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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I may have found the reason for the SOS. Robert Epstein has an article, a very, very damaging article about G.O.o.G.

A Digital Coup D'etat.
For the first time I was unable to access the article so I went through the Duck Duck Go search engine and what do you know- suddenly I could access it.

However I can't link it.

I tried to input G in Q alerts and that doesn't work either.

This is so damaging.
He has been monitoring how the co. has impacted elections. One way is by G-mail.
"G-mail pretends it's a free postal service, except they're not subject to any rules or regulations of any sort, and they don't have to deliver your mail. If they want to, they can take millions of e-mails coming in, from the Republican Party that goes out to constituents, and they can send them right into people's spam boxes.

So, no one ever sees those. In fact the RNC sued G last year because in fact, they were doing that."
They do not even have to deliver the mail and they can even alter it.
Massive censorship on a global scale- all G employees have access and can read the mail and they keep everything.

Then of course there are the manipulation techniques- as to the order of the search.

What he has been through- he met with some AG's at Stanford in 2019 and they were terrified by what he told them. In fact one came up to him and said that he feared that he would be killed in some accident. "Now I wasn't killed but my wife was- brakes failed."

His take on her accident- she had an Android phone tracking everywhere she would go, what times, what route, # minutes to each place going back years. Would not be very difficult to arrange something...

Covid plandemic- "was very valuable to these companies, especially G. It gave them access to medical information which they had never had before."

Back to the voting issue-"They know who's going to vote, who's not and how they will vote". During the Presidential election G started the day with reminding both R and D's to vote but as the day went by R's were no longer reminded. The voters they targeted were the undecided.

Then there is the war on children- with G leading the assault curating content to the most liberal.

I can only imagine the SOS meltdown. Epstein has also been tracking the others and btw Epstein didn't kill himself.
Whatever G services Dominion used, like G cloud, G would have had access along with the employees. They knew in real time what was taking place.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Interesting article at that Brownstone site. Yeah, Google is a -real- threat to democracy and the Republic.


posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

From your link:

If you are using a Google service such as Google Analytics, then they have a right to track you. So, in other words, on all of those websites that use Google Analytics, which Google provides for free to companies around the world, if you visit any of those websites, Google is tracking every single thing you do on those websites. So, there are actually more than 200 different ways in which they’re tracking us. They bought Fitbit a few years ago, so that gives them physiological data 24 hours a day. About seven, eight years ago, they bought the Nest Smart Thermostat company, and the first thing they did after they started making smart thermostats was they put microphones in them.

But the point is they did this without telling anyone. At the time, they also were filing for patents on how to interpret sounds inside the home, so they could tell whether the kids are okay, whether your sex life is okay. They literally got patents on methods for interpreting sound inside homes.

One of the fascinating items…an eight-minute video leaked from their advanced products division a couple of years ago, it’s called the Selfish Ledger. It was never meant to be seen outside the company. If you look online, look up the Selfish Ledger and then put my name next to it, you’ll get a detailed transcript with my annotations on it. This video is about the company’s ability to re-engineer humanity according to…I kid you not. It’s right in the video…company values.

edit on 23-2-2024 by IndieA because: Added Video

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 12:45 PM
I noticed it has been quiet on here about CBS firing Catherine Herridge and keeping her files with her confidential Interesting that she just happened to be investigating Hunter Biden. Nothing to see here.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

"No clinical trial can ever have the size to answer those questions and so we only find out questions after a vaccine has been administered."

They are seriously out of touch. The clinical trials were a sham as Brook Jackson has testified. They also eliminated the control group because ethically challenged Christine Grady believed they should be jabbed as well. Then we have the bait and switch, where the clinical trial participants were given one jab and Pfizer manufactured the second one to give to the public.

I happened to pick up the latest copy of the Epoch Times-

Page B3 "Covid Boosters May Harm Immunocompromised: Review.

