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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I'm not seeing quite the same thing with the youth or maybe it is just in my circle of children and their friends but they are very cynical of everything that is going on.

I'm in college central; two community colleges and two universities. Lots of 'woke'
My elseat lives in Seattle and is becoming quite liberal herself-along with her children. I'm not seeing a lot of kids engaged in critical thinking; they're all trying to be part of the in crowd, most without even realizing it.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

edit on 22-12-2023 by 777Vader because:

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 03:01 AM
Re the Awakening: We don't find out who we are, we remember,

I've been pondering a biblical scenario over the last couple of days:

a) If we assume, for arguments sake, that the fallen angels/nephilim fell 6000 BC, before hooking up with daughters of men; then every human on earth has some element of nephilim in their genes. I watched a youtube yesterday that made the argument everyone on earth is jewish because the grandparent genealogys over 200 generations summed in the quintillions - and there were only 200 million on earth at that time - ergo everyone has that DNA somewhere along lineage,

b) Given (a) is correct, then, for us to rise through the dimensions and escape the prison/quarantine planet, God/creator/source must forgive the nephilim prodigy? A bit like the story of the prodigal son: "Ok, you've learnt your lesson, welcome home" to heaven?

c) Since some will stay in 3D, some progress to 4D, some to 5D, then it follows that multiple raptures equate to rounds of selective breeding... the best are chosen for the next generation/dimension because they have mostly good rather than evil traits? In effect, the daughters of men have been breeding the evil out of nephilim, generation by generation?

d) However, the nephilim inbreeders like the Rothschilds and similar nephilim "families" have not had their evil diluted and must be consigned to the fire/slaughterhouse?

e) Therefore, as a result of AWAKENING dormant DNA memories gained from our fore-fathers, we remember that we are angels and all a part of source in heaven?

I posit that REMEMBER doesn't just mean to "bring back to mind"...
... It also means (out on a) limbs RE-MEMBER; i.e. rejoin the BODY WHOLE = the congregation of heaven?

The above kinda makes sense of the brewtiger/Shane Browning memes of Jesus embracing lucifer.

edit on 23-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Our beliefs reinforce our behaviors.

Our behaviors reinforce our beliefs.

PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 08:59 AM
Layers, what are they painting over, who can see them, although as difficult it is to fathom shape shifting reptiles from the 4th dimension, shape shifting androids from the future is not.
here is an example
a reply to: RookQueen2
Whoa!!! Bo you cannot say that

Secret Service Opens Investigation Against ‘Dukes of Hazzard’ Star John Schneider for Calling Joe Biden “Guilty of Treason” and “Should be Publicly Hung”

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 22, 2023 11:40 am1131 Comments

According to Social Media Strategist and Podcast Host Joey Mannarino, “What John Schneider said about Biden is NOTHING, compared to 8 years of the left threatening Trump and his voters. Madonna said in 2017 that she often thought of “blowing up the white house.” And Kathy Griffin paraded around with the mock decapitated head of President Trump. Did they get Secret Service investigations? What about the 1000s of crazed liberals who violently marched on the Trump White House? Anything happen to them? Joe Biden has enabled the wholesale invasion of our southern border. There is absolutely no way this is not treasonous. John Schneider isn’t wrong but this is par for the course with Biden’s agencies.”

edit on 2023/23/12 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

Houston or Dallas should work and I have relatives in both places but I am not sure I can leave my son and grandaughter. He isn't mature enough to accept info and in the early days of this thread I read where others had issues with their grown children accepting the info we have discussed in here so I opted to not tell him. I've told him some things mainly Covid related and thankfully he did not get the jab and neither has my granddaughter.

I'm really trying to think through the next steps.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I have no idea what they may be painting over, directions, recipes, info leading to digital data? I'm not sure. It really makes more sense that they are hiding info behind the painting and probably sealing it up to "maintain" the integrity of the painting but I have seen art restoration shows and am quite sure there is a method to separating the layers and removing the top layer.

