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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Dang it rel. you say something that intrigues me, prompting me to cursory search lol. Although, I’ll never be as elaborate as you and cranky to be sure.

Summer solstice begins at 10:57 am in DC tomorrow, June 21st.

I did a web search of “summer solstice significance 2023” and this link popped up (warning, it is a blog post written by an astrologist Jill Wintersteen, so if you’re not the astrology type it may not resonate)

“ The Summer solstice represents the transition from action to nourishment, which is exactly what the Sun gives us during the long nights of summer, both to our actual crops but also to the continual journey we travel from darkness to light.”

The ancient Greeks celebrated the new year at the summer solstice. On this day, the slaves were treated as equals or even served by their masters.
Ancient Europeans had bonfires, Bonfires also were associated with magic. It was believed that bonfires could help banish demons and evil spirits.

Pagan folklore suggests evil spirits would appear on summer solstice. They would wear herbs called “chase devil” as protection. Now known as “St John’s Wort”

From the view of the sphinx, the sun sets squarely between the great pyramids on summer solstice.

The sun rises from behind the heel stone, the entrance to Stonehenge on June solstice.

edit on 20-6-2023 by G005E because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2023 @ 11:06 PM

a reply to: Thoughtful2
From your link indirectly

Feel the Bern.
How does a crack dealer gain customers, free samples.

Yes, Pfizer and Moderna are increasing the cost of their COVID-19 vaccines.

A ray of hope

Only around 17% of the U.S. population — around 56 million people — have received Pfizer and Moderna’s latest boosters since they were approved in September, according to the CDC. 

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: G005E

Cheers for the value add, G005E!

Let's see what happens in DURHAM's appearance before House Judiciary Committee from 10:57:

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.  – Thomas Paine

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 08:53 AM
It's telling that the majority of DURHAM's responses directly answer the questions posed; mostly "YES", "NO", "CORRECT"?

This is in stark contrast to cabal/deep state witnesses, in front of committees, avoiding direct and clear responses!

Is this hearing to be an exemplar for the correct methods of response in future hearings?

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:02 AM

edit on 21-6-2023 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Are we in a "Look here, not there!" moment?

LOOK HERE = DURHAM House Committee hearing,


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

From: MSN News

Attorney General Merrick Garland pushed back Wednesday against GOP accusations that the Justice Department’s plea agreement with Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, reflects a double standard of preferential treatment for Democrats.

Garland was pressed during a news conference in Sweden to address accusations from Republican lawmakers that Hunter Biden merely received a “slap on the wrist” while former President Donald Trump was criminally indicted.

Garland rejected the idea, pointing to the fact that the US attorney in Delaware tasked with investigating Biden’s son was appointed under the Trump administration.

“As I said from the moment of my appointment as attorney general, I would leave this matter in the hands of the United States attorney who was appointed by the previous president, and assigned to this matter by the previous administration, that he would be given full authority to decide the matter as he decided was appropriate,” Garland said. “And that’s what he’s done.”

The attorney general said that any further questions to “explain” the plea agreement should be directed to the US attorney in Delaware.

Could be that the US Attorney from Delaware was either pressured, or worse has been a Biden friendly Attorney given the State where they both live.

Could the "DON"T LOOK HERE" be something else?

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Did The FBI Prevent Delaware Agents From Investigating Biden Bribery Allegations? 6-20-23

Sen. Chuck Grassley implied the FBI may have defined the scope of its Hunter Biden investigation so narrowly, bribery allegations couldn’t be probed.

“In regard to U.S. Attorney Weiss, do we know if his job follows up on bribery, or is it just this tax stuff that we’ve been reading about? If it doesn’t include bribery, then he can’t do anything about investigating.”

And with those two sentences, Grassley revealed the initial answer Americans need to assess whether the DOJ and FBI sabotaged a criminal probe into the Biden family.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Does that missing chapter have anything to do with biological warfare? I've started reading the book. I just wonder if the post
#4964 is directing us to this specific book- Behold a Pale Horse.

Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

The reasoning is that on page 6 Bill Cooper basically says that he is not a prophet, not trying to form a church or cult or interested in having a following. He was just focused on the mission to wake up humanity and hopefully save it.

The Bible verse at the start of the book taken into present day context.
And I looked
and behold a pale horse:

Drs. and scientists are usually associated with white because of what they wear. In China white is associated with funerals/death.

Chinese Funeral Traditions

Horses transport a product/ person, in this case the virus and the jabs. Bill Gates flies on his white private plane.

and his name that sat upon him was Death.
and Hell followed with him.

Bill Gates= Death.

Everyone that has been involved with this plandemic and fanned the flames ie media, politicians, Drs., Scientists ect.=The Hell team.

over the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword,

If we look back at the last crop circle, and since there are multiple theories, the ancient map had the Earth broken down into 4 areas. Jerusalem [Israel], Europa, Asia and Africa.

Africa-Bill Gates hunting grounds.

Bunting Clover Map

Sword=The jabs.

and with hunger,
GMO, mRNA crops. Bill Gates.

and with the beasts of the earth.
mRNA jabs for farm animals, diseases introduced. Bill Gates.

The Holy bible,
The Book of Revelation
chapter 6
verse 8

Gematria Bill Gates Death We have contact. Rothschild, John Kennedy, All is revealed, Time travel, Dark to Light.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 12:52 PM
It doesn't matter if digital currency is issued by the Fed or through Central banks because essentially, central banks and the fed are one and the same.

JUST IN - Fed Chair Powell: A Fed issued CBDC "is not something we support." If we did have one it would be intermediated by banks.

Fed Chair Powell Says Central Bank Needs ‘Robust’ Role Overseeing U.S. Stablecoins foutputType=amp

Central Banks Propose CBDC, Stablecoin Standards With Amazon, Grab Running Trials

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), in collaboration with the IMF and other central banks, is proposing common conditions for retail payments with digital money on a distributed ledger.

The MAS said retailer (AMZN), finance company FAZZ and superapp creator Grab are collaborating on a pilot to test escrow arrangements for online retail transactions, with payments released to the merchant only after the customer receives the items purchased. The white paper covers technical specifications as well as "business and operating models for how arrangements could be programmed," to specify validity periods or types of shops when making transfers.

This collaboration among industry players and policymakers has helped achieve important advances in settlement efficiency, merchant acquisition, and user experience with the use of digital money. More importantly, it has enhanced the prospects for digital money becoming a key component of the future financial and payments landscape," Sopnendu Mohanty, MAS' chief fintech officer, said in a statement. 3foutputType=amp

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:11 PM
In a Kinetic War, the Enemy is in Uniform, in an Information War, the Enemy is Ignorance.

This is the final Qranky Post in this thread, fret not, as I am not leaving the fight, just being demoted - again - LOL.

Pace Yourself, this is going to be a hella long post. Did you expect anything less?

Before I get started…

In 1988 I wrote a treatment centering a character rising as the populist Governor. Here, 30+ years later, I saw the date connections to DJT’s POTUS 1988 buzz and my 88 timing. The story was an Inverted DJT story, instead of rich he was poor, alone not married, he too was conscripted by factions within the party. The rest was DJT’s campaign story, including the attacks. Should be known, my awareness of DJT was average at best, and I had no real opinion of him prior to 2016, but his Branding was WW then, my character was unknown.

I set it aside for a decade+ then, oddly, I trotted it out again, when coink-a-dently DJT was said to run against PedoJoe again: A faction of the Old Guard who had been waiting for such a person to break the system up (think “asked to run”). Curiously, the character uses a fake name to stay in hotels: William Henry Harrison (see posts on Tyler Harrison Connections to Joe) I cannot remember why I used that name. The story ended at the debates, made sense thematically. After “who knows who" emailed me “The Last President” on 11-30-2018, 11311, 11.3, I saw how it could/would have ended.

“What makes for a great script?”

