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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Your takes are always seemingly spot on.
We’ve passed the point of return. It’s simply not possible to go back and return the current state of government to how it was intended. The economy as well

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I haven’t yet seen any uptick in either yersinia or TB at our location but I’ll definitely keep an eye on the data. We have been seeing quite a reports of haemophilus influenza which is really a pastuerella bug and not an influenza at all. Also commonly resistant to penicillin

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Since Pfizer and friends know what they did with the jabs, aside from TB there is the HIV angle.

HIV Plan

The plan "Developing safe, effective, and affordable vaccines that can PREVENT HIV infection in UNINFECTED people is the NIH's highest research priority given its game-changing potential for controlling and ultimately end the HIV/AIDS plandemic."

Scrolling down a bit -Okay they even admit it may only be partially effective but than who cares.

Now checking in with the NIH

Oh good -
NIH Launch Clinical trial of 3 mRNA HIV Vaccines
Hmmm announced 3/14 [17]

Moderna is up to bat "manufacturing the investigational vaccines" that will be given at 11 different sites. Who are these 108 participants and why 108?
I haven't seen much written about the Scripps Consortium but any friend of Bill Gates deserves my full attention.

At this point we have passed "these people are stupid" to these people are evil.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

At this point we have passed "these people are stupid" to these people are evil.

They always were evil in my book.
Thank you for the links. I'll look into them over the weekend.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 01:39 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: socialmediaclown

I think those positions are partly based on survey groups, and a bit of a chess move to keep Trump (re)electable.

Plus, when the vaxx shtf fan Trump can act surprised, like everyone else!

We need to go back to two important books 'Warp Speed' by Paul Mango and 'Moonshot' by the one and only Albert Bourla.

I've been flowcharting between all the different books creating a timeline and what the reasoning of actions taken.

To summarize- when President Trump held a meeting with all of the heads of the different pharma companies the consensus was that therapeutics was the direction to take to deal with the plandemic.

That is until Pfizer became involved.

From the book Moonshot. From dark to light -Bourla sent his head of R&D Mikael Dolston. "He arrived in Washington, DC, a day early and was wrestling with the message we wanted to land with the Trump administration."
The meeting as held March 2, 2020 =11. The WHO declared Covid a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

"Mikael called me later that day to report on the meeting. He told me that most of the discussion was about treatments, not prevention. Tony Fauci seemed to be getting excited when I said we will go for a vaccine as well." Page 5

Fauci was the science expert and as such assumed the direction that would be taken. President Trump was not an expert at this and would have had no reason to doubt Fauci.
I did come across somewhere some leaked text messages from Fauci claiming to keep Trump in the dark and that he knew nothing about vaccines, so basically game on.

Something to ponder. Bourla made this decision as soon as he became CEO "the decision we'd made in 2019 to increase our investments in R&D and digital capabilities..." Almost as if they had a plan.

What is very clear in Warp Speed is that President Trump empowered the team, he did not take over and did not attend the detailed meetings. The big Q is where was Mike Pence? He is not named in the book at all and no mention of him attending these meetings.

Lots of moving parts. President Trump imho would never have mandated the jabs. It would have been a personal decision.
Also if he would have questioned this direction it would have been weaponized and even more people would have insisted on getting it because of TDS.
He knew he was in a viper pit but the depth probably exceeded his wildest dreams. He was deceived along with many other people into taking the jab. "We are all in this together" takes on a different meaning if you know what I mean.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I never really understood the depth of evilness because after all "Trust the science" was a thing. Have you ever noticed the spelling of science? The rule i before e except after c doesn't seem to apply to them.

I'm just wondering if the latest Mr. Pool post of the tsunami wave is telegraphing the tsunami of info coming out about the plandemic and the jabs along with other reveals.
More reveals.
They Won't Share

Imagine they are throwing out the expired jabs and will not share them with other researchers. Makes one wonder why, as if we don't know.

How clever "Moderna and Pfizer have full approval that would usually would allow researchers to purchase and study them
Here's where the contract comes into play -"The contracts specify that the vaccines can only be used for immunizing humans and violations in theory would create liability issues for the companies."

