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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: G0055E
47deg (dot) com Xerbia, formerly 47degrees, a global consulting firm and open source advocate specializing in Scala, Kotlin, and [Swift

posted on Jan, 31 2024 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Hey sorry probably crazy & way out there, but seeing the mention of Fentanyl , Opium & etc
do you think these coming on strong at the moment & further could be a cover up for the neuro
brain implant chips when they go wrong? I mean just at the beginning of the roll out...they will
need an excuse when things go bad...just a thought.


posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Ektar

Maybe but it would be kind of weird to think fentanyl might be used to excuse McConnell's robot-like behavior. If anything, I would suspect that the new wave of drugs on the market are more about trying to demotivate the public for a foreign power to try and attack. More drugged out the population is, the easier it is to conquer them.

Give that a lot of these new drugs are coming out of China, I think we can guess who's behind them.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: Ektar
a reply to: Guyfriday

Hey sorry probably crazy & way out there, but seeing the mention of Fentanyl , Opium & etc
do you think these coming on strong at the moment & further could be a cover up for the neuro
brain implant chips when they go wrong? I mean just at the beginning of the roll out...they will
need an excuse when things go bad...just a thought.


I think it's more likely to mitigate the Died Suddeny numbers ( which have seen a drastic increase) from our younger population.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

"I'm betting that this story is going to be used to discredit anything coming from or stemming out of -Q- related topics."

You may want to hold on to your special edition tin foil hat for this one- from the WSJ this morning page A14- Review and Outlook section

"The Taylor Swift 'Psyop".
"Populist paranoia on the Trump right takes an even more bizarre turn."

"Connect the dots, sheeple" I object -we have been comfortable wolves, but no more.

Vivek Ramaswamy up to bat: "I wonder who is going to win the Super Bowl next month. And I wonder if there's a major presidential endorsement coming from an artificially cultured propped- up couple this fall. [Swift dating Travis Kelce]

"What your kind of people call conspiracy theories, I simply call an amalgam of collective incentives hiding in plain sight."

Losing control of the narrative...
"One internet pundit has posted a video, with hundreds of thousands of views, claiming that Swift's relationship with Kelce is a fake psyop. This yarn involves the CIA, because of course, as well as George Soros, because of course."
Bottom line is that the Chiefs will win and the happy couple will announce their engagement. At peak influence they will make a pitch for the Biden home team.

I like this part- "The CIA isn't orchestrating it all, and neither are the illuminati, the Freemasons,...or alien lizard people living among us."

Looks like someone has been studying up on conspiracy factoids. Occam's Razor suggested reading. If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat, then it is a rat.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: G0055E

That was simply amazing.

Open the Books- The China audit

Finally an audit as to where some our tax $ is going. Focus is on the plandemic but hopefully this opens pandoras box.

"The NDAA directs the Pentagon to quantify the dollars spent doing research on other dangerous viruses that have pandemic potential- not only in China but around the world."

"The result would be a list of viruses- think Ebola, Nipah and influenza." The top 3 taken from the Level 4 biolab in Winnipeg.

Some very odd sourcing of funding; The National School Lunch Program gave $1.6 million to Chinese grain exporters???

Why would the NIH give $300,000 to China for ethics training meanwhile at the same time directing gain-of-function to China who by their very own beliefs have ethics issues. BTW where is Christine Grady?

Some of this is, I should correct that, all of this is most disturbing. "Chinese vendors received $6 million to provide tech support for our military???"

US taxpayers are paying for it all.
Paris Accord= Scam (trillions).
Red Cross= Scam (billions).
Foreign Aid= Scam (trillions).
Who audits where the money actually goes?
Who actually receives the money?
The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in
taking down.
Slush funds everywhere.
Think GS pays for ANTIFA out of his own pocket?
The hole is deep.
Feel sick yet?

17 posts- Audit.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: IndieA

More of "we are paying for it all".