This post is strictly from my POV, based on My Experience since Nov 2017, your POV must be different, it is meant to be so. I just thought I’d share what I saw and I learned as an Anon. This is rather ATS centric but not meant to be exclusively ATS but Anonship. The contrast POV goes, “Since 2017 I’d try tell these idiots they are in a LARP, I even proved it to them, they’re so stupid,” that’s that POV really.

I lurked the thread to see what developed for a few months after being pulled back to ATS. When I finally seemed to understand things, I joined the fight just as it took off. I never expected it to have legs, neither did Q team or anyone else for that matter: the odds were against for sure.

While Clif High may have seen the arrival language in 2009 of “the poet Q”, Freewill being what it is, means nothing is for certain in the end - Q and this thread changed the course of Galactic History [see cranky files for more]. If Clif saw the arrival, so did the Controllers = static premade talking points.

The issue I myself saw at the time was that Q+Anons were relegated to the Chans and would stay in the Chans unless regular folks got a chance to be a part at their own level - think JFK and Conspiracy Theorists vs. Billions who accepted the Original Narrative. ATS’s diverse collection of folks was perfect and somehow they took interest, that and there really was no other site with enough guts or deep diving history to take it on and stick with it for some 400k posts: ATS literally the OG Conspiracy Site Led The Way.

Folks returned to ATS for it, drawn to the energy. Chans were aggressive, competitive, ATSers have heart, love etc. Little did we know then > 2023: Q > Chans > ATS > Twitter/Anonup/Telegram/Truth/Gab/Substack/+++ and soon much more.

Powerful buildings have a cornerstone. Once finished, that cornerstone is often forgotten, but the entire building was built out from it and is supported by it forever. ATS/Rabbit, and the keen folks here, ARE the Awakening cornerstone from my 40000ft plus POV.

Little things grow into big things.

Conspiracy Theory was fringe, relegated to tin foil hat folks, the kind of ultra idiots who thought the CIA meddled in the JFK death… now proven true. Getting all this “fringe” stuff to go mainstream required overcoming the “Conspiracy Theory CIA Handbook,” their efforts, their minion’s efforts, m.A.L.I.C.E., the crabs in the bucket, the mind control etc. = no easy task.

The JFK Great Awakening failed precisely because there was no way to Unify enough to create enough Informed Consenters in Real Time. Oddly, the “conspiracy” aspect did Unify a few, but a terrified CIA stomped on that, war started and dragged the effort back into oblivion. War is the traditional answer to an Awakening.

Known and accepted conspiracies were/are fine: KM/Jews, Illuminati, Roths/FED, Uniparty, Moon Landing, even Religions, but Q was none of those and unacceptable from day one.

So what was the real problem with Q? It was in Real Time! Yes, Real Time!

In the past an event happened, JFK killed, then folks poured over the approved of documents. Moon Landing, folks poured over the approved pictures. KM/Jews/Roths, folks poured over their approved history - never in Real Time.

Real Time is what CT’s and Controllers all hate, as there was no ability to filter BEFORE the drops, meaning the Controllers were in counterpunch mode from day one. They hated it because they are not used to things happening without approved of Agency Control = eneMedia telling folks what’s what before they can see for themselves. CT’s hated it because it meant Real Time digging, fast, and everyone was included.

[Agency is the act of having a third party, an Agent, standing between one and another. The richest people in the world are Agents, the Controllers put Agency between everything and everyone, and control those Agency systems: Phone, Internet, Media, Banks, Church, “History” 1/0’s, and Words, yes Words are Agency.]

This really angered the “I got it all figured out” conspiracy folks, in fact, they were the worst “screw Q” offenders, as they tend to be History Agents [students of His-Story]. They are by definition, pouring over approved historical documents in their own time, in their own way. They were often apoplectic because Q was dealing with the Now and included everyone.

Ignoranceisbliss arrogantly said “I’ve gone easy on Q” while he blasted everyone with HIS narrow version of what’s what: CT King belittling seekers he seeks to inform.

