wonder if these clinical trial could be's have a choice.
Gates needed this system up and running for his GERM team and the next plandemic.

He was very angry and appeared to have had a number of calls with the White House and the CDC.
"I remember one especially heated call with people from the White House and the CDC in which I was quite rude about their refusal to take this basic step."

No doubt he probably has this software ready to go but now is running into the obstacle that people are self testing or most not testing at all so there is no interest in it.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:32 PM
Apparently, Biden has hired a criminal defense attorney

The President of the United States has hired a criminal defense lawyer after huddling with Hunter and his lawyers all weekend at Camp David
edit on 25-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Isn't it curious that the position of Director of the CDC does not have to have senate confirmation. Biden announced Rochelle Walensky on December 7, 2020 [7+4=11]. And didn't she do a fabulous job? The Q is for whom.

Just look at this pic of her with the Epidemiologic Intelligence Service.
Meet the most terrified group
Probably just a coincidence that there are 8 in the pic.

Intelligence? This is an aximoron if I ever saw one.

Proves my point- cough, cough... trust the science or that it is real.

Billy 'the author' Gates points out on page 28..."the person running the CDC in 2020 wasn't a trained epidemiologist...Imagine a general who has never even been through a battle simulation suddenly having to run a war."

But what have we here?
Senat or Cruz Introduces bill to accelerate senate scrutiny and approval of new CDC director.

Looks like Cruz has the same concerns that we have about this Mandy Cohen.
"Mandy Cohen was a driving force behind the lockdowns and forced masking in North Carolina." Taking advantage to push government control over our daily lives shouldn't be rewarded by a promotion."

Interesting timing -2025 the target date for Disease X.

Rochelle Walensky Wiki
At least she has resigned or forced on May 5, 2923 [17].

I wonder when Pfizer will announce her appointment to their board because they do owe her, big time. She can join Scott Gottlieb.
Rochelle Walensky Over rules Advisory Board

Seriously between masking, no masking, jabs, boosters, mandates, social distancing, suspending rent payments, lock downs Walensky could not possibly be this confused.
Plus she was one of the first to sign the John Snow Memorandum In October 2020 declaring jabs the way forward. Checking the website ... Coming Soon with an image of mountains. It looks like the one jab approach is struggling because now they are going to update with a Vaccine-plus strategy.

John Snow Memorandum Home

I just took a peek at her budget request.
cDC Budget Request

Just slipping it in there "advancing pandemic response and expanding immunization coverage for both children and adults."
Like I said Pfizer owes her big time. I wonder how much Pfizer/BioNTech stock she has?

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:06 PM
These Swiss engineers have built a VR suit that could help you 'feel' things in the metaverse

It may soon be possible to "feel" the metaverse.

Eight mechanical engineering students at ETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, are developing a tactile suit that covers the entire body to "superboost" immersive experiences in the metaverse.

The suit features many sensors and soft, human-like muscles, allowing "a lot more natural interaction with virtual reality".

The Meta Suit is basically a suit that is built with artificial muscles and that enables us to have greater interaction with virtual reality," said Maximilan Eberlein, project lead at ETH Zurich.

"The main idea was to incorporate new artificial muscles called Hasel [hydraulically amplified self-healing electrostatic - actuators] into a suit that enables more interaction with virtual reality," Eberlein added.

The novel technology Hasel is critical to achieving the team’s goals. The artificial muscles feel similar to human muscles and send haptic feedback to the suit so the wearer can ‘feel’ the virtual environment.

We created holograms you can touch: You could soon shake a virtual colleague's hand

In the 21st century, holograms are already being used in a variety of ways such as medical systems, education, art, security and defense. Scientists are still developing ways to use lasers, modern digital processors, and motion-sensing technologies to create several different types of holograms which could change the way we interact.

My colleagues and I working in the University of Glasgow's bendable electronics and sensing technologies research group have now developed a system of holograms of people using "aerohaptics," creating feelings of touch with jets of air. Those jets of air deliver a sensation of touch on people's fingers, hands and wrists.

In time, this could be developed to allow you to meet a virtual avatar of a colleague on the other side of the world and really feel their handshake. It could even be the first steps towards building something like a holodeck.

Our research uses graphics that provide the illusion of a 3D virtual image. It's a modern variation on a 19th-century illusion technique known as Pepper's Ghost, which thrilled Victorian theatergoers with visions of the supernatural onstage.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:26 PM
MARCH Madness



edit on 6252023 by MetalThunder because: TIMING? EVERYTHING

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Scrolling through your Twitter link and this came

Maria Bartiromo.

Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires,” said Joe Biden was using a secret cell phone and it was paid for by Hunter Biden’s firm.

“What is the line of communications between Hunter Biden and his business partners and Joe Biden when he’s Vice President of the United States?” Schweizer said. “It’s not the government phone. It’s not Joe Biden’s personal phone. We know from the laptop that Hunter Biden’s business paid for a private phone line that Joe Biden used while he was Vice President.

I think it may be connected to the lawyering up the Bidens did.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:46 PM


edit on 6252023 by MetalThunder because: HOT HOT HOT

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e)
Walensky, Rochelle P

Lots to go through here, off the top of my head are the investments in JPM etf's

Russell 1000 etf is all communications and IT businesses (verizon, comcast, ATT ect...)

VANGUARD INSTITUTIONAL INDEX I and other direct or indirect S&P 500 stocks which include BRK-a & b (berkshire hathaway), J&J, United health group, Microsoft, as well as Pfizer, eli lily, merck

yeah shes tied in there, insider trading if i ever saw it

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 01:55 PM
Bill Gates is back in the news. Robert F. Kennedy takes a swipe at him.
Remember Event 201?

His greed has no bounds. "that same week Bill Gates who oversaw this [Event 201] simulation bought 1.1 [11] million shares of BioNTech vaccine which later became the Pfizer vaccine.
Pump and dump...sold for $242 million in profit [8]."

Evidence of Bill Gates involvement is found in the book "The Vaccine" by Joe Miller with Ozlem Tureci and Ugur Sahin, BioNtech founders.
Pages 24-26
"the immune system could be hacked- and one of the world's best biohackers was standing right in front of him."
"But the billionaire's most burning question was whether Ugur's team had given much thought to infectious diseases. Was there a potential, he wondered aloud to develop mRNA- based drugs, in record speed, during a pandemic? Ugur might want to consider a "plug-and- play solution for that moment. Gates said, as a matter of urgency."

Ugur received a surprise invitation to talk at the annual Grand Challenges meeting. The reason he was surprised was that BioNTech was not in the infectious disease field.

Consider this..." Gates had recently made an investment in an HIV program that ended up helping cancer. Now, perhaps, cancer could repay the favor and help rid the world of a virus or two. !

In 2018 after the meeting with Gates, BioNTech began to collaborate with Pfizer on a flu vaccine.

Page 33+34- What made Sahin change direction in January 2019?
"This time, Ugur made very clear, was different. His latest project was not about testing a new idea, it was about execution. The company would use all available resources to respond to the outbreak of an infectious disease in real time starting that day."
But he had already started and had selected 8 possible coronavirus vaccines.

What did he tell the board?
"Ugur let the board in on the macabre projection he had made on Sunday evening- humanity would soon be faced with its first out-of-control pandemic in decades."
All of this before the WHO had declared Covid a pandemic and there were no reported cases outside of China.

So much for Project Lightspeed. Page 335-36
WHO declared Covid a plandemic on March 11, 2020.

Covid Timeline

They knew- While developing this vaccine "there was no clear indication that the Wuhan virus was dangerous to healthy children. The vast majority were over 65 and many with preexisting conditions." But finally a 36 year old man died.
When does a bird sing? "This Ugur warned, might be the canary in the coal mine."

A ray of hope---Once BioNTech listed on the Nasdaq in October ' the board was obliged to take minutes of meetings, which could be obtained in the event of a challenge to the company's corporate governance. Under the German legal system, all board members were equally liable for company missteps." Page 38

Just to wrap up **"Since 2012, it [BioNTech] had administered its mRNA drugs to just over 400 people." Page 41
"The company's mRNA platforms had never been used in clinical trials for infectious disease. Certain Pfizer employees believed that BioNTech's technology was "not mature enough to take on this challenge." Page 43

"If Project Lightspeed was to even get off the starting blocks, the regulators would need to be on board from the get-go. They would have to work with BioNTech to compile a checklist of safety requirements for clinical trials, which the Lightspeed team could tick off before the first needle entered the arm." Page 44

Don't you just love when a plan comes together?

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: datguy

Thanks for that info.

So much information about her holdings in Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are buried in all those institutional inveestors like Blackrock and Vanguard.
It is simply outrageous that she received compensation for TV appearances during the plandemic. Under Section 4 Filers Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5000 in a year.

