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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

The US government will impose “substantial” tax increases on its citizens to try and fix its $1.4 trillion deficit, according to former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers.

In a new speech covered by Bloomberg, Summers says that out of control inflation and debt will force the US government to continue raising taxes and lean towards higher interest rates.

Summers says US debt is so massive that simply reducing spending won’t be enough to significantly address the problem, and higher taxes will become imperative.

The threat of a commercial real estate market crash is hanging over the already fragile U.S. economy.

I'm having a hard time understanding this approach. People are already struggling to provide for themselves and their families. Increasing taxes is just going to make it even more difficult, and with so many subsidizing their income with credit cards aren't we facing a massive financial implosion for the working class?

Where are these increased tax revenues supposed to come from if their legislation continues to grow the homeless population?

Forgive me if my questions seem ignorant, as high finance is not my forte. I do a good job at balancing the household budget, but the government approach to finances boggles my mind.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:09 PM
#pedogram is trending on Twitter
The algorithm was helping facilitate and connect all the kiddyfiddlers

They used pizza emoijis to signal.

If only someone had tried to warn us

if not for Elon this would have been shut down by now

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I don't think they care if they squeeze the middle class, I suspect erasing the middle class is part of the overall plan

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:40 PM
US National Debt Spikes by $359 billion on 1st Day after Debt Ceiling Suspended. TGA Begins to Get Refilled, Draining Liquidity from Market

So the U.S. national debt spiked by $359 billion in one single day, the first working day after the debt ceiling was suspended, to $31.83 trillion, as of yesterday evening, reported this evening by the Treasury Department.

And that was just the beginning, there will be more hair-raising single-day spikes of the debt over the next few days:

Now the TGA is being refilled, and this liquidity will be drained from the markets because the primary dealers and investors will buy all those Treasury securities that are being issued, instead of other stuff, and they will sell other stuff to fund their purchases of Treasury securities, and this flow of liquidity alters the buying and selling pressures. ing-liquidity-from-market/

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I just felt so sad after my post from yesterday and now that.

However there is hope. President Trump addressed the issue of childhood illness.
President Trump Speech About Children's Health

This is an interesting development, the merging of messages between President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. We are facing a crisis in autism along with other illness that are being brought on by these jabs. I hope that RFK considers joining with President Trump. This affects everyone across the entire political spectrum.

I came across this-
Doug Vanni Thread

I went through the documents and I am familiar with the material but I just wonder if he is feeling guilt for his role in all of this. He is suggesting that he gave the idea and was involved with USAMRIID as a medical research volunteer. What do you think?

The speech by Robert F. KennedyJr in Germany came up with an interesting connection.
Watch the Water-I wasn't aware that RFK Jr. run's the biggest water protection group in the world- The Water Keeper Alliance.
Water Keeper Alliance

Of course we can't have a day without Bill Gates-
Bill Gates Building Smart City In Arizona

"Bill Gates is building a city in Arizona, 80K people, with a data center that will be able to take all this data, the data on your Alexa in your home" and of course all the other devices and collect it and then do what with it?

Further in the tread is Harry Vox speech from October 21, 2014. Rather an eerie prediction of exactly what we have gone through.
Just for the record Paul Ehrlich, infamous for the books "The Population Bomb" and "Extinction" we have our link to butterflies.
"Paul Ehrlich closely observed populations of butterflies over a 35 year period and analyzed the relationship of the environmental factors to boom and bust cycles in the population."

A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone.
Have faith in humanity.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Watch the Water-I wasn't aware that RFK Jr. run's the biggest water protection group in the world- The Water Keeper Alliance.

Well, that made me sit up!

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 03:29 PM
Are congressional Republicans about to greenlight a CBDC? 

If Republicans want to prevent the introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) that would allow government to track and control your purchases, they’d better scrutinize the two anti-CBDC bills before Congress. There’s a huge difference between them.

One would prevent a CBDC surveillance token from replacing the American dollar. The other would actually greenlight a CBDC by government-chosen contractor.

The idea of a CBDC is to replace the U.S. dollar with a government crypto-token tracking ledger that could surveil and control every dollar you spend. Bureaucrats could prevent you from buying the wrong thing, from raw milk to gas stoves to firearms. They could stop you from donating to the wrong person, like we saw with the Canadian truckers. They could even force you to buy whatever a government bureaucrat tells you to.

a very different kind of Republican CBDC bill is also making the rounds in Congress. This one, bizarrely, openly allows a CBDC so long so it’s run by a government-chosen company like Ripple or perhaps a Wall Street bank.