Q: “dig for yourself," - Warren Commission said, “Oswald, the end.”
Q: “dig Russia/HRC/Ukraine/PerkinsCoie” - FBI, CIA, enMedia said “DJT colluded with russia, STFU you conspiracy theorist idiots.” Anons dug, said it was a hoax, were then told to STFU because something LARP.

2023 proved anons to be correct about a lot. Everything in the Durham report/Laptop/Ukraine was known by Anons years ago, strictly due to Q prodding folks to think for themselves through group sourcing, yet Anons were disappointed, which makes no sense, as they were validated!


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:11 PM
Anons+ now change the course of Original Narrative Events. How many playbook events in the last 5 years, shootings etc, have been tossed in the rabbit hole because Anons exposed the script in minutes? EJean, Tranifesto, Nordstream, etc. Why was Twitter where the war was? Control of Real Time Reality Creation+debunking is why and they lost control over it.

I am surprised we survived the great agency purges, the coordinated and relentless attacks on all Qsters, and even our own selves as we struggled - protected maybe? Pretty remarkable, in fact this is one of, if not, the most remarkable things I have been a part of. Especially considering I hate Puzzles, Team Anything, Politics and m.A.L.I.C.E. and her ultra low IQ minions. The Human Souls here are amazing and it was them, you all+Anons, that kept me in the game.

Over the course of my time as an Anon I’ve seen sadness, joy, frustration, anger, frankly all emotions, but most of all I have seen growth, some reluctant growth and some zero growth. It is my awareness, POV, that this thread, no matter how small it seems, created the resonance for the entire Anon/Dig/Expose movement planet wide precisely because it was a consistent group, voluntarily meeting, with no monetary or special awards possible - The Cornerstone.

Someone once replied “but they are a small group” to GA’s twit: “ATS does it best” = not understanding how resonance works. The various decode themes came into us, the connects came through us, archiving, solar watch, spreadsheet, future connects, etc. which caused to alter the process to suit the awareness increases. You may say, “yeah but chans did timestamps etc.” yes, but ATSers did things normal folks could understand and translated things into normiespeak early, without the rage, porn, chaos. More, it mattered not if Rabbit readers got that stuff, everyone was welcome.

The so called “paytriots,” had incentives (money/followers/fame), ATSers did not, just their own will, which is a very different energy: AM Coffee, Bagel, Read, Dig, Post, Rinse/Repeat, Check-in, Share, Rinse/Repeat. There is no other “group” on the net like this, individuals yes, but no Collective of Concentrated Consistent Creation Souls.

When one E note is hit, all the others on the piano ring out, they must, it is the law, and when a note has never been hit, a tiny tap makes a loud noise. It only takes a small vibe to make all others alike ring too, Candle in the Cave = ATSWhiteRabbit.

But cranky, that’s ^^^ hive mind. No it isn’t," target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Inversion is in effect here. Besides, everything is POV dependent, ultimately All Is One.

“Epstein didn’t kill himself” is Anons at large, which is ATS, which is Qthread. From Qult to mainstream TV shoutout. JE/Gmax just a few DarpaGoog hits in 2018, to 25m+ now = Anons period, as there is no other explanation: What eneMedia publicized it/him enough to question his death?

I kept track as Anons progressed into the real world introducing unknown topics on the DarpaGoog hits. JE is the perfect example, from unknown child trafficker/blackmailer/DNA Manipulator, to Epstein being a household name. From “why Ukraine Q” to “OMFG, Ukraine is everything Team Joe.” Soros, PerkinsCoie, Hunter etc. Humans As Current(cy), abortion+trafficking+slaves+debt etc., is now seen by many, not by the term, but by the energy.

IMPORTANT: ATS and Q+Anons was a gathering of Souls, the “Digs” or “Topics” was the Macguffin for the Souls to gather and focus, through the body, shining light into the control system, and that is what the system was trying to stop all along: Unity is their enemy.

