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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 09:12 AM
House of Representatives Cite Robert Hunter Biden for Contempt of Congress

edit on 10-1-2024 by 777Vader because:

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: RookQueen2

It was very thorough.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: CataclysmicRockets
a reply to: interupt42 It's also being spun! Weird world right now.
Please don't shoot the messenger, just sharing what's brewing in memes.

Im not religious at all , im agnostic and dont believe in the hell vs heaven thing or good vs evil thing.

Fwiw there are freemason that have stated that masonry has jewish ties and at the highest level some get recruited to the final stage which is satanic based.

Im willing to bet who created that meme is likely someone who follows those believes.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Speaking of plandemics-

Are There U.S. Quarantine Camps Right Now?

It's all in the timing. The first quarantine camp was completed in Omaha, Nebraska January 2020, right in time to take in the Diamond Princess passengers. As the author points out construction would have had to start in September which dovetails with the release in Wuhan.

Apparently there are 4 of them, one location unknown.

Call me suspicious but Nebraska is where Bill Gates most recently purchased farmland and that is where his BF Warren Buffet hails from.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Investments in Private Prisons

Not to pass up a good investment opportunity but those detained people will need food and jabs.

Mother Jones notes that the first $2.2** million Gates investment in prisons was in 2012.

2012 -Gates Foundation invests in Biotech companies to improve global access to treatments and vaccines for infectious diseases.

Warren Buffet-, the "Oracle" has his finger in the pie as well. Imagine 2012.

Shaw Industries, owned by Warren Buffet-- prisoner made flooring

"prisoners produce goods for as little as 23
cents per hour."

"The fact that Warren Buffet's company was able to violate Canadian law- and possibly American law- for nearly 15 years without being caught does not exactly inspire confidence in the current prison regulatory system."

Like I've been saying lots, and lots of planning.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

After completing that book 100 days to come up with a vaccine I decided to have a closer look at what is going on behind the scenes.
There are the 3 entities, CEPI, Wellcome Trust and the newly created Wellcome Leap.

Wellcome Leaps Unconventional Projects

We are in some very strange territory when they are busy developing a vaccine for a pandemic that isn't even a happening.

Caltech nano-based vaccine- "This advance suggests that it may be possible to be vaccinated against animal viruses that would spill over to infect humans to cause another pandemic and also against SARS-CoV-2 variants."

They didn't apply to Leap for funding, Leap approached them.

Biologica l definition of Mosaic

"is a condition in which a multi cellular organism possesses more than one genetic line as a result of genetic mutations."

I have trust issues. These are the only organizations that name Covid as CoV-2.
C=3, V=22...22+3=25---2025. Plus 2 brings us to 2027.

Wellcome Trust was established in 2017. Wellcome Leap in 2020 with $300 million in funding. Paying attention to wording the 5 year plan takes us to 2025 and the 10 year plan to 2030.

Wellcome Leap connection to DARPA

Dugan gets around-
Regina E. Dugan Wiki

Interesting timing, she left DARPA in 2012 the same year that Billy started on his new mission. Then of course we have Jay Flately from Illumina increasing sales to $2.2 billion.

17 Years at Illumina

What else is Wellcome Leap up to under the radar?

Cleveland Clinic- Quantum Computing

100 days mission takes us to April 10.

10 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

There is some really serious money around all of this.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 01:09 PM
Hey y’all, haven’t been in for a couple of months. When the site went down with the ghost thing I was locked out and it now says there’s a different email associated to that account.

Oh well, I’ve been lurking and it’s been painful to be unable to contribute tidbits here and there.

I saw a post on x last night about the big and Little Dipper. There was a graph displaying how the Big Dipper rotates around Polaris throughout the year in a counter clockwise direction. Makes the the most interesting of shapes (if you catch my drift)

Which I found mightily curious as that symbolism is often demonized in todays society, but what struck me is Orion’s Belt is mirrored by the pyramids (which we’ve discussed at length in the past) but this provided me a new perspective as the symbolism is seemingly mimicking the trajectory of the Big Dipper in the northern hemisphere night sky.

Was also wondering, has there been many digs on AIPAC? The 50 million they spent in midterms, the 340 politicians they funded. The career politicians they funded against for simply voting “present” during Israeli aid packages?

Was also wondering about any digs revolving the yellow brick road, Golden Gate Bridge, treasure island, children’s museum, bohemian grove, Elton John’s last tour of the yellow brick road?
I know the topic has come up before, but wondering how the drips are feeding it currently.

Trumps Iowa campaign stops (Newton, Clinton, Sioux City, mason city, indianola, and Cherokee Iowa) NCSWIC 🤯

Gary gennsler said the SEC twitter page was compromised yesterday when a tweet was sent out for BTC ETF. Who’s to say his page wasn’t compromised (just saying that’s a horrible look for the sec)

Russia and Iran now have linked banking systems. This comes the same week the US tried to broker a deal with Iran and Saudi in secret regarding Middle East peace

Anyways, cheers! Tomorrow is 1/11

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 01:13 PM
Forgot to mention, have seen some troubling stats locally regarding various respiratory viruses.

I remember in lab school 15+ years ago learning about these. And every year since then, I’ve witnessed what I was taught.

