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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 09:33 PM
Those are valid points
Not going to happen in our lifetime
Gulf Tonkin info just came out when?
Here's a list of questionable events in my life
1 Challenger
2 Iran Contra
3 All South America actions
4 Cold war
5 Chad hanging out
6 all patented "viruses"
7 Middle East
8 Communism
9 11th day
10 School shootings
11 Las Vegas
12 Clintons
14 Ruby Ridge
15 Ozone
Just the tip

a reply to: angelchemuel

edit on 2024/10/1 by Crazierfox because: club got a new member

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 10:21 PM
These people are stoopid.

edit on 10-1-2024 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Crazierfox

This is just... looking for a better word -bizarre.

Loyd Austin- it's a secret

Chatter says Sec Austin was injured in a Kinzhal strike. Certain elements including timelines check out....supposedly

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Talking of Judges... Woke Societies tweet:

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:02 AM

edit on 11-1-2024 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:06 AM
Tucker had a piece about alien disclosure. He alluded to it seemingly being more about “extra dimensional” than “extra terrestrial”
Which leads to the reptilian type theories and the possibility that they are here now, but only visible outside of the visible light spectrum.

Ie: the prison planet theory.
What if we run with that: “they feed off our low frequency negative energy”, so they continue to propagate what creates that

Hence the Shane Brownings of the world and his message.
This leads me to frequency.

In music, the A note is tuned to 440hz. This was established in America in 1940. The rest of the world followed suit in 1953.
This was not always the case.

In the paper Musical Cult Control, Dr. Leonard Horowitz claims that there was a conspiracy between the Rockefeller Foundation and Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels in changing the standard because”herding the populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation and emotional distress” was necessary to create a war mentality.

The Ancient Greek and Egyptians tuned A to 432hz.
It was said to feel more natural.
432hz helps plants grow
12 is a significant number.
12 years for Jupiters orbit, 12hrs on a clock, 12 inches in a foot, 12 apostles, 12 constellations of the zodiac (and 88 modern constellations), 12 months to a year, 12 Olympic gods of the pantheon, 12 titans, 12 tribes, Ishmael and Jacob have 12 sons, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes =144,000 (432/3=144), 12 days of Christmas, 12 petals in the heart chakra, the god Odin had 12 sons, 12 jurors, 12 cranial nerves,
432/12=36. 3+6=9
43,200 seconds in 12 hours And There is 86,400 seconds in a day (432x2=864)

In the book “The Great Pyramids of Giza: A Modern View on Ancient Knowledge” by William Wittevee, he discusses this
The great pyramids were built using cubit, long cubit, meter, AND foot
The base of the great pyramid is 432 long cubits. It has a right triangle height of 170
The Khafre pyramid was 144m tall (432/3=144) its base 216m (432/2). It has a right triangle height of 864 (432x2) and right triangle area of 7,776
The Menkaure Pyramid: (Feet) “Ba”–Body (“Ba”-dy). Associated with the Soul (Body + Spirit = Soul)
was 216ft tall (432/2)
Full Base: 345.6 Feet (432x8)
The moon is 2160 miles in diameter (432/2=216)
The sun is 864,000 miles in diameter (432x2=864)
The King's chamber resonates very strongly to an F# chord, and the Kings Chamber coffer resonates to A, which is the Minor third of F-sharp. 729hz and its octaves are the big notes: it is a perfect F-sharp when A is tuned to 432hz.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: G0055E

If A=432hz then E will be 324hz.
it’s great octave is 81hz, the lowest E tone playable on a musical instrument and the 5th harmonic of the golden frequency of Giza of 16.2hz and its resonance frequency of 33hz.
16.2 hz octaves align exactly with the C note in A432 hz justonic tuning.
the Sirius star system has peaks around 528-529 nanometers,
528-529 nanometers translates to octaves of 16.1 to 16.2 light hz (Cycles of light per second) causing the king's chamber to have sympathetic resonance with the Sirius star system.
The supposed Holy Grail chalice in the Valencia is 6.5 inches tall (0.1651 meters tall), and when you divide the speed of sound by this measure (343 meters per second divided by 0.1651) you get octaves of 16.23 hz.

Victor Shovvell, math scientist, has discovered some interesting relationships betvveen those 2 unique numbers
528 + 432 = 960
528 - 432 = 96
1 + [432 / 528] = 1.818181
432/ 1.81818181- = 237.6 x 10 = 2376 = 4 x 756 (Khufu pyramid base length in feet)
It has been proven that 432Hz and 528Hz are woven together mathematically. Simple calculations show that
they both give key numbers for universal construction :
528 /432 = -1.2
4320 x 1.2 = 5184 = 72 squared
4320 / 1.2 = 3600
Tesla once said he who understands the meaning of 3, 6, and 9 will know the secret of the universe. He also said “if you want to find the secrets of the universe, you have to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration”

528/6 (the number of main Solfeggio tones) = 88
It takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to complete an orbit of the Sun. And, as you may already know,Mercury is named the "winged messenger of the gods." 432 / [528/432] = 360

The circle is 360 degrees, the expression 'do not fear' is used 360 times in the Bible (according to Pastor Richard Wurmbrand), 360 years equals one divine year in Hindu mythology. 360 reduces to 3 + 6 + 0 = 9. John Keely, an expert in electromagnetic technologies, wrote that the vibrations of "thirds, sixths, and ninths, were extraordinarily powerful."

