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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 07:11 PM
Tucker Carlson met Edward Snowden and Biden accuser Tara Reade in Moscow, report says

Carlson reportedly met Snowden for hours, but the meeting was not for his video programme, the outlet noted.

But Carlson did record an interview with Tara Reade, a former Senate aide who later accused President Joe Biden of sexual assault, which he has denied.

IMO - ITs Getting a bit of the Spaghetti Western Vibe ...

Carry On

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Strategic Defense Initiative or commonly called "Star Wars Defense Initiative". Tons of money was sunk into this program during the Cold War, much of that money had results, but today it's nowhere to be seen.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: nerbot

Strategic Defense Initiative or commonly called "Star Wars Defense Initiative". Tons of money was sunk into this program during the Cold War, much of that money had results, but today it's nowhere to be seen.

If it was in Maui and WAS still functioning, wouldn't it be a good idea for an enemy to torch the whole area to destroy it?

If the entrances and some of the infrastructure were incorporated into the surrounding real estate, wouldn't it be best to focus an attack on that?

If there were sensitive structures in Lahaina that got torched, wouldn't it make sense for the authorities to keep the public clear until the area was assessed and secured before letting them back in?

If there was a distraction needed, wouldn't it be a great idea to create a story about missing children and to shuffle some school buses around to create that distraction?

Just trying to find connections and speculate.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: nerbot

These were my thoughts on this as well. As for why Hawaiian officials might have been obstructionists during and after the fire, might have something to do with the amount of Chinese cash that flows in and out of the island chain.

Ever wonder about that "Missile Alert" event? Funny how China supposedly change some military tactics after that incident.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 01:25 AM
Remember back in '17 when all this started over Hillary's E-Mails and all those weird ones made by Tony Podesta?

I sure do, and here we are today with Tony Podesta working as a political advisor to Joe Biden. Why does this matter well...

From: New York Post

Former First Lady Hillary Clinton said she believes President Biden’s age is a “legitimate” campaign issue even as the commander-in-chief is under fire over a damning special counsel’s report accusing him of being senile.

“I talked to people in the White House all the time, and you know, they know it’s an issue, but as I like to say, ‘look, it’s a legitimate issue,’” Clinton told MSNBC’s Alex Wagner earlier this week. “It’s a legitimate issue for [ex-President Donald] Trump who’s only three years younger, right? So it’s an issue.”

She does what? So is Joe Biden making his own decisions or is his political advisor telling Joe what Hillary says?

in the article we have a clue as to what is going on behind the scenes,

“I’m for Joe Biden for reelection on the merits because I think he’s done a really good job as president,” Clinton said. “So, I think he should continue to get out and campaign. He’s been campaigning pretty vigorously across the country.

Looks to me that the reason Biden is being pushed so hard is that the White House has been Clinton country for a while now, and some don't want that to change.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 01:33 AM
Another story from the past that is being dredged up again.
also from New York Post

Ralph Norman is a bit off. Don’t take my word for it. Do as I did and interview some GOP staffers who work with the Republican congressman from South Carolina and they will walk you through some of his greatest hits. Among them: He urged former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows in a text to institute something known as “Marshall Law,” so the former president could stay in office after being defeated by Joe Biden in 2020. Spelling, among other things, isn’t Noman’s strong suit.

I can go on and on and on, but I’ll stop at the latest bit of Crazy Town that Norman is embracing: Conspiracy theories involving a meme stock known as MMTLP. It appears that with all the things that really impact his constituents in South Carolina (migrants, the economy, inflation, terrorism), the congressman thinks there is something fishy going on between securities regulators and possibly some nefarious forces on Wall Street to rip off people who bought into this as the next get-rich-quick scheme in so-called meme investing.

He’s calling for an investigation and hearings from House Financial Services Committee Chair Patrick McHenry. Norman is cementing his rep as a wing nut who is also financially illiterate.

Most people never heard of MMTLP, and many who have wish they didn’t. It has a convoluted history, even if its trajectory followed a similar pattern in the meme era: A get-rich-quick scheme that eventually turned to dust. Recall how the memes — retail investors who share trading tips on social media and then pile into stocks — piled into AMC Theatres and the now-defunct Bed Bath and Beyond. They got crushed when the irrational exuberance wore off and social-media pumping ceased to work.

