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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:21 PM
Before Abbot?
I know of the thread you now manage.
I know you are aware of the Michigan connection to the cartels financing entirely the Az. government.
No way they would allow Hobbs to shut it down.

Maybe if she went after Abbot.
Not before.
She is the 1st to do it.
Is it her?
I have been scouring the net periodically since she stepped down and Lee took temporary control and I can never find photos that I can use to compare her to previous photos.
Is it her?

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

I looked back a few pages to see if it was discussed yet. But has anyone noticed that this version of Fetterman is starting to act like a white hat? Is he a planted operative? And Katy Hobbs too. She just sent National Guard to the border.

It could be that they are bought and paid for, compromised, or somehow being controlled otherwise, maybe even as a matter of national security.

In the case of Katie Hobbs, it could just have been that the crisis at the boarder demanded that something be done.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

The John Thaler stuff is interesting. His book release was delayed, but his Twitter page says he emailed an electronic version to Arizona legislators earlier this month.

John Thaler on X

I looked at some of his stuff and some of it was compelling. Other parts I was skeptical about, but it could just be that some of that stuff is over my head. It's also hard to ignore the man's family affairs being involved.

I haven't seen Hobbs lately, and I have little to no idea what could ultimately be going on with her, and in Arizona. Maybe just, business as usual.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 02:01 AM
Oh no, looks like a possible False Flag over the next couple of weeks.
From: New York Post

Virginia Giuffre — who settled a $12 million lawsuit over allegations Epstein sex-trafficked her to Prince Andrew — appeared to taunt the dozens of associates and ex-employees whose names will be dredged up in a trove of court documents to be unsealed in the coming weeks.

“There’s going to be a lot of nervous ppl over Christmas and New Years, 170 to be exact, who’s on the naughty list?” Giuffre wrote on X.

“Merry early Christmas,” Giuffre, 40, said in another tweet.

Manhattan federal Judge Loretta Preska on Monday ordered the release of the long-sealed documents in a since-settled defamation lawsuit that Giuffre brought against the convicted pedophile’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, back in 2015.

Let's see if this leads to anything. I will admit that it would be a sad time for all if suicide weekend happens to also be Christmas or New Years weekend as well (I know some of us here would be happy to see the scummy go, but they need to be held accountable first)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: WeMustCare


God will work with us, not for us = Universal Truths
Nature shows us "magic" only appears when exact conditions are met
Let it Snow! = The system is exposed, we must see how it works
Divide & Conquer = Uses our Hearts Against Us = Why = Free Will
WE Choose = WE break THE LAW = By the Book = It Starts With US
We must see, think, learn, and change our Tunes = We HEAL
The World Works Perfectly = Simple Enough for a Child to See
Symbols in Plain Sight = Flip them = Unite them = See What Happens
A Pitchfork = Pitch Perfect = A Tuning Fork = Vibrations = Hearts Sing
Find the Key = Key of Love = The Morning Star/The Evening Star = Venus
The Light Bearer = Now We See = Let there Be Light! = Eureka = WOW!
Not Our Devil Anymore = The Door of All Doors Opens = Hearts are Portals
Portals for LOVE = Listen to Your Heart = Spirit Moves Us to BE BEST
An Outpouring of Love Swells Within = A Red Wave = The Great Awakening
A Spiritual Flood = Build ARKs = Acts of Random Kindness = Comfort & Mercy
Peace = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything 123

@kimrunner - Life is Energy. Use it Wisely... Your Choice!

edit on 21-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 09:47 AM
Today marks 6yr DELTA OF EO re Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption!

It's also November 9th on the LUNAR calendar - 911 inversion.

It's also the SHORTEST DAY (think mirror of War's THE LONGEST DAY).

It's also the WINTER SOLSTICE in U.S.A; at 10:27pm Est... Q1027:

Rubber Duck tweet re E.O.

Sounds like the perfect day for some happenings.

edit on 21-12-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: nugget1

OIG- NIH's Monitoring of EcoHealth Grant Awards Did Not Comply With HHS Policies + Procedures + Federal Requirements

This is the most scathing internal audit I have ever seen.

We have something big here. Of the 3 NIH grants to EcoHealth for $8 million, $1.8 million went to 11 subawards. September[9] 15, 2020- $580K and July [7]- $574,984 went to a subrecipient to study the Nipah virus!

"To study the Nipah virus and genetics in its bat reservoir and human exposure to NIV."

EcoHealth did not report the subawards for more than 5 years leaving the NIH with no clarity as to who EH was funding during that time. Not that they really wanted to know but there are 11 and we only see 3. I'm very curious what the others were studying.
All of this is beyond incompetence.