Tracking resignations Philip Krause, who worked for 11 years for the FDA resigned. Responsible for overseeing vaccines.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The FBI strikes again. I knew that something big must have been going on during the Jan 6th event.
FBI Release Documents About Nancy Pelosi's Father

If that wasn't enough-
All In the Family

Time for popcorn.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Like I said we have a tsunami on our hands. Lots and lots of popcorn is needed.

Remember Susan Wojcicki, CEO of Youtube resigned in February 2023. This is remarkable. A sudden change of heart. Youtube is restoring President Trump's channel.
YouTube Restores Trump's Channel

Lol... effective March 17th.

But wait there's more.
YouTube Reverses Election Misinformation Policy

There is going to be a tsunami of election fraud info incoming.
Susan Wojcicki Wiki
Dual citizenship I see.

Neal Mohan CEO of YouTube
Another 17.
He's baaack! Time to take our country back!

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 02:52 PM
It is not a cult, well, it is, but it is also Subliminal Programming. Going to be on teevee, get your approved of Fauxci swag and put in the view of the camera, all swag is provided by......, hmm, wait,,, who made all that swag and delivered it to the key people?

Remember this meme I made? Funny that...

Anons knew before it was admitted. Funny that. Chyna not China. Hunter, metabi- oh you know the story.

Bonus Flashback...

Bonus Bonus Flashback...

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Have you been following Evergrande?
From their recent filings $127 billion in debt.
Evergrande Details $127 Billion in Liabilities

This isn't going to end well for Blackrock and Fidelity.
Evergrande Collapse and Blackrock and Fidelity.

What about California's teacher's pension fund?
Focus on the California teacher's pension fund

I wonder what they have done.
Cali Teachers Pension Fund Braces for Write downs

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 04:34 PM

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Not quite sure what you mean about what I do for a living......

I thought they said he tripped on a sandbag. My question is why was a path no cleared for thr Prez? I tend to agree that the fall may have been to change direction of our attention.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

He just can't help himself. One of the books is 'Born in Blackness' by Howard French.

NO, he can't and what is so absurd is that becuse he is uber wealthy he is allowed to get involved in anything he wants. If we get the chance we the people need to demand to the next GOP Prez. that we want gates and the likes, shut down.

Also the title may also be symbolic of Bill Gates himself. Born evil.

I think you are spot on here!

In about a month I will be able to interact and hopefully contribute more, but for now thank you for all you do my friend T2!!!!!

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago6 by RookQueen because: spelling

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 07:44 PM
This is a pretty important graphic.

Remember when DJT met with Vlad privately and the eneMedia went nuts, FangFang demanding a transcript? Remember when DJT met with Kim, the eneMedia went nuts, saying it breaks protocol, as he must send an approved person to speak for him? Remember when Joe went to Saudi Arabia and was snubbed? Symbols matter.

To understand this ^^^, one must understand how Saudi Arabia really funded the entire IMF/US/NWO effort up until this, and why this image is so powerful, not Joe, not renOgade, not Roths, DJT.

Nothing is going backwards. Not possible, only a fool would think that or attempt to make it so. NCSWC, it is fairly obvious.

There is only one Q at this point for those with Eyes To See. Do we get the NWO version or the Liberation version?

To see which is leading, one only need to look at the symbols. So the NWO goons and ghouls control pretty much all of the legacy media, so, they will never ever ever ever suggest they are losing. Nope, they'll just double, triple down on the mind control and keep on keeping on. Who would blame them, it is the sole reason why they were created.

Agenda21 became Agenda30 and now is just simply Get It Done Today!!!

So, the NWO version "eat bugs, own nothing, no oil, only batteries, no farms, LGBTWLMNOP" is the eneMedia battle cry. Day in and day out, over and over again we see this. Closing down farms, closing up oil wells, battery cars, limiting meat consumption, prison cities. The Plans are all out there, yes, yes they are all out there is. Everyone can see the plans now, if they care.