That’s what happened to those poor souls who in late 2022 began snapping up MMTLP, a preferred stock issued after a public company known as Torchlight Energy Sources did a reverse merger with something called Meta Materials. The shares were designed as a claim on some oil and natural gas that is supposed to exist in West Texas. Eventually MMTLP would evolve into a non-tradable stock in a new private company called Next Bridge Hydrocarbons.

The rest of the story is background into what happened, but very lightly done. Now I remember "we" here dug into this pretty hard at the time, but why bring this up again now?

Should we dig back into this whole mess again, or should we watchout for the real story that is being exposed? I don't know what is being exposed yet, but something is either up or going that way given how many old stories are getting dug up.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:18 AM
Memories, sweet memories

Will WHO Inspect Fort Detrick For COVID Origins?
Anna Malindog-Uy
27 December 2021

a reply to: Thoughtful3

Fort Detrick biological laboratory suffered a laboratory incident in July 2019 causing the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to shut down the facility in August 2019 due to “serious safety violations, in particular, relating to the disposal of dangerous materials” or a “lab-leak” that is believed to have caused strange “vaping sickness” and “strange flu” in the US at that time.

With 2 "mega" countries blaming each other, who stands to gain? What "mega" power allegedly caught a Kraken in Antarctica in the early part of this century? Who ran the bio-labs in Ukr 1st?
Watch the water

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis

Multiple Types Of COVID Biological Tests Showing Snake Venom Proteins * Learn What Has Worked To Neutralize The Toxins *Show more


 The blue-ringed octopus is the only octopus known to be dangerous to humans, with its venom being 1,000 times more powerful than cyanide.0 Its bites are tiny and often painless, with many victims not realizing they have been envenomated until respiratory depression and paralysis begin

edit on 2024/11/2 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: nerbot

The UK Star Wars programme thing, in the late '70's/'80's, had a base at RAF Valley.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Hmmmm..... everyone keeps shouting WuHan. People are pointing to the French building the lab, Fauci et all funding it etc.... so it has to have come from there.
After reading your post, and given the time frame of when C19 was tracked back to as early as September (?) 2019.... didn't some world military games happen in China and everyone blamed the Chinese.... well what if it was our/your troops that took it over to China. Then we'll have Chinese visiting western countries for Christmas and New Year and taking it back to China. Remember those Chinese 'scientists' who stole/smuggled 'samples' out of Canada?
The Chinese appeared to 'over-react' by locking people up and spraying their streets..... well, just maybe they did, because they had no idea what was infecting their people. Admitting or denying the accusations thrown at them by the West are of little consequence to them and why would they say anything when they knew it came from the West.
Heck, look at the amount of foreigners who visit New York to do their Christmas shopping or be in Times Square for New Year... it's a bit of a thing with some people here in UK
Just my Sunday morning mussings of "if the cap fits".

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel


It isn't like its beyond the realm of possibility - in fact from what history shows - Very worthy of consideration - knowing what we know now

The Living Weapon - Secret Testing In The United States - PBS

The start of the Cold War brought new foes and new fears for the officials running America’s biological weapons program. Determined to anticipate possible Soviet attacks, the U.S. staged more than 200 domestic tests aimed at assessing national vulnerabilities to biological warfare.

The St Jo Program and Large Area Concept
The success of the first field tests only increased demand for more experiments. In response to an Air Force request, in 1953 the Chemical Corps created the St Jo Program and operatives staged mock anthrax attacks on St. Louis, Minneapolis, and Winnipeg. The bacteria were released from generators placed on top of cars, and local governments were told that “invisible smokescreen[s]” were being deployed to mask the city on enemy radar. The next stage was to increase dispersal patterns, dispensing particles from airplanes to find out how wide of an area they would affect. The first Large Area Concept experiment, in 1957, involved dispersing microorganisms over a swath from South Dakota to Minnesota; monitoring revealed that some of the particles eventually traveled some 1200 miles away. Further tests covered areas from Ohio to Texas and Michigan to Kansas. In the Army’s words, these experiments “proved the feasibility of covering large areas of the country with [biological weapons] agents.”

edit on 11-2-2024 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Something is brewing. Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance connected, tagged this tweet-

Florin_Uncovers- card carrying member of JikkyLeaks Mouse Army

He most likely has been closely monitoring their research and evidence.

What is troubling is how these FOIA requests are blocked, slow walked and when released are redacted.

Broken Truth Tweet

This is from February 18, 2020 -from Stanley Plotkin

"There is general agreement to use the spike protein and perhaps only the receptor binding domain as the antigens."