The NIH terminated funding based on the ludicrous reason of convenience which isn't even a valid reason.

The response by EcoHealth is most curious; page 33.
"EcoHealth stated that the 5 year progress report was written and uploaded to the NIH portal in July [7] 2019. However when EH staff attempted to submit the year 5 report during late July 2019, the grant had been renewed another 5 years." [5X5]
This effectively locked EH out of the system. The letter sent to EH had no name to refer to, would not answer questions or return phone calls. < I'm not sure how much of the claim is true since the OIG audit couldn't find evidence that they made the attempt but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Regardless they didn't report until forced to. Nipah potential Disease X?

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Pfizer has a huge two page spread in the Wall Street Journal today. Page A10 and page A11-#1011.
On page A10 it is an image of people's faces but none of them have eyes to see. It is a black and white collage and there are 3 columns with 6 face parts giving us 666.

It states in the center white box in dark blue/black "Today, about 50,000 people will hear "you have cancer."

Page A11 in green "We're joining forces to make tomorrow a different story."

"Despite the incredible breakthroughs
of the past century, cancer remains one
of humanity's greatest health challenges,
affecting 1 in 5 lives around the world.
Every day this doesn't change, another
50,000 are diagnosed.

Cancer isn't slowing down.
So it's time we speed up.

Pfizer; a leader in biopharmaceuticals,
and Seagen, a company dedicated
to revolutionizing oncology treatment,
have come together to radically
progress the fight against cancer- to
accelerate breakthroughs, improve
the lives of patients, and make more
tomorrows possible.

Humanity's collective health challenge
demands a collective cure. Pfizer + Seagen
Outdo Yesterday.

Gematria- Pfizer and Seagen Cancer

My Fellow Americans, September 11, Blackout Necessary, George Bush Jr.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox


I've been wondering about a different context to air in #1010. What if it means airwaves?
Pfizer has really been ramping up their radio advertising for their brand drugs. That format hasn't really been used much in the past or maybe I didn't notice.

In fact yesterday one of the big health care groups started advertising to use their hospitals which I found really strange. Why would they have to advertise to use their critical care hospitals?

Why Pharma cos are increasing their radio ad spend

I have a feeling this is going to backfire. During the height of the plandemic I noticed that some companies were using "FDA Approved" on their packaging which was not exactly confidence boosting and now it's not on them anymore.

Now we have this-
B & M Gates Grant for $4 Million to NPR- 2023

At this point I can't keep up with all the supposed illness we all seem to have.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Parsing through the details of the OIG audit of EcoHealth something very unusual scroll down to page 47 Table 7-
Henry M. Jackson Foundation UOIA 151797 $114,372 from 06/17/2020- 05/31/2025.

Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

Why is Peter Daszak funding a military foundation that has a big interest in HIV? Wasn't he supposed to be focused on Coronavirus? Now we have VAIDS looming.

Looking at table 6 page 46-

The funding was to go towards "Understanding Risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in the EID Hotspots of SE Asia 202 +2021".

Just look at the dates-

Now to add this funding to WIV< really? And the NIH didn't want to know anything about this.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: RookQueen2

I did an experiment with a grapefruit with Apeel on it. After 6 weeks it still looked the same so I cut it open and checked it out. It still looked good to eat but according to some scientists who have been looking into this product they noted that the nutrients degraded by 30% over time.
Another concern I've had is that they are spraying this over the pesticides that have been sprayed, so effectively sealing them in.

A different way to weaken our health. Meanwhile they believe that by doing this they are reducing food waste, meanwhile people will have to buy and consume more to stay at the same level.

As for RL his stomach has been okay. Major long term damage to the lungs and very strange skin rashes on the arms which have finally cleared up after using the Spike Support. His lungs are better than they have been but still some issues.

Don't forget this...

or this

Then there's this...

May as well go with this too

May as well put this in there...

Apparently our own Dashen has his own Mount Rushmore, deserves it too...

We're almost there and I'm glad to be back

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 03:50 PM
Understand the meaning, it's says it all in the first 20 seconds.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: RookQueen2

Well, the eclipse experience is still pretty good far away from the center of the transit. Within 500 miles, it is still an "event".

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 11:41 PM
Wonder how many of those Hunter/James LLCs are part of this scammo.
From: New York Post

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett claimed Thursday that “good conservative” lawmakers are falling victim to “honeypot” schemes and voting in ways to avoid being outed for their deviant behavior.