This is a Polarity Reality, for the NWO version to even exist at all, the Liberation version must. That is an immutable fact. That version exists in two places, within Each Living Breathing SOULED Human Being, and in the BRICS+++ emerging reality.

To understand that we must return to the graphic but add context.

The NWO order goons and ghouls in that Western Alliance Graphic produce NOTHING of real use. They produce "things" related to money, or Humans As Currency. The Western World built weapons, and complicated "financial instruments" which is a fancy way of saying endless ways to "enslave through debt."

Back to the BRICS+++. Any sign the BRICS+++ folks have Greta on their Advisory Board of how to create the BRICS+++ system of a Level Playing Field and Multi-Polar World?

Assuming Greta is not a CEO of BRICS+++ Earth Sustainability and Inhabitability System Leading Us Into The Future, who is?

We can see by their entire make up: Oil stays. Farms Stay. LGBTQSTLMNOP are out. Food Stays. Shipping Stays. and so on.

See it? The BRICS+++ isn't being created to destroy every single thing that makes up BRICS+++ and bomb it economically back to the stone age by ending oil, farms and turning trans. Why bother? Just do the Sorosian Greta self destruction model and be done with it: they could have folded like the US in 2020-2021, but remarkably they are not quitting.

Who have we been told, under Team Joe, to demonize? Hmm. In an Inverted system, demonize those who are here to help. have you seen that anywhere before, in person? Champion those who are idiots: George Floyd, Greta, AOC, Castrudeau and Macron, and so on.

Nothing will go back, being the world's reserve currency system was created for control, we are the most taxed, indebted, beleaguered system in the world because of it. It was created to enable the Military, a Military used to bully the NWO resistors into compliance, to be ended when all was complete - making sure they'd never turn on the NWO goons and ghouls. "

Axis of Evil" were Holdouts to the IMF = we're bombing you or isolating you economically as of today.

We can see that happening now, as it was planned, but the problem is they failed the mission. One of DJT's biggest crimes: REBUILDING the Military, FFS, he used the GD term over and over again,,, REBUILDING, which begs the most obvious question of all: why destroy it at all, if russia russia russia is coming?

Seriously, NK and Russia were going to attack, day in and day out, Iran was terrorizing us, day in and day out, and renOgade was deconstructing the military? Of course he was, Agenda21 was supposed to happen in 2021.

Because Russia was never meant to come, and they are not now, BRICS+++ are just caging the goons and ghouls. Russia was always the problem, always, Stalin tried to kill it, the 80's USSR tried to kill it, renOgade and company tried to kill it, hell Vlad version 1.0 tried to kill it, but, alas, it was not meant to be.

So here we are, 49/51 or 51/49 in the NWO vs. Liberation Economic Reset sweepstakes.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Batter UP


IN the span of two weeks, nearly 30 children have vanished in Cleveland, sparking concern from a local police chief who said he hasn't seen anything like this in his 33-year career.

Truth Hurts But Silence Kills


posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I'm sorry I got you confused with someone else.

I was told he got tangled in cables, it was today that it's being blamed on sandbags. I think they should have kept with the cable story since alot of people have tripped on those, but a sandbag is kind of a hard thing to miss. Either way when an elderly person falls like that it can cause a lot of unforeseen damage to their insides at the joints. So a fake fall can be just as dangerous as a real fall.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

IN the span of two weeks, nearly 30 children have vanished in Cleveland, sparking concern from a local police chief who said he hasn't seen anything like this in his 33-year career.

Truth Hurts But Silence Kills


This is very troubling! With all the publicity from here to tv news about trafficking, I would think it would slow down but in Ohio is seems to be speeding up damnit!

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago6 by RookQueen because: spelling

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:30 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Symbols matter.

Just for fun:
"What country is Trump touching in this picture, and more to the point where is his index finger pointing?"

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Towards the beginning of winter, the lazier squirrels will rush in a panic to find as many nuts and seeds as it can before the first snow fall.

Clearly these people are trying to grab what they can, while they can.

posted on Jun, 2 2023 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Thats where its being reported .... Isolated?

edit on 622023 by MetalThunder because: NOt SHY


edit on 622023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

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