Texas Linday- why delete this tweet from December 2019?

"Zhengi Shi from the WIV describing open and transparent international collaboration on pandemic risk pathogens like Nipah at their BSL-4 lab."

That gave me chills, the very disease that was covered in the last chapter of the book "Disease X- 100 Days to Prevent the Next Pandemic."

Peter Hotez, the jab evangelical, tagged this-

The Coming Flood of Disinformation


posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 11:48 AM
One man's opinion of who might be former president Donald Trump's VP pick will be:

I would certainly agree with that pick...

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I've spent a great deal of time examining all of this and the conclusion that I have come to is that they were all in it together.
Fauci, with Obama's blessings, sent the research over to China to complete the bioweapon away from prying eyes.

Different groups had different motivations so the release satisfied many goals.

Schwab's transhumanism cult desiring the merging of humans with robotics, merging with AI, the end result is that there would be too many people. Solution- eliminate as many as possible because they are no longer needed.

As for Fauci, the CDC, FDA crowd, President Trump was planning to seriously reduce their budgets- which they would view as a threat to their power and survival.

Massive Cuts to Science and Medicine- NIH

Many of the research scientists acted as hired guns and did not question if the research should be done. Many Drs just followed orders all to enhance their relevance to society.

Then we have the political agenda- which once again the release of the virus served a useful purpose- allowed mail-in-ballots to rig the election. Once the rogue government was in place the illegal immigration was ramped up.

UN, RED Cross and other organizations assist illegal immigration < A very good explanation.

The Climate Cult also had an important role to play. Less people, less impact to the Earth. Less use of resources and they would apply the "virtue" signaling to move the agenda along.

Big Pharma- only to happy to oblige and to make profits not just from the jabs and therapeutics like Paxlovid but also for treatments for the diseases they have created. They already had the jabs as Stephane Bancel let slip during the WEF.

And we cannot ignore the role of Bill Gates who basically controls all the major health organizations like the WHO, GAVI, CEPI and has infiltrated the NIH. Also he has infiltrated the research universities and public education. He is a monopolist and desires total control. His most recent activities are centered around energy which fits in with China's goal of being in control of the U.S. energy supply via solar power and electric cars, and EV batteries. Billy is already building the nuclear plant in Wyoming.
Also he is a big, big believer in eugenics. He uses Africa as his hunting grounds along with other globalists.

Then there is their coordination in the purchase of farmland, which then allows them to dictate what crops and types ie. GMO, if any are grown. Then just coat any produce with Apeel. Add a sprinkling of factory explosions to the mix.

After all President XI exclaimed that Gates was a very special friend of his.

No matter how I look at this I still believe that it was simultaneously deployed from multiple places around the world. That is the only way that Covid could spread to really remote areas like the Amazon. That would require some military involvement to transport and set up operations.

The one troubling aspect is that there was knowledge that this was being developed and would be deployed. Why wasn't it stopped? Too many players and too powerful who could buy off and silence everyone?

At some point the presidential candidates will have to address the issues around the release of the bioweapon and the dangers from the jabs. So far the only candidate to do so is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

As for President Trump's involvement with Operation Warp Speed- the operation was really taken out of his hands because during a bio-attack the "experts" like BARDA, DARPA, CDC take over. He was in a really tough position- if he did raise a red flag the media would have been unleashed painting him as a president who wanted to harm people rather than help.

Everything falls on Biden, who had support from Obama, Clinton and Bush via the media. He went further and pushed to mandate the jabs on the public as well as military members. It is very convenient that most of the illegals are military aged males who are encouraged to join the military as a means of gaining citizenship. A new immigrant group supportive of the Dems.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3


All in All
ITs a Simple PLAN - I Am My Fathers Son

Bring IT

edit on 11-2-2024 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Thanks so much for posting "Watch the Water." That was more than disturbing.

Any connection to President Trump's Snake poem?

Snake Poem.
World Snake Day is July 16th. I'm not certain if that date has any significance.

When is World Snake Day?

They can't flee fast enough- now GAVI

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

This is a follow up to the above posting about Plague/plandemics.

From: New York Post

Alaska health officials confirmed the state’s first fatal case of Alaskapox — a recently discovered viral disease.

An elderly immunocompromised man from the Kenai peninsula, south of Anchorage, died while undergoing treatment in late January, the Anchorage Daily News reported.