Clearly Covid changed that dynamic, but what is troubling as of this moment is the dramatic increase in influenza and RSV.
Over a 250% increase vs the prior 5 year average for these two in my area so far this winter.
I myself just had a boxing match with RSV which shouldn’t have been as tough as it was (historically mild to not noticed in healthy adults)
Which led me to ponder as the rhetoric online is often about how the vax is debilitating our immune response, but myself and 4 others all had this RSV strain and it kicked our asses the same and none of us were vaxed.
Makes me want to further dig how much is responsible of purely Covid and that we may be discrediting too much in the name of faulty vax make up

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Inverse Cramer
Albert Bourla chats with Jim Cramer

Aside from the 23's being tossed about Bourla said the quiet part out loud while discussing the Seagen Acquisition- Cancer won't be cured, it will become a chronic disease to be treated. Since the jabs have become toxic we can count on them transitioning to oral therapies.

Pfizer vs AG Paxton

I can't imagine how many lawyers Pfizer has on board. Fighting Brook Jackson, Moderna and now Texas. And this is just the beginning.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: G0055E

I've maintained all the way through this Covid debacle that we need full disclosure about the original Sars-CoV-2 first, before we start tackling the vaccines produced on the back of it. Once full disclosure on the virus, we'll understand the vaccine and its mechanisms better.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: G0055E

Glad your back.

The q you have about the jabs is really valid.

Fauci testimony summary by Brad Wenstrup

Fauci "he knew that his policies would create vaccine hesitancy for years to come." This is the person heading the agency that receives funding from Big Pharma. By design?

#1010, 1011 and 1012 state that not all vaccines are bad. The problem we have is which ones are safe. Ones based on mRNA have many serious health risks. Now we can see Wellcome Leap is heading into nano technology which who knows what that will do to us.
Then to combine it all with Quantum computing and AI.

The problem we have is that all of our agencies have been captured by Big Pharma. There is no one doing any serious safety testing on these jabs that are being more rapidly released to the public. Big Pharma just says "Trust Us."

Pfizer is heading into a serious patent cliff and so is highly motivated to switch over their existing vaccine portfolio to the mRNA platform.

Dr. David Martin Bioweapon expert-

The March 14, 2016 article he is referring to is here.

SARS-like WIVi- CoV poised for human emergence
WIVi- I suspect means Wuhan Institute of Virology, i is the 9 letter of the alphabet which lines up perfectly with the September window of the launch of Covid-19.

Peter Daszak had access to far more $ than what has been reported- getting funding from the NIAID as well as BARDA. Double dipping. Martin sites the aggregate figure of $140 million. As for Fauci, the NIAID received $400 million royalty payment from Moderna and that's just the start.

Moderna 1 in 35 Heart Damage from Moderna Booster

This study is more than disturbing. Imagine one not knowing that they have heart damage because it is very discreet- no obvious physical symptoms. Problems will emerge in 5 years or so.

Pfizer-BioBTech + Moderna Booster Authorized August 31, 2022.

Say 3-5 years before serious problems start to manifest, using the years that have been stated for these type of problems - that takes us to the 2025- 2026 window.

We are in a strange place where all we can do is operate with caution.

As for increase illness with influenza and RSV- I just wonder if those that have taken the mRNA jabs are shedding and that is causing the unjabbed to catch these illnesses more easily. We don't exactly know what they are shedding. Just speculation but this would dove- tail into their narrative that supports more jabs. That could be part of the explanation.

The other concern I have is with Billy supported Apeel- the wax coating on fruit and vegetables. People are ingesting this wax coating- so what is it doing? Scientists looking into this have reported that the nutrient content decreases 30% over time but it all looks fresh. Perhaps contributing to a decrease in immunity.

Hope you're feeling better.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Dom Lucre Tweet

Why am I not surprised that the tunnel could be connected to a children's museum. That would explain the high-chair reportedly found.

Illuminatibot Twitter

CPS- A front for child trafficking.

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Jane I am home with the flu and have this gnarly case of vertigo. I have fell 5 times in a day 1/2 and the last time I pulled a chest of drawer down on me. Do you have any suggestions for natural healing for cough, vertigo, cold chills and sinus infection?

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: G0055E
Glad you are back goose! I think I saw that vid. If you see it again, please post it and I will do the same.
Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Remember the Jews think we are goy, trash beneath their feet. I don"t think all Jews are bad but it certainly seems like they are trying to turn their congregation to partake in these disgusting crimes!

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

In 1933 (May 6th) in Nazi Germany nazis raided the institute of sex research in Berlin. It was a pioneering organization which supported gay and trans rights, it pioneered gender surgery.
Its library was burned after the raid.

In 1991 a rabbi of the Chabad movement in NYC admitted to SA
Aleister Crowley wrote about Jewish ritual sacrifice in Europe. There’s orthodox churches in Moscow with mirroring tunnels
In 2009 politicians, mayors, and 17 rabbis were arrested in New Jersey for money laundering and organ trafficking.
One of those 5 was the chief rabbi from Brooklyn

The Talmud is sick

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: G0055E

Yes it is! I"m not sure the un-woke are going to understand all we've dug up! They are so vial and hateful!

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Why am I not surprised that the tunnel could be connected to a children's museum. That would explain the high-chair reportedly found.

How does that explain the highchair being there?

edit on 10-1-2024 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: IndieA

I'm sure in their thrifty ways, a child-rearing article like that would be shared, passed around the community and heavily used...commonplace.

I go to a Kosher Jewish pizza place. At the height of Covid it was full of families with screaming kids, zero protocol....amazing pizza.
edit on 10-1-2024 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 07:51 PM
South Africa has filed a case on 12/29 @ the international court in The Hague of Israel committing genocide

The Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987 was originally sponsored by…..Joe Biden

posted on Jan, 10 2024 @ 07:53 PM
This is getting curiouser and curiouser...
Fani Willis seems to be in trouble down in Atlanta. It looks like the White House is orchestrating the indictments against President Trump. The prosecutor that Willis appointed is also her lover and is to testify in her lover's divorce trial!

Musical interlude...

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