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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 01:31 PM

The Shaver Mystery itself continued to evolve throughout the 1950s. Most excitingly, Shaver discovered the proof that niggling skeptics had demanded for so long: actual records of the ancient world, frozen in the pebbles of the Wisconsin prairies.Good Read

The Curious History of the Shaver Mystery
© 2000 Bruce Lanier Wright

a reply to: Guyfriday

Coal and other minerals are mined on Norway’s Svalbard Islands (Spitsbergen), which reach beyond the 80th parallel. In the rosy days before the Nazis coopted the myth of Thule, the Canadian explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson (1879-1962) claimed that “there is no northern boundary beyond which productive enterprise cannot go until North meets North on the opposite shore of the Arctic Ocean as East has met West on the Pacific” – and he should know, having spent five months marooned on an ice-floe.

Antarctica in Myth, Fantasy & Reality: There Is Really Something Going On......
The myth of an Antarctic refuge, armed with flying saucers, reached its apotheosis in W. A. Harbinson’s thriller Genesis (1980). This develops the Jules-Vernian theme of a “Master of the World” who, thanks to the Nazi régime, has become a technocratic power before which even Washington and Moscow must quail. Harbinson supplements his fiction with an excellent list of factual sources about Nazi saucer-planes and Antarctic explorations.

Interesting reads.

The entrances. There are allegedly several entrances to the Kingdom of Agharta throughout the world:

– Kentucky Mommoth Cave, in south-central Kentucky, US.
– Mount Shasta, California, US – the Agharthean city of Telos allegedly exists within and beneath this mountain.
– Mato Grosso, Brazil – the city of Posid supposedly lies beneath this plain.
– Iguaçú Falls, border or Brazil and Argentina.
– Mount Epomeo, Italy.
– Himalayan Mountains, Tibet – the entrance to the underground city of Shonshe is allegedly guarded by Hindu monks.
– Mongolia – the underground city of Shingwa allegedly exists beneath the border of Mongolia and China.
– Rama, India – beneath this surface city is a long lost subterranean city, they say, also named Rama.
– Pyramid of Giza, Egypt.
– King Solomon’s Mines.
– North and South Poles.

Secrets and Legends of the Hollow Earth??

These Deros still lived in the cave cities, according to Shaver, kidnapping surface-dwelling people by the thousands for meat or torture. With the sophisticated “ray” machinery that the great ancient races had left behind, they spied on people and projected tormenting thoughts and voices into our minds (reminiscent of schizophrenia’s “influencing machines” such as the Air loom).

Deros – Advanced Creatures from Beneath the Hollow Earth!!!!

I thought should be explored further

The Jacket

Occasionally, Shambhala is referred to as the capital city of Agharta, though this seems to be a purely Western construct. Entrances are said to exist at the Poles, or in caverns and tunnels honeycombed throughout the planet.

Agharta And The Golden City Of Shambhala

Quite interesting reads my grandma used to let me up in the attic lots of old periodicals.

posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
Deros – Advanced Creatures from Beneath the Hollow Earth!!!!

Richard Shaver was clear that the Earth wasn't hollow, and that these Dero cities existed in massive Geodes inside the mantel of the Earth. Oddly in the late 18th century, James Tilly Matthews also stated that British Parliament was being controlled by people that lived under the ground in giant crystal cities.

posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Some believers in the theory that Earth has a hollow (Hollow Earth), inhabitable core sometimes also believe in evil creatures called the Deros, which were supposedly created through genetic engineering.

Geode, hollow mineral body found in limestones and some shales. The common form is a slightly flattened globe ranging in diameter from 2.5 to more than 30 cm (1 to 12 inches) and containing a chalcedony layer surrounding an inner lining of crystals. The hollow interior often is nearly filled with inward-projecting crystals, new layers growing on top of old

Palmer also said shaver's time was spent at an asylum

Tesla’s New Humanoid Robot Is Named Optimus
more than meets the eye
What could go wrong
Other than ai commanding a legion of cyber trucks?

Optimus will stand 5’8, weigh about 125 pounds, and have a screen for a face. It’ll be designed to be “friendly” and capable of navigating a world “built by humans.” And most importantly, says Musk, it’ll “eliminate dangerous, repetitive, and boring tasks.”

edit on 2024/18/2 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Feb, 18 2024 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

From: WIKI

Cave of the Crystals or Giant Crystal Cave (Spanish: Cueva de los cristales) is a cave connected to the Naica Mine at a depth of 300 metres (980 ft), in Naica, Chihuahua, Mexico. It takes the form of a chamber within the limestone host rock of the mine, and is about 109 metres (358 ft) long with a volume of 5,000 to 6,000 cubic metres (180,000 to 210,000 cu ft).