Why did Q change? Because Anons changed! It wasn’t a slight, but a reward for altering both the reality and ourselves=Collective Anons. This group reflected that change, micro of the macro. Sure the web can be scanned for what’s what, but that isn’t the same as watching specific groups in action and then extrapolating out based on Feel, Heart, Soul.

IMO, the Unity here, instead of the competition of the chans, was the light needed for the movement to take hold, plus: the inclusion of all of life, not just political digs, came from us - sun, cosmos, health, music, etc. My first post on HRC (not her) is now accepted in Anon world but was frowned upon when I posted it.

The sharing, little bell ringing, here eventually was loud enough to ring all the bells in those Souls meant to guide: from Martin Geddes to the new Tucker, from Team Muskinator+ to A Gab Feed with 3 followers, across the world folks had there inner bell rung. A World Wide Movement from small to big, from mainstream like CandaceO to obscure like @Clandestine, really even Revolver News and Epoch Times dig deep now.

The point of the thread for Me was to stay within the guardrails of the Qtopic but not exist in isolation = All is One, so all is a part, not just HRC&DJT, but clones, actors, pedovore culture, playbook, money, DarpaEverything, even dracoshills — exposing institutions: Courts, AMA, Education, eneMedia, DarpaEverthing etc. & it all came around in 2023!

At first folks didn’t get those inclusions, some still don’t, but All Is One has been proven spot on these years later: Politics, Religion, Pedovores, Abortion, Blood, Celebrity, Clones, Jab, BorgVerse, A.I. (oh m.A.L.I.C.E.) were not considered a part in 2018, but are now seen by Anons across the world as common parts of the Control System. I watched what came, what stuck, what left/returned with new vigor, it was amazing.

Q drops were never meant to be the definitive list of dig topics, but just a starter pack of key topics to riff off of, to build the connections from Dominion to Vote Rigging, from Metabiota to Russian Invasion of Biolabs, from Ukraine Joe to The Rona cum Chyna.

The energy of Q spawned a huge number of great diggers who either know nothing of Q or care nothing of it. Whitney Webb is amazing, Corey Diggs is amazing, Tracy Beanz, Polly, Liz Cronkin, Matt Couch (Seth Rich) and countless twit feeds once banned are stellar diggers with remarkable POV’s all shining REAL TIME light on the control system - this is what they hate! They hate being unable to filter, spin, lie, bully and eneMedia/Agency folks into the mind control cage.

What was it, 1000 lawyers on standby in 2020? In 2000 it was just one, Jim Swamp Creature Baker. Why the increase? The system knew after midnight Anons were gonna election dig, deep, they did, and, PerkinsCoie+ was needed to counter: China, Germany, Barcelona, Mules, Ruby etc.


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:12 PM
The CIA was so freaked out about a few Oswald Deniers in the 60’s, they created the Conspiracy Theory Term, 60+pg book, and more to deal with a few people! Q was meant to include ALL HUMANS so the attacks were 1m fold!

Did Anons get a lot wrong? Of course, Meh to that. Did Anons get a lot right? Of course, Meh to that. Did a ton of things change course due to the efforts. Of Course, No meh to that. With regard to The Rona/Jab happening, some events will happen regardless, the collective deems it so, along with Source, and as I said at the outset, from my POV, it was inevitable once it started. The most painful POV of all: 50% of the population did not fight = the why it happened, as sadly it too was part of the “reveal.”

I won’t deny, the folks who never got over feeding the trolls and professional penny a post provocateurs were frustrating. There is a guilty pleasure for me concerning all the energy redirected, by Anons, from the human trolls and shills. Trolls lost 5 years of their life they will never get back - age 40/5yrs=%LOL. It had no negative impact on the movement, as they heroically provided Contrast, which was needed to evolve, thereby moving things faster than might have otherwise have been.