He is one of only seven reported Alaskapox infections, the Alaska Department of Public Health said in an announcement on Friday.

“People should not necessarily be concerned but more aware,” said Julia Rogers, a state epidemiologist. “So we’re hoping to make clinicians more aware of what Alaskapox virus is, so that they can identify signs and symptoms.”

The double-stranded-DNA virus, which comes from the same genus as smallpox, monkeypox and cowpox, was first identified in an adult in Fairbanks, Alaska in 2015. It is most common in small mammals, like voles shrews.

So let's look at the symptoms:
From: Alasakan Health Department

Symptoms of Alaskapox have included one or more skin lesions (bumps or pustules) and other symptoms like swollen lymph nodes and joint and/or muscle pain. Immunocompromised people might be at increased risk for more severe illness.

From: CDC

Bubonic plague: The incubation period of bubonic plague is usually 2 to 8 days. Patients develop fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, painful lymph nodes (called buboes). This form usually results from the bite of an infected flea. The bacteria multiply in a lymph node near where the bacteria entered the human body. If the patient is not treated with the appropriate antibiotics, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body.

Looks and feels the same. I know this reads of "Doom-Porn" but hear me out. THis story was also published today.
From: also New York Post

A Texas family’s trip to the Big Apple for their 10-year-old son’s birthday turned into a nightmare, after their son became violently ill and was induced into a coma at a New York City ICU.

Symptoms reported:

On the way to the World Trade Center, Riker’s health took a turn, and he shared with his parents that he was experiencing the “worst headache” he had ever had.

“There’s a building over there that we walked through and as soon as we walked through that building he said, ‘Oh, I have a really bad headache. This is the worst headache I’ve ever had,’” Stippick told the local outlet.

Moments later, the birthday boy vomited and laid down near a bench to rest.

“It was like a shriek of pain,” said Stippick.

They took him to the hospital, where doctors put him in a medically induced coma.

Back to the CDC page

Pneumonic plague: The incubation period of pneumonic plague is usually just 1 to 3 days. Patients develop fever, headache, weakness, and a rapidly developing pneumonia with shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and sometimes bloody or watery mucous. Pneumonic plague may develop from inhaling infectious droplets or may develop from untreated bubonic or septicemic plague after the bacteria spread to the lungs. The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock. Pneumonic plague is the most serious form of the disease and is the only form of plague that can be spread from person to person (by infectious droplets).

Lets not forget about the Chinese operated Bio-Labs that were reportedly being ran illegally here in the US. I'm sure many US Governmental officials not only know about these labs but also got paid to look the other way. In the lab that was raided in Fresno Co California, a dormitory sized fridge was filled with vials ladled as "Plague"

Plague is not something unknown in the US, but if Hospitals are overwhelmed with plague cases, then there is no way people are going to recover from this. We need to keep watch on this as this could be first shots in a new world war.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 11:45 PM

Authorities Charge Prominent Democrat In Elaborate Mail-In Ballot Scheme

Prominent Atlantic City Democratic operative Craig Callaway has been charged with orchestrating a mail-in ballot scheme to sway elections.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey has accused him of fraudulently procuring and casting ballots, undermining the electoral process.

Callaway and his associates allegedly paid individuals to serve as authorized messengers for voters intending to vote by mail, but then collected and submitted the ballots themselves.

edit on 11-2-2024 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 12:01 AM
This seems really strange; any ideas on WTH this is all about?

Jeff Bezos has spent $42 million building a clock that will outlast human civilization inside a mountain in Texas
It will be 500 feet tall, be well out of the way of the nearest town (reports say that it will be hours from the closest airport), and it will have special chimes for the 1, 10, 100, 1,000, and the 10,000 year anniversary. Oh, and one more fun fact-- this thing will tik very, very slowly. Just how slow are we talkin? This clock will only tik once per year. And it’s design looks straight out of your favorite steam-punk themed comic book, or movie! It’s true! Gears and other steam-punk themed ornaments have already been placed on the premises, and it’s only going to get more textured as time goes on! It’s already cost the billionaire a colossal $42 million dollars so far… and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be finished any time soon.


posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Sure. HRC and BH0 were far from besties.
edit on 777Vam12America/ChicagoMon, 12 Feb 2024 00:31:07 -0600 by 777Vader because:

posted on Feb, 12 2024 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

I think we can ask Donna Brazile what Hillary thinks of black people. I swear most people here think better of Shadow People than Hillary thinks of black people.

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