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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 10:59 AM
Travel PSA:

There have been 65 murders in Jamaica and 18 Murders in the Bahamas since the beginning of 2024.

US issues new travel advisory for Jamaica, Bahamas due to increased crime

The U.S. Department of State has issued a new warning for American travelers headed to the Caribbean due to violent crime that has impacted the local populations of Jamaica and the Bahamas.

Areas in Jamaica on State Department's Do Not Travel list:
St. Ann’s Parish, St. Catherine’s Parish, Clarendon Parish -- except if passing through Clarendon Parish using the T1 and A2 highways -- St. Elizabeth’s Parish, Hanover Parish, St. James Parish and Montego Bay, Kingston and St. Andrew Parish, Cassava Piece, Downtown Kingston, Manchester Parish, St. Thomas Parish, Trelawny Parish, Westmoreland Parish.

Safety information for Americans who travel to Jamaica:

While the State Department has urged U.S. travelers to avoid the Caribbean country, it also shared a list of best practices if you are still planning to visit the island.
Do not attempt to bring firearms or ammunition. This includes stray rounds, shells or empty casings.
The penalties for carrying firearms and/or ammunition, even inadvertently, are severe, and can include lengthy prison sentences.
Avoid walking or driving at night.
Avoid public buses.
Avoid secluded places or situations.
Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
Be aware of your surroundings and keep a low profile.
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.
Review the Country Security Report for Jamaica.
Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations.
Review the Traveler’s Checklist.
Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.
Violence and shootings occur regularly in many neighborhoods, communities, and parishes in Jamaica.

If you do decide to travel to the above-listed "Do Not Travel" areas, the Department of State asks Americans to visit this website for information on travel to high-risk areas.

Safety tips for travel to the Bahamas:

If you do decide to travel to the Bahamas, the State Department shared a checklist of dos and don'ts to help Americans stay safe.

Do not answer your door at your hotel/residence unless you know who it is.  
Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.  
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.  
Follow the Department of State on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  
Review the Country Security Report for the Bahamas.  
Prepare a contingency plan for emergency and medical situations.  
Review the Traveler's Checklist.  
Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

The U.S. Embassy in Nassau also issued its own list of safety precautions for U.S. travelers.

Exercise extreme caution in the eastern part of New Providence Island (Nassau).
Use caution when walking or driving at night.
Keep a low profile.
Be aware of your surroundings.
Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
Review your personal security plans.

And I just saw that this was posted to ATS yesterday:

US Warns Travelers in re Bahamas, Jamaica

edit on 2-2-2024 by IndieA because: Added info

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

That sounds horrifying. I can't imagine being hooked up with a couple of other people who probably will not think the same way as I do. Some woke may not be compatible with the awake and they have the strange idea that we will work towards some common goal- What if I don't like the goal? This project is going to require some serious tweeking since we are not mice, at least not yet.

How Many Animals Does it Take to make a NeuraLink funeral- The Daily Beagle- Underdog

Very convenient to kill all the animals preemptively so that cases of cancer don't bubble to the surface. After all if they don't see it then it isn't there cult.

Then again we can count on the FDA-
"Millions of pets have been implanted with microchips, without reports of significant problems. There is no formal reporting system for this, so of course there are no reports. The FDA did just not look, they proactively and maliciously avoided looking."

There could be some good from this such as helping those that are paralyzed for example, but what starts off as a good idea always gets slimed with corruption, especially when the WEF is involved.

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I've been on the hunt trying to find some information from the Covid Select Subcommittee. Would you believe it is being covered under "Covid Select" Twitter?

Hearing Wrap Up: HHS's Stonewalling Continues

"Today's hearing proved that whether in a public forum, behind closed doors, or in written communications, HHS consistently fails to meet basic standards of compliance with congressional oversight."
HHS Assistant Secretary Melanie Egoria refused to answer 40 times. Fauci has taught them well; when in doubt throw irrelevant material at the problem and defy because after all there are no consequences.


They have too many people- can you imagine a 90,000 member army and they can't find a single person to help locate information. Way too much funding as well.