Judicial Watch-US Pays Record $20 Billion to Welcome Illegal Aliens with 'Refuge and Entrant' Assistance

Once again we have the corrupted HHS involved, this time through the Office of Refuge Resettlement. They have way, way too much funding and too many departments to finance different agendas. Even Sydney Powell was questioning why HHS were involved with the Presidential election and the Dominion Voting Machine.

Potential conflict of interest with the head of the ORR- Robin Dunn Maros. Lol. Call me shocked.

She was "employed in two executive positions by 2 non profits that received the largest grants for refugee and entrant assistance.
Before joining ORR in 2022 (timing) Marcos spent more than 2 decades at the International Rescue Committee where she became Senior Director for Resettlement, Asylum, and Integration" along with 4 years at Church World Services.

Child Trafficking? Occam's Razor

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 12:39 PM
Literally Anderson cooper pops in my head
Feel bad for those born into this
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Kathy Hochul - Changes Definition of Rape

Apparently the definition was too narrow to really convict President Trump. Expanding it to being oral as well makes me wonder how that will get twisted because that is what they always do.

"And though she couldn't be with us today, I want to take a moment to recognize E. Jean Carroll for her courageous efforts to make sure justice was done."

Kathy Huchul- The Adult Survivors Act November 2022-

Funny how that worked.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Remember awhile back DrJeanneM (Fauci's replacement) had that weird tweet about fungal infections.
You being an expert in fungal infections can you take a look at this. On the radar-

Washington State- Outbreak of Auris-fungal infection

The issue I have with this is that it is spread via breathing tubes, feeding tubes and catheters, exactly what was used during the plandemic for those that were intubated. That is one group that could be at risk but then we have those that have taken the mRNA jabs and now have weakening immune systems. The perfect situation for this fungal infection to take hold.
The chart looks really disturbing. From 2020- 2021 there was a 94% rise in incidence. I can't believe that is accidental.

Peter Pappas from the University of Alabama, the state where Jeanne M hails from, sounds a little too enthused " It will reach every corner of the country for sure. The question is how will we control it?"
Why should this all of a sudden start spreading throughout the country?

Good question since this strain seems to be quite resistant to treatment. We need a new tool for the tool box- any ideas on what people can do to protect themselves?

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Kamala Harris- When is a gaffe not a gaffe?

Well that's a relief, we are at the end of the climate catastrophe- now it's "global boiling".

These people are crazy.

Clinton and Pope Francis vow to end climate catastrophe

They are going to have to do without John Kerry- the Climate Czar-

It's a secret- John Kerry to step down to help Biden

He doesn't seem to be very committed to the cause.

Al Gore knows so much about climate change so why isn't he recruited?

Al Gores30 Years of Climate Errors- Snow Job

Gematria- Global Boiling White Rabbit.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 03:03 PM
More on "telepathy"

The Monkey Hive Mind

a team of researchers led by Miguel Nicolelis at Duke announced they've managed to network animals' brains together, allowing the animals to perform tasks better together than they could individually, and creating what the team calls "brainets."

In one experiment demonstrating these "brainets," two or three monkeys were wired into the same robotic arm, and then asked to perform certain tasks. Completing the task got the monkeys rewarded with juice. The experiment found that when multiple monkeys were wired together, they were more successful than a monkey performing the task individually. Their thoughts didn't compete against each other—they seemed to enhance one another.

They synchronize their brains and they achieve the task by creating a superbrain–a structure that is the combination of three brains," says Nicolelis, speaking to New Scientist.

In an even more unnerving experiement, four rats had their brains directly networked "through direct brain-to-brain interfaces [that] could provide the core of a new type of computing device: an organic computer." After a series of training sessions, the researchers discovered that the four networked rats could perform certain tasks, like pattern recognition or predicting the weather, as well or better than individual rats.

Telepathy Experiments in Silicon Valley

Although several telepathy tests are currently being carried out in the Californian region, the best known and most advanced is undeniably the one led by Mary Lou Jepsen, former Facebook and Google executive and creator of a startup called Openwater. This genius has been working on the subject since 2016 and she’s made remarkable progress.

