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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

One og my friends pm'd me an article about the sheep today. It seems even the normies are picking up on some of our discussion points.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 12:58 PM
Sheep ... sheeple ... is the fed message, "No robust sheep in the USA!" ?


posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Q# 4964 has 5 lines with 23 words. That is Bill Gates #. 5 family members, Jennifer [23], Rory[23], Phoebe [23].
The 5th month is May - Rory's birthday is May 23rd. That is why Be aware was used rather than Beware.

Q#4966. The first 6 lines has 23 words and the next 6 lines has 23 words. 23 and me.
This post time 20:06:20- perhaps this is pointing to a specific date involving Gates.

June 4, 2020 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledges $1.6 billion to GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance, to protect the next generation with life saving vaccines...20 words.

These 2 posts have 3 connections to 23. So what was Gates up to in June 2023?

Gates Foundation renews funding to GHDDI on innovative therapies.

"Renewed collaboration with Beijing, Tsinghua and the Gates Foundation." This special collaboration started in 2016- the critical year.
GHDDI- Global Health Drug Discovery Institute. < 5 words< Focus on the mission. Focus is the 20th word- 2020 the start of the plandemic.

Q#4964 timestamp 19:58:52 perhaps the 19 is referring to 2019, 1+9= October.
October 18, 2019 was when Event 201 Tabletop Exercise was conducted.

Event 201

Bill Gates birthdate is October 28, 10 days before Event 201.

#370 December 18, 2017 11:58:04
Clock started.

Jennifer Gates birthdate is April 26, 1996 and she would have been 21 in 2017 which means she was 23 in 2019 [launch]time.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

This is an enormously important overview of BioNTech and Pfizer's mRNA jab by Gabriel Segalla. He breaks some of the very scientific jargon down to make it understandable.

The Pandoras Vaccine

A couple of points to pull out- ALC-0315 and ALC-0159 have never been registered in Pharmacopeia. And they are novel and have never been used before.

He goes into details from BioNTech's patent data #10,485,884 B2- RNA Formulation for Immunotherapy dated November 26, 2019.

BioNTech stated that it was not suitable to use as a pharma product. Lots and lots of problems- unstable, should not be injected, avoid electrolytes, basically toxic. Obviously dangerous but the FDA and the EMA both gave EUA despite the evidence from BioNTech's own patent.
He does an excellent job of explaining the evolution of the jab to Comirnaty.

Segallas end it with this-

"Neuremberg Code August 19, 1947
Article 10

During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the experience of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgement required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject."

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Leading Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates depend on NIH scientists

That we know but here's some oddness.
"Our analysis is limited by a lack of transparency. There remains some ambiguity about the scope of the patent applications.
One of them remains unpublished- and whether they will ultimately be granted."

This just begs the question how many other patents are unpublished? The FDA, CDC and the NIH throughout this entire p[l]andemic have used every trick in the book to muddy the waters through FOIA's redacted and delay tactics but this takes it up a notch. You can't look at something if it isn't there.

BARDA not enforcing Moderna Disclosure Requirements

This was back in 2020 and I doubt that this has improved.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Angelus caelorum tweet

Pinned tweet "January 17
, 2024 BioNTech and Moderna lobbyists hosted a lunch in the European Parliament with Members to discuss the forthcoming revision of the pharma legislation. Their main objective was to change the legislation's definition of 'gene therapy'.

These supposed "scientists" members of the EU parliament will make this brilliant decision based on what exactly? They are bought and paid for by Big Pharma so I suppose that they will go along with this but the public is waking up.

The Daily Beagle- The Underdog

Why is Peter Marks, FDA connected, involved?

"In a corrupt, small, small world, FDA biologics approver Peter Marks also appeared [most likely as a paid speaker] at the same mRNA conference too. [Isn't he supposed to be neutral?]

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

#4966 has 12 lines. I'm just wondering if we should be looking at specific months, especially when it involves Bill Gates.
Since this post is discussing DNA- March 5, 2023 was when his grandchild Leila was born.

Bill Gates=9 and since he is cRaZy, March 5+9= March 14th.

B & M Gates Foundation invests in Noze

Getting ready for the next plandemic...
The first breathalyzer to detect infectious diseases. Some of the wording here-
"launch a portable device and deliver on a massive scale." They expect to have this fully developed by the end of 2023, then clinical trials in 2024 and then 2025 massive manufacturing right in time for 2025.
This is just mind boggling that he has set up the plandemic around birthdates and family events.