It is difficult to wrap your mind around shape shifting reptiles or shapeshifting AI especially when so much information has been withheld from us. When I started posting in this thread, after lurking on ATS for 14 years, I was hoping to show others who feel intimidated by the intelligence here that it is it okay to ask questions in the thread. It is okay to search further for information that isn't clear in the bible and it is okay to question what you've been taught to be the truth.

I am a Christian but I've known there were things hidden from me and just like IMBACKBABY's Tom Petty video, I won't back down. I read the bible in it's entirety in 2001.......I came back to Genesis time after time after time knowing in my heart there was something more to the story that had been provided. I tried to have conversations with Ministers who would not talk about the Old testament! Why? Why won't they study and understand the truth and urge others to seek the truth, why? Why do ministers fear the old testament? .........imo they are ignorant about the old testament and have been taught that it isn't important.

The obvious answer is older than Christ, it's money because money provides security and gives them control of you and your spiritual beliefs.
I can remember my grandfather showing me his bible and telling me that the answer to anything you will ever need to know can be found here. Well, he was right.......maybe not exactly how my Papa meant it but the bible and it's inaccuracies or unexplained bits have had me searching for 22 years.
If our creator is a shapeshifting monkey riding on a lizards back...........IT WILL BE OKAY because He knows what they have done. I do not want people to be scared of trying to elevate themselves. They need to know they are not blasphemous for questioning the bible or what they have been taught that may be inaccurate. It is okay to have a personal relationship with your creator without all their “rules”……I honestly believe He prefers it and “they” hate it.

I thank you CrazyFox for helping me along the way. It was scary at first and it has taken many months for me to get to this point but I have realized that whatever is coming into the light for all of us to see, is not coming out of the darkness willfully. We have pushed them out and we can handle the truth no matter how obscure or even scary the truth may be, we are equipped to handle it and……….THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE.

edit on 2023-12-23T13:04:09-06:0001Sat, 23 Dec 2023 13:04:09 -060004093104America/Chicago12 by RookQueen2 because: Added

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox
Bo knows......

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I've been re-examining #1010, 1011 and 1012.

April 4 is the date all 3 were posted- which is when Microsoft was formed.

Bill Gates and Paul Allen formed Microsoft in 1975- Bill Gates stepped down June 27, 2008 [2008-1975=33].

Breaking the post #'s down 10+11+12=33.
10+10+10= 30.
1975+30= 2005.

Bill Gates Announces Expanded Efforts for Public + Private Sector Collaboration on Government Services and digital Inclusion Initiatives.

2010- The Giving Pledge was established.
$10 million shares of Warren Buffet shares were donated.
10 years later the plandemic is launched- 2020.

Warren Buffett Giving Pledge

January 2010 the Gates Foundation launched the decade of vaccines.

Gates Foundation Decade of Vaccines January 2010.
Bill Gates stepped down as Chairman in 2014 -6 years after leaving the CEO role.

That is 6 years before the plandemic 2020.

Warren Buffet made his pledge contribution 6 weeks after the kickoff.
Stating the obvious-666.
All 3 posts were made in 2018- The 100 year anniversary of the Spanish Flu.

Wuhan University Grant- To Establish International Research Networks and Data Sharing Platforms

What keeps Billy up at night?
2018 Annual Letter
Alzheimer's, polio, The Next Epidemic and gene editing. Which he has insight , it will take the form of a flu.

Bill Gates and Larry Page Join Forces to develop a universal flu vaccine- 2018

According to Billy "the Oracle" model 33 million people would die within the first 6 months of the new pandemic.

The grants were not awarded until 2019. There were to be 8 but only 7 were announced.
"7 of the grants were signed. Other grantees are new to influenza, hoping to leverage work on vaccines for HIV." < that may be our HIV link.