Biden announces Intent to nominate Egoria March 11, 2021

March 11, 2020 the WHO declared the plandemic.

Biden Ends Covid Emergency May 11, 2023

Bide n Declares Intent to End Emergency April 11, 2023

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I may be completely misreading #28 but where is 27?

Integrate Southern schools- 23
Assassination of Martin King Jr.- 24
Americans suspected of involvement in subversive activities - 25
To discredit protestors - 26

Watch demonstrations, infiltrate organizations, and spread disinformation-2

One observer at each demonstration of more than 20 people-28.

Always 5 steps ahead.

Since there is more than one meaning this gives the vibes of Bill Gates family and the plandemic set up around birthdates.

#23 is hugely important. Jennifer Gates was 23 when the plandemic was officially launched in 2019.
I'm now more interested in Rory since he is child #2 and has been very much kept under the radar. His birthdate is May 23, 1999 >5/23.
He will be 27 in 2026 when plandemic 2.0 will be in full swing and 28 when the dust settles.

28-23=5. 5 members of the Gates family. 5 steps ahead.

28-2=26 All of this is pointing towards 2026.

Since the 7 is missing, could this link the new grandchild Leila? Born March 2023- she will be 7 in 2030.

Interesting the choice of names Phoebe and Leila; dark to light.

Could it be that they have infiltrated the Gates Foundation and other organizations connected to Billy such as the WHO, CEPI, GAVI, WEF.
Ku post number is 28 as well. 5 full dates brings us full circle back to 23.

Anyway I may just be misreading this but it does seem oddly coincidental.

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

SG Anon Interview

It appears that he has reservations about Gov Abbott as well which aligns with my opinion that he was helping to facilitate the movement of illegals within the country. Good point -why didn't he send them back to Mexico? Closer than New York City and less costly.

They speculate that plandemic 2.0 will be unleashed this year to prevent President Trump from regaining office. Maybe- maybe not. The formal plan was to launch 2025 with full blown crisis in 2026. If this is launched under Biden could it be done to cancel elections or bring back the mail in ballots because of a manufactured crisis?
I can see their point- with millions of illegal immigrants in the country and no voter ID required...

This would be forcing their hand before the Plandemic Treaty is formally in place. Let's see we currently have JN.1, RSV, Influenza making the rounds with a jab opportunity for one and all. The looming jab injured - it's just a matter of time.

But if this is unleashed while President Trump is in office would it be better to deploy in 2026 - 2 years into his term? That would be another huge attempt to undermine him again. Fog of War. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Lab Origin Case Even Stronger Now

"to the best of our global knowledge, 'sarbe covirus with furin cleavage site' did not exist in nature before 2020, but it did exist in a grant proposal to make something not found in nature."

"Daszak had many other sources of funding including 10's of millions of dollars from USAID PREDICT Program, the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust's CEPI - funded Global Virome Project and even the NIAID."

"NIAID not only funded Daszak through the grant "Understanding the Bat Coronavirus Emergence" but this NIAID grant also expanded to include all of the PI's of DEFUSE in 2019 preemptively."

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Very interesting & I came across the Candida auris when I was researching the Sinus Infection I got from the hospital
when I went in for Hernia Surgery Dec 2021...

I am looking into Candida auris now, (just off top the head), with it possibly being on the skin, Nurses & etc touching
a patient who is contaminated can easily pass to the next patient. If proper prepping for IV Catheters are not followed then there is a HUGE risk of blood infection...I don't know if human hospitals sterilize all Endotracheal Tubes (Intubation Tubes) they were not always at all the Vet Hospitals I worked at & the last 13 yrs I was able to work were ER) The intubation tube connects to a "breathing tube" it splits (the "y") one side oxygen & the other anesthesia & joins to become one that connects to the Endotracheal Tube...that should be sterilized in between surgeries.

Breathing tubes probably refers to nasal canulas? They come in a sterile package but who knows if they are often replaced
since people who go home on oxygen have a few of them.

