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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 11:10 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
OK. So all the media is buzzing that Donald Trump is now a TARGET of Biden's DOJ.


Hasn't he been a "target" since Obama took Hillary's advice and told his Admin to take Trump down?

Doesn't that open the door for a criminal investigation into Biden's mishandling of TS documents? And Pence's?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:12 AM

originally posted by: Ektar
They should have someone come in with Goats & Sheep using electronet (potable fencing) to scrub the dry areas. Men & machines usually cannot tend to those areas & they are extreme fire hazards. That is what we did in CA, the goats scrub the dry brush first & both goats & sheep will continue to graze other stuff.
This is also great management for keeping the power line trails clear of dead brush, weeds & cudzu, as well as the new huge solar panel stations.


Theres a family here on Vancouver Island that mobile graze their goats, doing this for brush reduction and at the same time feeding their goats. They homeschooled their kids and every now and then when I was driving the highway I could see their herd, or kids on bikes playing or doing stuff. Very innovative way to live.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: igloo

I use to have a friend on Lopez Island with ~ 300 - 600 ewes & 10 Border Collies...Julie Matthews a Kiwi.
That was the beginning of Border Collie Sheepdog Herding Competition for me...

Coming from CA the land scrubbing is a big business on the west coast & many states now for a long time.


posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

So, it started at 1633 and ended with 1700?


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1df4ec No.1949464 📁
Jun 28 2018 20:07:14 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ca18ea No.1949195 📁
Jun 28 2018 19:49:02 (EST)

Therapist confirmed
Everything stated has meaning.
Find paper articles re: Freemasons.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 1dc9cb No.2282049 📁
Jul 25 2018 13:08:27 (EST)
— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —

Just saying how interesting it is.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: carewemust
OK. So all the media is buzzing that Donald Trump is now a TARGET of Biden's DOJ.


Hasn't he been a "target" since Obama took Hillary's advice and told his Admin to take Trump down?

Doesn't that open the door for a criminal investigation into Biden's mishandling of TS documents? And Pence's?

In January 2023, the DOJ/Garland named a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden for stealing classified documents over a 15 year (at least) period of time.

ATS Thread on the Subject:

Congressman James Jordan is angry because Congress gets no update on the Criminal Investigation of Joe Biden. He shot a letter off to AG Garland yesterday, with June 20th deadline.

The letter:

We have two criminal cases running down parallel tracks. Which one will cross the finish line first? Trump's or Biden's?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:17 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

a reply to: Ektar

a reply to: igloo

You say this but:
From: MSN News (a report from Fox News)

Tim Arrowsmith, owner of Western Grazers, a goat-herding business in northern California, joined "Fox News Tonight" to express his concerns over his state's labor law set to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2024, warning that if a "fix" couldn't be reached, he would need to "get rid of" all his goats.

Goats have been used in California to manage the growth of vegetation for government agencies and private landowners, which could create what Arrowsmith described as a "cold fire or a cool fire that crawls along the ground" or prevent wildfires altogether.

It goes on about this but here's the point I want to point out:

Arrowsmith said "goat and sheep herders [had] been recognized as the same occupation in the state of California," which allowed for both goat and sheep herders to receive a monthly minimum wage as opposed to a minimum wage for all hours worked.

However, he said, the Department of Industrial Relations and the Employment Development Department reread the law in 2022 and deemed it said nothing about goat herders, just sheep herders.

Arrowsmith said the new interpretation would mean goat herders would receive an "hourly rate, time-and-a-half, double time, sleep time," and more, adding up to "well over $14,000 a month."

A proposed bill in the California State Assembly, AB 1099, aimed at addressing the situation. The bill put forth an amendment to maintain the current monthly minimum wage system in place for a "goat herder employed on a regularly scheduled 24-hour shift on a seven-day-a-week ‘on-call’ basis."

However, the committee to which the bill was filed "refused to hear the bill and wouldn't give it a hearing, so the bill died," Arrowsmith said.

So once again it seems like it's the policies that make these fires a fact of life in some states, rather than climate change.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:21 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Q-1700 and some other revelations caused the U.S. Congress to take the extraordinary action of officially condemning Qanon and everything he shared online. Those who openly say that believe in and support QAnon's statements are subject to being punished by elements of our government as well.

Congress Condemns all-things "Q":

Congress Didn't get the Covid-19 Vax Injection = We shouldn't either.

Congress hates Q-Anon = We should Love Q-Anon!

There's a pattern there somewhere, LOL.

edit on 6/8/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 06:40 AM
Well now
Cuba to Host Secret Chinese Spy Base Focusing on U.S.

U.S. officials described the intelligence on the planned Cuba site, apparently gathered in recent weeks, as convincing. They said the base would enable China to conduct signals intelligence, known in the espionage world as sigint, which could include the monitoring of a range of communications, including emails, phone calls and satellite transmissions.

brings to mind
Q 3734

Also, think 'White Squal' re: Cuban M Crisis/JFK.

Do comms only go to Anons?

Bigger than you can imagine.