Turner Broadcasting System and New Caps LLC. In her capacity she should not be paid for information that she is providing to the public, the people who pay her salary. Is this indicating that she would not have provided information if she hadn't been paid? Or worse communicated the information that she was paid to deliver.
No doubt they are all on the payroll of Pfizer indirectly.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder


edit on 6252023 by MetalThunder because: why NOt

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Blumenthal and Graham held their news conference on the 22nd. And this came out the following day (I missed it because of the Russia 'coup')

Russia plan to blow up Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has been “drafted and approved”

In an interview with the New Statesman today (23 June) in the Rybalsky compound of Ukraine’s military intelligence services in Kyiv, Kyrylo Budanov warned that Russia has finished preparations for an attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in the south-east of the country.

According to Budanov, who leads the Main Directorate military intelligence organisation, the cooling pond of the plant has been mined by Russian troops. Without cooling, the nuclear reactors could melt in a period of between ten hours and 14 days. He believes Russia would be able to raise the voltage in the power supply lines to the plant, bringing about a nuclear accident at the lower end of that time frame. As Budanov put it during the interview, “Technical means could be used to speed up the catastrophe.”

Ukrainian military intelligence has also been able to establish that Russian troops have moved vehicles charged with explosives to four of the six power units. It is not clear if the International Atomic Energy Agency was granted access to these units during its visit on 15 June.

It could be more distraction/misdirection, there's plenty of that going on. Maybe something's being set up, FF or something along that line.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 03:40 PM
John Kerry's daughter

Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health

WHO is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Vanessa Kerry as the first-ever Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Dr Kerry, a renowned global health expert and medical doctor and CEO of Seed Global Health, will play a pivotal role in amplifying WHO's climate and health messaging and undertake high-level advocacy.

"We are delighted to have Dr Vanessa Kerry join WHO as our Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. Her extensive experience and dedication to public health make her an invaluable asset in addressing the health consequences of climate change. Together, we will work towards a more sustainable and resilient future for all," said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, WHO.

am honoured to serve as the WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. The climate crisis is a health crisis – it poses a fundamental threat to global health, and urgent action is needed to mitigate and adapt against this complex challenge. Climate change is already wreaking havoc across the world – from the cholera outbreak in Malawi to heat-related illness in India – we must invest in strong health systems now which are resilient against these impacts. I will work with WHO and its partners to drive awareness, develop solutions and build consensus for action for a healthier future for everyone on this planet," said Dr Kerry.[edi tby]edit on 25-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

In places with 24 hour sun like Alaska and Iceland, Sunflowers will twist their heads off.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Why does it suddenly feel the cabal/elite etc are sealing off even the smallest of exit roots for us mere mortals now?
Is it just me?

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

To me, it seems that the elites are trying to stock up on resources for that while the world sits starving to death, they plan on living the fattest life they can. They are setting themselves up for a real "Masque of the Red Death", while the general public will be harvesting food from their Victory Gardens.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
MARCH Madness


posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 08:23 PM
United Nations Proposes Digital ID System Tied to Bank Accounts and Mobile Payment Platforms

The United Nations is proposing a universal digital ID system that would directly connect to people’s bank accounts and payment apps.

A comprehensive new policy agenda from UN Secretary General António Guterres details an identification network designed to digitize and streamline the process of verifying people’s identities on a global scale.

The proposal is outlined in a section dedicated to “global digital cooperation and sustainable development goals.”

“Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries.

Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes.”

The proposal follows a move by the World Economic Forum to explore systems that would track and verify human identities using biometrics.

The Forum has teamed up with the Swedish biometrics company Fingerprint Cards, and is exploring blockchain-based digital ID platforms that “put privacy at the top of all major priorities.” s/amp/

They Want To Implement A Global System Of Digital Identification "For All" That Would Be Connected To Our Bank Accounts

In a May 2023 policy brief entitled “A Global Digital Compact — an Open, Free and Secure Digital Future for All”, we are told that “an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future” is absolutely critical for the “attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals”…

The present brief proposes the development of a Global Digital Compact that would set out principles, objectives and actions for advancing an open, free, secure and human-centred digital future, one that is anchored in universal human rights and that enables the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals. It outlines areas in which the need for multi-stakeholder digital cooperation is urgent and sets out how a Global Digital Compact can help to realize the commitment in the declaration on the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations (General Assembly resolution 75/1) to “shaping a shared vision on digital cooperation” by providing an inclusive global framework. Such a framework is essential for the multi-stakeholder action required to overcome digital, data and innovation divides and to achieve the governance required for a sustainable digital future.

If you go to page 8 of the policy brief, you will find the section where a system of digital identification “linked with bank or mobile money accounts” is proposed…

Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes.

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