This is a head scratcher- The CDC keeps yammering on about the immunocompromised should have first priority at getting the boosters but as usual this is backwards. The more jabs they get the more immunocompromised they become. It's almost as if they have some kind of agenda.
"Frequent administration of mRNA Covid-19 boosters may impair the immune system response in immune-compromised individuals..."

"multiple vaccine boosters impair activation of CD 4 + CD8 + T cells. These cells make up the majority of T cells that protect the body."

Bonus round-
Apparently" there are very few long-term studies that evaluate the safety and efficacy of repeated boosters vaccinations in immunocompromised individuals."

Epoch times reached out to Pfizer, Moderna and the CDC- crickets.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Thank you so much for posting more details.

I didn't realize the extent of the threat. The only way forward is to break up these Big Tech companies because they have way too much control/ power and it's on a global scale. And the amount of $ is breath taking and they are accountable to no one. This is the same problem with Big Pharma- they have so much that they can just buy out the competition and then just cancel it if the product poses a threat.

One win at a time-
New York- New ruling- non-citizens cannot vote

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: G0055E

I'm not certain if this is relevant but with Gates I can't take anything off the table.

Gates buys 124 acres January 5, 2018- in North Salem

Jennifer Gates had her formal wedding there on October 16, 2021.
Jennifer Gates Lavish Wedding

We seem to have 4's cropping up again. Billy had 44400 tweets. Do you think this might be related to the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse? He has 3 children and the one grandchild with birthdates all lining up with agenda days- another 4. This farm is an equestrian farm.

Youtube song Yellow Lights

This may be something, maybe not - the lyrics bring up July until June.
July 2, 2019 was a solar eclipse and June 21, 2020 was the next one.

The Emperor Tarot Card

Billy really likes his numbers, 7 being one of them. In the book "Disease X- the 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics" highly influenced by Gates, is littered with 7's. In fact the first page- Foreword by Tony Blair starts on page 7.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Guyfriday

This is more than strange.

Malia Obama changes her name

She is now going by Malia Ann and dropping Obama. That is very curious because that name is like the golden pass to anything. Maybe she discovered or knows something that would make that name a liability.
The name of the short film she has "The Heart" conjures up a couple of different narratives. What if she has discovered that she was farmed out to the Obama's by her real parents and her heart is broken?
Also she has a link to Weinstein.

I am just wondering if this has something to do with the next plandemic. Disease X doesn't have an official name and now Malia doesn't either. Probably a wild coincidence that she has made this decision at the wise age of 25. The burning question is whether she was asked to do this?

Malia aged 25

Now for all the Gates 444 comms, Obama happened to be #44 for 2 terms and then there is the shadow presidency hence 444.
Bill Gates will be 70 October 28, 2025. What better gift another plandemic.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I am just wondering if this has something to do with the next plandemic. Disease X doesn't have an official name and now Malia doesn't either. Probably a wild coincidence that she has made this decision at the wise age of 25. The burning question is whether she was asked to do this?

Most likely nothing but a curious note from me; I play Wrods With Friends daily, and players can always spot a scammer because they always use two first names...i.e. Mathew John, Bill Williams, Gerald Mark, etc.

Did Ethiopian scammers take a clue from Hollywood stars and famous singer, or vice versa?

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3


I am in Panama continuing my investigation of the invasion of the US, and I have just been informed that Screw Worm is now making its way to the United States. It’s been detected in Costa Rica, Colombia, and Western Panama as a result of the invaders bringing in diseases in via the Darien Gap from the third world. And now there is concern that it will cross the canal and make its way to Costa Rica.

Belize is also on the lookout for Screw Worm.

Screw Worm is a species of parasitic fly that is well known for the way in which its larvae (maggots) eat the living tissue of warm-blooded animals and humans.

Screwworms can enter wounds as well as body orifices, and feed on living tissue in that area. If untreated, screwworm infestations can be fatal.

USDA in Texas is now getting daily updates about Screw worm and they are even opening another facility in Costa Rica to monitor its movement.