There are a few DEADLY Fungal (Toxic Mold) species you can acquire from from a hospital... will mention them as well when I finish the Candida auris report.
I was possibly exposed to Aspergillis at hospital...I say possibly because it's not like the hospital is going to allow a test
& that is the most common fungus in hospitals.

Sorry if I'm slow due to Laptop storage issues I thought were almost resolved
but no & worried all space possibly used up, tried to move games to new external SSD from Steam but I needed to update
them (2) & doing one update that didn't finish I think pushed it over the edge & TMI & is why I'm on phone or tablet.
FYI just mentioning in case we have computer whiz's here because I have no clue, never having an issue & not savvy.


I just had last appt with the awesome head of the ENT Dept at UVA on
Mon & finally I'm free from Sinus Infection from Citrobacter koseri (from the hospital NOT UVA). He saw no signs & I
can finally stop nasal flushes after 2yrs...Bloody Hell Yeah!!!

***Also Toxic Mold, Cancer & Lyme are all related & ALL have PARASITES! I just recently saw more positive possible
Cancer Cures & etc...using IVERMECTIN & Fenbendazole...I can post that one it's from Dr Robert Malone news letter.
Will do that in a few.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Ektar

A Clif High Share, fly Strongly

What follows are 32 of the things that all vytamana (vimana) pilots will be required to know. They will ALL be on the test.
This is translated from Sanskrit to Russian to English. It will read a bit awkward but is maintained to keep as close to the original as possible.
Chapter 1. Part 1.
It defines vyātmanā: "It is what can fly from one country to another, from one world to another."
Chapter 1. Part 2 - tells about 32 secrets a pilot must know, otherwise they cannot be trusted with the control of the vyātmanā.
Secret 1: mantrika — knowing and using sacred mantras, special medicinal herbs, and oils, the pilot must be able to develop their spiritual and hypnotic powers. Using them, they must construct a vyātmanā that does not break, does not burn, and cannot be destroyed.
Secret 2: tantrika — knowing and using the sacred power of tantra and other mystical forces, the pilot must endow the flying machine with these forces.
Secret 3: kritaka — before starting to create the vyātmanā, the pilot must study the works of such recognized creators of vimānas as Vishwakarma, Chhayapurusha, Manu, Maya, and others.
Secret 4: In the layers of the atmosphere where strong winds rage, at the boundary of collisions of powerful air currents, the vyātmanā may lose control and crash. The pilot must be able to sense the approach of danger and change course in time.
Secret 5: As stated in "Vāyutattva-prakarana," in the eighth atmospheric layer, three elemental forces dominate — Yasa, Vyasa, and Prayasa. The pilot must be able to tame them with the power of their mantras and the power of tantra, which will allow them to capture the dark component of the solar spectrum and use it as a cover from an enemy vyātmanā.
Secret 6: As a result of collisions in the atmosphere of electrical energy and wind energy, a glow is formed, the reflection of which can be caught with a special mirror installed at the front of the vyātmanā. Manipulating this mirror, the pilot must be able to disguise their vyātmanā.
Secret 7: According to "Shakti-tantra," creating an interaction of the energy of the Sun, the force of the air current, and atmospheric water vapors, the pilot must be able to form a cloud veil around the vyātmanā, making it invisible.
Secret 8: In accordance with "Meghotpatthi-prakarana" — the science of the appearance of clouds, entering the second layer of light clouds and capturing its energy with a special mirror, the pilot must be able to saturate the tantric force of the vyātmanā with this energy, with which to generate a paralyzing ray, immobilizing and neutralizing enemy vyātmanās.
Secret 9: As said in "Shakti-tantra," the pilot must be able to project the light beam "Rohini," with which to make visible everything that is in front of the vyātmanā.
Secret 10: Sensing danger, the pilot must be able to quickly fold the spread wings of the vyātmanā, flying at full speed and save it by changing course, speed, and altitude of flight.