Gates Foundation- 2019 Universal Flu Vaccine
This is just a guess but there are 31 lines- Revelations 3.1- the 5th of 7 letters

"And to the angel of the church of Sardis write:
The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.
"I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead."

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 04:37 PM

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 06:00 PM
This seems to be on topic......

Stopping the Persecution of Christians!

Came back to add this. I think info on the music industry is dropping on tgram as well.

Disney World Employee Arrested and Charged with 32 Counts of Child Pornography world-employee-arrested-charged-32-counts-child/

edit on 2023-12-23T18:07:46-06:0006Sat, 23 Dec 2023 18:07:46 -060007463107America/Chicago12 by RookQueen2 because: Added

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Thanks for that informational material.

In case anyone is interested in watching the very first film version of Alice in Wonderland from 1903, like I was, here you go.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 07:51 PM
To All these words are read by
I Wish YOU Something that is hard to Recieve
Forgiveness in the Form of Understanding - agreement not implied
Good Vs Evil is and has been a Personal Choice
A Decision Each Makes in this Life ...

I may be early But I am never late

Without Our Knowledge Or Consent

Carry On ...

edit on 23-12-2023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 08:56 PM
Well things "R" getting interesting this holiday season.
From: New York Post

An Air Force Inspector General report, completed in August, found one airman tried to warn superiors in 2022 Jack Teixeira, then 20, “exhibited a fringe thinking perspective” like that of Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, the Washington Post reported.

It was widely known on the base that the baby-faced Teixeira had been suspended in high school for threatening to “shoot up the school,” investigators found, leading some fellow airmen to refer to him as “the active shooter kid.”

He frequently talked about “living off the grid” so he could “blow stuff up,” a close colleague told superiors.

“From all our training, this was a red flag, it was tripping all the indicators,” one guardsman, whose name was redacted from the report, told Pentagon investigators.

now at the end of the story it gives a refeasher about who he is and why the narritvie matters.

Teixeira was indicted in June on six counts of willful retention and transmission of national military information after illegally sharing dozens of classified documents on Discord over more than a year.

Teixeira, now 22, pleaded not guilty to the charges, and 15 members of the 102nd Intelligence Wing, including his former unit commander, were disciplined for failing to supervise him and neglecting to inform authorities about his espionage-like behavior.

The article really pushes the "Unabomber" angle, yet I'm sure authorities have forgotten that Ted Kaczynski only went rogue'ish when he fought back against the MKUltra programming he went through. So, is the Air Force admitting that Teixeira was brainwashed for some reason?

Also we should be alarmed by the term "exhibited a fringe thinking perspective" being pushed out by authorities. We/I have a good idea that a false flag will be conducted around the first of the year. Will this mean that the narrative will be used to further attack "Conspiracy Theorists" since they have been more correct than not concerning the whole Hunter/Joe Biden activities? Not to mention this -Q- issue.

Also why is this story being pushed through the media again?
From: also New York Post

The Biden administration planned to keep the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across North America this year a secret from the public and even from Congress — and only came clean after civilians saw the massive white orb over Montana, according to a damning new report.

“Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it,” a former senior US official told NBC News Friday, nearly 11 months after the balloon penetrated American airspace and began a meandering week-long tour of sensitive military sites.

We're coming up on this events 1 year anniversary, but what's the deal here?
edit on 23/12/2023 by Guyfriday because: BA 11000 November thats why

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Cheers for the aerosolised mRNA vaccines link, MT, brother!

Something Big Is Happening Behind The Scenes?
edit on 23-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:25 PM

a reply to: brewtiger123
2023 updategoog docs
Sollinger Woodlock

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123

Consider: we are gently being guided to see the spirit world around us
The illusion focuses on a material world... we divide ourselves = weak.
Shane Browning is LOVE & helping us see THE ONLY WAY is together.
When we start to see spiritual connections, we all have a choice.
Stay in anger, hate, fear... spreading cancer, keeping us in DIS-EASE.
Focus on BE BEST NOW: heal, forgive, comfort & mercy. WE RE-MEMBER.
The Spirit moves us & we trust ourselves (May the Force Be With You)
PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything





Merry Christmas! 123

edit on 24-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I've been trying to figure out why Bill Gates keeps his son Rory out of the spotlight and I may have found the link. Using the Gregorian calendar.

