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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: duncanagain

This is a big move and first step at trying to improve our food.

Jason H Karp taking on Kellogg
He is partnering with Elon Musk's lawyer Alex Spiro.

Al ex Spiro named top lawyer

Always targeting the children- with sugary cereals with known toxins and now pushing for them to eat this for dinner.

CEO- Struggling families should eat these cereals

Meet the Board

We need some muscle to deal with Apeel.

Apeel Controversy- everything is broken

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Caleb, now Caled The Revenant is a lawyer. Maybe he could shed some light on this.

Chief Nerd tweet

Now we are just supposed to disappear the people suffering from Long Covid? There are at least 16 million Americans suffering from this.

The NIH poured $1 Billion Into Long Covid

This is less than a glacial pace- obvious that they do not want to study or find a solution.

"The few trials it is planning have already drawn a firestorm of criticism, especially 1 intervention that experts and advocates say may make some patients Long Covid worse."

Of course they are going to test Pfizer's Paxlovid.

This article is somewhat dated but it shows what we have seen over and over Pfizer's hostages do their bidding. The NIH has finally contributed some funds for the cause, a drop in the bucket- $515 million.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 01:54 PM
Putting me right to work. Unfortunately, I can't tell you their intention. I can only tell you what I have learned personally over the last 4 years. I had...whatever "COVID" is...several times over these last few years. The first time was around January, 2020. I was sick for weeks and couldn't move from bed other than back and forth a few feet to the bathroom for about 2 of those weeks. I didn't even want to look at my phone or move. I took a lot of ibuprofen and cycled between being burning hot and freezing cold. Sometimes my skin took on a grey and dead pallor, like the color of earthworms, especially my fingers. One of the later variants affected my sense of taste, in particular I couldn't stand the taste of eggs. Another variant made me lost pretty much all sense of taste, especially sweet. A byproduct of this was a fairly long stint of eating spicy foods, kind of like the zombies in "iZombie." I still crave spicy foods more than any other time in my life, and in general I am less interested in sweet foods. Brain fog was definitely a thing for me for a long time, and I would quickly burn myself out if I mentally overextended myself. One of the variants cause a rash to appear all over my body, but a section at a time. The area would become incredible itchy. Then it would go away, and another patch would appear. This happened over the course of many days/weeks. I just finished my last bout with whatever is going around. My vision was blurry for weeks. I was pretty sure I was going blind. Then my ears started to ring. Mostly extremely high pitches, then kind of normal high pitch tones, and a few short instances of low sounds. I'm used to some sound because I have always been able to hear the sounds of electronics, and everyone has some level of tinnitus. During the time with the high-pitched ringing, I realized I could no longer hear the global hum. It wasn't until it started to subside that I can now hear it again. Now my hearing is almost 100% back to normal.

Basically something has made it's way through my entire body. Is it "long COVID"? Is it multiple strains of COVID? I believe it is doing whatever it was intended to do. Other than people "in the know," I'm not convinced most of these scientists know what is going on. Just puppets in this show we are watching unfold. They are probably just watching the symptoms guessing at what it is, like someone watching waves in the water and guessing what made them and when they will stop. They don't know what is happening, let alone have a treatment. They are more like auto mechanics working on modern cars..."let's replace this sensor...that didn't work, let's replace this one...".

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Crazierfox

Caled, now Caled The Revenant is a lawyer. Maybe he could shed some light on this.

Chief Nerd tweet

Now we are just supposed to disappear the people suffering from Long Covid? There are at least 16 million Americans suffering from this.

The NIH poured $1 Billion Into Long Covid

This is less than a glacial pace- obvious that they do not want to study or find a solution.

"The few trials it is planning have already drawn a firestorm of criticism, especially 1 intervention that experts and advocates say may make some patients Long Covid worse."

Of course they are going to test Pfizer's Paxlovid.

This article is somewhat dated but it shows what we have seen over and over Pfizer's hostages do their bidding. The NIH has finally contributed some funds for the cause, a drop in the bucket- $515 million.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I've been hunting for some current info about Fauci- finally found something.

Q & A with Christine Grady and Anthony Fauci

Grady the "ethics queen"- right off the bat she lied to Fauci when he told her that the patient could only return home if he followed his medical directions and she ends up being in charge of ethics.

