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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 06:10 AM
Today, January 7th = 1/7 = Q

Is it a COINKYDINKY that Princess Diana was born on:

July 1st, 1961 = 1/7, 17


Jan 7th, 2024 = 17 + 8 = 25 = 5 by 5 = EYES ON

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 06:37 AM
did north korea really claim to land a man on the sun here s the full story full story Apparently Eastern World tech ismore advanced then the west

"We are very delighted to announce a
successful mission to put a man on the sun. North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero's welcome when he returns home later this evening."

india sun

Aditya-L1: India's solar mission sends first photos on way to Sun

a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

kind of a long read

Speaking of

Russia Confirms Explosion At Ex Bioweapons Lab Storing Ebola, Smallpox And Plague
related but interesting timing

The fact that Vector is one of only two places in the world that stockpiles Smallpox—the other being the CDC facility in Atlanta—tells you everything you need to know.

edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: RookQueen2
a reply to: Thoughtful3
You asked a couple days ago about all the cops in Fl. and what they were doing. I think it was this.

An incident at a Miami shopping mall which resulted in the arrest of four teenagers earlier this week has sparked the spread of a bizarre theory on social media which suggests the alleged presence of aliens at the Florida establishment.

More than 60 police cars swarmed the Bayside Marketplace in downtown Miami on Monday night to shut down a fight involving a group of teenagers who were also throwing fireworks at each other in the open-air shopping mall.

I think it was a drill. There are a lot of people who 'feel/sense/fear' there won't be a 2024 election, especially if it looks like the 'wrong' candidate is going to win.

A great deal of intel may have been gathered from such a massive response to such a minor incident.

Of course, it could be the latest fad; ALIENS.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 08:53 AM
The Comet Before the Storm

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

No reporter has asked you why you left during a critical event when you were going to be certified as next VP.
Another odd, unanswered (and unasked) aspect of Jan 6.

While we are at it too funny
click me lol not click bait

this is something that pooped up during rabbit hunting did we miss something

Donald Trump's eldest sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, dead at 86 11 13

“On this day, we remember that he saw a nation of light, not darkness; of honor, not grievance; a place where we are unwilling to postpone the work that he began and that we all must now carry forward,” Biden said in a statement.

edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 11:17 AM
Whose ready for some Football

I mean, who am I.. But I haven't seen anything like that with the other guy.

What the hell

This was published on 10/11/2016
(Over a year BEFORE)
They tried to remove it from the internet but the internet lasts forever.

ABC: "You believe [Trump] is ineligible to be president?"
NANCY PELOSI: "They have different laws from state-to-state."
ABC: "It's the Constitution..."
NANCY PELOSI: "That's not the point."

edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Brainstorm Joe Tweet- North Korea

Ku post 29. Joe Rambo doesn't mention the #1010 link - 10 months, 10 months, 10 worst presidents, 10 worst presidents.
10 months from January would take us to October.

Is President Trump pointing to October for a reason?

At the end he says "if you add them up".

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We need to circle back to the Surgeon General of Florida- Dr. Joseph Ladapo and his call to stop the jabs after the response he received from the CDC.

Florida Surgeon General calls for halt of Covid-19 jabs

Why doesn't he ban them for the people of Florida?

Let's look at how states handle tobacco according to the CDC

It appears that each state has much to say on health matters and can direct state policies.

Why is Florida Importing prescription drugs from Canada?

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

This is just... looking for a better word -bizarre.

Loyd Austin- it's a secret

It's is becoming very difficult to take any of these people seriously. Here he is in intensive care for 4 days and the Pentagon waited 3 days to inform the White House, so effective today that is 7 days.

Combine that with President Trump bringing up North Korea. Hunt for Red October?

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 11:54 AM
U.S. Right to Know- Fauci Lied

June 2017- household names Bat Lady and infamous Peter Daszak met with -we want names- NIH " just months before the NIH lifted a pause on high-risk virology."

It gets better- 4 months later Fauci personally met with Peter Daszak. It seems Fauci has memory issues, lots of memory issues.
"I don't even remember meeting hm, but I do know that someone showed me a picture at a meeting where somebody said, here, take a picture with him."

Timing of this is very interesting- a day before he is to testify. It should be public- not behind closed doors.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

In mymind, adding them up would give 29+10+10 = 49... Q49.