The chamber contains giant selenite crystals (gypsum, CaSO4 · 2 H2O), some of the largest natural crystals ever found.[2] The largest is 11.40 metres (37.4 ft), with a volume of about 5 cubic metres (180 cu ft), and an estimated mass of 12 tonnes. When not flooded, the cave is extremely hot, with air temperatures reaching up to 58 °C (136 °F) with 90 to 99 percent humidity. This is comparable to temperature records in Death Valley, but with much wetter air. The cave is relatively unexplored because of these factors. Without proper protection, people can only endure approximately ten minutes of exposure at a time.

also: NatGeo

Buried a thousand feet (300 meters) below Naica mountain in the Chihuahuan Desert, the cave was discovered by two miners excavating a new tunnel for the Industrias Peñoles company in 2000.

The cave contains some of the largest natural crystals ever found: translucent gypsum beams measuring up to 36 feet (11 meters) long and weighing up to 55 tons.

There's also this one in Spain.
also NatGeo

Sparkling hollows filled with lustrous crystals, dubbed geodes, are often perceived as small objects that can fit comfortably on a bookshelf. But some are more like gigantic cathedrals filled with a forest of glassy towers.

The Pulpí Geode, found within an abandoned silver mine in 1999 in Spain’s Almería Province, is one of the world’s largest. It's a cavity about 390 cubic feet in volume, with walls adorned with imposing gypsum crystals up to nearly seven feet long. Because of the impressive dimensions of this temple of transparent spires, scientists have long ached to know how it was forged.

So, the idea that these Geodes are smallish in size isn't really true. Also, Teros are what the Deros control in order to manipulate humans. As to what Ray Palmer said, well Richard Shaver tried to get Palmer to publish the letters he wrote, and that's when Palmer started the stories about Shaver being a nut job. Problem with this was that Shaver was in a mental hospital, but disappeared from there and somehow shows up in a Florida Swamp. His claim was that the Mental Hospital had an entrance to the Dero's controlled area, and when he finally exited the Deros area he was in Florida. Not the story that Ray Palmer published, and it wasn't until later that the letters of Shavers were published without the sci-fi additions Palmer put in them.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

This gives off some very odd vibes.

MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

This frankly looks creepy.

The cost of $2.3 billion reconnects us to Billy again.

Another view - eyeball

Why does this remind me of a certain song?

Eye in the Sky Youtube

Gematria doesn't like MSG Sphere either

Can you imagine living next to this???
Why bother having a live group?

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: nugget1

At this point I am starting to feel like a stalker.

I'm wandering through Billy Gates 4,440 tweets because he no doubt has left some kind of cryptic message for us.

I hate mosquitoes!

Seriously? for someone who hates them he seems to have developed some kind of fetish over them- from raising them on farms, funding Oxitec to GMO them, funding attractants to African villagers homes disrupting the feeding cycle of these mosquitoes.

Once again 100 is employed- not a coincidence since we have the 100 days to take on the next plandemic. I have a suspicion that this is tied to 100 days from this post so that would take us to April 10.

CDC- Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

Grim Reaper-

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Pharma Companies Quietly Dropping mRNA jabs

Somehow I can't see Pfizer quietly leaving the field since their back is up against the wall with the impending patent cliff.
Moderna doesn't have anything except mRNA so unlikely that they will suddenly pivot from this field and that goes for BioNTech as well.

This article brings up the interesting connection between Modern and Merck.

Merck investments in Moderna
Well look at that- Moderna went out at $23 a share.

We need to really look much closer at Merck because it is covered in the current book I'm reading.

Page 33- George W. Merck, then president of Merck teamed up with the Pentagon, which means no good will come of this.

"President Franklin Roosevelt appointed pharma titan George W. Merck to direct a newly created civilian agency called the War Research Service and moved him to a new office at the National Academy of Services in Washington. Merck simultaneously owned and ran the pharmaceutical company that still bears his name, inaugurating the long bioweapons partnership between pharma and the Pentagon.
...Merck acknowledges his reliance on the Japanese war criminals whose "energy and ingenuity" had "fostered offensive developments in this field from 1936 until as late as 1045.

