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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 11:55 AM
European Commission To Present Regulatory Framework For Digital Euro In June

Fabio Panetta, a member of the Executive Committee of the European Central Bank (ECB), recently announced that the European Commission would be presenting a legislative proposal for the digital euro in June. He further stated that the next steps would be decided in October.

In an interview with the ECB’s official site, Panetta confirmed that the eurozone bank is in regular contact with the European Commission to establish a regulatory framework for the digital euro. The digital euro is set to become the official central bank digital currency (CBDC) for the 27 countries in the European Union.

CBDCs On The Rise

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are indeed on the rise as countries worldwide explore the potential of digital currencies issued and regulated by central banks. Countries like the Bahamas and Nigeria have already launched their digital currencies, while China and Japan are in advanced pilot stages.

Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank-Backed Taurus Deploys on Polygon Blockchain

Digital asset infrastructure provider Taurus is stepping up its tokenization efforts in Europe through a full integration with the Polygon blockchain, the company announced on June 2.

The move will allow its clients to automatically issue digital securities. Taurus claims to have over 25 clients across nine countries, including Arab Bank Switzerland, CACEIS Bank, Crédit Agricole, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Pictet, Swissquote and Vontobel.

Taurus is a European leader in the banking segment, entrusted by the full spectrum of financial institutions: systemic banks, universal banks, online banks, crypto-banks, private banks, and broker-dealers, and has more than a 60% market share in Switzerland. Taurus believes that the digitization of private assets represents the next trillion-dollar opportunity for the digital asset industry to grow to USD 10+ trillion. The transformation is already happening with regulatory frameworks related to tokenized securities clarifying in key financial centers, with Europe leading the way

Most Tier 1 financial institutions are entering the space and building capabilities to manage tokenized securities. They all want a blockchain-agnostic and token-agnostic infrastructure. That’s exactly what Taurus provides.

The tokenization of real-world assets is a no-brainer at the root of the idea. The challenge is and always has been to build sufficiently advanced infrastructure to enable it,” said Colin Butler, Global Head of Institutional Capital at Polygon Labs.

A tokenization process involves converting something tangible or intangible into a digital token. Tokenizing tangible assets such as real estate, stocks or art is possible. It is also possible to tokenize intangible assets such as loyalty points and voting rights, as previously reported by Cointelegraph.

EU wants to create 100 deep tech unicorns in digital, green push

The European Commission launched a new initiative this week to help 100 deep tech startups become unicorns, as the bloc looks to accelerate growth in green and digital technologies.

“We will identify one hundred of Europe’s future tech champions, engage them, and provide them with support on their scaleup journey,” said EU tech chief Margrethe Vestager, who announced the EIC Scale Up 100 initiative at a deep tech conference in Stockholm yesterday.

Startups will be selected in areas that contribute to Europe’s green and digital transition such as climate, energy, digital, and health. “Supporting scaleups is not only our best chance to produce home-grown tech giants: it is a critical choice for digital and energy resilience,” said Vestager.

The European Innovation Council (EIC) will oversee the process. The Council, which Vestager likened to a “factory of European unicorns,” has already produced 12 startups valued at $1bn or more, such as Dutch vertifical farming startup Infarm and Swedish 3D bioprinting startup Cellink. The EIC has also produced 112 ‘centaur’ companies — firms with an annual recurring revenue exceeding $100m.

US, Europe working on voluntary AI code of conduct as calls grow for regulation

The United States and Europe are drawing up a voluntary code of conduct for artificial intelligence, a top European Union official said Wednesday, as the developing technology triggers warnings about the risks it poses to humanity and growing calls for regulation.

The voluntary code would bridge the gap while the 27-nation EU works on groundbreaking AI rules that won’t take effect for up to three years, European Commission Vice President Margrethe Vestager said at a meeting of the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council, which is jointly led by American and European officials.

Scientists and tech leaders warned that mitigating AI risks should be a global priority because it could lead to human extinction, according to a statement posted online Tuesday and signed by hundreds of experts.

The EU is at the forefront of the global movement to regulate artificial intelligence with its sweeping AI Act. The legislation is set for final negotiations, with political approval expected by year’s end.
edit on 3-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 12:16 PM
Shades of Pelosi. I'll leave this here and might come back for it later, I have things to do.
From: Washington Post and also copied Through Business Insider at MSN News
Quote will be from the WP story

The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how a man entered the home of President Biden’s national security adviser in the middle of the night roughly two weeks ago without being detected by agents guarding his house, according to three government officials.

The unknown man walked into Jake Sullivan’s home at about 3 a.m. one night in late April and Sullivan confronted the individual, instructing him to leave, two of the people briefed on the incident said. There were no signs of forced entry at the home, according to one of the people.

Sullivan has a round-the-clock Secret Service detail. But agents stationed outside the house were unaware that an intruder had gotten inside the home, located in the West End neighborhood of Washington, until the man had already left and Sullivan came outside to alert the agents, the two people said.

