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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Have you followed Dr. David Martin?

Dr. David Martin

"For 58 years the U.S., UK in colloberation with researchers across the world, planned to premeditatively use coronavirus to instill tyranical reform of society."

Pfizer " had patented the spike protein of the Coronavirus in 1990, way before the first Covid-19 case was reported."

He has provided detailed testimony about the role of the DOD and other bad actors in this plandemic.

I'm glad that you are back to health. I have noticed that some people seem to keep catching every Covid mutation. Maybe the first infection makes one more suseptible.
You may find this of interest. Resident Lurker is now on week 3 of the Wellness Company Spike Support. He is doing better, much better.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 10:58 AM
Well put. Unvxd as well came down with it after the vx rollout pt 1. Definitely not my old self. Been taking a large number of vitamins & supplements just to function. Have not caught much else tho. The cost and duration of the protocol puts it out of bounds for me. Some of the dosages are astronomical. Take pieces of the protocols (that was not the
first one lol) and try to to find something that works.
a reply to: angelchemuel

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Marjorie Taylor Green [ not bought to us by Pfizer] is currently conducting Covid Select Committee hearings about Covid-19. It is highly censored and the one YouTube I found is almost impossible to watch. Most has been covered but this is new.

Robert Malone- "Medical Fraud": Drs. being discouraged from reporting vaccine-related adverse events

Compliments of Vigilant Fox.

As to whether that soldier got a Covid jab back then, anything could be possible. David Martin is an expert in bioterrorism and has been deeply involved with the DOD. According to his testimony in Belgium they have been messing around in this field since the 1990's. Maybe he survived the jab because they hadn't perfected the bioweapon.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Thanks for finding all those hospitals building cardio centers. I thought that perhaps our hospital was unique but now not so unique.

I've been studying #1010, 1011 and 1012.

What if these are dates?
10+10='20 The year the plandemic launch '20.

We can look at this another way.

October 10th- The world recorded the highest number of daily Covid-19 cases.
October 11- U.S. Covid public health emergency remained in place.
October 12- The number of global new weekly cases decreased by 10%.

I found something very interesting and just wow.


Brought to us by Pfizer.

Remember the Pfizer contract that was disclosed from South Africa???

They were prohibited from tracking the different lots which was highly, highly unusual.

Pfizer couldn't manufacture enough mRNA jabs so contracted out the manufacturing process. Bingo- we now know why there was variability in the lots. Amy Genest had the impossible task of transferring the mRNA technology to contract manufacturers who had virtually no experience ever in conducting this type of manufacturing process.

It gets worse if possible. Because of the plandemic she was only able to conduct virtual inspections of the facilities and their manufacturing processes.
She was advising on processes that she was completely unfamiliar with to contract manufacturers who knew even less. And they had to manufacturer these jabs fast, as in very fast. Imagine succeeding when there are 280 separate components.

Meanwhile Pfizer steadfastly refused to share their technology with the world claiming it was too difficult to manufacture.

We have lots of fun numbers here in this 3 part series that documents the 3 billion doses.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
If you change the search time to all you will see this has been going on for a bit.

The fact that an escalator hasn’t been installed on Air Force One is almost cruel. umm

At a glance I see 30+33=63 6300not able to upload on my device

edit on 2023/15/11 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Happening today but Carr has reservations.Letter- Carr Opposes Biden's Plan to give Administrative State Effective Control Over All Internet Services & Infrastructure in the U.S.
Brendon Carr was just confirmed on September 30, 2023 just in the nick of time.

This is just, just, just breath taking.
"The Biden administration's plan empowers the FCC to regulate every aspect of the Internet sector for the first time ever. The program is motivated by an ideology of government control that is not compatible with the fundamental precepts of free market capitalism."

Straight from the Soviet Studies Department -"The FCC reserves the right under this plan to regulate both 'actions and omissions", whether recurring or a single incidence. There is no path to complying with this standardless regime."