Secret 11: According to "Akasha-tantra," when the vyātmanā is in the central air stream of the 1st or 3rd atmospheric layers, the pilot must be able to, if necessary, increase its size, in accordance with the instruction "Valmiki-ganita".
Secret 12: As stated in "Dhuma-prakarana," by generating smoke of the 32nd variety with the vyatmana's engine, saturating it with the light of celestial thermal waves, passing it through an oil-thermal generator set to the 132nd speed, and then releasing it outside, the pilot must be able to give the vyatmana a terrifying appearance that plunges observers into extreme fear.
Secret 13: In accordance with "Tila-prakarana," by preparing special oils and applying them to the vyatmana's distorting mirror, and then releasing type 19 smoke onto it, the pilot must be able to saturate this smoke with tantric power so that enemy observers perceive the vyatmana in the form of a lion, tiger, rhinoceros, snake, mountain, river, etc., being misled and frightened.
Secret 14: The pilot must be able to attract thirteen types of "Karak" force mentioned in "Karak-prakarana" and direct them onto a special mirror of the vyatmana. On this mirror, they must be able to direct air saturated with snow and a special "suragha" beam. In this case, they will achieve that, instead of the vyatmana, observers see a Celestial Maiden, adorned with flowers and jewels.
Secret 15: As said in "Amshubodhini," the pilot must know how to extract from the solar spectrum - sections from the 12th to the 16th, concentrate them on the atmospheric layer's air force "mayokha," attract the force of etheric glow, mixing it with the glow from the 7th layer of air masses and direct it through special tubes of the vyatmana to a compartment where a special mirror is located. As a result, observers will see not the vyatmana but a bright glow, similar to the morning dawn.
Secret 16: "Darpana-prakarana" states that with the help of a special mirror, the pilot can capture the energy of darkness. By passing it through a special amplifier and radiating it around the vyatmana, they must be able to create pitch darkness, as on a new moon night, in the middle of the day.
Secret 17: The pilot must be able to use the vyatmana's weapons. By pumping 5 types of special smoke into a compressor, saturating them there with electric power, and then releasing them through a special pipe consisting of 5 parts (resonators) - into the external environment, the pilot must be able to achieve complete destruction, as in a cataclysm, of everything they direct this pipe at.
Secret 18: As stated in "Righrida," the pilot must possess the ability to direct the forces of "kubera" and "vimukha" into an air compressor, which will blow out poisonous powder from the vyatmana through a special tube. This will result in the complete loss of all senses by the opponent and their falling into a comatose state.
Secret 19: The pilot must know how to mix the force of ether with 10 parts of the air element's force, 7 parts of the water element's force, 16 parts of the solar spectrum, and release all these forces through a special mirror via the vyatmana's end nozzle. In this case, instead of the vyatmana, observers will see a starry sky above them.
Secret 20: By concentrating the air force in seven tubes of the vyatmana and controlling this force as prescribed in "Shabda-prakashika," the pilot must be able to create a thunderous roar that causes the enemy to tremble with fear and fall into despair.
Secret 21: "Vāyutattva-prakarana" states that when crossing from one air current into another, the vyātmanā encounters solar glare and ignites. To avoid this, the pilot must possess the ability to concentrate the vyātmanā's air and electrical energy at the center of its tantric force and, upon encountering solar glare, instantly transfer the vyātmanā to a safe place.
Secret 22: The pilot must be able to attract the air force "dandavaktra" and the other 7 forces of the air element, combine them with the power of solar rays, and, by passing them through the tantric center of the vyātmanā, achieve its movement in zigzags, like a snake.
Secret 23: When an enemy vyātmanā appears in the field of vision, the pilot must manage to switch the engine to a mode that creates a powerful atmospheric wave, pushing the enemy's vyātmanā aside.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: AianawaQ1320