Expand you're thinking.



posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: carewemust
OK. So all the media is buzzing that Donald Trump is now a TARGET of Biden's DOJ.


Hasn't he been a "target" since Obama took Hillary's advice and told his Admin to take Trump down?

Doesn't that open the door for a criminal investigation into Biden's mishandling of TS documents? And Pence's?

In January 2023, the DOJ/Garland named a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden for stealing classified documents over a 15 year (at least) period of time.

ATS Thread on the Subject:

Congressman James Jordan is angry because Congress gets no update on the Criminal Investigation of Joe Biden. He shot a letter off to AG Garland yesterday, with June 20th deadline.

The letter:

We have two criminal cases running down parallel tracks. Which one will cross the finish line first? Trump's or Biden's?

There's a BIG difference between a congressional investigation and a criminal investigation, thus the double standards I was addressing.
Biden's crimes are being swept under the rug with non-compliant gov. branches while Trump's are being shouted from the mountain tops.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 11:17 AM
Eurozone slips into recession as revised data shows two quarters of falling output

The euro zone entered a recession in the first quarter of this year, and economists are not optimistic for the coming months.

The 20-member bloc reported gross domestic product of -0.1% for the first quarter, according to revised estimates from the region's statistics office, Eurostat, released Thursday.

News that GDP contracted in the first quarter after all means that the euro zone has already fallen into a technical recession. We suspect that the economy will contract further over the rest of this year," Andrew Kenningham, chief Europe economist at Capital Economics, said in a note Thursday.

Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany and Greece are among the euro economies that reported an economic quarter-on-quarter contraction for the first quarter.

ECB to hike rates in June and July to break sticky inflation

The European Central Bank will hike its key interest rates by 25 basis points on June 15 and again in July before pausing for the rest of the year as inflation remains sticky, according to a clear majority of economists polled by Reuters.

100% Certainty Recession Inevitable With Medium to Hard Landing (U.S.)
Bloomberg Live Video
edit on 8-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 11:36 AM
Treasury Secretary Yellen warns of commercial real estate ‘issues’ that could strain banks

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in her first interview since the U.S. debt-ceiling was lifted last week by Congress, warned on Wednesday about the potential for banks to feel strain from their exposure to weakening commercial real estate valuations.

Yellen was asked by CNBC “Squawk Box” host Andrew Ross Sorkin about if she’s worried about the state of estimated $20.7 trillion commercial real-estate market, particularly the office, and if weakness in the sector could potentially spark more bank failures.

Well, I do think that there will be issues with respect to commercial real estate,” Yellen said. “Certainly, the demand for office space since we’ve seen such a big change in attitudes and behavior toward remote work has changed and especially in an environment of higher interest rates.” ks-1bab9d83

The Next Crisis Will Start With Empty Office Buildings

Commercial real estate is losing value fast.

The 1,921 Room Hilton Union Square Hotel in San Francisco Was Just Abandoned

One of the largest hotels in US, the 1,921 room Hilton Union Sq in SF, was forfeited by owner to the lender.
The lender was First Republic. Now Chase.

Owner defaults on loan for Hilton Union Square and Parc 55 downtown SF hotels

A billion dollar company that owned two substantial San Francisco hotels announced June 5 that it’s defaulting on its loan and releasing the hotels from its portfolio.

Hilton San Francisco Union Square and Parc 55, two towering hotels in downtown San Francisco located a block from one another, look bound for new ownership after a Virginia-based real estate investment trust forfeited the properties, citing “best interest” for its stockholders.

S.F.’s hotel pain could spread as more than 30 owners face mortgage deadlines

Park Hotels & Resorts’ plan to surrender ownership of two of San Francisco’s biggest hotels reflects the city’s slow tourism recovery and the widening financial distress hitting local property owners.

And more than 30 additional San Francisco hotels are facing loans due in the next two years, said Emmy Hise, senior director of hospitality analytics at CoStar, a real estate data firm.

S&P Global: Commercial real estate loan delinquency rate ‘rises sharply’

There’s trouble ahead in the commercial real estate space—especially in the office sector, which has been plagued by the shift to remote work.

In the first quarter of this year, the commercial real estate loan delinquency rate increased by 12 basis points to 0.77%. That’s the highest it’s been since the third quarter of 2021, when it reached 0.83%, according to a new report published by S&P Global Market Intelligence. That’s a bigger deal than it might first appear.

One reason being the stress in the banking sector: Following the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, commercial real estate borrowers started to see credit tighten further, in the form of fewer loans and stricter lending standards. That, in turn, is expected to increase delinquencies and defaults.
edit on 8-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:10 PM

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

These forest fires in Canada- just wondering about Darn kess from #97.
Maybe the "n" refers to north as in Canada. "K' is the 11th letter of the alphabet.

#97 clip
Paint the picture.
Disinformation exists and is necessary.
10 days
Good vs Evil
Road map to big picture is here.
Review past happenings.
Crumbs not only for /pol/.
The silent ones.
Others monitoring.