Regardless one will be liable.

With these sweeping new proposed powers they will now cover whole new groups- landlords, construction crews, banks, government. What about private schools?

It gets better if that's possible- no limit to what fines can be levied.

Now a few words from Nikki Haley

So she is floating the notion that all social media users have to reveal themselves at the same time as the FCC grab for power. Maybe we are watching a movie.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I heard that Biden was using the baby stairs at the back. Lol.

Brook Jackson has been strangely quiet about the DOJ meet and greet with the other whistle blower.

Brook Jackson Tweet

Pinned tweet-" Then: Private practice defense attorney for Big Pharma.
Now: Attorney for the Fraud Division for the U.S. DOJ."

Looks like this practice is pervasive throughout government. I imagine she must be very frustrated that there really is no system in place for a fair hearing. Now we know why the DOJ had this case sealed for a year- delay tactics brought to us by Pfizer.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:23 PM
Bill Gates Secretive Foundation by Tim Schwab

Not surprising that he has found that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is totally unaccountable- basically rogue acting on whatever whim Billy has but this has intrigue-

Why would Billy the jabber require departing employees sign non disclosure agreements???

Crimes Against Humanity - those in the know believe that they can hide behind these NDA's, therefore they are unaccountable. < Not so Fast.

Nuremberg on Steroids is coming. Only a matter of time.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Crazierfox

Soy messes with hypothyroid meds, possibly hyperthyroidism as well.
Bromelain and Tumeric (curcumin) reduce inflammation and are indicated in reducing inflamation of the Thyroid. However, you cannot use either if you are on blood thinning drugs as they increase the risk of internal bleeding. Also, in some cases, anti-inflammatories can increase inflammation in some people. I point out these things because of the following personal experience outlined below..... at this stage I don't trust either big pharma or what Peter McCulloch is saying.
Personal experience which I have not written about yet: I am jab free and have always maintained we need to get to the bottom of the virus before we can properly address the vaccine damage.
So, I got C19 in late 2020. After that I got progressively worse with post infection symptoms as I caught all the different deviants thereafter. Long story short, did you know an overactive Thyroid shuts down the Thymus from producing T cells? I didn't until the beginning of the summer. No wonder I caught all the deviants.
My belief at this point is this..... the biologically manipulated SARS-CoV-2 was designed to target peoples Thymus, possibly via the Thyroid or directly, to shut it down from producing not just T cells but also the NK cells which the Thymus stores and produces.
I took an alternative root to sort my thyroid out and I'm as fit now as I was pre-C19 infection.
I would not suggest McCullochs protocol for anyone. It's not a case of detoxing the protein, it's a case of modulating the function of the Thyroid/Thymus pathway.

Most people aren't on hypothyroid meds, and if they are, it's an indication of a non-covid related condition.

Cardiologist and vein doctors have seen an increase in blood clots post covid.

Specialist are seeing an increase in neuropathy are other strange symptoms post covid.

These conditions seem to be related to spike protein injury, not thyroid/thymus/T-cell issues.

I agree that people should consult their doctors before starting a supplement regime though, especially if they are taking meds.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Baby Blood Alert brought to us by Shadow of Ezra.

I wonder how many other states are doing this.

"New Jersey unilaterally decided that it could keep the blood for 23 years. [23andMe?] Even worse, NJ believed it could use that blood however it saw fit, whether that be selling it to 3rd parties, giving it to law enforcement, or even turning it over to the Pentagon."

Giving it to the Pentagon??? :

This comes on the heels of that news article the other day about China using DNA data to target specific races for the next plandemic games.

Peter Daszak Testifying

Why is this being conducted behind closed doors?

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

STucker Carlson with Martin Shkreli.peaking of Tucker Carlson he just did an interview with Martin Shkreli last night.

Around the 37 mark he really focuses on reading books. He read 400 books while in jail and points out that people are getting information from platforms like Tiktoc. Since getting out he has only read one.