The Great Pyramid of the Sun at Toltec complex of Teotihuacan in Mexico has base total of 864 STU (Standard Teotihuacan Units) (432x2)
Each side is 216 STU. The STU was the Toltec measure unit and, as is related in their myths, was passed to them by the gods from the stars. It is readily apparent from a simple mathematical analysis that A=444Hz [C(5)=528Hz] and A=432Hz are harmonically related.

The harmony can be proven by simply subtracting 432 from 444. It yields 12; where 1+2=3 in Pythagorean math. If we take 528 and subtract 444, then we can also get 12 or 3. Next, let's take
528 and subtract 432 to get 96; where 9 + 6 = 15; and 1 + 5 = 6.
This result is identical to 5 + 2 + 8 = 15 or 6. These sets of numbers: 3s, 6s, 9s and 8s are always
exclusively represented by these special natural pure tones, their scales, and their harmonics. This is
precisely what Leonardo da Vinci's mentors emphasized about cosmic scales and mathematics

edit on 11-1-2024 by G0055E because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: G0055E

In Healing Codes for the Biological apocalypse Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and
Dr. Joseph S. Puleo published the Secret Solfeggio Frequencies
Here are the original pitch frequencies of these six notes:
1. Ut = 396Hz which reduces to 9 [reducing numbers: 3+9 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 ;
3+ 6 = 9]
2. Re = 417Hz which reduces to 3
3. Mi = 528Hz which reduces to 6
4. Fa = 639Hz which reduces to 9
5. Sol = 741Hz which reduces to 3
6. La = 852Hz which reduces to 6
They also state that Mi is for "Miracles" or 528Hz - is the exact frequency used
by genetic engineers throughout the world to repair DNA.
Another interesting tidbit that the authors included as a musical scale with
words, from the work of John Keely; where Keely related the hues (not
pigment colors) of light related to musical notes. On the "G-Clef" with "C"
being the fIrst line below the staff and continuing up the scale and up the staff:
C = Red = Tonic
D = Orange = Super Tonic
E = Yellow = Mediant
F = Green = Sub Dominant
G = Blue = Dominant
A = Indigo = Super Dominant, Sub Mediant
B = Violet = Leading Tone, Sub Tonic
C = Red = Octave

From this additional information is gleaned:
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT - 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE - 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA - 639 Hz - ConnectinglRelationships
SOL - 741 Hz - Awakening Intuition
LA - 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual

The basic Solfeggio frequencies totaled six. Horowitz later extended it to 9 frequencies. 'Most everyone IS familiar with the Star of
David which uses two triangles. (inverted to each other) inscribed within a circle. If one uses the same approach for three triangles overlapping (no inversions) and space them approximately 40 degrees apart around a circle, some amazing relationships appear. Orient the circle with one triangle apex at North or zero degrees. Label that 396. At the next clockwise point label 417, the next 528, the next 639, the next 741 and the last 852. You now have the basic six Solfeggio frequencies. The numbers we have so far added to our circle of numbers have a pattern to them: Any number connected by a line, for example 396 and 639, if you take the smaller number and move the last digit to the fIrst position, you have
created the line-linked number


the Platonic Solids, which sum to the F# major chord. Platonic Solids are the building blocks of the universe, and represent the five elements including ether,

The B scale and the F# scale are closely related, in fact F# is the Dominant  (V) chord of the key of B. They share most notes; or all notes, if modes are used. 
The Dodecahedron spells an Amaj7-6 chord, intimating another major harmony, A, to be added to the mix. This means B, F# and A create the major harmonic matrix of the Platonic Solids. 
The fact that these are created using very specific geometries, informs us the B, F# and A tonalities and their harmonies are significant cosmological manifestations; and given the Platonic Solids are the building blocks of creation - the Elements - then listening, performing with and aligning to these frequencies will bring one back into Universal Harmony. 
With Angel Harps we are able to fine tune to all of these chords and scales, and have an easily accessible way of resetting the human energy physiology back to its most natural state.

He speaks of the Cosmic Chord

What if they are utilizing music to keep our vibrational energy low, to keep us trapped in this loop, so that they may continue to feed off our energy
Are the using disharmonious resonance to facilitate mind control?