Fauci still has security..."with credible death threats and harassment, it disrupts the normality of your life. It's not normal, nor does it feel good, to have armed federal agents with you wherever you go. That has been a terrible strain on Chris and me."

I was looking over #4964 again.
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

It is such an odd sentence formation. Why not just say none of us are prophets? What if prophet is replaced with profit?
Humans as currency -

It is obvious that 5 sentences is important. Gates [5]- one of the false prophets that predicted the p[l]andemic. Then we had false prophets Bourla, Bancel, Fauci about the wildly effective and safe jabs.

9= September

Phoebe Gates birthday is September 14. There are 23 words in this post. She will be 23 in 2025.

Prophet is the last word in two sentences and Prophets are the last word in two sentences. Bookend [s]=19/19...#1010.

Prophet=7. Maybe this is a stretch prophets=8 and Jennifer=8 and she was 23 in 2019.
Prophet+ prophet+ prophets+ prophets=30--2030.

What do you think?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant

I am so sorry you have been suffering like this. Resident Lurker caught it 4 years ago, January 2020, and has suffered from some terrible symptoms as well. My theory is that Long Covid is most severe for people who caught the original strain. Also I believe that the symptoms are more acute because people were left with no therapeutics for an excessively long period of time.
Brain fog seems to be a common symptom. RL's lungs seem damaged, and he becomes easily fatigued. He developed black blotches but only on his arms, which fortunately just went away. They weren't itchy but did leave scarring. I used the Covid Emergency kit ordered from the Wellness Company and that skin condition went away after that. That can be ordered on-line.
You are quite right that it seems to cycle over and over. I can't believe that all his episodes were due to another variant or subvariant. By this time I would have caught it with so much repeated exposure.

The Drs. do not want to acknowledge that it even exists- all in your head mantra. Each and every single time he has been to see the Dr they try and give him a jab. Beyond frustrating.
What I find fascinating is that not one single Dr or specialist has asked for a specimen of the liquid build-up from his lungs, no biopsy has been done with skin samples. The dermatologist was so intrigued that he took all kinds of pictures and has yet to find an explanation as to what the black/red rashes were. Some of this is common sense if one really wants to investigate.

It would be interesting to know if Long Covid affects men more than women. I have a sneaking suspicion that is the case but no proof. I really hope that there is going to be some relief soon for all of you who are suffering.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:34 PM
I think Q actually means prophet, like someone who can make predictions about the future. Q isn't definitive about nobody being a prophet because there are people who can make predictions about the future. I have been able to do it from time to time. The first time was when I predicted exactly when and where lightning would strike after a Hootie and the Blowfish concert in the mid-90s. My friends were just as shocked as the lamp post (ba dum tss). But don't ask me to predict anything useful. Most of the time I feel like I am just picking up on something that exists around us that most people can't tune in to.

Q's use of "be aware" instead of "beware" is interesting. If I'm not mistaken, biblically, the term is to "beware" of false prophets (i.e. to watch out for). "Be aware" implies to me that you already know of them, and you need to have knowledge of them. How Q put it fits; many of us know who the prophets are, but we need to have knowledge of them to identify the false prophets. The difference is we don't have to watch out for them...they are already out in the open.

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

I've been hunting for some current info about Fauci- finally found something.

Q & A with Christine Grady and Anthony Fauci

Grady the "ethics queen"- right off the bat she lied to Fauci when he told her that the patient could only return home if he followed his medical directions and she ends up being in charge of ethics.

Fauci still has security..."with credible death threats and harassment, it disrupts the normality of your life. It's not normal, nor does it feel good, to have armed federal agents with you wherever you go. That has been a terrible strain on Chris and me."

I was looking over #4964 again.
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

It is such an odd sentence formation. Why not just say none of us are prophets? What if prophet is replaced with profit?
Humans as currency -

It is obvious that 5 sentences is important. Gates [5]- one of the false prophets that predicted the p[l]andemic. Then we had false prophets Bourla, Bancel, Fauci about the wildly effective and safe jabs.

9= September

Phoebe Gates birthday is September 14. There are 23 words in this post. She will be 23 in 2025.

Prophet is the last word in two sentences and Prophets are the last word in two sentences. Bookend [s]=19/19...#1010.

