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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 23 2023 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Chelsea Clinton is booted!

Chelsea Clinton

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 12:31 AM
Supreme Court upholds law barring encouraging illegal immigration

The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a lawsuit challenging a law that makes it a crime to "encourage or induce" illegal immigration -- dismissing a claim that the section was overbroad and unconstitutional.

The case, U.S. v Hansen, involved California-based Helaman Hansen, who promised hundreds of noncitizens entry and a path to citizenship via "adult adoption." However, no such pathway exists in U.S. law, yet he earned nearly $2 million out of the scam from over 450 foreign nationals.

The opinion, written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, noted how people used savings accumulated over decades to pay for the scheme.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Thank you for posting the video.
Who are these two dip-sticks? It's OK, I do have an idea who they are, but seriously??
Talking of body language, the second chap's hand positions is very clearly saying.... "I believe what I'm saying to be true, you need to believe me." Politicians use it all the time, and invariably it comes from a place of "I'm lying, but I will have my way whether you like it or not".
Most people have lost interest in what's happening in the Ukraine. Gone are all the Ukraine flags that popped up over here in UK. Now we have our PM Sunak promising Z all this cash to re-build, but Russia will have to pay it back. That has riled a few people over here when our own economy is struggling.
As to the Wagner chap..... I don't trust him further than I could throw him. Something is very wrong there, like he's been paid or promises have been made. Whether that's a side winder from Russia or the West, time will tell.
Just my thoughts.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 02:36 AM
Another all-nighter and this just flew into my cranium:

Does the word ANCHOR derive from the Egyptian ANKH?

Does the ANKH shape represent a rope tied to a stone (what early boats used as an anchor)?

Did the pharoahs hold an ANKH to symbolically represent that they give their country stability in troubled waters?

...and so to bed; time for zeds!
edit on 24-6-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 03:21 AM
IMO - it’s all the ‘fog of war’ and most news of the war is by default BS.

Wagner Group flipping ‘really’ after all was said about there ferocity and nationalism.

Aren’t they Chech Muslims? If so who are they really fight for. Themselves?
Just a great opportunity to kill Nazis (Jews)

I don’t know - misdirection???

Edit - re Climate Geography discussion.
Sorry can’t embed, on an old phone and useless on ATS.

Here is the YouTube title of very good interview with a women who knows the Sun like no others. Definitely worth 20 mins of your time. Sorry if it old news...

Valentina Zharkova - Heartbeat of the Sun - Terrestrial Volcanic Eruptions Links With Solar Activity

edit on 24-6-2023 by McTech because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Mostly the only group paying attention to these changes are those who are already invested in crypto. Outside of that, the rest of the world is pretty much clueless.

It's virtually impossible to relay to people the severity of the criminality that has been occurring within banking, but when you add in the securities and crypto you lose 99.9% of those that got the first part. The federal agencies are seemingly without any kind of ethical oversight.

It's quite clear there is deep coordination between government agency leads, the entities they allegedly regulate, and connected individuals. C'est la via, right? There has always been corruption. The thing is, the further you drill down details in 2023 the more irredeemably corrupt the system appears. This is whole families who are making enormous wealth entirely through these unicorn deals that just never have regulatory issues or any bad press. They're political donors and related to agency leads and working for law firms that all have no regulatory issues ever. No matter what they do, they're golden. Everything they touch.

You also have to remember that we now live in a world where the highest level officials and experts are routinely lagging 6-18 months behind the data publicly, nevermind catching up to those of us who can actually predict trends. They don't appear to even care that they're not believable. The news you can find is mostly a lie that itself is built on a fantasy about a working financial system. Unfortunately, the perspective from which an average person will view the information is one that doesn't appreciate that all these pundits and officials are in on the scam. The top .001% sucking up all the money is not a bug, but a feature.

JPM and the large banks will continue buying up the remainder of the crypto assets and companies. They're doing it now because the Fed and Treasury wiped out the crypto banks with complete disregard and the SEC crippled the crypto industry to eliminate competition for their friends, who are holding a bunch of junk assets. They're hoping to offset losses in a bunch of asset classes they destroyed with greed by monopolizing regulated crypto. Then they open the floodgates with government officials showing support and clowns like Jim Cramer shilling the new class of crypto funds.

They're still going to have to cook the books eventually.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: datguy
From your link.