I wonder if the "guy" was in the home invited and got caught on the way out, or if the story is as it is written? At least we didn't have to deal with underoo pictures of Sullivan and a hammer-man.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 05:09 PM
The Enlightenment
edit on 6/3/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: linky

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

If Sullivan is telling the truth, the interior video cameras should verify what he said.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
If I go to your link on Opera I get forbidden. Brave it pulls up beta anyways. Malice. Ever research targeted individuals? Crazy stuff.
Bbl time to uninstall Opera (too bad I like watching YouTube ad free lol

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I don't know about targeted but my PC was under atack for the past 6 months or so. Daily attacks from known malicious IPs. Notice I said was...

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 06:44 PM
This made me laugh.

So I see the Gold Telegraph tweet. This being a Polarity Reality, I search "Iran has nuclear weapons..." and...

It is too easy, not fun anymore.

Interesting timestamps here.

Team Muskinator...

The Gauntlet went down on this one ^^^. Submit a request to have it published, let the truth stand?

Every Government Submission Department Today...

Evidently DarpaTube took off the restrictions on the "Election Deniers" for some reason.

Speaking of election, flashback time. Remember when we had to vote in person like this?

Remember when Joe Biden quoted Stalin, then got 81m votes, and Anons were told to STFU because the election was fair, because "there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud" being repeated on the teevee meme vending machine 1m times a day?

Remember when these two were the same people, wait, what? NVM.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Much like we all know Nancey has security cameras set up in her house but were never released. I bet Sullivan's footage won't be either.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Guyfriday

If Sullivan is telling the truth, the interior video cameras should verify what he said.

Sullivan was under attack at Durham time, means they have to make him a victim. Standard Operating Procedure, move that needle to the victim side as fast as possible no matter how stupid it looks.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:11 PM
This has probably been posted before but Eddie talks about Elections, Voting and trusting in a Higher Power.
[Skip to 12:14 for Election Speech]

Also, I live on the East Coast of Australia and had a dream a few nights back of a Tsunami of Water devastating the land. The difference being the water didn't come from the Ocean Side. It came smashing over the Great Dividing Range down towards the Coastline trapping everybody in it's path. I was on a boat and darted out to sea, then when I returned I was looking at the destruction down the side of the mountains. Then I was making plans to go up the mountains and look for survivors when a woman approached me saying her two kids were up there and I just hugged her and cried with her.

I don't know what it means but the BIblical element of all this scares the crap out of me.
edit on 3-6-2023 by YippiKyAA because: add time link

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
Installed Opera with new tablet and when I clicked on your qalerts link it was not a 404 it said FORBIDDEN.
Google based so I bet it's blocked on chrome.

Somehow targeted individuals came up on a feed while I was replying it's some interesting individuals so I just kind of subconsciously threw it in.


Buzzword bingo installed desanctimonius. Equity. Get to survive.

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 10:44 PM
Trillion-dollar Treasury vacuum coming for Wall Street rally

With a debt ceiling deal signed into law by President Joe Biden on Saturday renewed, the U.S. Treasury is about to unleash a tsunami of new bonds to quickly fill its coffers.

The negative impact could easily outweigh the after effects of the previous impasse on the debt ceiling. The Federal Reserve’s quantitative tightening program has already depleted bank reserves, while money managers are hoarding cash in anticipation of a recession.

Nikolaos Panigirtzoglu, strategist at JPMorgan Chase & Co, estimates that the flood of Treasuries will magnify QT’s impact on stocks and bonds, pulling about 5% below their combined performance this year. Citigroup Inc. Macro strategists offer a similar calculation, showing an average decline of 5.4% in the S&P 500 over two months could follow a liquidity decline of such magnitude, and a 37 basis-point blow to high-yield credit spreads.

The sale, set to begin on Monday, will rumble through every asset class as they claim the already shrinking supply of money: JPMorgan estimates a broad measure of liquidity to exceed $25 trillion by early 2023. $1.1 trillion will fall.

“It’s a huge liquidity drain,” Panigartzoglu says. “We’ve rarely seen anything like that. It’s only in severe crashes like the Lehman crisis where you see anything like that contraction.”

posted on Jun, 3 2023 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: YippiKyAA

PM for you.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Trillion-dollar Treasury vacuum coming for Wall Street rally

With a debt ceiling deal signed into law by President Joe Biden on Saturday renewed, the U.S. Treasury is about to unleash a tsunami of new bonds to quickly fill its coffers.

The negative impact could easily outweigh the after effects of the previous impasse on the debt ceiling. The Federal Reserve’s quantitative tightening program has already depleted bank reserves, while money managers are hoarding cash in anticipation of a recession.

Nikolaos Panigirtzoglu, strategist at JPMorgan Chase & Co, estimates that the flood of Treasuries will magnify QT’s impact on stocks and bonds, pulling about 5% below their combined performance this year. Citigroup Inc. Macro strategists offer a similar calculation, showing an average decline of 5.4% in the S&P 500 over two months could follow a liquidity decline of such magnitude, and a 37 basis-point blow to high-yield credit spreads.

