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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:27 AM
JPMorgan sees signs that the dollar's dominance is eroding

De-dollarization is evident in FX reserves where (the dollar's) share has declined to a record as share in exports declined, but is still emerging in commodities," the strategists said.

JPMorgan's assessment is the most high profile of any large U.S. bank although heavyweight asset managers such as Goldman Sachs Asset Management have also voiced views on the trend

JPMorgan's note on Monday estimated for global exports, the U.S. share is now down to a record low 9%, whereas China was at a record high of 13%.

In global central bank FX reserves too, the dollar's share is down to a record low of 58%, albeit a level that is still by far the largest globally.

That share is lower, however, when accounting for gold, which now comprises 15% of reserves compared to 11% five years ago.

Asian Clearing Union to reportedly launch SWIFT alternative in June amid accelerated de-dollarization push

The Asian Clearing Union (ACU) will reportedly launch a new cross-border financial messaging system in June as an alternative to SWIFT, marking another major move from global economies and organizations opting for new payment mechanisms amid the accelerated global de-dollarization push.

Deputy governor of Central Bank of Iran Mohsen Karimi said that the payment system is capable of completely replacing SWIFT and could facilitate the global de-dollarization push, RT reported on Thursday, citing the Iranian newspaper Kayhan.

The new financial system will be used only by ACU member states but other countries could apply for membership, per the RT report.

Meanwhile, Pan stressed that the major development direction for the global payment system will be an increase in memberships and enhanced convenience of cross-border payment, which will gradually replace the function of the US dollar and SWIFT in the sector and offer an additional choice to users worldwide.

BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - asked the New Development Bank (NDB) to provide guidance on a how a potential new shared currency might work, while the use of alternative currencies was among the prominent talking points during the BRICS foreign ministers' meeting held in Cape Town, the legislative capital of South Africa, Bloomberg reported.

If there is a currency that can replace the US dollar in the international arena in the future, the currency should be beyond countries, economic alliances, and political alliances under a system that is recognized and used by the majority of the world in order to dominate the global market for the long run," Liang noted.

In contrast with the de-dollarization push, the internationalization of the Chinese yuan has been further elevated, winning favor with a rapidly growing number of global partners.

The first branch of Bank of China (BOC) in Papua New Guinea opened on Thursday, making it the first launched by a Chinese bank in a South Pacific island country.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

We are getting a lot of Gates comms today.
Melinda Gates French has just tweeted about the book "Surrender" by WEF enlightened member Bono. This is the same book that Billy had in one of his reading recommendations.
I guess they haven't heard that is not in our vocabulary- as it will never happen.


Circling back to Billy's stock profile- This makes zero, as in no sense at all.
He has invested in Deere & Company, the largest manufacturer of farm equipment in the world. Does this make any sense to you? After all to meet the climate scam we need to reduce farming, so there would be no need for all this equipment.

Down the rabbit hole... but this does make sense. Deere & Company was founded in 1837.

Panic of 1837 wiki

Well look at that. We are on that precipice right now. We have another link to the card game 'Cards Against Humanity' edition 1.
Depression, famine are featured.
Gematria -
Deer and Company

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 11:52 AM

We have an extremely credible DoD whistleblower who has gone on the record with Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, who says that the United States government has a UFO crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. This seems to be as legit as it possibly can be. This article was originally supposed to be published in the NY Times, then Washington Post, then Politico but they all backed out, so it fell to the Debrief.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Vigilant Fox has dropped another Dr. David Martin speech.
Dr. David Martin Covid-19 Bioweapon

There's a lot packed into this. Something new for us- Premeditated Murder- Moderna amended 4 patents in April 2019 to include accidental or intentional release to justify a vaccine for a disease that did not exists. Just like Ecolabs.

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this- that benevolent Pfizer as far back as 1990 filed their first patent about the 'infamous' spike protein. They knew what damage this would do but went ahead anyway.