Deep look into U.S.' coronavirus lab in North Carolina

More stuff cause it's Saturday
nih report download at link if you want

NHS Whistleblower: ‘We were ordered to “Euthanise” Patients to falsely increase COVID Death Counts while Hospitals were Empty’…

The whistleblower also confirmed that the little care given throughout the pandemic amounted to negligence, and that the government and NHS bosses essentially instructed staff to let people die, or in some cases kill them through the ‘End of Life Care’ programme and falsely label the deaths as being due to Covid-19.

Speaking of deep distraction's
C'mon Bredda

careful adult language
Flatten the curve.
There are 10 business days in 2 weeks.
Everything has been dark since the whole 2 weeks to "flatten the curve"

can u c it

I know you see it.
Big Mike
et TU chip

BREAKING: Team #Loomered just spotted GOP Congressman
and confronted him as he was walking into the CCP tied
fundraiser in DC that is taking place at the law office of a Dominion lawyer. The fundraiser is co-sponsored by Marc Lampkin, a lobbyist for Moderna and AbbVie, the maker of Lupron, which is a drug used to chemically castrate children who are undergoing gender transition.

Chip Roy recently endorsed DeSantis for President. And now it looks like he’s endorsing child mutilation financiers too?

Why is she allowed to drink still, quit enabling 'mericaNancy threatens pro lifers

Pelosi says there will be "a price to pay" for those who support pro-life policies:

"I don't say that as a threat, I say it as a prediction."

no 1 above the law

The US govt blocked a British rescue mission on Monday and its deep-sea submersible raising questions about search efforts

edit on 2023/6/24 by CrazyFox because:
a new hope

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel - time for another art post.
Pope Francis addresses artists, including creator of blasphemous crucifix photo

I'm usually in favor of artistic expression but this?
"Among the participants was the U.S. photographer Andres Serrano, creator of the controversial 1987 "Piss Christ" image. A photograph of a plastic crucifix submerged in urine."

Piss Christ Wiki

I wonder who purchased this photograph.

Pope Francis has had some questionable art taste.

The Vatican and Andy Warhol

"his art dances around sacred themes and iconography that fuses spiritual into the profane and secular world."

What is in a name? WAR hol and that exhibit was to be at the end of 2019 right before the launch.

#4908 comes to mind
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all of humanity [cross party lines]/
Difficult truths.

Compare & contrast.
Location of painting confirmed.
Travel to Rome.
Charms are very important.

So what has this 'supposed' artist been up to?
Andres Serrano Purchase a piece of Trump's wedding cake

Hmmm 2019. This can't be good.

Meet the artist-
Andres Serrano You Tube

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Have you seen what they are cooking up in Canada?
They are just floating the idea but the implications that people will not be able to use natural supplements to maintain their health means that there is an agenda afoot. Aside from forcing people to just use Big Pharma approved drugs there is something else lurking under the waters.

Nattokinase, a traditional supplement with a long history of proven effectiveness at breaking down blood clots which helps prevent cardiovascular disease. The NIH reluctantly confirms this.
Back to the NIH Library with the light ray

Isn't it strange that myocarditis and pericarditis heart issues have been linked to the mRNA jabs and once again reluctantly confirmed by the CDC.

Then of course there is vitamin D, C and zinc. One gets this strange impression that they don't want Canadians to fight back. Since they test these ideas in Canada first, what are the chances they might try and pull this off on us?

Listen Up Canada

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Rand Paul is onto Fauci. Is Fauci really retired?
"It is my belief that he is worried about being indicted, and so he continues to work, so he will get legal protection under the federal government."
Rand Paul Sends a Letter

The NPR doc about Fauci having security says it all.
Fauci Security Detail

What are the chances that the letter will be ignored or if responded to it will have all the key elements redacted?

But there is another way to confirm what is going on. Hugh Auchincloss is only the 'Acting" Director of the NIH not the formal Director of the NIH.
Hugh Auchincloss Position As usual what is the name game.

Seriously they are working so hard to coin the term, just like the conspiracy label.
Fauci's Worried

He should be.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 01:30 PM
Time to delve into Chapter 7 of Bill Gate's book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic."

This must be important because Billy the 'author' posted the entire chapter.

I doubt that he wants to prevent anything because then he wouldn't be able to unleash his
GERM team on us.

Quite a bit we already know, like the Crimson Contagion exercise, but he loves his weird word games.
The test was conducted over 4 days in August 2019. August =8 Loop connection.