If that comes to the US, farmers may have to slaughter millions of cattle and Americans will have to worry about flesh eating diseases and a disrupted food supply.

You can thank
. He refuses to close the border and now we are being replaced by invaders who are bringing flesh eating diseases with them.

posted on Feb, 23 2024 @ 10:35 PM

Wifi optional

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 12:15 AM
From: MSN News

Biden impeachment investigators traveled to an Alabama prison to speak with Jason Galanis, who is currently serving a 14-year sentence for defrauding a Native American tribe, learned.

Galanis told leaders on the Oversight and Judiciary Committees he worked with Devon Archer and Hunter Biden between 2012 and 2015 on businesses involved in insurance and wealth management.

He testified the trio 'owned and acquired with total audited assets of over $17 billion.'

Our objective was to build a diversified private equity platform, which would be anchored by a globally known Wall Street brand together with a globally known political name,' Galanis went on, according to testimony obtained by

'Our goal — that is, Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and me — was to make billions, not millions.'

He told investigators that 'the entire value-add of Hunter Biden to our business was his family name and his access to his father, Vice President Joe Biden.'

'Because of this access, I agreed to contribute equity ownership to them — Hunter and Devon — for no out-of-pocket cost from them in exchange for their 'relationship capital,' Galanis went on.

The biggest take away from this report is this part;

Hunter Biden served as the vice chairman of their arrangement, called Burnham Group, 'and brought strategic relationships to the venture, including from Kazakhstan, Russia and China.'

Galanis testified that, in 2014, he, Devon and Hunter agreed they should form a partnership with Harvest Fund Management, a $300 billion Chinese financial services company with close ties to the CCP.

Henry Zhao, the director of Harvest, was a contact of Hunter's.

Zhao was interested in this partnership because of the game-changing value-add of the Biden family, including Joe Biden, who was to be a member of the Burnham-Harvest team post-vice presidency, providing political access in the United States and around the world,' Galanis testified.

Galanis quoted a draft email Hunter wrote that said: 'Please also remind Henry [Zhao] of our conversation about a board seat for a certain relation of mine. Devon and I golfed with that relation earlier last week and we discussed this very idea again and as always he remains very very keen on the opportunity.'

'As Devon Archer is mentioned as a direct party to the conversation with the vice president on the golf course, it is clear from his email that Devon believed this was an accurate representation of that conversation,' Galanis said in his opening statement.

'I am certain that the phrase 'a certain relation of mine' refers to Vice President Biden, and Devon told me about this conversation on the golf course shortly after it happened,' Galanis testified. 'And it was one of many conversations that I understood the vice president had expressing his willingness to join Harvest board after his vice presidency.'

So after Joe became President, how much interest did he still hold in being on the board of directors for this CCP front?

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Another reason to get some Ivermectin supplies then..... just in case.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Serpentza has been following activities in China and has some great youtubes. I found this one quite interesting and the implications...
Someone Cloned Me

I just have this feeling, no it is a fact, that all of this AI is completely out of control.

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Annonentity currently has a thread about George Magazine issue February 1997. We covered this quite awhile ago.

Print of George Magazine February 1997

2020-1997=23 < Gates number.
2 years after this was published the Gates foundation donated $2.2 billion to the UN Population Fund. 1999- I sense a 666.
Gates Foundaation on a crusade

February is a heart month.
and low and behold one of the adverse events. Just wonder if this month was selected because of Cupid and the arrow- the jab= arrow?

Scrolling down to Disease- "25 years ago many experts said the antibiotics and vaccines would make infectious diseases a plague of the past."

"an overpopulated planet being chocked to death by lung-attacking andromeda viruses for example. It's true that fighting global epidemics could arise from a new retrovirus, a killer ...or an Ebola- type epi-pathogen running out of control."