Rory's birthday is May 23, 1999 making him 23 this year.

That 23 is significant. January 23, 2020 is when Wuhan locked down- quarantine.

Covid-19 timelineI know this sounds far fetched but Billy plays these weird games.

Jennifer was born April 26, 1996 and is 26- 3 years older than Rory and his younger sister Phoebe is 3 years younger making her currently 20.[ Born September 14, 2002.]

Here's where things get strange as if we haven't had enough strangeness. The next plandemic launch date is 2026. Phoebe was 20 when the Covid plandemic kicked off.

Celebrating birthdays on the wild side.

Birthday calculator

If that isn't wild enough-
Fauci's book "Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward."

This 80 page book was announced on May 17th and then was scrubbed from Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The only problem is the book doesn't have 80 pages.

Chapters 9 and 10 are left out.

Chapter 9, page 81-88, page 88 is blank.
- Forge Partnerships.
We live in a global community. That means interconnectivity. That means communication. That means transparency.

Chapter 10- page 89-91, 3 pages.

Revere the Truth.

"If you really want to be effective, you've got to always know that you're going to tell the truth, even though it may not be something that someone does not want to hear.

I have the book and the cover gives me the creeps. Look at the back sleeve-

Images of the book jacket

23 is key. The book cost $23 Canadian.

Flipping to page 23- Practice Compassion-

The line that stands out and he has it in bold, "That guy's got AIDS. That guy's got AIDS. That guy's got AIDS".

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Since Billy is keen on the #23- from his thriller "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" page 23...


Quoting a bit here, " I know this sounds odd, but my favorite website is a treasure trove of data that tracks diseases and health problems all over the world. It's called the Global Burden of Disease, and the level of detail is astonishing.

Considering that Billy is a stickler for detail he quotes data from 2019 although the book was published in 2022.

"If your interested in how long people live, what makes them sick and how things change over time, this site is the best source. I can spend hours looking at the data."

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation just happens to have their HQ is Seattle- Billy's home base.

Now to take a peak at #20-
"In 2021 the White House announced a plan for developing a vaccine in the next epidemic within 100 days".

Page 26- Trust us were from the government theme.

Gregorian birthdays 26, 23, and 20.

Focusing back to Rory- the next plandemic launch date is 2026 when Rory will be 26!
Phoebe will be 23.

Jennifer will be 29=11. But using the standard system she would be 30- Agenda 30.

Standard Calculator

posted on Dec, 24 2023 @ 04:43 PM
Is it a bird, a plane, a drone, or whatever?
From: New York Post

A UFO was spotted hovering over Air Force One during a fundraising trip President Biden took to Los Angeles earlier this month in footage shared online by two amateur plane trackers.

The footage, captured from a live stream of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) by brothers Peter and Joshua Solorzano, shows a mysterious balloon-like object seemingly hovering over Air Force One during Biden’s Dec. 10 trip.

“A few viewers are saying we saw a UFO,” Peter says in a clip shared to their YouTube channel L.A. Flights.

The pair, filming at LAX as two F-35 fighter jets monitored the skies for the Ppresident, excitedly pointed out the jets being refueled mid-air before the shiny white or silver object darted across the sky.

Now I'm putting on my old dusty MUFON Field Investigator's hat, but it looks like they moved their camera past a stationary balloon while filming the tanker. My question was about how quickly the media was to jump on the UFO/UAP bandwagon.

Remember back in Q-442 it was stated:

Message back.
UFO put out to detract from drops.
Now why would the White House need to, or want to distract the American people?

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