This process took a serious toll on myself, as well as many others, “waking up is hard to do”, but “waking up others” is nearly impossible - it is also a thankless job. It was all worth it though, I’ve learned so much, grown so much, in ways simply not possible without Anonship. I never shared the negative aspects inflicted on me as an Anon, too gruesome to bother with IMO, regardless the Game is the Game. [next AM after finishing this, a dead mostly white rabbit appeared in my driveway, with the only heart ripped out = true]

All of my posts, love them or hate them, were entirely inspired by things posted by the great Human Souls here. This effort helped me round out my understanding of 3rd/4th Density: Earth Plane+.

Each day looking to see what folks are talking about, what they are thinking, what they are vibrating on and finding something to contribute was a gift.

A few Hat Tips and ThankQs are in order.

I have no idea if the real First Family still lurks, or our Insiders, if they do: Hat Tip.
TeamQ, TeamPool, TeamMuskinator: Hat Tip - don’t call me, I’ll call you… LOL.
To those who got what they needed, and moved on to expand their awareness: Hat Tip.
To those who left Earth: Sad Hat Tip.
Lurkers: Hat Tip.
DTOM: Hat Tip.
Dash: Hat Tip.
Every. Single. Poster/Lurker gets a Hat Tip & Bow+. I cannot single one out, as Unity is all I see now - Where We Go One, we really do Go All, as there is only one Truth: All Is One.
Yet I contradict myself: To my UK brother Rel: without your presence I would not have participated as long or as much: Utterly brilliant, funny, and holding British Politeness to absurd perfection.

So many friends here I’d have to travel to every state, pretty sure all but the Dakota’s were represented here, as well as so many countries.

How amazing, so diverse, so many POV’s, yet all here based on one desire to participate in the Great Awakening and simply share in an experience - interesting how that sentiment really enraged certain folks.

Think about it. Why is talking the Q topic so damn polarizing, why the hate, why the anger, why the rage directed at folks who, for many, have been wearing the Tin Foil Hat for decades?

Even here at ATS. 2016, DJT arrives, and Conspiracy Theories and such are no longer tolerated: russia, Good People, The Rona, Perfect Call, should have been CT gold. Pre2016 those could have been questioned, post 2016 it was forbidden by actual CT adherents. The Controllers knew it was coming, the talking points were prepared (see cranky files): If Clif saw it in the language so did they, which is why the counter talking points were so uniform!

Regular folk don’t hate, The Old Guard hates: FBI, CIA, MediaMatters, ShareBlue, KM, and on and on - known agents against the people are the largest purveyors of the “Qanon is a dangerous conspiracy theory LARP whose members think JE/Gmax were child traffickers and Ukraine houses BIOweapons, among other proven falsehoods.”

The enemy of the people hate this Q Great Awakening thing, that should tell the tale, but mind control is a helluva drug. Q, the greatest, maybe only, Real Time Conspiracy Event and actual Tin Foil Hat folk hated it? Then again, many folks are just inverters, “sure the FBI hates Q because they are doing it and they are playing good cop bad cop” = Just say the opposite and win a prize.

Q, as with every. other. thing. on the planet is a tool, nothing more nothing less. How the tool is used is up to each. A hammer can bash a head, or build a shelter. Which is the right use? Me: depends. Polarized: Building idiot, there is only one use, it isn’t a weapon.

THE TEST: devise a system of Awakening, ultimately it must include everyone, regardless of what they believe, must not interfere with Freewill, must encourage & not be divisive, must use the Mind Control aspects all Humans were weaned on. Make sure you cannot be caught or shutdown unless you want. Make sure anything you say, or do, does not [knowingly] kill anyone or encourage folks to kill. Make sure you can seed the clues with at least some related information to find. Must be planet wide, in Real Time, & incorporate everything from symbols to pedavores [include quotes from obscure articles and private conversations]. Don’t have to match timestamps but you need some treats. ***Important: every. single. agency. of the Old Guard will come after all the folks you seek to Awaken, so, ultimately they are in [danger] so live with that daily stress and stay committed no matter what happens.

Oh wait, I’ll bet the Qomplainers never thought about how much stress it is/was to watch the digital soldiers get arrested, attacked, abused etc. daily. FFS, [less than 10] is a quote from an absurdly obscure article on JE, consider the work to find it, relate it, and double meaning it.