"No more patronage of science for their own self interests unless they assume 100% product liability for every injury and death that they maintain."
Melinda French Gates is now on twitter promoting the new HPV jab. Very chatty for her so maybe Billy is using her to spread the word.
HPV Vaccine Tweet

How safe are the HPV jabs?
Seriously "inexplicable adverse reactions."

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Interesting this showed up on my feed

clip from upcoming interview

Whistleblower. David Grusch

Disclosure? Or more distraction ..

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
a reply to: PokeyJoe

Interesting this showed up on my feed

clip from upcoming interview

Whistleblower. David Grusch

Disclosure? Or more distraction ..

Yep, thats the guy. I believe this is true, legit disclosure. Hes a true whistleblower, and even had everything he disclosed to Kean and Blumenthal cleared by the DoD media clearinghouse. Also, the Intelligence Community Inspector General reviewed what hes saying and found it to be legitimate. Its truly monumental if you have even the slightest interest in UFOs/aliens/whatever.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:46 PM
JPMorgan, 6 Indian Banks to Settle Dollar Trades on Onyx Blockchain System

JPMorgan (JPM) has teamed up with six Indian banks to settle interbank dollar transactions on its blockchain-based trading platform, Onyx, Bloomberg reported on Monday.
The investment bank will run a pilot project over the coming months alongside HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Axis Bank, Yes Bank, IndusInd Bank and JPM's own banking unit in Gujurat, India.

The aim of the project, which starts today, is to settle dollar trades in real time around the clock as opposed to over a matter of days and only during the working week. Onyx, established in 2020, is the banking giant's digital assets network for settling wholesale payment transactions. p

MUFG and Progmat Collaborate to Pioneer Japanese Bank-Backed Stablecoins

In a significant development for the adoption of cryptocurrencies in traditional finance, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) (1), one of Japan's largest banks, has partnered with Progmat, a blockchain technology firm. This collaboration aims to pave the way for the issuance and management of Japanese bank-backed stablecoins.

Mitsubishi UFG Financial Group (MUFG), a Japanese financial services company, has revealed that Progmat Coin would facilitate the issuance of bank-backed stablecoins. Further, the platform will soon enable Japanese banks to launch stablecoins pegged to the Yen on various public blockchains, including Ethereum, Cosmos, Polygon, and Avalanche.

Japan’s New Stablecoin Framework Could Spur US To Act

As Japanese banks get set to issue stablecoins under new legislation, the US’ lack of regulatory clarity in the segment is one hurdle blocking institutions in the country from doing the same.

Updating from decades-old payment systems to cheaper and faster distributed ledger technology will always be a win for the customer, according to Jeff Embry, managing partner at crypto hedge fund Globe 3 Capital.

“The key will be making sure these stablecoins utilize a trustless, immutable and transparent blockchain versus being in control of one bank or one government like a CBDC would,” Embry added.

Banks are slow to adopt because they are the middlemen that blockchain eliminates,” Embry said. “Once customers see the huge benefits of using stablecoins the demand for them will be so great the banks won’t have a choice but to adopt them.”

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
3 year DELTAS for Monday, June 5th:


Tweet in post:


Monday, June 5, 2023

Here is part of what House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said after seeing "images" of the document describing Joe Biden's bribe acceptance, and being briefed by an FBI person, this afternoon.

"Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, Congress must investigate further," Comer continued.

Comer said FBI officials confirmed Monday that the unclassified FBI generated record "has not been disproven and is currently being used in an ongoing investigation by a confidential human source who provided information about the vice president by being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for over ten years and has been paid over 6 figures."

Comer added: "These are facts and no amount of spin and frankly, lies from the White House or congressional Democrats can change this information.
Sourced from:

More top-tier Democrats involved than Biden, according to another Congressman.

edit on Mon Jun 5 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

I am troubled about Bill Gates stock portfolio. He has so much $ that he can afford to play weird games.