Secret 24: When the vyātmanā is attacked by a squadron of enemy aircraft, the pilot, by switching the control modes of their vyātmanā, must be able to ensure its rapid rotation around its axis - to reflect the attack.
Secret 25: "Saudamini-kala" — the science of electronics explains how the pilot should adjust the electronic equipment of the vyātmanā to hear ALL conversations and sounds in enemy vyātmanās.
Secret 26: Using the same science and with the help of a television camera, the pilot must be able to see the image of what is happening on the enemy vyātmanā, including on its control panel instruments.
Secret 27: The pilot must know how to unfold a screen at the bottom of the vyātmanā, electrify three special acids, and, by acting on them with 7 types of solar rays, display their resultant force on the screen, with which - create on their screen a projection of what is happening on the ground.
Secret 28: Mastering the navigation equipment, the pilot must timely determine from which side the approach of the enemy vyātmanā is expected.
Secret 29: According to "Akasha-tantra," the pilot must be able to mix a mica solution with special decoctions, apply the resulting substance to the outer coating of the vyātmanā, consisting of mica plates, and, by subjecting this coating to the action of solar rays, achieve that the vyātmanā merges with the color of the sky and becomes indistinguishable.
Secret 30: The pilot must know how to mix pomegranate juice, bael oil, copper sulfate, spice smoke, "guggul" liquid, mustard powder, and turn the resulting solution into smoke, and then, subjecting this smoke to the effect of direct solar rays, release it from the vyātmanā, which will immediately be enveloped in a cloud.
Secret 31: The pilot must be able to release poisonous vapors outside so that they reach the pursuing enemy vyātmanā. Then its crew will lose consciousness and will not be able to continue the pursuit.
Secret 32: The pilot must know how to use the vyātmanā's flamethrower most effectively to ignite enemy aircraft and have great experience in this.
Good luck on your tests!~!

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Thank you for looking into this and I do hope all continues in a positive way for your health.
Chief Nerd has tweeted some more about the cure for cancer.
Seems we are having some problems with the site today so sorry no links.

Cancer is parasitic so Ivermectin is one for the tool kit. There is a list of 5 necessary therapeutics.
Ivermectin, Curcumin, Vitamin E, some kind of mushroom based one and something else. Apparently all can be purchased through Amazon.

What I found especially interesting is that this marine was jabbed 3 times and came down with cancer. After this treatment he was cancer free after a few months. This may be a possible treatment for all those who have taken the jabs. We do need to have hoppium that we can overcome this.

The link was to the Breunverse.
Fungus link...
"Impaired CD4 + T cell activation, as seen in conditions like HIV/AIDS, can result in higher risk of opportunistic infections. For example, mycosis fungacides, which is a type of cutaneous T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of CD4 + T-cells in the skin."

DrJeanneM weird tweet brought up the specter of fungal infections so now we can see that this is a valid concern. They know exactly what they have done.

Much thanks - Nerding on...
"while impaired activation of CD4 + CD8 + T cells is not considered the direct cause of mycosis fungacides, for which the exact cause in not fully understood, it is believed to play a role in the pathogenisis of the disease..."

Can't say I fully understand all of the scientific jargon but what we can glean is that we can tackle the cancer issue and we just need to sort out the fungal part.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Tucker Carlson just finished an interview about someone in the know about the new weight loss drug Ozempic- the drug currently being flogged on TV.
This is mind blowing.

Nova Nordisk- Danish based is now the most valuable company in the EU and guess what???

They do not allow the sale of the drug there- all growth is from the U.S. Simply outrageous.

This drug is not, as in not safe. It causes stomach paralysis which sometimes does not correct when someone discontinuous the drug. Most people regain the weight after stopping and the drug is being linked to suicidal thoughts and depression. The EU is currently doing a probe on this but it makes me wonder if we will ever be treated with some real results of the fictitious studies.

As for the advertising it is not really to educate the "potential" consumer but rather is a public relations lobby with the purpose of buying off the "responsible" media. Not that this is news but it ensures that the media will never bite the hand that feeds it.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Fauci has just finished another interview. He's quoting "Expect the Unexpected" which curiously was the name of the book about him that was pulled from circulation. Fortunately I have a first edition copy.

Apparently there is [quickly] changing science of Covid-19 that impacts the understanding of Covid-19 today. It is important to use prior research to countermeasures pandemic. Sounds like another flip flop edition. Speaking of swamp land and draining it...