My guess, the boobirds will just say “so what, who cares, none of it matters to me so I would not even bother.” Some will say “I can’t, but still how come Q didn’t…” Some will say “let go, let god.” Regardless, no one person will come up with a plan to fit as many of the reQuirements as the Q plan did - think about that. We lived it In Real Time!

Having been a digital soldier, the first, heroically, what did/does Q mean to you?

If Jesus were to return to lead the Great Awakening, his “followers” of today would kill him in minutes, as he would be a false prophet and failed to look like Jesus. We are programmed against ALL, every conceivable form of real external assistance and as perpetual victims we are programmed to accept platitudes, virtue signaling and “hope” as the only true assistance. We literally attack those that help, ask a Zuma Beach lifeguard.


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 01:12 PM
“Oh yeah, if Q was in charge how come Comey wasn’t arrested?” That’s a dumb Question as this was not about arrests, it was about Awakening, and the most important point was that ALL the structures in place are Control System are not there to help us: Q revealed that, people hate it, but it was in the drops in black and white. “But Q said arrests, said it” = Ugh.

The Control System is a Hydra, not a person, or even many people. Banking, Law, Pharma, Government, Religion, Military, and all Institutional Control Structures we created, we rely on, we need to let go of entirely - they cannot be fixed but we can’t seem to let go either.

Folks want the FBI Hydra Head, created to protect the elite from us, to arrest another Hydra Head to prove they work for us? Huh? Is that even logical? DJT’s arrest shows, proves, the DOJ do not work for The Constitution/People, but the Old Guard - “show them”!

[a note about the first drops, HRC arrested, and the garbage refrain “oh she didn’t get arrested so Q is a liar.” A.I. and Game Theory likely determined that was the best way to attract attention because of the email scandal, anything else would have been ignored (Future Proves Past, not Present Proves Present). Besides Q never said she would disappear from view and these are not the same people at all.]

Before anagrams were banned for some reason, and Q then stopped using the term Autists in kind, these were in the drops. [remove ATS from “autists” drops and anagram, find your own results]

Q is a tool, nothing more-nothing less, and was designed to show you what you create, In The Now, so you can change that - you cannot create something new until you see what you create In The Now: folks thought the FBI/CIA/Media worked for them.

Q is a gray area process and not a polarity point to either defend or oppress, doing either is not gray area.

If there was one aspect of this journey I hope folks now understand, it is the Polarity Reality Rules. If the NWO exists, the opposite must, Liberation, and the gray area is the area with the most opportunity, Extreme Polarity Points Are Spiritual Traps.

The Polarity Points related to spiritual growth are contained within and won’t be seen outside oneself until the light is lit inside, but IT IS IN THERE = what you are looking to activate. NWO exists “outside” and the Liberation exists “Inside.”

Let me say again, if you find nowhere out in the world the reflection of the inner balance you seek, it is because it is within you, the contrast you see is forcing you to look in and refrain from looking out. Right now there is peace on Earth to be had, and, discord too.

Where is the most stable place here in the polarity equation?

What happens if the Check Mark, which provides Contrast to X Mark, jumps off?

Also, hopefully, more broadly: There is only one Truth, All Is One, everything else is just a fact wholly dependent on POV. No two POV’s are the same by the design of the Absolute/Creator/God/Spirit, and each Individuated POV evolves continuously.

My favorite connects to this thread/group of digital soldiers in the first WW Information War.


Team Trump

Team Muskinator

Team Pool

These were absolutely NOT connects to me personally, NOT, but the thread, the group, and very much Anons as a whole. It was interesting to see how folks personalized the Q process. @furber wrote a book, NeonRevolt wrote a book with an “I’m the Q guy” vibe, PrayingMedic got really personal and of course Mikey Rotchild wasted his life and wrote a book that no one read - weakass contrast. Could I write a book? No, I lived it, it’s too much! Besides, we have the archive, it is all recorded!!!

