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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 02:04 PM
A Review of IEEE 802.15.6 MAC, PHY, and Security Specifications

Abstract IEEE 802.15.6 is the first international Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) standard that supports communications in the vicinity of or inside a human body to serve a variety of medical and nonmedical applications. The standard defines a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer that supports several Physical (PHY) layers. In this paper, the key features of the IEEE 802.15.6 standard are presented. The MAC, PHY, and security specifications of the standard are explained in detail. Different communication modes and access mechanisms are presented. The Narrowband (NB), Ultra-wideband (UWB), and Human Body Communications (HBC) specifications are reviewed in terms of frame structure, modulation, and other important parameters. Finally, the security paradigm and services of the standard are highlighted.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: G0055E

What if we are to look at this as literal. Delta for today.

#2668 January 11, 2019.

The Chernobyl nuclear explosion involving 4 reactors was April [4] 26,1986. #26- the first two numbers of this post fits with the 2026 plandemic as well, 4 BOOMS. 86 is the mirror of 68.

Fukushima nuclear disaster was March 11, 2011.

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Disaster

Fast forward 9 years- March 11, 2020 the WHO declared the plandemic.

WHO Timeline.

The last action recorded by the WHO is on March 18, 2020 [7 days later]- the Solidarity Trial to find an effective treatment. We all know how that worked out.


CDC April 26, 2020

The structure of this post is odd. 1 space, 2 space, 3 space- 1,2,3 Let's Go. Mr. Pool post. 3 events- Chernobyl, Fukushima and Covid-19.
4 BOOMS- we still have the 25-26 to deal with.

The time stamp 3:19:34-
19+7=26 and your fav 19-7=12.
3= the 3 events and also March.

Bill Gates plans to invest $4 billion in his special project in Wyoming.

Just to pull this out from the Fukushima article because it looks just so odd.-
"Among hundreds of aftershocks, an earthquake with magnitude 7.1, closer to Fukushima than the March 11 one, was experienced April 7.
An April 11 a magnitude 7.1 earthquake and April 12 a 6.3 earthquake."

Since the Gates family seems very connected - there are now Jennifer, Rory, Phoebe and grandchild Leila. 4 Boomlets. Including Bill + Melinda that gives us the 6 spaces before the Booms.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Stew Peters Tweet

More Jewish mystery. Is this what I think it is?

Spaghettiboyx69- Chabad and tunnels

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I believe we have confirmation.
Brook Jackson - Nipah

Nothing to see here. The first Nipah vaccine in 25 years

N=14---There were 14 pages in Chapter 9 of the last book covered 100 Days Mission to find jabs for us whether we want them or not.
The trials will go over 18 months so that takes us to June 2025.

#459 clip
Operational_ window [5-6] _F Delta C25-26.

Quoting from a Tucker Carlson #60 interview.
"The censorship will be tighter, the penalties going against the government's plan will be more severe. They have learned from this experience, and the takeaways is not such absurdities didn't work but that they were too lenient this time around.
The plan is to make sure that this doesn't happen again."

Tucker Carlson Interview #60

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 02:55 PM
Body Communication

Human body communication (HBC) was first proposed by Zimmerman [1–3] as a novel communication technology to exchange data between electronic devices in body area networks (BAN). Its application is not limited to data transmission but extended to power transmission [4], in which electronic devices receive power required for operation simultaneously with data. Unlike wired and wireless methods, HBC uses a capacitive-coupling transmission channel, in which both transmitter and receiver are capacitively coupled by an electric field passing through the human body.

Such capacitive coupling is possible because the human body is composed of various tissues having a high dielectric constant. The transmitter and receiver both use an electrode instead of an antenna. The electrode is attached to the human body and forms the modulating electric field at the transmitter or detects the modulated electric field at the receiver.

The third physical layer alternative for WBAN is human body communications (HBC). Actually, it doesn’t involve a wireless link but rather a data connection through the body. Some advantages of HBC are [30]:

• Little signal leakage outside the body—high security. The signal is confined to the surface of the body with little energy radiated to the surroundings. This avoids the possibility of eavesdropping and also of interference from external sources.
• Low signal attenuation—low transmission power. Low path loss through body conduction means reduced transmitter power and lower power consumption of the system as a whole.
• Low carrier frequency. The relatively low frequency—tens of MHz—reduces transmitter and receiver complexity, size and power.
• No antenna required. Coupling to the signal path (the body) is through electrodes.

