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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 07:25 PM
So It Called
Free thinking
Never Stops - All is GOoD


posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 11:56 PM

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 01:53 AM

continue here
edit on 17-3-2024 by duncanagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 03:49 AM

The circulation of cars on European roads generates 16% of the CO2 emissions emitted by the Union.
This corresponds to 1/12,000 of the mass of CO2 present in the atmosphere.
That is to say, not having the slightest perceptible influence on the climate!

edit on 17-3-2024 by duncanagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Give the woman a break.
Her birth name is Catherine, it's the public/press that named her Kate. As far as I'm aware she is called Catherine by the Royal family including William. She's always used her full name or shortened to just the 'C'. Trying to tie that in with Covid and Cancer is just ludicrous!
There's plenty of speculation about her 'abdominal surgery'. Women who have had a hysterectomy know it takes around 12 weeks for recovery. How about adding a possible ruptured ectopic pregnancy to that mix? It's very public knowledge she didn't have a great time with any of her pregnancies as she was hospitalised for severe morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum.
What I did find interesting was that they didn't announce that she had the "planned abdominal surgery" until the day AFTER she had it, to me that implied a ruptured ectopic pregnancy which can be fatal and they had to wait to see if she would survive it.
As to the photo.... storm in a bloody tea cup, but certainly gives those who are ignorant of photo manipulation a heads up.
It's all speculation at this point and like any person, they are entiitled to privacy particularly when it comes to their health, which is clearly what Catherine/Kate has chosen to do as her right.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 07:32 AM
That Oliver Anthony guy sure "hit it out of the park"

Rich men north of Richmond running this into the ground and promoting bad to even evil ideas to us all on this Earth is a fact.

a reply to: MetalThunder

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Ok, fair enough.

Now, what about this stuff with the blood drinking royals from Europe including England's and these elite private and apparently very evil Party atmosphere from where the reports are originating? I have recently been reminded of the video of a naked young man escaping an upper window in fear and claiming the Royals were up to bad things. With all this coming out about the Adrenochrome and the missing children world wide still not found. I have to wonder?

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

There are evil, sick and twisted people on this earth granted...... but until proven.... you keep wondering, I have better things to do with my time and limited brain space to ponder what if's? I prefer to dig around things which do have a certain truth about them.
Meaning no disrespect as I enjoy your posts.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Something is in the air

Trump then finishes with telling everyone, "we are taking in snakes, that's what we are doing" You will not freaking believe what drop 127 says

137 posties

C is for carole.

We were always right

edit on 2024/17/3 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
It's all speculation at this point and like any person, they are entiitled to privacy particularly when it comes to their health, which is clearly what Catherine/Kate has chosen to do as her right.

And how did that work out for Diana?

No offence, but public figures have always and will always be under scrutiny regardless of their wishes. It's part of the job when they decide to take it.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Bwarefalsprofits
a reply to: T7ROOT7H

Archons are part of a constructed belief system. Like all constructed belief systems, it's consensual agreement that makes them real. It's like reading a fairytale. A story created from imagination. If you read that story and you allow yourself to become emotionally engaged with it, you choose to suspend disbelief in order to envision it... feel the truth or reality of it... that's what makes it real. To you. You consent to this belief.

In honor of my best friend, Willow.

R.I.P. - 3/14/24

If you seek Absolute Truth, contact me at: eisegenesis@protonmail



- eisegesis

edit on 19-3-2024 by FreedomTrain because: thank you for not treading on me, DTOM

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Justoneman

There are evil, sick and twisted people on this earth granted...... but until proven.... you keep wondering, I have better things to do with my time and limited brain space to ponder what if's? I prefer to dig around things which do have a certain truth about them.
Meaning no disrespect as I enjoy your posts.