Then lets connect this to #2726.
Be alert next 10 days.
FF attempts may be carried out to change narrative [neg optics].
High probability of 'multiple days' coverage event forcing pause on news.
See something > Say something.

FF could also represent forest fires. Now Quebec, Canada suddenly has numerous forest fires. People are seeing some questionable originations and are saying something. Not only that but experienced forest fire fighters offers to assist are being rejected by government agencies. almost like a plan is afoot.
Joanne Lesly Twitter
Scroll through and people are connecting these fires to the special 15 minute cities curtesy of WEF.

Continuing along...
We can't leave Bill Gates out of this since he has been inspired that dimming the sun is needed because of climate change. I've been wondering why he isn't called Jr. His father was Sr.
Bill Gates Jr. =11
Bill Gates Sr

What are the chances that we have a new crop circle that looks eerily similar to a sunflower show up yesterday?
New sunflower Crop Circle

They are seriously overplaying their hand.
Faster than you know.
But, that will soon change[re: visibility]
Public interest forces the SUN to SHINE.
Why are we here?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

This may be just my view on the plandemic but don't you find that quite a few agendas were undertaken under cover of the chaos? The obvious depopulation/ eugenics, transhumanism, control over food, medical vaccines and therapeutics payday but what about this?

FDA OKs Intentional Genomic Alteration in Pigs

"The genetically modified pigs also have several human genes, including a gene that makes a protein known as CD 46."
C before D?

Focus- Food
Focus- Medical

Well that's a relief- the FDA rubber stamps it's safe to eat.

FDA Approves First of its Kind Intentional Genomic Alteration

PETA "The genetic manipulation of pigs to serve as interspecies 'Spare' parts bins and more palatable dinning entrees for humans is the apex of cruelty."

I see we have a connection to cloning- sheep that is.

Paging, paging Christine Grady, Bioethics head of the NIH, soulmate of Fauci.

Christine Grady NIH

What about this Revivicor?

The brave new world where there is a war for our DNA. #4966
World's First Pig-to-Human Heart Transplant

Soylent Green anyone?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

You inquired about Fauci's security.
PBS Anthony Fauci's Security

Here is the full documentary.
PBS Fauci Documentary

Well worth a watch. Narcissist should be reworded to Fauci Personality Disorder Syndrome.

I would imagine Bill Gates always has some security, especially after the pie in the face incident.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

At this point it is obvious that the FDA is not there for us. More about gene edited livestock.

People Can Eat Gene Edited Animals Because the FDA Says So

Where is the transparency because after all they have set aside June 7th as World Food Safety Day and we are supposed to know what is in our food. They said so.

They have already had a gene edited animal received approval to enter the food supply in 2020. Where's the labelling?
During the plandemic we saw that lack of information in packaging for those jabs was MIA so it appears that is a trend with the FDA.
Now they have tinkered with the cattle. Where's the beef?

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: carewemust
OK. So all the media is buzzing that Donald Trump is now a TARGET of Biden's DOJ.


Hasn't he been a "target" since Obama took Hillary's advice and told his Admin to take Trump down?

Doesn't that open the door for a criminal investigation into Biden's mishandling of TS documents? And Pence's?

In January 2023, the DOJ/Garland named a Special Counsel to investigate Joe Biden for stealing classified documents over a 15 year (at least) period of time.

ATS Thread on the Subject:

Congressman James Jordan is angry because Congress gets no update on the Criminal Investigation of Joe Biden. He shot a letter off to AG Garland yesterday, with June 20th deadline.

The letter:

We have two criminal cases running down parallel tracks. Which one will cross the finish line first? Trump's or Biden's?

There's a BIG difference between a congressional investigation and a criminal investigation, thus the double standards I was addressing.
Biden's crimes are being swept under the rug with non-compliant gov. branches while Trump's are being shouted from the mountain tops.

Big difference, but both Trump and Biden are under criminal investigation by the DOJ. And, Biden is also under investigation by Congress.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I'm sure these leaders who have damaged America and Americans understand that no amount/level of security will save them if Americans are forced to take back our country.

posted on Jun, 8 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

What do you think about this?
New FDA Blood Donor Eligibility

Tin foil hat strapped back on. "Any HIV infection amongst these donors could have been long standing and, therefore, detected by current testing methods.
The conclusion was that such donors should be eligible to donate without adding concerns to the safety of the blood supply."

As you very early on connected the mRNA jabs to HIV I am wondering if they are on purpose contaminating the blood supply so that when people do come down with HIV they will blame the blood supply rather than the jabs.

Then there is the issue of co-mingling the jabbed blood with the unjabbed blood.
Joint Statement About the Blood Supply
Since Red Cross is involved.
Red Cross Annual Statement

Section "Providing a Safe Place to Stay for Unaccompanied Children"

"Red Cross provided temporary support to government partners to ensure unaccompanied children had a clean, safe and comfortable place to stay."

Maybe they can tell the government where all the missing children have gone.

Red Cross is corrupt and used as a piggy bank.
Future topic.
Diseases created by families in power [pop control + pharma billion kb] ....kill billions?
Think AIDS.
Future topic.

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