Prophet=7. Maybe this is a stretch prophets=8 and Jennifer=8 and she was 23 in 2019.
Prophet+ prophet+ prophets+ prophets=30--2030.

What do you think?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant

Sorry to hear of your health troubles. I wish you a swift return to good health.


posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I was at the family doctor the other day. Due to my age, I like to get a battery of blood tests twice a year to check for signs of organ dysfunction etc. He assured me, "The WHO says once a year is enough!"

Makes no sense. One size does NOT fit all. For a healthy 20 year old, yeah, once a year is probably fine. Guy my age who already has health issues ... no workee. I'll get the tests, but will have to pay more as I'm not playing ball with the "system".

But that is the mentality. Doctors in "the field" take their guidance from an organization that is run by a former terrorist. What a world.


posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:37 PM
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant


Sorry to hear this also. I was wondering if you have tried Ivermectin, Fenbenazole or some other similar idea?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:43 PM
The symptoms can be tough, but so far, I have bounced back and have been able to continue enjoying the show.

I think COVID has a purpose, and I think that purpose will eventually be revealed. I believe the same is true for the vaccine, and that both may have conflicting purposes. Everyone made their choice. The stage is set.

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant

I am so sorry you have been suffering like this. Resident Lurker caught it 4 years ago, January 2020, and has suffered from some terrible symptoms as well. My theory is that Long Covid is most severe for people who caught the original strain. Also I believe that the symptoms are more acute because people were left with no therapeutics for an excessively long period of time.
Brain fog seems to be a common symptom. RL's lungs seem damaged, and he becomes easily fatigued. He developed black blotches but only on his arms, which fortunately just went away. They weren't itchy but did leave scarring. I used the Covid Emergency kit ordered from the Wellness Company and that skin condition went away after that. That can be ordered on-line.
You are quite right that it seems to cycle over and over. I can't believe that all his episodes were due to another variant or subvariant. By this time I would have caught it with so much repeated exposure.

The Drs. do not want to acknowledge that it even exists- all in your head mantra. Each and every single time he has been to see the Dr they try and give him a jab. Beyond frustrating.
What I find fascinating is that not one single Dr or specialist has asked for a specimen of the liquid build-up from his lungs, no biopsy has been done with skin samples. The dermatologist was so intrigued that he took all kinds of pictures and has yet to find an explanation as to what the black/red rashes were. Some of this is common sense if one really wants to investigate.

It would be interesting to know if Long Covid affects men more than women. I have a sneaking suspicion that is the case but no proof. I really hope that there is going to be some relief soon for all of you who are suffering.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:45 PM
Black Seed and Zinc something along those lines.

Thanks all for the kind words!

originally posted by: Justoneman
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant


Sorry to hear this also. I was wondering if you have tried Ivermectin, Fenbenazole or some other similar idea?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

From #2883:

"Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer US Gov't control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?
You are the news now."

"non-profit" = "not a prophet"?

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant

Hi Caled, I may be sounding like you've heard it all before, but do you have a reasonable Reverse Osmosis system for your water supply? Also, consider which products you use.

When I read about your hands being affected, it peaked my senses to concentrate on hand washing in particular from a contaminated source, something you may also be ingesting which is why some things also tasted weird. Often the sign of a metallic soluble like copper for instance.

There is bad stuff everywhere, snuck into all sorts of things like washing powders and liquids which even though clothes get a rinse in a machine, something is residual otherwise cleaned clothes wouldn't have a fragrance at all. Also consider toothpastes, shampoos and conditioners and any product ingested or used on the body.

I now wonder what the "Heinz" family was putting in their Baked Beans every time they sealed a door to the outside world to add their secret ingredients.

I also noticed something about the timing of when I had a "Linky" electric meter fitted (obligatory here in France) to replace the older style. I'm not sure what kind you have. It's when my Tinnitus became obvious and I had a clicking in my head also. During the lockdown, my fillings in my mouth felt like they were about to explode. Nasty. Like being Microwaved!

I believe what we are experiencing is a multi-pronged attack from so many things, some accidental but some nefareous which is why it's so hard to pinpoint the causes and nail down a single place to start with a solution for any one of them. We should also consider "Starlink" (Skynet) and any of the many EMF signals that surround us. Those bike rides were relief, yes, away from those negative waves and electrons? Physical "Earthing" may be helpful too.