This may be important. He quotes that it took 311 days to produce a safe vaccine, which was 94-95% effective. I'm not exactly sure where he came up with such a specific number but maybe this is the 11.3 marker. All these jabs have such impressive results and of course are 100% 'give or take' safe.

He is ever so hopeful- "The pandemic is never going to be over. It is a perpetual challenge and we must be perpetually prepared."

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I dislike not being able to link or aske people to trust since I myself have documented trust issues however...

On the menu today is the FDA- the agency that has been so committed to ensuring the safety of drugs, medical devices and whatever else they wish to sell out the public to big pharma and corporations.

Keeping track of resignations- Janet Wilcox FDA Principal Deputy Commissioner is retiring and Namanilyi Bumpas is taking her place. Now that we have that out of the way.

I am just really struggling with this. The FDA in 2019 had 17,000 employees, many who worked remotely during the plandemic. Now they are at 19,000 but apparently they are understaffed. And, cough they want an increased budget.

They want to hire 2,000 more highly effective workers.

*** They have the audacity to blame understaffing for the dismal inspection of foreign manufacturing facilities, not that they really want to but we understand it is for appearances. Apparently people don't like doing these assignments, which for the life of me I can't understand why.

In 2019 they managed to inspect 37% and we have already covered how effective their warnings were.
Fast forward to 2022- a whopping 6%.

Meanwhile we have Bill Gates, Albert Bourla [Pfizer] and Stephane Bancel [Moderna] investing heavily in our ally China, who as we understand has significant control over our drugs.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Hopefully tomorrow I can provide some links to all of this.

WEF news.
Congressman Scott Perry introduced a bill called Defund Davos Act. Not the first time and as usual we can expect this will meet a swift demise.

Since 2013 U.S. taxpayers have funded the WEF to the tune of $60 million.

U.S. Taxpayer Funding of the WEF is Absurd.

"Davos is where the world's elite gather to solve problems they've created, with money they didn't earn."

That is just on the surface. There are many other costs for the luxury of attending that we are paying for such as security, travel, attendance fees, fancy meals, accommodations, ect.

"The U.S. is sponsoring the WEF's attempts to do to agriculture what farmers in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Belgium, Scotland, Ireland and Spain are actively protesting against: government policies and technocratic attempts to destroy their trade and livelihoods."

They practiced on Africa first [Billy's go to place] and we saw how well that has turned out. Millions and millions starving right now. Crimes Against Humanity on steroids.

The $60 million was never approved by Congress, so how did they do this?
USAID transferred part of their budget over to the WEF, discreetly, very discreetly. No doubt they have had to request more $ because they don't have enough to operate.
Did I mention that February is American heart month? Just wait as the myocarditis and other heart issues come to the forefront. They can't bury this forever. There are not enough fingers to plug all the holes in the dyke.

According to Ed Dowd [Insurance/ Back Rock connected] Pfizer stock should have really performed well after their recent earnings report however that is not quite the case. Same goes for Moderna. Covid-19 product sales may be down but the hype over cancer therapies should cause these stocks to surge. It will be interesting to see how things develop because according to Bourla he has placed all of his retirement savings into Pfizer stock. He has faith and...insider knowledge.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
Can't say I fully understand all of the scientific jargon but what we can glean is that we can tackle the cancer issue and we just need to sort out the fungal part.

Just to add: I remember reading a while ago somewhere that exposing mushrooms to sunlight (or UV light) before using for cooking has an effect on them that benefits the absorbsion of vitamin D that would otherwise be minimal for digestion.

Maybe it's about "activation" or "deactivation" of the particular fungi as opposed to the actual type of fungi. Perhaps UV treatments can kill bad ones for humans and/or benefit the good ones. Bear in mind that most fungal infections happen in dark moist places (internal/feet/armpits/groin etc) it kinda makes a little sense to me. Do "MEDBEDS" use light for treatment?

Glad you're good. Stay well.