Oh, I am not making fun of you. I am saying there is some real stuff going on that the dots are forming pictures that point to the Royals and the Elite are on a mission and it isn't going to end well for one side. I am praying it isn't our side, the normal everyday kind of human one.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: FreedomTrain

In honor of my best friend, Willow.
R.I.P. - 3/14/24

If you're ready to know the truth,
Contact me at "eisegenesis @ protonmail. com"
At best, this part will be snipped, the post will remain, and I, excised from discourse once again. Take care...
- eisegesis

. Godspeed Willow

edit on 2024/17/3 by Crazierfox because: To prevent drift

edit on 2024/17/3 by Crazierfox because:


posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: FreedomTrain

RIP Willow.


posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

October Surprise

From your Joe Rambo tweet-President Trump calls out the three Joes in the front row- this may be a coincidence, and it probably is...
Joe Leiberman was one of the co-chairs of the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense and Joe Biden was briefed by them.
Now we know why Mike Pence was placed in charge of Operation Warp Speed. Joe Manchin maybe the third.

The 2024 movie trailer means something's up. With all the taxes we pay why would this commission need financial support from the Hudson Institute and of course we have Big Pharma, Bavarian Nordic, and the Open Philanthropy Project.

#4425 June 5, 2020 3:07:25
Full MSNDC blitzkrieg.
Known and ready.
OCTOBER SURPRISE(s) being prepped and warmed.

The Catastrophic Contagion tabletop exercise was conducted October [23], 20[23], 5 days before Bill Gates birthday.
The year that it is to start is 2025. The timestamp 3+7=10, 2025. There are 3 sentences and this was posted in 2020 hence 2023.

This may tie in with #459
10, [10-9].
Operational _window [5-6]_ F Delta c25-26.

Phoebe Gates birthday is September 14 and she will be 23 in 2025.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I still can get access using the link. Here is the info-
U.S. District Court Northern District of California
Case No. 23-cv-03880-TLT

The DOJ has just filed a motion to dismiss Brook Jackson's case against Pfizer, again.

Sasha Latypova

"They are truly cornered. The mass murder by vaccines is intentional." This is mind blowing.
Maybe they should rename the DOJ as the Department of Injustice.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We have some serious weirdness with the National Guard.
Oklahoma to deploy national guard

Nuclear special unit?

Ohio National Guard

There are 3 ku posts re National Guard.
Oddly #4699 is dated September 14, 2020. Phoebe Gates birthday.

This is frankly weird. Jennifer Gates birthday is April 26[2+6=8] and the total solar eclipse is April 8.

Since I have a vivid imagination, so wildly speculating here, but Billy does have connections to nuclear energy.

Bill Gates- nuclear energy- Wyoming

That is a frightening thought especially in light of his, cough, "goals".

Since there are 3 ku posts, 3 Gates children we may possibly be looking at 3 different events besides the CC.

Michelle Bachmann- Bill Gates and the P[l]andemic Treaty

This treaty is supposed to be signed in May, Rory Gates birthday is May 23.


posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 01:46 PM
Waiting to see how this tweet ages, also, what defines "interesting" in this case.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 02:12 PM
I understand all your points. But for that to be the case, you would have to be the only one able to manifest your reality. I think that is a dangerous assumption.

I won't make believe to know how or why COVID exists, nor will I claim definitively that it is a virus, 5G, or a state of mind. But I do know that I have been forever changed. To what end? That's the real question. There is a reason everyone is affected differently, there is a reason for the vaccines, and there is a reason a choice had to be made.

I'm confident we're watching a worldwide production, and I am committed to enjoying the show for as long as the music continues.

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

The one I was replying about.

I know you're not a Rookie here so I'll get straight to the point.

Why do you think that Covid existed for so many out there? They believed it.

Why you think Covid does not exist in my world? I didn't believe it.

Remember believing is seeing? It can only exist if you believe it, it's called Manifestation.

May as well add Michael Jackson here, although the song is good I disagree with making a change when you can be the change.

Peace fren.

posted on Mar, 17 2024 @ 03:39 PM
Worst smile
a reply to: Thoughtful3

The most under-reported and under-discussed story of 2023: a federal district court judge, upheld by a unanimous appellate panel, found the Biden WH and FBI committed one of the gravest attacks on the 1st Am in decades by coercing Big Tech to censor dissent online.

Eclipse path is identical to the 16000 lightning bolts. Very Sus.

No what again.
interesting thought

What if the moon really is hollow and controlled by the Draco race of aliens.

Where are the Nordic and tall blonde races of aliens when we need them?

I know a tractor beam keeps it from turning on us to fire. Hmmm
edit on 2024/17/3 by Crazierfox because: Laggy

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