The sale, set to begin on Monday, will rumble through every asset class as they claim the already shrinking supply of money: JPMorgan estimates a broad measure of liquidity to exceed $25 trillion by early 2023. $1.1 trillion will fall.

“It’s a huge liquidity drain,” Panigartzoglu says. “We’ve rarely seen anything like that. It’s only in severe crashes like the Lehman crisis where you see anything like that contraction.”

It's not like their isn't a plan being carried out...

Democratic congresswoman sold First Republic stock and bought JPMorgan just before bank sale, financial disclosures show

Frankel told CNN that her “account is managed independently by a money manager who buys and sells stocks at his discretion.” Congresswoman Frankel is not facing any investigations.


posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I have been following the oral polio vaccines that have been distributed in India and Africa with real concern.

#4600 & 4601
Sunlight kills.

This connects to the oral polio vaccine that is being unleashed in Africa. This oral polio vaccine is type 2 nOP[v2].
It appears that making two identical post directs our focus on India and Africa.

Shining the sun on this-

Outbreak of Polio Linked to Newer Oral Vaccine Detected in Africa.

"For the first time, cases of paralytic polio have been linked to the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 [nOPV2]"
More than evil.

They were perfecting it in India first.
India Oral Polio Vaccine

The number of children harmed in India is in excess of 400 thousand.

Checking in with the B & M Gates Foundation
Gates Foundation Pledges $1.2 billion to Eradicate Polio
"The initiative is trying to integrate polio campaigns into broader health services while it SCALES UP USE OF THE NOVEL ORAL POLIO VACCINE TYPE v2."

As you can see they are preparing to deploy this to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A few words from UNICEF on 8/11


posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: carewemust

In the face of 'the plan' a stumble.

FDA Withdraws Janssen Covid -19 Jabs

Now we need to roll up our sleeve and force the removal of Pfizer and Moderna jabs. I guess they went for the lowest hanging fruit first.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: carewemust

In the face of 'the plan' a stumble.

FDA Withdraws Janssen Covid -19 Jabs

Now we need to roll up our sleeve and force the removal of Pfizer and Moderna jabs. I guess they went for the lowest hanging fruit first.

Sadly, the head of a doctor's association testified last week that the number one question physicians are getting from patients is..."how do I get this vax COVID vaccine out of me?"

It was revealed two days ago that actor Jamie Foxx is now blind and paralyzed due to the COVID-19 vaccine.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: cimmerius

an intense heat wave that has left hundreds dead in the Pacific Northwest

Do you happen to have a link to the article? I couldn't find anything in my search.

I live in the PNW and this is the first I'm hearing of an intensive heat wave, let alone one causing hundreds of deaths. We've had a few days break past records by a degree or two, but nothing I'd consider 'intense' heat.

On the news tonight I saw where schools (eastern US?)were closed because of extreme heat-mid 90's. What did people do before air conditioning?

It's not unusual to get 110-115* temps for a couple of weeks each year where I live, and many of those years were without air conditioning. It just seems strange that so much emphasis is placed on what has always been normal.

I live in BC and nothing out of the ordinary here. Its been absolutely lovely but Ive heard further up north has been hotter though think still within the range of normal.

Was it last year those weather forecasts came out of Europe with normal summer temps. all in red and ringing alarms, whereas in the past those temps would be considered pleasant.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

We need to circle back to Gates funded Apeel. At this point any company funded by Billy is going to experience the kiss of death.
Apeel pAnIc

There may indeed be some confusion between different companies and products bearing the same name. I decided I would take a variety of fruits and vegetables coated with this sticky, unwashable coating to observe myself how this product works.

The experiment:
6 weeks in. Every piece looks exactly like when I purchased them. I haven't cut into any of them because I want to see how long this can go on. At least on the website they admit that it is to extend the shelf life but no mention on how it impacts the nutrients.
Whole Foods removed the sign informing customers about this product and what foods were affected. This cannot be washed off.
When the company quotes the FDA saying that it is safe my radar goes up. The only solution that I can see is to peel everything.
As I have said I have trust issues.

Checking in with gematria-Apeel Bill Gates
Looks like we hit the jackpot. 1111, Wormwood, Died suddenly.

posted on Jun, 4 2023 @ 10:30 AM

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: cimmerius

an intense heat wave that has left hundreds dead in the Pacific Northwest

Do you happen to have a link to the article? I couldn't find anything in my search.

I live in the PNW and this is the first I'm hearing of an intensive heat wave, let alone one causing hundreds of deaths. We've had a few days break past records by a degree or two, but nothing I'd consider 'intense' heat.

I just did a Bing search (Canada forest fires) and the text quoted was first entry on the results page.

It appears to me my mistake. I searched Canada forest fires and Canada heat wave deaths. Got plenty of results...

Results from 2021.
My apologies for sloppy work.

Ive always wondered why results arent filtered showing dates published. Even when Ive tried a search for an event that just happened the results of search will obscure todays events with all manner of events from other times. Very confusing and frustrating when researching but then there is the desire to throw people off the trail built into the system.

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