Along with Ecolabs he is also invested in Waste Management, which was founded in 1893. How can this not be more than a coincidence? Another link to a depression.
Waste Management Wiki

Panic of 1893 wiki

"The Panic of 1893 was an economic depression in the U.S.- began in 1893 and ended in 1897. It deeply effected every sector of the economy, and produced political upheaval..."

Okay I'm just going to try another.
Caterpillar Inc. which connects to Butterfly.
Founded in 1925. He is definitely playing games.

Mein Kamp by Hitler was published that year.
Mein kamp wiki

Flying under the radar "In 2016, following the expiration of the copywrite held by the Bavarian government, Mein Kamp was republished in Germany for the first time since 1945." The a French edition was published in 2021 when everyone was rather distracted.

"It posits a Jewish conspiracy to gain leadership." These conspiracies tend to be conspiracy facts. I mean Albert Bourla is Jewish along with Stephane Bancel. Then there is Rochelle Walensky and we have the Israel link. Next there is Klaus Schwab's side kick Yuval Noah Harari. Occam's Razor is coming to mind.

There a a few Ku posts to Nazi. clip
The Nazi order.
NWO [N does not refer to "NEW"]
The Sum of All Fears.

Robert F Kennedy Jr in his book 'the Real Anthony Fauci' pointed out that Bill Gates like to play word games so this is no different. Evil.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Why do I feel like that we will never learn what that well placed FBI informant had to say about the Bidens.

I just want to follow this bit up with this video short:

I'm not that skilled at what I'm looking at as much as some of you here, but to me it looks very odd.

Can anyone confirm that the Cessna was targeted by the F-16?

Neither F16 ever squawked so they don’t appear in the video.
I did more digging because when I watched the video on your link the first two things I noticed was a speed of 400 knots and altitude of over 30,000ft.
So I had to dig because my assumption was a private Cessna prop plane. It was actually a C560 Citation. (3 million dollar executive jet)
Looks like it was on autopilot. Route was listed as Tennessee to Long Island. It made the U-turn over Long Island. Never descending or slowing. Allegedly, NORAD nearly intercepted the bird on its first pass of DC but it left the restricted airspace quickly.
The 2 primary F16s took off out of joint base Andrews in Maryland and 4 additional out of New Jersey.
They were authorized to pursue at supersonic and the decision to not shoot the Cessna down was made according to reports because the plane maintained a high altitude and constant heading.
The pilots shot flares in front of the private jet and according to reports were able to visually see the pilot was incapacitated.
The plane then spiraled and descended at a rate of 30,000ft/min

Sounds like a case of depressurization imo.

Interestingly, the jet owner is John and Barbara Rumpel. Barbara is an NRA executive and member of an NRA women’s group, her husband owns a Florida car dealership and building also named after his late daughter who died on a scuba trip nearly 30 years ago. In 2020 they donated 250k to the trump Victory PAC.
On board the plane was their daughter and grand daughter, their nanny, and the pilot.
I found the situation peculiar so my first reaction was to see who owned the plane and who was allegedly on board


edit on 5-6-2023 by G005E because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Is anyone else bothered by the fact it had to be pointed out the FBI paid this informant six figures? Paid for information or paid to misinform? Something is setting off my spidey-sense on this!

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 04:41 PM
Kuwait activates biometric system across its borders

Kuwait’s Ports and Borders Security Sector has activated the biometric system, which involves capturing facial, eye, and fingerprint scans of individuals entering the Gulf state through its ports

The Ministry of Interior has announced the implementation of the biometric system at Kuwait’s entry points, in accordance with the national project aimed at safeguarding the country’s security.

The Department of Public Relations and Security Media stated that part of their commitment to enhancing border security using the latest technologies, the Ports and Borders Security Sector has activated the biometric system, which involves capturing facial, eye, and fingerprint scans of individuals entering Kuwait through its ports.