Jepsen enjoys great prestige in the technological world. One reason is that she owns more than 1,000 patents. In fact, she was the creator of the most popular laptop/notebook among children in developing countries. She achieved this via the *One Laptop per Child program.

The basic idea of Openwater is simple, yet extremely bold. It consists of reducing the size of an MRI machine until it can fit into a hat. It’s based on the idea that the infrared rays from this type of device allow us to study the functioning of neurons and the electrical flow with which they communicate.

Experts think that opening the door to reading the mind of one person means that, sooner or later, this will allow the reading of the minds of millions of individuals. There’s even talk of clouds capable of storing all the data.

You’re going to just be able to capture a thought, what you’re thinking and feeling in kind of its ideal and perfect form in your head, and be able to share that with the world in a format where they can get that. There’s some pretty crazy brain research going on that suggests we might be able to do this at some point.”

-Mark Zuckerberg-

I think part of the ultimate objective is to create a fully controlled, programmable, technologically engineered human hivemind.
Synthetic Telepathy via brain computer interface (or more advanced technology).

* A few years ago, in these threads, we discussed the One Laptop Per Child Program. It ties into Nicholas Negroponte, Joi Eto, the MIT Media Lab and their dealings with Epstein.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

There’s even talk of clouds capable of storing all the data.

I've heard it's the Earth's magnetosphere that may be capable of massive storage.

These are interesting times we are living in.

Perhaps some of this technology is part of what's being referred to as non-human intelligence.

Isn't AI technically a non-human intelligence after all?

The basic idea of Openwater is simple, yet extremely bold. It consists of reducing the size of an MRI machine until it can fit into a hat. It’s based on the idea that the infrared rays from this type of device allow us to study the functioning of neurons and the electrical flow with which they communicate.

That's cute, but this patent from 1974, seems to claim that this can be done remotely with radio waves.

Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves

And here's a little more info on Remote Neural Monitoring

edit on 1-2-2024 by IndieA because: Added information

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

They synchronize their brains and they achieve the task by creating a superbrain–a structure that is the combination of three brains," says Nicolelis, speaking to New Scientist.

This reminds me of the three "Precogs" in "Minority Report".

Like the movie, would it be that only one actually makes the decisions and has the control and the other two are more for supplemental resources and neurological power and support?

Minority Report

3 will always be a magic number for human existance imo. Perhaps why "transhumanism" has become so important to those who wish to control things further by removing individuality.

I don't think a "hivemind" would be of benefit to anyone but those who wish to control "it".

And why bother with "telepathy" when there are TVs, Mobiles and computers of all sorts that do the job fine with the already programmed sheeple who are happy to fund the tech developments and their own ignorance for a series of addictive micro dopamine fixes from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep?

I have lost many friends in the last few years to complete and absolute apathy, perhaps some here feel the same about those they know/knew.

WE are a dying breed. Stay strong, Q uestion everything, and never let anyone stop us from revealing truths.

edit on 1/2/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
WE are a dying breed. Stay strong, Q uestion everything, and never let anyone stop us from revealing truths.

This is why I can see a split or a fork in the evolutionary branch between those who continue morphing along the artificial transhuman line vs those who remain on the path to unity consciousness.

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 08:43 PM

posted on Feb, 1 2024 @ 09:05 PM
This story might be more connected to -Q- than that MKUltra guy that cut his dads head off.
From: MSN News
Full Disclosure, I'm not too sure about the source of this story, The Mirror. I think it's just a tabloid type of news rage, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Joshua Schulte, the biggest leaker of secret info in CIA history, has been sentenced to 40 years in jail this week.

Schulte, 35, spilt loads of classified data to WikiLeaks, a site started by Julian Assange that shares secret papers. He let out secrets known as Vault 7 from the CIA which were so serious that prosecutors called it "some of the most heinous, brazen violations of the Espionage Act in American history," says ABC.

What? So I looked at ABC News, same story here, but different, and it's the same story but a few differences.