I rarely give advice, but simplifying as much as possible in life can have benefits to eliminate possibilities me thinks. I now use non-brand name anything knowing the lack of cost to produce may not have so many messed with "extras" to pay for, like hair oil instead of conditioner, bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice for brushing teeth, no table salt just sea salt, no refined sugar, only olive oil, no cereal except rolled oats, no white bread in packs just fresh from a "Boulangerie" and best of all, home grown tobacco without so many GMO enhancements for the big "C", etc etc.

It's a process of elimination but worth the effort to understand myself and the world I live in.

I hope you feel better and this little hippy is thinking of you as you recover.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 03:37 PM
I have a well and softener. No city water for me for many years. No copper pipes, and the softener gets all the iron out.

Agreed that there are bad things everywhere. Especially if you compare food product ingredients in the U.S. to Europe. But something has been happening with U.S. food products over the last few years. Some ingredients are disappearing. Things like milk and bread spoil faster. And for some reason the sugar in fake syrup separates really fast now.

I don't even want to talk about my Radia Smart hat, which is basically a tinfoil hat on steroids. I've considered purging all wireless devices, but modern life has made it...not feasible. And quite honestly pointless unless I want to move away from everybody into the middle of nowhere.

I feel a little better now that is warmer. I wasn't built for the cold. Unfortunately, the sky is being purposely whited out, but during the brief moments you can see the sun, it is refreshing.

It'd be wise for me to take some of your advice...

originally posted by: nerbot
a reply to: CaledTheRevenant

Hi Caled, I may be sounding like you've heard it all before, but do you have a reasonable Reverse Osmosis system for your water supply? Also, consider which products you use.

When I read about your hands being affected, it peaked my senses to concentrate on hand washing in particular from a contaminated source, something you may also be ingesting which is why some things also tasted weird. Often the sign of a metallic soluble like copper for instance.

There is bad stuff everywhere, snuck into all sorts of things like washing powders and liquids which even though clothes get a rinse in a machine, something is residual otherwise cleaned clothes wouldn't have a fragrance at all. Also consider toothpastes, shampoos and conditioners and any product ingested or used on the body.

I now wonder what the "Heinz" family was putting in their Baked Beans every time they sealed a door to the outside world to add their secret ingredients.

I also noticed something about the timing of when I had a "Linky" electric meter fitted (obligatory here in France) to replace the older style. I'm not sure what kind you have. It's when my Tinnitus became obvious and I had a clicking in my head also. During the lockdown, my fillings in my mouth felt like they were about to explode. Nasty. Like being Microwaved!

I believe what we are experiencing is a multi-pronged attack from so many things, some accidental but some nefareous which is why it's so hard to pinpoint the causes and nail down a single place to start with a solution for any one of them. We should also consider "Starlink" (Skynet) and any of the many EMF signals that surround us. Those bike rides were relief, yes, away from those negative waves and electrons? Physical "Earthing" may be helpful too.

I rarely give advice, but simplifying as much as possible in life can have benefits to eliminate possibilities me thinks. I now use non-brand name anything knowing the lack of cost to produce may not have so many messed with "extras" to pay for, like hair oil instead of conditioner, bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice for brushing teeth, no table salt just sea salt, no refined sugar, only olive oil, no cereal except rolled oats, no white bread in packs just fresh from a "Boulangerie" and best of all, home grown tobacco without so many GMO enhancements for the big "C", etc etc.

It's a process of elimination but worth the effort to understand myself and the world I live in.

I hope you feel better and this little hippy is thinking of you as you recover.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 05:56 PM

The Swamp Exemplified

CIA played key Jan. 6 roles, texts reveal

Well ( A deep subject for some ~ ) NOw
NO Surprise
Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump

edit on 15-3-2024 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: CaledTheRevenant
I think Q actually means prophet, like someone who can make predictions about the future. Q isn't definitive about nobody being a prophet because there are people who can make predictions about the future. I have been able to do it from time to time. The first time was when I predicted exactly when and where lightning would strike after a Hootie and the Blowfish concert in the mid-90s. My friends were just as shocked as the lamp post (ba dum tss). But don't ask me to predict anything useful. Most of the time I feel like I am just picking up on something that exists around us that most people can't tune in to.