"At Fort Detrick, Merck built on Japanese discoveries to develop methodologies for culturing weapons-grade anthrax, brucellosis, botulism, and other deadly pathogens."

And they are the ones who had the foresight to invest in Moderna. What are the chances that research knowledge gained at Fort Detrick remained at Fort Detrick?

President Trump Tweet

I'm looking at the timing of this. April 25 and April 26-- President Trump knows that 2025-2026 is the next plandemic launch. This is no coincidence that he selected April 26- that is Jennifer Gates birthday! She just happened to be 23 in 2019 when the plandemic was launched. I just wonder if Billy "the doctor" Gates caught on to this, especially since he enjoys these number games so much. He is seriously disturbed.
I would suspect the launch month in 2025 would be May since Rory Gates birthday is May 23rd.

Pinned "Remember, the Cure can't be worse than the problem itself. Be careful, be safe, use common sense!...17 words.

April 25- National DNA Day

April 26 is special too!

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 02:10 PM
REPORT: Trucking Company Cancels Shipments to New York City on Monday (VIDEO)

American truckers are now reportedly threatening to stop deliveries into New York City over the grotesque $350 million judgment against President Trump and his sons Don Jr. and Eric by partisan hack Judge Engoron on Friday.

He suggests that the decision is not limited to individual truckers but is a strategic move by the companies themselves.

“I don’t know if it’s real, but I know that the companies are now saying that they’re not delivering loads, not just the truckers, it’s the companies,” the driver added.

“Also, get yourself prepared. New York # may hit the fan in the next couple of days,” he warned.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Have you seen anything like this?
New York Bill to begin vaccinating children without parents consent

This is mind boggling- I'm not certain how an infant can give consent, or how anyone can provide any meaningful information to an infant. This is Big Pharma at its worst.

"Shockingly it appears the Democrats behind the bill may believe that even infants can give consent."
"The bill states that even an infant can choose to withhold information from its parents, without explaining how this would be possible."

It gets better-
"The medical staff and insurance companies must hide the vaccination information from the parent unless the child permits them to share it."

These people are stupid. The schools require the vaccination status of all the students so how are they going to get this information? Go directly to all of the different insurance companies? Check with all the different Drs. that these infants will crawl to under their own steam without any parental supervision?

Once again what pharma jerseys are these supposed lawmakers wearing?

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: nugget1

How many cities of Ninevah does it cover

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 02:19 PM
Hohmann: The Second American Civil War Is Starting

This country is about to see changes that almost nobody is expecting.

We need to start taking these threats seriously. Here are some ideas on how to start.

Talk to your sheriff and ask what he is doing to prepare for a much more violent America. Ask him what you can do to help.
Make sure you have a means of self-defense inside your home and seek out training on how to use said weapon. Some sheriffs offer this training for free.
If you can afford a guard dog, get one (I know they cost a lot to feed and care for so don’t go down this road if you are already struggling to support your family).
There are other things you can do, many of them for very little money, to upgrade your security situation and tighten up the perimeter of your property. Think about installing solar motion lights around your property. Put up security signs and a “beware of dog” sign (even if you don’t have a dog or your pooch is small and friendly).
Add peep holes to your exterior doors so you can see who’s knocking.
Upgrade the hinges latches and locks on exterior doors with deadbolts and replace shorter screws with 3-inch screws. A professional criminal can always kick in your door but you want him to have to kick it several times before gaining entry as this gives you more time to get in a position of safety with your family.
Have a family plan on how to react if you hear someone trying to break into your home or see someone lurking outside who isn’t supposed to be there.
Stock up on water and food but also think about a situation that could last three months or longer in which you will need to be able to filter water and grow some of your own food.
Get at least three 5-gallon containers and fill them with gasoline.
Make sure you have all of the basic hand tools and supplies you need. Things like duct tape, shovels, hoes, hammers, screw drivers, a good ax and/or hatchet.
A major component of preparation involves the way you think about things. Don’t live in denial. Don’t fall victim to normalcy bias. This is not the old America anymore. Living in denial could get you or a family member needlessly killed.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

Have you seen anything like this?
New York Bill to begin vaccinating children without parents consent

I can't say I'm that surprised. So many parents just hand over their kids to the state and get on with their own selfish lives having squeezed out a possession they can't care about with any sense of responsibility, the government and big pharma are bound to take advantage.

Brainwashing at it's finest and another push to see how far they can go.

Two steps forward, one step back seems to be the norm for evil doers these days.