The ABC story ends with,

"The impact on the CIA was immediately catastrophic," federal prosecutors said. "The effect of the WikiLeaks Disclosure was a 'digital Pearl Harbor. We were dead in the water.'"

There was no altruistic motive behind Schulte’s leak, prosecutors said, instead arguing it was an act of revenge against superiors who had reassigned him, revoked some of his IT privileges and criticized him for increasingly obstreperous behavior.

Schulte was also convicted last September of possessing child pornography.

"Today, Joshua Schulte was rightly punished not only for his betrayal of our country, but for his substantial possession of horrific child pornographic material," FBI Assistant Director in Charge James Smith said in a statement following sentencing. "The severity of his actions is evident, and the sentence imposed reflects the magnitude of the disturbing and harmful threat posed by his criminal conduct."

The Mirror story ends with the missing content,

The CIA believes Schulte put their staff, projects, and tools at risk, and just like a "digital Pearl Harbor" had left them "dead in the water." The 26 papers were first leaked on March 7, 2017. "The impact on the CIA was immediately catastrophic," said federal prosecutors. They also said he didn't leak for a good reason, but did it because he was mad at his bosses who had moved him, took away his computer stuff, and told him off for acting up.

In September 2023, Schulte was found guilty of having images of child abuse, as announced by the U.S. Department of Justice. He had over 3,000 secret files showing children being hurt on his computer. "Joshua Schulte has already been held accountable for endangering our nation's security, and today's verdict holds him accountable for endangering our nation's children as well," said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams.

Schulte could get another 30 years for these charges. He could have gotten life in prison for the spying charges. Court papers claim: "While living in Virginia in 2016, SCHULTE built a custom desktop computer, which he used to download and collect more than 15,000 images of child pornography and child erotica.

"SCHULTE stored his cache of child pornography in various encrypted locations on the computer. In or about November 2016, SCHULTE relocated to New York, New York, and transported his child pornography computer with him. While living in New York, New York, SCHULTE continued to stockpile child pornography from the dark web and Russian websites."

So did the mirror add those CP facts to pad the story out, or did ABC just drop them to prevent further investigation by the public?

If it was known that he hacked the CIA and that he was charged with having CP, then it's very possible that this guy had the same Hunter Biden, Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein files that everyone and their uncle have been discussing. Also could the highlighting of Schulte's name in this article be done to deflect any human trafficking of kiddos from Debbie Wasserman-Shultz?

Either way some of the data that Joshua Schulte got was passed on to the public via WikiLeaks and got reused by some of us here to puzzle-piece this whole -Q- thing. I thought it might as well be brought here so that people can see that while hardly mainstream, The Mirror has pushed this story out in front for some reason. Somethings coming to a head, and it seems that "people" are trying to use fear to shut down any discussions about it again (ie Pizza-gate)

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 05:42 AM

Perfect timing to revert to Julian Calendar?

Stuck on Feb 2nd for 11 days followed by continuing from Valentine's Day?

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

Perfect timing to revert to Julian Calendar?

Stuck on Feb 2nd for 11 days followed by continuing from Valentine's Day?

On This Day too, for reference...

1848 1st ship load of Chinese immigrants arrive in San Francisco
1922 It was 2:22:22 on 2/2/22
1923 Ethyl gasoline 1st marketed, Dayton, Ohio
1931 1st use of a rocket to deliver mail (Austria)
1933 Hermann Goering bans Communist meetings and demonstrations in Germany
1942 US auto factories switch from commercial to war production
1944 Allied troops 1st set foot on Japanese territory
1954 President Eisenhower announces the detonation of the world's 1st hydrogen bomb (tested in 1952)
1962 8 of 9 planets align for 1st time in 400 years
2021 Biden's Immigrant Families Executive Order, US President Joe Biden signs executive orders to reunite immigrant families, setting up a new taskforce to address around 1000 remaining separated families

Historical events this day on Feb 2nd.

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 10:52 AM
Double Post

edit on 2-2-2024 by IndieA because: OOPS

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