Q's use of "be aware" instead of "beware" is interesting. If I'm not mistaken, biblically, the term is to "beware" of false prophets (i.e. to watch out for). "Be aware" implies to me that you already know of them, and you need to have knowledge of them. How Q put it fits; many of us know who the prophets are, but we need to have knowledge of them to identify the false prophets. The difference is we don't have to watch out for them...they are already out in the open.

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

I've been hunting for some current info about Fauci- finally found something.

Q & A with Christine Grady and Anthony Fauci

Grady the "ethics queen"- right off the bat she lied to Fauci when he told her that the patient could only return home if he followed his medical directions and she ends up being in charge of ethics.

Fauci still has security..."with credible death threats and harassment, it disrupts the normality of your life. It's not normal, nor does it feel good, to have armed federal agents with you wherever you go. That has been a terrible strain on Chris and me."

I was looking over #4964 again.
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

It is such an odd sentence formation. Why not just say none of us are prophets? What if prophet is replaced with profit?
Humans as currency -

It is obvious that 5 sentences is important. Gates [5]- one of the false prophets that predicted the p[l]andemic. Then we had false prophets Bourla, Bancel, Fauci about the wildly effective and safe jabs.

9= September

Phoebe Gates birthday is September 14. There are 23 words in this post. She will be 23 in 2025.

Prophet is the last word in two sentences and Prophets are the last word in two sentences. Bookend [s]=19/19...#1010.

Prophet=7. Maybe this is a stretch prophets=8 and Jennifer=8 and she was 23 in 2019.
Prophet+ prophet+ prophets+ prophets=30--2030.

What do you think?

Oh man I didn't want this to be my next post. So you can predict but didn't see the scam? I did a year before, actually way before.

One question, what is covid and what is long covid? I'm yet to see an answer.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 06:38 PM
Me waiting for thread 44

The missus waiting for thread 44...she may be stupid, I give up.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:06 PM
When the cover of being gay is really covering much more. Research them all baby.

posted on Mar, 15 2024 @ 07:09 PM
Which scam?

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: CaledTheRevenant
I think Q actually means prophet, like someone who can make predictions about the future. Q isn't definitive about nobody being a prophet because there are people who can make predictions about the future. I have been able to do it from time to time. The first time was when I predicted exactly when and where lightning would strike after a Hootie and the Blowfish concert in the mid-90s. My friends were just as shocked as the lamp post (ba dum tss). But don't ask me to predict anything useful. Most of the time I feel like I am just picking up on something that exists around us that most people can't tune in to.

Q's use of "be aware" instead of "beware" is interesting. If I'm not mistaken, biblically, the term is to "beware" of false prophets (i.e. to watch out for). "Be aware" implies to me that you already know of them, and you need to have knowledge of them. How Q put it fits; many of us know who the prophets are, but we need to have knowledge of them to identify the false prophets. The difference is we don't have to watch out for them...they are already out in the open.

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

I've been hunting for some current info about Fauci- finally found something.

Q & A with Christine Grady and Anthony Fauci

Grady the "ethics queen"- right off the bat she lied to Fauci when he told her that the patient could only return home if he followed his medical directions and she ends up being in charge of ethics.

Fauci still has security..."with credible death threats and harassment, it disrupts the normality of your life. It's not normal, nor does it feel good, to have armed federal agents with you wherever you go. That has been a terrible strain on Chris and me."

I was looking over #4964 again.
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

It is such an odd sentence formation. Why not just say none of us are prophets? What if prophet is replaced with profit?
Humans as currency -

It is obvious that 5 sentences is important. Gates [5]- one of the false prophets that predicted the p[l]andemic. Then we had false prophets Bourla, Bancel, Fauci about the wildly effective and safe jabs.

9= September

Phoebe Gates birthday is September 14. There are 23 words in this post. She will be 23 in 2025.

Prophet is the last word in two sentences and Prophets are the last word in two sentences. Bookend [s]=19/19...#1010.

Prophet=7. Maybe this is a stretch prophets=8 and Jennifer=8 and she was 23 in 2019.
Prophet+ prophet+ prophets+ prophets=30--2030.

What do you think?

Oh man I didn't want this to be my next post. So you can predict but didn't see the scam? I did a year before, actually way before.

One question, what is covid and what is long covid? I'm yet to see an answer.

posted on Mar, 16 2024 @ 06:26 AM

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