The “powerful people” entrapping members of Congress are “always either out on the tarmac or in the private room” with the president, Burchett right-wing podcast host Benny Johnson during a discussion that centered on the impending release of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s client list.

“They’re the ones that write the big checks. They don’t care who’s in [office]. They hate this country. They hate what we’re about. But they love their portfolios and they love their money more than they do anything else,” the 59-year-old congressman said, adding that they gather disparaging information about lawmakers in order to “protect” their investments.

“And by doing so, you know, the old honey pot — the Russians do that — and I’m sure members of Congress have been caught up,” Burchett suggested, without offering any specific evidence other than the voting patterns of some of his congressional colleagues.

An Nordic Friend of mine said that there is quiet talks amongst his family and friends that the Icelandic eruptions are the beginning of the Iceland's Ragnarök.
From: Volcano-Discovery

After its spectacular start on Tuesday night, lava effusion rapidly decreased yesterday and during the night. By today, no more lava seems to be erupting. This means the eruption has either stopped or is pausing, but probably only time can tell which of these two scenarios is true.

Before the eruption can be declared over, the magma pressure in the shallow reservoir underground should be assessed somehow, because it is the decisive factor whether new magma from the latest intrusion is able to rise to the surface or not and rather cool down inside the crust.

A new lava flow map has been updated by the evening of 19 December.
It portrays the lava flow field (pink), mainly spreading east and north from the eruptive vents. The emitted lava is being generated by the constant spattering from the eruptive fissure.
It seems the town of Grindavik is no longer threatened and might be spared being hit by the eruption.
However, a new batch of magma may propagate anytime without any precursor, and what is the worst here is that it could reach the surface within the dike area right beneath the town of Grindavik, i.e. the likelihood of another eruption is still in place.

He said that his grandfather pointed him to the Rok Runestone (WIKI HERE) as sings to watch for, and also the The Volusop for guidance. (the link is for an English translation)

Just something to ponder over.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123


Infiltrate, Not Invasion = Attack From Within = Kill From Within
InnerSpace = Bigger than You Can Imagine = Mind Games = Panic Attack
Heart Attacks can be Deadly = Using Water (Info) to Start Fires = Heartburn
Gossips Spreads like Wildfire = We are the News Now = Handle with Care
Misled Youth = They Thought U Would Follow the Stars = World is Waking Up
The Invisible Universe Absolutely Controls the Visible Universe = Full Control
God & Military Protect External = Guardians = We Protect Internal = Be Best
Our Bodies are a Temple = Like a Radio = Change Channels = A New Heart
Pure as Snow White = The Poison Apple = Dream Sleep = Fed Nightmares
LOVE in Our DNA = A FATHER'S LOVE knows No Bounds = God is LOVE
Jesus Shows US the Path Home = UNCONDITIONAL LOVE = 7 x 70 = 1 Way
No One Comes to the Father Except Through Me = Homecoming
PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

The Enigma of the Pentagram: History, Symbolism, and Usage

More From Walter Russell:

edit on 22-12-2023 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: brewtiger123

The BEST is yet to Come

Like people should understand by now - ITs all about perspective

Carry On ...

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

We have something very unusual happening in Nebraska.


Lots and lots of #'s here. Taking a page out of Bill Gates book on how to buy land from people who would not sell to them if they knew their identities.

Then we have this-
Meta overpaid by 7 times premium per acre of farmland and GOOG paid 10 times price per acre.

Of course both wanted to be located on Highway 50 [5X5]

Spilling Bill Gates Beans- News From Nebraska

A different approach this time- buying the farmland from the Canadian Pension Plan. The farmers that sold would have felt that this was a safe partner never expecting that Gates "the farmer" would end up owner. I wonder why he needed $700 million aside from messaging.

The concern that Billy might want to give the land to a non-profit, destroying the tax base needs more scrutiny-
especially because of his ties to Warren Buffett- the Oracle of Omaha.

How Much Land Does Warren Buffett Own?

Secretive so we really don't know aside from the 400 acres rented by his son. Here is the crux of the problem- Buffett gives annual donations to the Gates Foundation [a non profit]. Normally it is shares but what's to stop him from donating land- farmland. A 2 for 1- destroy the tax base and take farmland out of production = we eat zee bugs.

Nebraska # 3 Agricultural Producer

I prefer this- Page 17
More rigging of the system against us-
"If we negotiated a trade agreement that allowed us to produce those cattle in America, our industry could support well over 6,000 new ranches, each with a 300 head herd size.
Instead out trade agreements continue to encourage Canada and Mexico to over produce."