Do you think that the 400 is significant? It just struck me as odd.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

The cost and duration of the protocol puts it out of bounds for me. Some of the dosages are astronomical.

Not true.

2000FU of natokinase is one of these capsules a day, nato serra. There's 90 in a bottle that costs about $20.

I'm sure if you check, you will find that the dosages are very close, if not the same, as what is recommended on the bottles, and the other supplements are also fairly cheap and readily available.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Because maybe they have been working on a Coronavirus vaccine like forever?
Coronaviruses have been around for as long as flu viruses. SARS-CoV-2 was a variant of coronavirus. Doesn't mean he had a vaccine for that one.
Secondly, Moderna were not in the 'vaccine industry' in 2014 according to 'official records' until 2020. I'm sure Thoughtful2 will correct me if I'm wrong.
As to 3rd "Why was this soldier injected with a C19 shot if we did not have COVID yet??", refer to my first paragraph.
To top it off.... here we are 9 years later and this soldier is still alive and kicking if he is a whistleblower. Sort of plays into the 'safe and effective' narrative of the pharma companies does it not?
Just looking at it from the opposite side of the courtroom.

Look deeper.
Everyone of those Corona "viruses" are patented.
For Moderna's role look for gain of function technologies for when the bioweapon viruses are released.

All man-made.

Consider that in the original depop plans about 100 years old after Rockefeller allopathic medicine became the "science, the plan was to have a cure in a vaccine for a virus that would demonize antivaxxers.
There are phases to this.

If you created the Corona virus then you most likely have the "cure".
I do not believe in cures.
I do not believe in virus.
I believe in healing dis-ease.
The chemicals, vaccines and virus are all manmade bioweapons.
Corona viruses are patented.
You cannot patent nature.

We have been warned about this by very intelligent people like Eustace Mullins and Dr. Robert Mendelssohn for the last 100 years.
After the die offs and sickness manifest themselves and the antivaxxers exposed to the sickness the "cure" will be a vaccination.

This is where their plans and prophecy collide.
They intend for terrible facial sores to be seen and feared by all in order to Vax us all by mandate.

To me this implies it will be fungal and in our skin and somehow manifested in our face.
So now for my personal experience.
When I got community mrsa I had it in my lymph system and at its worse I had 49 boils all over my body.
But never my face. Weird.
That was my biggest fear while waiting to die.
If it was on my face people would see me and treat me diffently like a pariah.
Whatever is coming I can practically assure you it is man-made and will manifest grievous sores on the face and head.
What was the life saving treatment for me?

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 01:44 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


What happened, what we know, what we don't know
edit on Wed Nov 15 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: BeginswithanS

What happen with dashen?

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:07 PM
he's the thread creator. Thought it would be evident, but english isnt my first language so I apologize if i made you wonder if something bad had happened to him. He will probably outlive us all with his mememagick.

I used to post here but I mostly lurk since i havent anything of value to add these days. Sorry for the thread drift.. Its just been driving me mad not to have any answers to so many questions regarding what i posted above.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Because maybe they have been working on a Coronavirus vaccine like forever?
Coronaviruses have been around for as long as flu viruses. SARS-CoV-2 was a variant of coronavirus. Doesn't mean he had a vaccine for that one.
Secondly, Moderna were not in the 'vaccine industry' in 2014 according to 'official records' until 2020. I'm sure Thoughtful2 will correct me if I'm wrong.
As to 3rd "Why was this soldier injected with a C19 shot if we did not have COVID yet??", refer to my first paragraph.
To top it off.... here we are 9 years later and this soldier is still alive and kicking if he is a whistleblower. Sort of plays into the 'safe and effective' narrative of the pharma companies does it not?
Just looking at it from the opposite side of the courtroom.

Look deeper.
Everyone of those Corona "viruses" are patented.
For Moderna's role look for gain of function technologies for when the bioweapon viruses are released.

All man-made.