It's the one about differences in GRASSLEY this week... and U1 informant.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

"Gates of Hell" by Daniel Jupp

"Essentially, he [Billy] understands that he needs to make some catastrophic mistakes and break a few things before a successful program or product can emerge. This may work in the software industry; it does not work when lives are at stake."

I highlight this because in the book [just one chapter to go] Chapter 6: Prepare
to Fail-
This is exactly how these people think.

Melanie Saville- Formerly head of vaccine research and development at CEPI, effective January 4, 2024- PATH as Chief Scientific Officer

Her slogan "Let's fail, and lets fail fast...And let's fail often."

These are the people who want to develop a- cough- safe and effective jab in 100 days. "In the worst instances, it can be dangerous and put lives at risk. But for a threatened world preparing to be able to stop the next plandemic by developing safe and effective new vaccines within 100 days, multiple failures along the way are inevitable. And if failure is managed well, it can be very constructive." Pages 115 & 116

Page 117 is all about Billy.

Some super strange communication in this book- CEPI arts and crafts section.
Important for us to know?

Richard Hatchett decided to make a small green donkey but instead made "a mutant, one-eyed, long-legged frog with hefty horns and a large beak. He added shiny blue and green stripes to the creatures torso and dotted sparkly gold and silver stars around it. Using the colored pens in a letter-by-letter rainbow rotation, he wrote across the top of the cardboard medal 'Pinata in Chief'." Page 119-120

There are some really strange remarks in this book.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 12:36 PM

Why doesn't he ban them for the people of Florida?
a reply to: Thoughtful3


Who should Trump pick for VP?

No hesitation... JFK Jr. .....

i call mapenagins
edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because: chr

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

If that's Pelosi, she's had a face job. I'm not even sure a face job can change the shape of your face, it's a lot squarer.
Meh, maybe it's just me.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

He says 10- 6 times and 5 twice= #70. Just adding the 10's together =#50 which brings up North Korea again. The 2, 5's would be #10- the Clinton Foundation. Just speculating on some other addition possibilities.

President Trump also comments on the 1600 missiles that Russia has but with the Ukraine war they would
not have that many. 1600 is the White House address.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

That kind of reminds me of the time president Eisenhower disappeared for a while when meeting with extraterrestrials. The cover story was dental surgery.

4 days - something big may be coming...

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 01:38 PM
A lot of Handsome ladies in Congress all of a sudden.
Sometimes laughter?
a reply to: angelchemuel

edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Happy New Year- Tom Renz- Military Vax Murder, Terror, Climate Lies, Perversion & More

Starting at the 12.50 mark he provides evidence of the danger of these mRNA jabs- pregnant women were in danger if they inhaled or had skin contact with someone who had been jabbed and Pfizer knew- so did the FDA.

He must be incredibly frustrated with Brad Wenstrup's lack of interest - more likely not wanting any of Tom Renz's evidence.

RImmunotherapy: Oncolytic Virus Therapy

He quoted directly from the book Disease X so we know which camp he is in and being a Dr bought and paid for by Big Pharma seals the deal.

Running for the doors- Wenstrup announces he will not be running next year.
Nearly 2 dozen not running- must be a record.

Pfizer Political Donations 2019-2020
Was anyone left out?
I consider this time period critical since this is the lead up to the jabs.

It appears they target some specific people like Kevin McCarthy- $10,000 along with Jim Jordan. The totals are strange. There is no contribution for 11 cents.
Page 74 & 86.

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 02:24 PM

In October, the U.S. Navy sent two carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean Sea in response.
that sounds familiar

Hicks was on pre-scheduled leave when Austin was hospitalized this week, according to a defense official. She has been on vacation in Puerto Rico, the official said.odd
While Austin has been hospitalized, the U.S. conducted a rare and controversial strike against a senior Iranian-backed militia member in Baghdad, bases with Americans have been attacked at least six times, and the Biden administration has been considering options to strike Houthi militants in response to their continued attacks against ships in the Red Sea. at least something got done

a reply to: Thoughtful3


led here. This may take a while lots of info

edit on 2024/7/1 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Jan, 7 2024 @ 02:59 PM

Sweden - Northkorea On the border between North and South Korea, the NNSC monitors the armistice agreement between the countries. Sweden has been participating in the work since 1953 and checks that the tense situation does not escalate
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Long D Rumsfeld hombre es no bueño

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