We also have Watch the Water- Nebraska has lots of it.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

What I see is a rapid transition of consolidating all businesses to the 1%. Covid decimated small business owners, and even though a lot of entrepreneurs created small local businesses they rely on the big corporations for their supplies.
The ones who control the food pretty much control humanity.

What's left of our country after the last three years hangs by a very fragile thread, and our youth have been schooled their entire lives to think being on the path to socialism will make all their dreams come true.

It took a long time, but the entire health care/insurance industry is one of the biggest businesses in the country now, along with all the supporting entities from scientists to universities to highly funded research teams.

There's not a lot left for the working class to squeak by on, and what little is left is rapidly shifting to the top of the heap.

I don't think there are enough Boomers left to make a difference, and in ten years there won't be any. The dumbing down and fundamental changing of America will be complete.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

While I have been rather focused on Albert Bourla and Pfizer it appears that Ugur Sahin, CEO of BioNTech, is not exactly squeeky clean.

Daily Vaccine Safety Concerns- BioNTech

Could it be as simple as this- Pfizers zip code 100 17?

These books written about Covid have evidence that can be used against them. This article quotes page 45 and since I have the book "The Vaccine"

"Although the bureaucratic obstacles for starting clinical trials on its home turf were higher than in other countries- not least because of the strict and decentralized ethics committees- BioNTech continued to run a significant portion of the cancer trials in Germany, in no small part due to the working relationship it had with the PEI [Paul Erlich Institute] The regulator knew the mRNA scene and could be counted on to take sudden advances in the field seriously. Ugur had developed a collegial relationship with its leader, the biochemist Klaus Cichutek."

Before contacting Pfizer Ugur called up his buddy Klaus directly. "He urgently needed to book a scientific advice meeting with the PEI's panel of experts so that, together, they could align on a vaccine development strategy and design a checklist for the Lightspeed team to tick off in the weeks ahead." < normally that would take 3 months.

What about page 17?
When Ugur met Ozlem it was like a scene right out of the movies-"She was on rotation at a blood cancer ward. Most of the patients were in the Last Chance Saloon, and the pair often found themselves having to tell those under their care that all available therapeutic options had been exhausted."

"Moonshot" by Albert Bourla Page 17- The page number is not printed.

Something to really consider "When I look back, the one that clearly stood out was the decision to use the mRNA technology to develop a Covid-19 vaccine. Not only because a different choice would have yielded very different outcomes. It was also because this particular decision was the most counter intuitive. THE OBVIOUS CHOICE WAS NOT TO USE mRNA.
He emphasizes NOT.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I'm not seeing quite the same thing with the youth or maybe it is just in my circle of children and their friends but they are very cynical of everything that is going on. I've been slowly making progress at questioning why we are doing what we are doing.
Instead of encouraging them to leave home as soon as possible I am having them reconsider. Why not get well established, pay off student loans and save a nest egg before heading out.[ Of course they pay for food.]

This also gives me more time to deal with the weird ideas that they have come to accept as fact from the universities.
We have a really strange tweet from Scott Gottlieb-

Scott Gottlieb tweet

Just pinning it here. "USDA regulates slaughterhouses. Just saying..."

He should be terrified, not only has Ken Paxton mentioned him by name in the lawsuit filed against Pfizer and their wildly safe and effective Covid vaccines but here he is sitting on the Pfizer board and at the same time promoting the jabs.
But that's not all in his book "Uncontrolled Spread" he talks about his interactions in the White House. The timing of his departure as Commissioner of the FDA in 2019 also raises the stakes.

Pages 16+ 17

"Direct engagement from the head of the Domestic Policy Council, this early in a public health crisis, was not typical. But it fit the playbook during the Trump administration; one that emerged partly as a consequence of a perception that voids had been left by some of the administration's top health officials at the Department of Health and Human Services in responding to earlier outbreaks of dangerous viruses.

This led to concerns about the 'sluggish response' in 2018 would also happen again when Covid-19 emerged. " They did not take the cases seriously and did not mount a coordinated effort to investigate and contain the outbreak and isolate the cause."
What is the Domestic Policy Council?

Scott Gottlieb Insider Trading-
Insider Trading

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Obama has just released his favorite books for 2023.
Focusing in on "The Maniac" by Benjamin Labatut. They simply don't care anymore.

The Maniac- When Fiction Becomes Reality Youtube

This is describing Bill Gates to a T.
I have a different book on order- "Disease X- 100 Days to Prevent the Next Plandemic." Should be a page turner probably littered with 11's, 17's.

Can't wait to see what "Some People Need Killing" is about. Some really questionable titles here.

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