The HBC PHY uses electric field communication (EFC) technology. The frequency band of operation is centered at 21 MHz and the bandwidth at 3 dB down is 5.25 MHz. Information data rates are 164 kbps (mandatory), 328 kbps, 656 kbps, and 1.3125 Mbps.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: IndieA

California - non citizens right to vote gaining steam

What oh what is Denver going to do???

Denver mayor- cut the budget so that we can care for the illegals

This is not going to end well. Homeless are everywhere and it is very cold and snowy out. It's just a matter of time before someone suffers from frostbite or worse.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:13 PM
pornspam deleted
edit on 11/1/24 by argentus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Pharma Files by Aussie17

He is or was a Big Pharma drug rep so he knows about drug sales. He is part of the Jikkyleaks army.

" I possess records level data down to stock- keeping units [skus] and through various distribution channels, including pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics."

" I have never seen such a spike within a single year [2022], for a single disease [cancer] across multiple drug classes, both new and old drugs, and across various companies."

If this isn't disturbing enough in the comments sections it appears that the Mouse army detected a trend # Killing Hospitals.
This would explain why people like Grace Sachra was targeted- they were trying to meet the number established by the WHO of higher deaths from Covid-19 than what would have been the case.

Chilling- "In Australia and the UK... a few hospitals in the world where they had deaths, huge deaths [almost coordinated to hit the 3.4% death rate.]
For example in Australia it was exactly 3.4%."

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
Looks like this thread has turned into a new age motivational gibberish with a touch of movie trailers and feel good music clips.

Are we still trusting the plan? So what are the decodes good for again?

Plan you say? What are the odds of these two number amounts being the same?

Speaking of odds...

How many coincidences?

It's almost weekend folks...

For all of us baby.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:46 PM
We have some serious weirdness headed our way.

WEF- Meeting January 15-19 "Rebuilding Trust"

Not going to happen any time soon since we have the cyber event special upcoming promise.

The most alarming topic- "Facing a World Without Antibiotics" January 16, 2024 Time- 16:15- 17.00

They can rant and rave about antimicrobial resistance all they want but this is coming on the heals of Pfizer announcing an antibiotic shortage.

Pfizer Resupply Date April 2024.

April again. Jennifer Gates Birthday is April 10th.

Titanic sets off on Maiden voyage April 10th, 1912
2240 people on board- Maybe another connection to White- it was operated by The White Star Line and then she had the White horse that died recently.

Since Pfizer is celebrating 175 years of changing people's lives-

Strange happenings from 175 years ago

The moon is photographed March 23, 1840. Of course Antarctica is white too.

Tender offer for Pfizer shares- more weirdness

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:54 PM
pornspam deleted
edit on 11/1/24 by argentus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: xemome

Is it Ashley?

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

We have some serious weirdness headed our way.

WEF- Meeting January 15-19 "Rebuilding Trust"

Step 1. Build or rebuild trust

Step 2. Betray that trust in order to profit and gain power

Step 3. Repeat

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:20 PM
The Media : Iran takes ship(s) in Red Sea.

Reality: Deep state needs distraction and forever wars.

The Media : Young women treated as sex slaves on Epstein Island.

Reality : Children.

Maybe Epstein Island had nothing on Necker island and Water island, just saying.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:28 PM

#BREAKING The state of Texas has seized all city property along the riverfront at the border in the Eagle Pass area under governors emergency powers, including federal processing locations and equipment—This is according to multiple sources.

All access to the property is limited to state authority only. Border Patrol will be permitted to enter the property to remove their equipment and supplies—Agents will not have access to the area unless there is a medical emergency.

I am told that the state plans to start arresting all who cross for criminal trespass—This is not under the new illegal entry law #SB4– They have been arresting for criminal trespass for months.

Statement from


posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:47 PM
SPAM removed
edit on 11-1-2024 by Zarniwoop because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 04:53 PM

edit on 1/11/2024 by yeahright because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 05:06 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 05:17 PM

More emails found from Hillary

edit on R20242024kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago1 by RookQueen2 because: added

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 05:32 PM
I guess we decided to launch air strikes in Yemen today.
Today is 1/11
Saturday will be 1/13
11.3 marker?

Russia, Iran, and Syria have all warned against firing on Yemen.
The Houthi’s warned Saudi and Qatar that if they open airspace to US jets they will declare war

The jets launched from Saudi

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