Confucius said “if one should desire to know whether a kingdom is well governed, if it’s morals are good or bad, the quality of the music will furnish the answer”

“The underlying, primary psychic reality is so inconceivably complex that it can be grasped only at the farthest reach of intuition, and then but very dimly. That is why it needs symbols.”
C.G. Jung

The Schumann Resonance is allegedly around 8hz. 432 is divisible by 8

Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Mozart, verdi used 432hz
Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd used 528hz

BRB gonna go jam out to some earth tones.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:12 AM
Sorry for the massive dump/wall of text, that’s what I spent the last 4 hours doing after watching a 4min clip that piqued my interest

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:41 AM
Another fascinating watch with a theory about Rupes Nigra. The “fictional” 33 mile black rock at the North Pole which is referred to as the seeing eye.
This video correlates it to a plasma volcano which happens during magnetic pole flip, opening a “gateway” to the center of the earth.
Which led to these extra dimensional or terrestrial beings taking refuge underground

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2
I'm sorry to hear this hun.
OK, I'm going to assume you are doing the usual supplementation: massive dose Vit C, zinc, magnesium, etc.
Physically for the vertigo and sinuses, work/massage the ring toe of both feet, you'll probably find sore and/or gritty places on both.... give them both a good wellie. Then do the same on both ring fingers.... look for the sore spots, and work them. Work any sore spots until they start easing off and then stop. Don't massage them to get rid altogether.
I'm reticent to suggest essential oils as #1. you're not in a fit state to go out and get any and #2. you most likely wouldn't be able to get the few I would suggest anyhow.
As for falling down..... crawl...

Big hugs

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: G0055E

Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Mozart, verdi used 432hz
Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd used 528hz

I believe you can add John Lennon and in particular his Imagine to that list.
With regards to Verdi and other classical composers, most classical music was written at the A=432htz..... what we hear in classical music today has been 'recallibrated' to the 440htz.
I wish I could find the fascinating documentary I watched, where they demonstrated the different famous classical pieces and compositions we are familiar with played at 432htz as originally compossed. They then did the same, but in reverse, with Imagine, which John Lennon recorded at 432htz but they changed to the 440htz.... it was horrid!

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Didn't the Hungarian song "SzomorĂş vasĂĄrnap" have something to do with this, or was that just urban myth?

Hey I wonder what frequency those sky sounds, that are being heard once again all over the world, are in?

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Absolutely no idea.... never even heard of that song, sorry.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 08:27 AM
Someone has brought Reciepts
Time to find tinfoil.
Ever wonder what happens when all a country knows to do is wage war doesn't have anyone to wage war with anymore? too many to post

edit on 2024/11/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: G0055E

I was just discussing this yesterday this with my friend's son, he's a master composer.

Such a great series, I don't know where to start.

edit on 11-1-2024 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: Crazierfox
Someone has brought Reciepts
Time to find tinfoil.

I'm far enough down the EM warfare and neural science research rabbit hole, to find a lot of this information to be plausible. Some of these claims even explain some of the research I've done, like some of the nano-tech patents I've read.

Unfortunately, this stuff goes over most people's heads. I would think that someone almost has to have some education or research into related fields, to understand the plausibility, and possible reality, of these claims.

Oh, and WTF!

Mind Blown, once again.

edit on 11-1-2024 by IndieA because: reworded

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
What a Dbag! I hope he gets disbarred over this.

Check it out Hunter’s documentary cameraman

Posted by Salty Texan on X

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 12:48 PM

What is going on here 😳

NEW: Jewish teens secretly hired Mexican migrants to dig covert Brooklyn synagogue tunnel

“The Mexicans lived in the building for three weeks during the work. They slept and ate there because it was a secret operation"

Salty Texan again.

posted on Jan, 11 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Not to derail the current topic - Why is Bill Gates building the nuclear natrium reactor in Kemm [er er], Wyoming.
Does everyone have their tin foil hats ready?

TerraPower Nuclear Plant- Wyoming

Wyoming is windy, as in very windy- generally 30-40 mph with gusts of 50-60 mph. What happens if there happens to be an explosion and fire? Interesting times down wind.


Jennifer Gates birthday is April 26th.

April 26- Chernobyl Nuclear Accident wiki

Seriously can't make this stuff up.
ER [5+18=23] ER[5+18=23]... Weirdness- Leila will be 23 in 2046.


[11+5=16]- start of preparations for Covid plandemic- 2016.
[13+13=26]- 2026 you know.
Wy- W= 23 Y=25

Going back to #459


Natrium- salt

Salt is generally white. Perhaps the 3 White's represent 3 different plans.

Kemmerer Wiki

The Naughton Power Plant, which employs 230
people, is expected to close in 2025.

But Terra Power isn't scheduled to open until 2028. Planning at its finest.

3 hours 8 minutes away via WY-28W is the Wind River Indian Reservation which is the 7th largest reservation with 2.2** million acres. Also Yellowstone is not that far away. Just wondering what impact on Yellowstone volcanic activity would be triggered if that nuclear plant should have a big boom.

I just have some bad vibes about this.
Watch the Water

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