Moreover, even a contractor-run CBDC obviously takes its orders from the government; the Federal Reserve and Treasury will not be outsourcing control of money to Ripple or JP Morgan. That means the broader financial and economic risks of a CBDC are all there, obediently executed by government contractors.

The crypto-token firm Ripple — currently locked in a legal battle with the SEC for making $1.3 billion as an unregistered security — has been very active in lobbying to build CBDCs for governments worldwide. After their recently announced CBDC pilot in now China-dominated Hong Kong, Ripple released a glitzy promotional video portraying their turnkey CBDCs running in China, in Taliban-run Afghanistan, and in military dictatorships from Myanmar to Uzbekistan. Given the profits involved, they would surely love to add America to that list.

we already have the “digital dollar” in the form of private stablecoins like those of Circle or Paxos that offer every transaction benefit of a CBDC but that are actually separate from government.

These stablecoins act like a true “digital dollar” that can be used online, and are wildly popular to the point that more than 99.5 percent of currency-based stablecoins are in U.S. dollars. The dollar is actually far more dominant in crypto than it is in the real

Swift and Chainlink partner with financial institutions in order to connect their systems to blockchain

It is worth mentioning that Swift is the leading global interbank messaging system connecting more than 11,000 banking and financial institutions in more than 200 countries, while Chainlink is the world’s largest Web3 services platform.

According to Sergey Nazarov, co-founder of Chainlink, this collaboration is bringing traditional capital markets into the world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized financial applications (DeFi).

In particular, he believes that the successful integration of the largest banks as well as the largest clearing and settlement systems in the context of web3 technology is what could grow the cryptocurrency market from $1 trillion to $10 trillion:

“If even a small portion of the quadrillions of dollars in value flowing through the Swift network and its over 11,000 member banks makes its way onto blockchains, the entire blockchain industry could grow multiple times larger very quickly.

We are also very excited to have the largest market infrastructures like DTCC and Euroclear participating as part of the collaboration, as well as some of the largest global banks like BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, and Citi. In my opinion, this already signals that large multi-trillion dollar pools of capital plan to move value on-chain, making the blockchain industry multiple times larger than it is today.”

Swift and the beta version of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

In recent months, we have seen that Swift’s various projects include implementing the beta version of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which has received support from eighteen central and commercial banks, which have encouraged its development.

These banks include Intesa Sanpaolo, Banque de France, Deutsche Bundesbank, Monetary Authority of Singapore, HSBC, NatWest, SMBC, Société Générale, Standard Chartered, and UBS.

Participants processed a total of 4,736 transactions between the Quorum and Corda blockchain networks, performing CBDC-to-CBDC, and between Corda and fiat currency, performing CBDC-to-fiat.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 08:21 PM

Big week, intensity will ratchet up even more by the end of the week. As predicted, none of this is out of the ordinary, except it is all out of the ordinary.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 08:23 PM
BlackRock now paying for guards, home security for CEO Larry Fink

BlackRock has begun paying for personal and home security for CEO Larry Fink and President Rob Kapito, in light of increased safety concerns related to their jobs.

Mr. Fink, who is also chairman, has become a lightning rod for national debates about investing that incorporates environmental, social and governance factors, or ESG, and is increasingly criticized by politicians and activists on both sides of the debate.

The $9.09 trillion New York-based asset manager began providing executive protection services to Mr. Fink in 2022, including security guards and upgraded home security systems at his private residences. The price tag was $376,360 in 2022, according to the firm's May 24 proxy statement.

According to BlackRock's proxy statement, the company's board of directors made the decision to tighten security for Messrs. Fink and Kapito last year, to "address potential threats to their safety that have originated in connection with their roles."

Who else has had to heighten security...Gates, Fauci?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 08:27 PM

originally posted by: dashen
#pedogram is trending on Twitter
The algorithm was helping facilitate and connect all the kiddyfiddlers

They used pizza emoijis to signal.

If only someone had tried to warn us

if not for Elon this would have been shut down by now

It's a yawn for us, Warrior outlined this years ago on many of the platforms, but we were called names, hell even The Daily Dot whose entire existence is to "debunk" Q said Italian Symbols were BS, but, oh, also, one of their writers was arrested with Italian Food Symbols and the purpose, so there's that.