Consider that in the original depop plans about 100 years old after Rockefeller allopathic medicine became the "science, the plan was to have a cure in a vaccine for a virus that would demonize antivaxxers.
There are phases to this.

If you created the Corona virus then you most likely have the "cure".
I do not believe in cures.
I do not believe in virus.
I believe in healing dis-ease.
The chemicals, vaccines and virus are all manmade bioweapons.
Corona viruses are patented.
You cannot patent nature.

We have been warned about this by very intelligent people like Eustace Mullins and Dr. Robert Mendelssohn for the last 100 years.
After the die offs and sickness manifest themselves and the antivaxxers exposed to the sickness the "cure" will be a vaccination.

This is where their plans and prophecy collide.
They intend for terrible facial sores to be seen and feared by all in order to Vax us all by mandate.

To me this implies it will be fungal and in our skin and somehow manifested in our face.
So now for my personal experience.
When I got community mrsa I had it in my lymph system and at its worse I had 49 boils all over my body.
But never my face. Weird.
That was my biggest fear while waiting to die.
If it was on my face people would see me and treat me diffently like a pariah.
Whatever is coming I can practically assure you it is man-made and will manifest grievous sores on the face and head.
What was the life saving treatment for me?

Kiora FarmSim, the two siblings of Tumeric , ginger and Iris, may somehow be a future helper or combination assistance, do you know anything of this or just the Tumeric, blessings n hello.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: IndieA
My post was for just one aspect of C19 infection in relation to the immune system.

Most people aren't on hypothyroid meds, and if they are, it's an indication of a non-covid related condition.
I know, and never said anything about people who have already got a thyroid condition before infection.

Cardiologist and vein doctors have seen an increase in blood clots post covid.

I know this too. I never said that the thyroid/Thymus link was exclusively the only issue. However, you will also find the rise in clots are post vaccination by majority and very very small in infected but not vaccinated. Any virus can give you a clot. But the huge rise in strokes and clots found in deceased has risen astronomically since the roll out of the vaccine.

Specialist are seeing an increase in neuropathy are other strange symptoms post covid.
For clarity, any virus can leave people with CFS and its accompanying symptoms. I;m old enough to remember 'Yuppie flu' in the '80's. Hell, I have sent numerous clients off to get thenselves checked out with their doctor because I've detected varying things from ovarian problems to Parkinson's..... guess what.... yes, they had all caught C19 at some point, but every single one of them developed problems after vaccination.

These conditions seem to be related to spike protein injury, not thyroid/thymus/T-cell issues.

Again I reiterate, I never once said that the problem was with the thyroid/thymus pathway. I never even mentioned the spike protein. What I did say was the SARS-CoV-2 was a biological manipulation. I don't disagree about the spike protein, not at all.
What I was trying to present was just one possible explanation as to why people are catching all the variants particularly if they are not vaccinated. I will be bolder and say, C19 and its subsequent variant SWITCHES OFF YOUR IMMUNE RESPONSE. Not shouting, just trying to show the gravity if it goes unchecked.
As to all the other various symptoms you listed, I agree, people are responding in different ways post viral infection, and that was my main point. We need to have full disclosure on the original virus to have a better understanding of what the so called vaccines are designed to do or are doing.
Hope that clears it up.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 04:21 PM
Take IT from Judge Brown

edit on 15-11-2023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
I agree with every word you said which might surprise you.
There is no doubt at all in my mind it's all by design.And yes, they always run an antidote alongside the development of a bioweapon.
The only think I will disagree with you about is that Turmeric is not for everyone, but it does work for many, many people with all sorts of inflammatory conditions and I'm very glad it worked for you.
I've said many times here in the past 2 years, the next thing they will unleash will be a bacteria/fungus. People's immune systems have currently been compromised vaxxed or not. This will give free reign for bacteria to take hold.
I could go on, but it's late and I have a 5 hour drive tomorrow during Storm Debi which is about to land on the UK shores, apparently.

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