We need stronger people BEFORE they have children of their own.

posted on Feb, 19 2024 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Gotta kill off the citizens so the "immigrants" can have a place to live. Communists have to have at least a 95% vote rate to control their populace. Remember when Stalin and Khrushchev used to "run" for president of the Soviet Union er, I should say the Democratic Union of Soviet Socialists, or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, They always got at least 90% of the vote.

I love the way the lefty communists on ATS spout their BS. If they would look at the history of the Soviet Union they would see that once the communists have taken completely over, these BS-ers are the first on the firing squad line. ETA:, and they aren't the ones doing the shooting...
edit on 19/2/2024 by NightFlight because: Democrats are now communists, cut them no slack and give them NO comfort!

posted on Feb, 20 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: IndieA

New Yorkers must have the message by now that the Dems in control are not their friends.

Pilot Program to Give Illegal Immigrants $10K on Prepaid Credit Card

Some Background on Mobility Capital Finance

This was set up in the critical year 2016 and once again $23 and some change fund raising.

It appears that they are having some mission creep- "MoCalFi has established unique government partnerships that are capable of creating dramatic impact at scale, for millions of Americans currently unable to access quality financial services and benefits." These people are not Americans.

I am especially concerned with the role of Mastercard in this especially because of their involvement with TPTB in Africa during the Plandemic. Mastercard was invaluable at moving forward a number of NWO agendas in Gates favorite testing ground Africa.

This is the perfect Trojan Horse to bring in a one world currency via all the immigrants throughout the world who are struggling in whatever host country they happen to have landed in. It is a rather brilliant move but rather obvious.

Gematria Mobility Capital Finance
Know global currency.

posted on Feb, 20 2024 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: nerbot

This is as strange as it gets. Why would Peter Hotez, the #1 vaccine advocate tweet this?

Hollywood CIA Spook

Do you think this article has any validity? Sometimes we can get stories with enough factoids that it can be misleading. I guess I'm undecided.
Weirdness with Scott Gottlieb Tweets

The timing of his leaving was already more than suspicious as he headed to the Pfizer Board. But to erase all his tweets and then make it difficult to access but sans the tweet responses.

Scotty's response tweet December 23

Seriously can't make up this.

#3878 February 20, 2020.

The puzzle is coming together.

posted on Feb, 20 2024 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Well I finished a couple more chapters of the book. I've asked a few family members if they had ever heard of this Japanese Paperclip program and Unit 731. Only one and he had learned about it through one of his games. I had thought that they were rather a waste of time but I'm now having second thoughts.

Now back to the book-
Right from the CIA's inception they were actively involved in the U.S. development of the bioweapons program which explains why we are up to our necks in biowarfare.
The CIA provided positions to Unit 731 officers and medical officers at labs in East Asia. These are the sub-humans who performed horrendous human experiments and then dissected them while still alive.

To explain why the Wuhan Institute of Virology collaboration took place- "past proves Future".

They used these sub-humans to "conceive and carryout experiments on human subjects that could not be legally conducted in the U.S."
Russia wanted to execute these **** but the CIA had some strange thoughts. Quick number crunching on a restaurant napkin

We can save millions and years of research if we work with them and build on their knowledge.

Russia especially wanted the #1 criminal Ishii- the CIA "coached him on how to lie to the Russians".

posted on Feb, 20 2024 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Continuing along...

Page 37. "Knowing the value of the information the Japanese army had collected, the U.S. played a key role in concealing info about the bioweapons program for the next 70 years and lay the groundwork for the future collaboration [such as those with Chinese scientists at WIV] once the occupation of Japan ended."

The teams from Fort Detrick were just chomping at the bit to get to Japan- making it there one week after Japan surrendered- September 1945.

The entire U.S bioweapons program was based on the data and files obtained from Shiro Ishii's Japanese lab." They conducted some of the most brutal and inhumane bioweapons research on people and had no qualms about dissecting them while still alive.

We need to hold our nose for the next part. If all of this isn't bad enough Ishii and pals were never tried for any war crimes in the U.S. and if that isn't enough...

Hush $?
"After the war there were payments to former Unit 731 members
. Some people got up to 2 million yen.

That kind of money was unheard of in those days...almost without exception, anyone connected in any way at all in Unit 731 got something."

Fast forward to the 1980's- "Japanese citizens were shocked to discover the most vicious and homicidal of the unit's war criminals had resurrected themselves as the leading lights of the nation's medical hierarchy."