Anons be like this for five years.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 09:23 PM
Elon Musk Warns About a New Housing Crisis Worldwide

The billionaire sounds the alarm on the real estate market, saying it's suffering from higher interest rates while the economy has slowed sharply.

Trend is concerning. Fed needs to cut interest rates immediately. They are massively amplifying the probability of a severe recession," Musk warned in November.

House 🏡 prices are declining almost everywhere," a Twitter user said on June 4, with a chart showing that two-thirds of the economies for which the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development tracks housing prices saw declines, based on the most recent quarter of available data.

This will accelerate, as high interest rates make homes less affordable," Musk commented on June 5.

Treasury’s $1 Trillion Debt Deluge Threatens Market Calm

Investors are bracing for a flood of more than $1 trillion of Treasury bills in the wake of the debt-ceiling fight, potentially sparking a new bout of volatility in financial markets.

the T-bills will suck up liquidity from the financial system, potentially weighing on markets. JPMorgan recently estimated that the combined performance of stocks and bonds this year will suffer by nearly 5% due to the debt issuance and the effect of the Federal Reserve's quantitative tightening.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 09:56 PM
Declare a Climate Emergency': Biden Urged to Act as Wildfire Smoke Chokes Eastern US

We are in a climate emergency, and it's absurd that our government isn't acting like it," said one campaigner.

Environmental groups are demanding that world leaders take urgent action as smoke from Canadian wildfires fueled by the climate crisis continued to smother eastern regions of the United States on Wednesday, pushing the Air Quality Index (AQI) in both nation's capitals to "unhealthy," with at least 16 states issuing air quality alerts affecting millions of people.

New York City had the worst air quality of any major city Tuesday night, and then again on Wednesday afternoon, when its AQI jumped up to "hazardous," the highest possible level that signals a "health warning of emergency conditions."

We are in a climate emergency, and it's absurd that our government isn't acting like it," Sunrise Movement executive director Varshini Prakash said in a statement.

"President Biden, declare a climate emergency," she continued. "How can you look at what's going on and not take action?"

The smoke—making the Eastern U.S. look like California at the peak of fire season—is not normal," The Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang tweeted. "The air is compromised from Minneapolis to D.C. to Boston, and the worst from western NY to around Ottawa."

The climate crisis is fueling these fires with record spring heat, and high latitudes are warming faster than the global average, as The Washington Post pointed out. Already in May, Canada saw more than 6.5 million acres burn, far surpassing the average for the month of around 370,000 acres.

Hey @POTUS, about that climate emergency?" Fossil Free Media director Jamie Henn tweeted over a picture of a smoke-darkened New York.

What happens if Biden declares a climate emergency?

Advocates want Biden to use national emergency and defense laws to funnel federal investments toward renewable energy, halt new fossil fuel leases and prod manufacturers to increase supplies of renewable energy technologies.

“There should be an alarm in the White House that reads, ‘In case of congressional inertia, declare a climate emergency,’” said Daniel Weiss, a longtime environmental advocate. “Our ferocious Western wildfires, record drought and unprecedented European heat wave are more than enough signals that we don’t have the luxury of pollution procrastination.”

The move would be a victory for young progressives with the Sunrise Movement, who had pushed candidate Biden to add such a declaration to his platform.

Environmental law experts and Democratic lawmakers note that declaring a climate emergency would give Biden a range of expanded policy options to choose from.

The president can suspend oil leases during national emergencies, and Biden could respond to industrial shortfalls by supporting the expansion of batteries for electric vehicles, Farber wrote. The Transportation secretary could potentially use the power to “coordinate transportation” during national emergencies to limit auto emissions, Farber added.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: socialmediaclown

The irony- Today is World Food Safety Day.[ Inversion is in order.]

Lol..."highlights the importance of maintaining food standards". The theme "Most people depend on the information in the packaging of consumable items to know that there food is safe."
I have to say this is the biggest fail ever. They play games with names of ingredients and then there is the issue of "other spices" and what about zee bugs? I could go on.

World Food Safety Day

We have another link to the plan. This food safety day just ...gasp..."December 20, 2018, World Food Safety Day was established by the UN." Probably not plan related that the first day celebrated was June 7, 2019.