"participants worked through a scenario in which tourists visiting China have become ill with a respiratory illness caused by a virus.
They fly out of the airport in Lhase- travel to other cities in China then fly home to respective countries." 47 days you say before the first illness in the U.S.? [4+7=11]

This is just so disturbing. What fun- "use software to generate surprise events from time to time, throwing a wrench into the plan to see how everyone responds."

What is this? BioWatch.
BioWatch Wiki
So we did have the capacity to monitor for a potential plandemic but it was disbanded in 2014. Sounds like a plan coming together.
The idea was to shorten the detection to 6 hours.
Detect more than 6 pathogens.
2003 this program was to be improved. 2X3=6
One would get the impression 666 was in play.

After 11 years the program was cancelled.

A solution will be in 3-8 years. [3+8=11]

This was decided February 2016. Three years to the T...2019 plandemic lauch.

There has been lots of noise about Disease X on the horizon. Any chance the launch year is 2024 with global spread by 2025?

Who was the Director of the CDC who thought this was a brilliant idea to disband the program?
James O. Mason who just happened to die October 9, 2019. Maybe he knew too much since after his stint with the CDC because he ended up being the American delegate to the WHO.

James O. Mason Wiki

Past CDC Directors

Keeping track of resignations- Brenda Fitzgerald CDC Director only served from 2017-2018 and then was replaced by acting director Anne Schucht.
Brenda fitzgerald Resignation

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Have you seen this from Cartoon Network? Wallstreet Apes just posted it. Cartoon Network

These people are sick. If that isn't bad enough, how many parents leave their children alone to watch cartoon Network believing that the material is suitable?

It feels like we are at the breaking point.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

thats a very old video from commercial interludes during "adult swim" which aired(aires?) late at night.
Yes kinda twisted, no not directed at children, intentionally

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 04:44 PM
JPMorgan Had a Secret Project that Is Now Spreading Its Scandalous Internal Emails with Sex Trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to News Outlets Worldwide

Text"According to unsealed documents released this week by the U.S. Virgin Islands in its federal lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase over claims it facilitated Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking of underage girls for more than a decade, the largest bank in the United States has a lot of explaining to do to the American people – and potentially to the criminal division of the U.S. Justice Department."

The “top of the house” at JPMorgan Chase ordered an internal investigation in 2019 which was code named “Project Jeep.” The JE stood for Jeffrey; the EP for Epstein

"The emails are stomach-churning and humiliating for the U.S. banking system. They show a sex trafficker actually directing business strategies for JPMorgan’s investment bank and referring clients from around the world to JPMorgan Chase, including Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Peter Mandelson, Andrew Farkas, Boris Nikolic, science advisor to the Gates Foundation,(and) Leon Black, former Chairman of Apollo Global Management, and many others.

Baron Mandelson PC
Andrew Farkas
Boris Nikolic
Leon Black

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 05:05 PM
Details matter...

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 05:52 PM
Whilst reading a report about the sub OceanGate.... it was the way the name came across, it made me think of Bill Gates.... probably nothing.

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 07:00 PM
I’m thinking OceanGate - Star Gate.
What’s else is down there?
Was the (Olympus) sunk as a sacrifice.

Sent them down a large Tin of sardines.

reply to: angelchemuel

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 08:39 PM

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 08:41 PM
Should we be watching Yellowstone?

From: AP News

COLUMBUS, Mont. (AP) — A bridge that crosses the Yellowstone River in Montana collapsed early Saturday, plunging portions of a freight train carrying hazardous materials into the rushing water below.

The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Officials shut down drinking water intakes downstream while they evaluated the danger after the 6 a.m. accident. An Associated Press reporter witnessed a yellow substance coming out of some of the tank cars.

David Stamey, the county’s chief of emergency services, said there was no immediate danger for the crews working at the site, and the hazardous material was being diluted by the swollen river. There were three asphalt cars and four sulfur cars in the river.

The train crew was safe and no injuries were reported, Montana Rail Link spokesman Andy Garland said in a statement. The asphalt and sulfur both solidify quickly when exposed to cooler temperatures, he said.

Isn't Sulfur and asphalt two of the indicators of volcanic activity increases? Was this train bridge accident real or a cover-up of a possible Yellowstone shake up?

posted on Jun, 24 2023 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I swear i just read an article yesterday or this morning with great pics of some of the park, this is NOT the same article and it took me some real digging to find this. not sure how close this is to the train incident

Recent thermal activity reported on Yellowstone’s Geyser Hill: New features, new eruptions

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