I'm wondering if we can trace through other birthdates and connections to investments that would give us a roadmap to the plandemic. I'll have to do some wandering.

By 2026, the Gates Foundation Aims to spend $9 billion a year.

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Well this reminds me

The accounts also reference the power of the device’s “circular reflector”, which produced a “shaft of light” that, when focused on any target, “consumed it with its power”.
of something

It was rumored the top secret device allowed the Nazis to travel beyond earth,other people think its a time machine


posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 05:31 PM
It looks like the thread about the California Senate race that is still counting votes, was removed. Does anyone know why?

In California, does anyone know what is the difference between the open primary and the special open primary?

With 91% of the votes counted, the New York Times is reporting the following:

Open Primary
Schiff - 31.93%
Garvey - 31.7%

Special Open Primary
Schiff - 29.6%
Garvey - 33.4%

Taking an extraordinary amount of time to count votes, is a huge red flag.

California Primary Election Results

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

By 2026, the Gates Foundation Aims to spend $9 billion a year.

Gates once said something along the lines of, he has gotten 20 to 1 returns on his vaccine investments.


edit on 14-3-2024 by IndieA because: Added Video

posted on Mar, 14 2024 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: IndieA

The oddity about that California primary is that Schiff is a resident of Maryland. He has listed his Maryland residence as his primary home. That makes him ineligible to run as a California Senator. Why do they even give him the time of day?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: IndieA

Imaginative cheating takes time, one supposes.


posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:49 AM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
a reply to: Thoughtful3
1040xnope but this is good.

Well that is a nice "how do you do".

So, 16th was not properly ratified. Neither was the Cabal, but what can people like me gonna do? Share the information and hope it falls on fertile soil.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:53 AM
They probably said, "Geneva Convention smention! HA! Kiss my a you sheep, say baaaaa"

Well, that is what I imagine these cretins doing.

a reply to: Thoughtful3

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:54 AM
Synchronicity abounds/

on the 14th I missed this updated conversation. I had the song Grand Illusion in my head all damn day!

a bit of a woooo moment,, I don't get too many of those.


this part here : "so, if you think your life is complete confusion, because your neighbors got it made. Just remember that it's a grand illusion and deep inside were all the same. all the sa aaame saaaame all the saame.."

That kept humming around in my head.

"If you think your life is complete confusion because you never win the game. Just remember that it's a grand illusion cause deep inside we're all the same."

Great lyrics.

originally posted by: Crazierfox
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Well this reminds me

The accounts also reference the power of the device’s “circular reflector”, which produced a “shaft of light” that, when focused on any target, “consumed it with its power”.
of something

It was rumored the top secret device allowed the Nazis to travel beyond earth,other people think its a time machine


edit on 15000000063120243America/Chicago03am3 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:43 AM
Spot on.
Spread it.
We need Lance Corvette. I got a case hell we all do.
a reply to: Justoneman
In other news

This indicates that something is being hidden that the elites want limited exposure of. Today will be a big day in the Supreme Court. Mike Lindell will present his case. Fani Willis will more than likely be removed by the judge as well. All happenings on a Friday. We are in a transition period and issues will continue to surface to impose censorship.

Cables Cut

Communications Are Down- East Coast Cables to Europe:
• Seacom/TGN cable is cut
• AAE1 cable is cut
• EIG cable is cut
All cables in the Red Sea are reported as cut.
West Coast Cables to Europe:
• WACS cable has a fault
• Mainone cable is down
• ACE cable has a fault SAT3 cable is down

Search results here

edit on 2024/15/3 by Crazierfox because: Scol down on search 4 reciepts

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 11:35 AM

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 11:41 AM

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Another major event is happening that could have a big impact on Pfizer and their Covid jabs.

Brook Jackson Tweet

Pinned "The judge has scheduled in-person oral arguments, defying the DOJ's Order to deny me the right to a hearing".

She has lots of evidence about the improper clinical trials conducted by Ventavia for Pfizer's Covid jab.

BMJ- Details

"The company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer's pivitol phase 111 trial."

Details of the case

"The case was put under seal from Jan. 2021 to Feb. 2022 keeping Jackson from talking about it openly during the mass antibody rollout."
"Pfizer skewed the trial subjects so that 3/4's were female- a gender less prone to cardiac damage. In internal trials, there were over 42,000 adverse events and more than 1200 people died. 4 died on the date of injection."

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 11:51 AM

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