They managed to infiltrate every institution, universities, Ministry of Health + Welfare- basically Japan had the most psychopathic killers in charge, not much different than here.

"The men who gravitated to the bioweapon field were often ethically unhinged." Operation Paperclip was eventually rebranded to DARPA.

"The capacity to view humans beings as scientific problems and the multitudes of dead as the measure of success- a moral difference qualifying as sociopathy."

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 12:02 AM
Somethings about to go down in China, well that's the way CNN is making it seem.
From: CNN, so take it with a grain of salt.

Chinese companies are doing something rarely seen since the 1970s: setting up their own volunteer armies. At least 16 major Chinese firms, including a privately-owned dairy giant, have established fighting forces over the past year, according to a CNN analysis of state media reports.

These units, known as the People’s Armed Forces Departments, are composed of civilians who retain their regular jobs. They act as a reserve and auxiliary force for China’s military, the world’s largest, and are available for missions ranging from responding to natural disasters and helping maintain “social order” to providing support during wartime.

The forces, which do not currently operate outside China, have more in common with America’s National Guard than its militia movement, which refers to private paramilitary organizations that usually have a right-wing political focus.

Now something I did notice that many of you might have also seen. China has doubled... no I would say quadrupled down on media spending that tries to place China in a higher light than the rest of the world. Surprisingly enough, this has begun to have issues with it being exposed, such as the poor quality of life in China for the average person, or how homelessness and poverty are rampant, not to mention the issues of all the people that are fleeing to other countries.

China seems to be on the verge of something big, that I think will force them to close their boarders to the world and end up like they were pre-1970s.

The CNN story isn't the only indication of this but even places like NHK Japan are running stories about this.

Video not available for outside watching (sorry you have to click the link to NHK World to watch)
Video description says;

A statue of Mao Zedong appeared and quickly disappeared in Hunan Province, and locals won't talk about why.

The days of CCP might be over, or the people of China might get much smaller very soon.

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Textnot to mention the issues of all the people that are fleeing to other countries.

China seems to be on the verge of something big, that I think will force them to close their boarders to the world and end up like they were pre-1970s.

Or....... those Chinese people aren't fleeing, do you honestly think the CCP would allow that? Maybe they are being sent. Hell, our own border force caught 10 known Chinese spies trying to sneak into the UK on the boats not so long ago. Just a few days ago I saw a video here on ATS of the US Southern border, where they had shut it down and there were queues of nothing but Chinese men there.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... the Chinese will play an even longer game than the Russians do. Just look at all the China Towns all over the World and they've been around for over 100 years!!!!.The first Chinatown in the United States was established in San Francisco in 1848. I also maintain that the CCP include all their foreign nationals to inflate their population figures...... the "there's more of us than you" tactic/optics.

I agree China is on the verge of something big, but it wont force them to close their borders, they are already controlled as your evidence in your post demonstrate. They have no intention of going back to the '70's..... they have moved on.... and fast.

Somebody on ATS said the other day that figures suggest that 1% (and that's being conservative) of muslims world wide are radicalised. In the UK we have almost 4 million muslims. That's 40,000 just in the UK that are radicalised. How many Chinese are there in the UK, just under half a million. Lets assume each one of them answer to the CCP. How many troops/military personel (trained and untrained) does the UK have? As of July 2023 we have 152,400 'personel'. Most of the 'trained' personel are overseas.
So, 40,000 (radicalised muslims) + 500,000 (possible Chinese 'troops') = 540,000 possible 'terrorists' versus 152,400 (trained and untrained in combat) where 5,820 are overseas = almost 5:1 outnumbered in UK alone.

Whatever is coming down the road, the West is already outnumbered/screwed.
UK Gov link to military figures

edit on am23America/ChicagoWednesday2024-02-21T03:39:51-06:0003America/Chicago02000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: nerbot

We have more than we know.

Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Program hit with Federal lawsuit

Aside from the entire program being a complete failure I couldn't help but notice the date it was set up- 2010.

Probably just a wild coincidence that Bill Gates via the Gates Foundation, with help from his BF- $- Warren Buffett, established the Decade of Vaccines January, 2010.

Global Health Leaders Launch Decade of Vaccines Collaboration

"The Global Vaccine Action Plan will enable greater coordination across all stakeholder groups- national governments, multilateral organizations, civil society, the private sector and philanthropic organizations and will identify critical policy, resource and other gaps that must be addressed to realize the life-saving potential of vaccines."

Then to rig that Vaccine Injury Board with lack of staff and funding.

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