Un Declaration Food Safety Day
This all merges in with the WEF plan for total global food control as per Goal 17.

I can't make this stuff up...
"A globaized world with annual of U.S.D 1.6 trillion and complex food delivery systems demands international cooperation across sectors to ensure the food is safe.
Food safety is a shared responsibility among governments, food industries, producers and consumers." I guess they were trying to be inclusive and throw us in there.

What about Apeel, that invisible non washable protective coating on fruit and vegetable? No packaging but still we eat that.

Update on my experiment...
Blueberries- mold quickly
Strawberries-mold quickly

Grapefruit and lemons going on 7 weeks with no sign of change.
Cucumbers seem to be struggling with this coating. They are super sticky when purchased so rather unappetizing.
Avocados maintaining appearance after 1 week.

I have to question why the grapefruit and lemons are being target. Probably nothing to do with their peels being used as a natural form of hydroxychloroquine.

Food Safety Day

Years ago I left grapefruit out on two occasions and had both dry enough without rotting that they mummified. They dont need this product as they seem pretty durable. Avacado I can see the point and with your strawberries and blueberries it didnt work then. Pointless if it doesnt work but yet another profitable profit and potentially dangerous.

Wish we could return or arrive at a nice, honest, fair world for all of us, but no... eet ze bugs!

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Theres something really off about the eastern canada fires. That radar video of all the quebec ones sparking up at the same time...

BC Im not so sure as its been an exceptionally hot and dry spring. There is one 20 or so km from us but it is up on a rocky cliff with very deep gullies so challenging to fight. Fortunately, its beside a lake so the water can be lifted easily by the helicopters. Smoke billows back and forth over here. I absolutely love breathing smoke, makes me feel super calm, but its sad for all involved, wild animals, an ancient stand of some of the last old growth trees and the people whose town access is now blocked due to the highway being closed. Some gas stations are rationing gas and there is no other highway to get food in there either. There is a 4 hour long emergency route along a rough logging food, gas, cell coverage etc.

Anyhow, fingers n toes crossed the wind doesnt pick up.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: igloo

I read today satellite imagery shows all the fires started simultaneously. Of course all the activists are instantly on scene to force Biden to impose drastic $$$$$ action.

I don't think this train wreck can be stopped at this point. All players sprang into action January 6, 2020 when Pence refused to ask for an investigation into voter irregularities and certified the election. Trump's presidency was an accident because they got too cocky and sure of themselves; they learned their lesson and it will never, ever happen again.
Politics is an exclusive club, and no decent human being will ever be allowed to infiltrate the ranks again.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: dashen
#pedogram is trending on Twitter
The algorithm was helping facilitate and connect all the kiddyfiddlers

They used pizza emoijis to signal.

If only someone had tried to warn us

if not for Elon this would have been shut down by now

Ever since the Pizza-Gate was exposed by Wiki-leaks, I've been dismayed by how children can be sex objects. They have no features that make women and men "sexy". I'm afraid to conduct research, so I just let it stay a mystery.

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:54 PM
OK. So all the media is buzzing that Donald Trump is now a TARGET of Biden's DOJ.


Hasn't he been a "target" since Obama took Hillary's advice and told his Admin to take Trump down?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 10:55 PM
They should have someone come in with Goats & Sheep using electronet (potable fencing) to scrub the dry areas. Men & machines usually cannot tend to those areas & they are extreme fire hazards. That is what we did in CA, the goats scrub the dry brush first & both goats & sheep will continue to graze other stuff.
This is also great management for keeping the power line trails clear of dead brush, weeds & cudzu, as well as the new huge solar panel stations.


posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 11:01 PM
Dutch Sinse explained last week that the fires all started simultaneously due to volcanic activity related to a shift in the North American Craton.

edit on 7-6-2023 by FlyingFox because: new

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: dashen
#pedogram is trending on Twitter
The algorithm was helping facilitate and connect all the kiddyfiddlers

They used pizza emoijis to signal.

If only someone had tried to warn us

if not for Elon this would have been shut down by now

Ever since the Pizza-Gate was exposed by Wiki-leaks, I've been dismayed by how children can be sex objects. They have no features that make women and men "sexy". I'm afraid to conduct research, so I just let it stay a mystery.

It's not about sex, Care; it's about power and control by people whose minds don't work right. Every human is capable of great good and great evil; ones' life is an example of which side they choose to nourish.

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