Ebola was the dress rehearsal for all things Covid. Fauci has the arrogance to write about his response to Ebola- all aimed at reassuring the public, the exact opposite of his actions during Covid.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

The hunters become the hunted...
The esteemed Jeremy Farrar link

Aside from the need for jabs, traditional, nasal or aerosol, this Long Covid discussion has some very relevant points. Since RL suffers so much I have a keen interest in what the NIH is not doing to help this silenced group of people.

This VAERS data collection system compiles cases, adverse events, hospitalizations and deaths but curiously it does not compile Long Covid stats.
It's almost as if they don't want to know. I would consider this data to be the monster in the room.

Let's take a peek at what they are up against.

"Despite this cumulative knowledge on mechanisms, epidemiology, and prevention, there are several major challenges. Importantly, the care needs of people with Long Covid are unmet." < No kidding. The medical community doesn't have a clue because they have not been provided any guidance from any of their esteemed sources such as the AMA, CDC or FDA.

"Patients are often met with skeptism and dismissal of their symptoms as psychosomatic. The attribution of symptoms to psychological causes has no scientific support; it perpetuates stigma and disenfranchises patients from accessing the care they need."< News flash- there isn't any care.

I'm going with the "by design"- the clinical trials are too small and underfunded and are being conducted at a snails pace.
Scrolling to the bottom- a Pfizer connection.

So what's Pfizer subsidiary, the NIH doing about this?

NIH- We Love Pfizer

August 7, 2023- Paxlovid? I suppose they have to foist it on someone but 25 days! It's that number again.
This has been dragged out and they only were able to gather 900 people to participate. (September]

Paxlovid - 3 pills, twice a day for 5 days to treat Covid-19 Something must be up [5/25]
Operational_window [5-6] _F Delta c25-26.

3 pills, twice a day for 5 days...2030.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: IndieA

ETIAS- Europe's New Travel Requirements

Scrolling to the bottom this article was published in 2019. With all the chaos of the plandemic it appears that their plans were somewhat disrupted. However all is on track and to be ready for 2025 and remarkably valid for 2 years- the window of plademic 2.0. Plus they are going to make $ on this scheme all to protect their borders?

This is going to allow travel to 27 member countries. Currently there are 23.

What a coincidence- health related q's- exactly how many jabs and maybe denial if one hasn't had the magic jab?

Great Britain doing the same.

Once again fully digitalized by 2025.
ETA [5+20+1=2026]

Just to squeeze this in -
Bill Gates birthday is October 28, 1955.
[2+8=10] October= 10...#1010.
1955- [1+9=10] [5+5=10]...#1010.

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Texas Lindsay Tweet- Trump Won SC

Considering all of the elections are rigged should we believe that this one doesn't have any tinkering.

President Trump won 59.8% to Nikki's 39.6%. The difference is 20.2- 202 which just happens to be Washington DC's area code.

He has their number. Lol.

Washington DC Area Codes wiki

771 was added in April, 2021 when we were all rather distracted.

Trump's PO# 1135809

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Rob, Jim and Alice Walton Sell Walmart stock- lots of it
A controlled rush to the door? This comes on the heels of Mackenzie Scott and Jeff Bezos cashing in.

Jamie Dimon- first time in 18 years sold stock

Considering this it makes Albert Bourla's investing his entire pension into Pfizer stock. He is blowing his plausible deniability that the mRNA jab couldn't possibly be linked to cancer.

He's all in

whistleblower- Odin's Eye

Are we having fun yet?
A lettuce vaccine?

posted on Feb, 25 2024 @ 11:55 AM

Waltons Are Cashing Out Of Walmart -- And You Should Be, 

a reply to: Thoughtful3
This is now becoming the news now.



interesting read.

Walton family just sold $4.5 billion worth of Walmart.

makes me think the White Hats, pursuant to Trump's EO, seized and sold off 4.5 billion dollars worth....

Waltons Are Cashing Out Of Walmart -- And You Should Be, 

heirs of Walmart Inc. founder Sam Walton have sold a combined 28.6 million shares, worth roughly $4 billion,
must be nice to cash in 4.5 billion every couple years

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