ATS folks stayed centered, Unified, and focused on the cornerstone energy devoting to the digs, the Unity, and supporting each other through WWIII - the first, and last, information war.

What’s your POV, now?
How do you see your growth, your time as a digital soldier?
What was your first/most recent post?

My First Post & last.

I find the movements correspond with each of the Q movements related to my experience from 2018 to today. Which piece of music defines your experience?

I’m now going to forget all this Abedin to Zaid stuff, as it is in the archives. If you could see my POV, The Archive is so powerful, so beautiful, such a vibrational force, it will sit in the Akashic, as some people call it, eternally vibrating like nothing else within: uniQue, something of a crystalline gem, that is by magnitude greater than the sum of its parts. When the time comes, ask to see it, the impact, it will be overwhelming.

And so it is with the heaviest of hearts this is my last post. The final chapter in Cranky’s life has arrived - Choices 2020>23, and I must oblige. Every single genuine poster & lurker is noted within me and it will be taken with me as my journey continues: I will remember ML’s heartfelt posts, FF’s stories & memes, The Dash Van & fight, CWM’s relentless passion & openness, TAT’s wit & skills, MT’s intensity & amazing music/Qonnections, DD’s spirit Qonnections, EMN’s insane mental/hard drive library, but also all the little insights, stories - Frayednot’s 2018 Vicar story, the light each has brought, and that wall of lurkers,,, etc+.

The Heart of Everyone Lies ObserVable within my Energy: I will never stop thinking “oh, damn I gotta post that…” No really, I gotta break that habit! LOL.

Many along the way have asked me for assistance in one form or another and it was my pleasure to offer my POV. I set up an annony email in case someone along the way might have a need for assistance or just to share something positive, don’t feel shy about it. I thought I’d offer, maybe it’s just a way of not really moving on? “COM_ATS” over at the notneutron also .crankyoldman @discord.

I bid you adieu ATSOGQKnight Anons+, it has been the ride of a lifetime and I know for an an absolute fact, the Best is Yet To Come. I had a zillion other things I could have done besides this, but this was the glorious surprise of many lifetimes, I am more proud of participating in this than anything I have done - nothing comes close. Who do I see about my Pepe Medal?

****A final HT, I sense that JustinaJr. is still lurking (among others of course), be about 20+ years old now? Much respect to you and your mom.

Good until the end of the cycle.


posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Have you been following the missing submersable that was supposed to take some guests to see the Titanic?
What We Know

This could be a 'watch the water' moment. The names of the guests have been released and there is one that is very interesting.

Hamish Harding.
Who is Hamish Harding

Ominous Message

Isn't it interesting that he flew with Jeff Bezos on the Blue Origin? But even more interesting is that he went with Buzz Aldrin to the Antarctic. Something must have peaked his interest because he teamed up with White Desert - a British operator providing tours to the Antarctica.
White Desert wiki

"On 9-11 July 2019, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, Harding, along with Terry Virts, led a team of aviators that took the Guiness Book of Record for circumnavigation of the Earth via the North and South Pole." Interesting timing.

I thought that flying over the Antarctica was taboo? So what did he see or find?

At the same time this may be the reveal that a switcheroo took place and that this is not the Titanic.

Either way this is a BIG water event.
Why is this event BIG?
What does it signify?
Why is NK out of the news?
As The World Turns.
WATCH water.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Thank you. You have taught me so much, along with others here. I hope that you will continue to check in on us.
I can't imagine how much time you have spent on this.
You had a unique way of educating and opened my mind to what was "really" going on. In turn I have been able to get other family members start to hesitate when they are reading/ hearing the news.

Travel through life safely and be happy. We will miss you.

posted on Jun, 21 2023 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Oh, Cranky, this has me feeling sad and bereft. I always look forward to your post. I depend on you and others here to make things easier for me to think about and understand. I'm not as smart about decoding as others here. I mostly lurk, but read the thread every day. I don't have a clue as to your reasons but wish you all the best. Take care of yourself.

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