According to local media reports, the system will be enforced for all individuals aged 18 and above, in line with the legal procedures for nationality issuance in Kuwait. Whether they are citizens, residents, or visitors, anyone arriving in Kuwait via any of the ports will be subjected to this new biometric system.

Kuwait bank introduces biometric payments card

The bank, which has 20 branches across the Gulf state, is using the Zwipe Pay platform to introduce fingerprint recognition technology for a selected group of “VIP” customers.

Zwipe Pay is software for credit and debit card manufacturers that supports biometric authentication. It is approved by card payment networks Visa and Mastercard.

“We are pleased to announce that our Black Banking segment customers can now enjoy innovative technology through the new biometric card, which is designed to provide convenience and ease of access with a high level of security against fraud attempts,” said Deema Al Mulaifi, assistant general manager of operations at Kuwait International Bank.

Macau to let citizens verify identity at border crossings with QR code digital ID on their smartphone

Citizens of Macau will soon be able to verify their identity at border crossings with a digital credential by scanning a QR code stored on their smartphone rather than using their physical ID card.

The Government of Macau is currently testing a system that will enable citizens to generate a QR code in the Macau One Account app that will serve as a digital identifier and verify the holder’s name, identification number, sex and date of birth as well as the validity and type of identification.

The QR code can be used for both automatic and manual channels, with the exception of juxtaposed control points such as the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge.

Lei disclosed that the digital identifier for the identification card has already been designed. The government is largely ready to roll out the service, although it is still undergoing testing.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Speaking of borders we have something odd with North Korea. Under the cover of Covid North Korea built a huge border wall basically cutting off access with China.
North Korea Spent the Pandemic Building a Huge Wall

"Defectors, human rights activists and sources in China involved in smuggling goods or people across the border said the new security features were chocking economic life lines for vulnerable people, closing paths of escape from the authoritarian country, and further limiting North Korean's access to outside information."

That is one side of the narrative. What about #29?
Some things must remain classified until the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he's an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject ect.
The pedo networks are being dismantled. The child abductions for satanic rituals[ ie Haiti and other third world countries] are paused [not terminated until players in custody].
We pray every single day for God's guidance and directions as we are truly up against pure evil.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 06:54 PM

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Circling back to Billy's stock profile- This makes zero, as in no sense at all.
He has invested in Deere & Company, the largest manufacturer of farm equipment in the world. Does this make any sense to you? After all to meet the climate scam we need to reduce farming, so there would be no need for all this equipment.

Down the rabbit hole... but this does make sense. Deere & Company was founded in 1837.

Absolutely! Gates has been buying farm land like most people buy TP and is now the biggest private owner of farm land!
Now to figure out what the long range plan is; my bet's on nothing good.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 07:16 PM
No wonder I couldn’t find this thread, you changed the name!

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

It was useful added info thanks T2...

What was running through my head was that DNA discovery and designing the polio vaccine probably occurred 20 years earlier than 1963... don't they say that darpa is about 50 years ahead of what we get to learn about?

This being the case then that would mean the de-population agenda actually started becoming an operational plan during World War II?

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

More reports from News Nation

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: G005E

Hopefully the nanny and the kids were knocked out during the depressurization. I'd hate to think about them panicking for 20 minutes knowing there's nothing they can do.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:58 PM

Nexus point of information dissemination speaks, soft disclosure the NATO proxy war is not only lost but a lie.

New York Times Admits Nazi Symbology at Heart of Ukraine Army.

Team Joe think things are going backwards, but in no universe can they possibly explain how this could happen. They open NYPravda and WaPravda and think the "war" is winnable. Even if NATO manages to win the Proxy war, they've depleted everything, so what then? And what, the BRICS+++ folks are going to say "oops, we're sorry, we'd like to go back to that world where the US either bombed us into submission or bled us dry, that was best for all." The delusion is insane, in no situation has anything every gone that far backwards without a full blown planetary reset.

Today's flashback, couples addition...

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