Found something:
Why You Should Let Mushrooms Sit In The Sun Before Cooking Them

On their own, 100 grams of white raw mushrooms only contain about 7 IU of vitamin D, so you'd have to really love these veggies to get the amount of the nutrient you need. But you can multiply that amount by letting your mushrooms spend a little time sunbathing outdoors. According to a study published in Nutrients, "When commonly consumed mushroom species are exposed to a source of ultraviolet radiation, such as sunlight or a UV lamp, they can generate nutritionally relevant amounts of vitamin D." The study found that after just 15 minutes in the midday, mid-summer sun, the vitamin D content in sliced mushrooms jumped up to 700 IU or 17.5 mcg per 100 grams, which is more than the daily recommended amount for most adults. And after one hour, the fungi contained a whopping 1,300 IU of the nutrient. Read More:

Gotta love that vitamin D. I have felt great in the last few days digging in garden ready for this season of planting getting some rays, some fresh air and some "earthing" of all those negative electrons.
edit on 3/2/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/2/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Thoughtful3

SG Anon Interview

It appears that he has reservations about Gov Abbott as well which aligns with my opinion that he was helping to facilitate the movement of illegals within the country. Good point -why didn't he send them back to Mexico? Closer than New York City and less costly.

Mexican nationals do get immediately returned to custody of their home country.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 12:35 AM
Random hit or a true victim of selective targeting?

From: New York Post

Former Trump official Mike Gill, who was shot by a carjacker Monday in Washington D.C., died from his wounds on Saturday, Fox 5 DC reported.

“It is with profound sadness that I wish to inform the community of the passing of my husband, Mike Gill,” his wife, Kristina Gill, said in a statement.

“His sudden departure has left a void in our lives that can never be filled.”

Gill had served as Trump’s chief operating officer of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

This mess is currently being passed off as a "coincidence" by authorities.

Officials believe the rampage was the result of a mental breakdown.

I'm surprised this wasn't blamed on MS-13, or some other "Alphabet-Created-Group".

I'm wondering how worried the Trotskyists are getting. I will also admit that this "could be" just coincidence, like it's being advertised as, but I really doubt it given that this happened in DC in an Election cycle.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: nerbot

That was very interesting and a great tip.

Funny I was outside prepping my garden for the spring and then wham over a foot of snow. Lol. We can always use the moisture but not a fan of shoveling.

Wall Street Apes- The U.S. is special, just so special

It seems like they do not like us for some reason.

Natural Health Living- Laundry detergent with dioxine and other treats

This now has me suspicious that perhaps some of the symptoms of Long Covid- congestion and other autoimmune diseases are being aggravated by these chemicals laced in our most popular detergents. Time for some more experiments.

More on toxic laundry detergents
Once again we we have our captured agencies doing their best for the home team.

- The U.S. does not require carcinogens disclosure.
-No government agency even monitors dioxane to regulate it on the state and federal level.

If this is the case with detergents what about bars of soap? It appears that even if they have the all natural label it appears that is meaningless.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Microsoft, Meta detail Plans to Fight election disinformation in 2024- a global effort

This is rather strange that they would tell us but I guess it's that karma need.

"The Windows maker also plans to create an Election Communications Hub where security teams will be made available to election authorities, and plans to partner with organizations that label the news sources as authorative to ensure "[Bing] queries about election administration will surface reputable sites."

"Meta Mashing misinformation for the masses, maybe Microsoft didn't say whether content credentials would be required for political campaigns, and didn't mention policing advertisements on its services."

"for the enforcement of it's new rules, Meta said it planned to rely on "independent fact-checking partners"

to review media for fake content that slipped through the company's new disclosure requirement."

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot
That was very interesting and a great tip.

Funny I was outside prepping my garden for the spring and then wham over a foot of snow. Lol. We can always use the moisture but not a fan of shoveling.

Fear not, frost can be a friend...

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

#4542 clip
"Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception."

[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT.

Slippery slope.
Priests, scholars ask Church leaders to request the Pope withdraw Fiducia Supplicans

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