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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
here's an update on those Chinese Bio-Labs found in California.
From: MSN News

A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews with people who did business with Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI), a California medical supply firm, raises serious questions about its legitimacy and Chinese ties – as well as an apparently illicit biolab.

The underground biolab in the central California town of Reedley – population 25,000 – was discovered late last year and immediately set off alarm bells with local officials who said they were unaware of what was taking place inside the previously vacant warehouse.

As multiple local, state and federal governmental agencies continue to look into the biolab, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 20 different infectious agents inside the building, which was once used to package food. That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria interspersed with old lab equipment and slipshod storage, along with dead and dying mice in an overall unsanitary environment.

Lets reread that last part:

That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria

First, I'm sorry to say that I might have been wrong about Plague at Burning Man, but it does look like Dengue could be a possibility.

Secondly, Covid, TB, and reports of Malaria have been on the rise in recent months in the US. Could these have been a bio-attack on the US by China? Oh and to those who think that this was just a one off thing, the local Law Enforcement in the town where I live discovered a building that might be a Bio-Lab as well when they set out to bust an illegal birthing ring (one of those "be a tourist and give birth in the US, for Chinese Citizens only"). This is what a slow invasion looks like.

Well said.

Does anybody really still believe that anything escaped or was released from Wuhan? It makes zero sense to think something could spread that fast. So we have 2 things, either simultaneous release world wide, or nothing was and it's BS. But yes bio labs are everywhere around us pretty much.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:00 PM
With T1 in the house, what better place to share this..(telegram web link)
In short, E has posted formulas for each step below.

Let's begin with how they want to target you currently. The end result of -Project Sanguine- aka "project kill switch"

Step 1: Genetic Vulnerability Score (GV_GeneX) Calculation
Step 2: Virus Replication Rate (β) Calculation
Step 3: Viral Load Dynamics (dV/dt)
Step 4: "Smart Dust" Attachment Rate (γ)
Step 5: Bio-Data Transmission Rate
Step 6: Customized Bioweapon Creation (Genetic Modification)
Step 7: Remote Control of Bioweapon
Step 8: Targeted Population Impact (Epidemiological Modeling)
Step 9: Targeted Population Impact (Continued)
Step 10: Epidemiological Impact on Targeted Population
Step 11: Comparison of Targeted vs. Non-Targeted Impact

By utilizing these mathematical equations, we can quantify and compare the impact of a customized bioweapon on the population with the genetic marker "GeneX" (targeted) versus the population without the marker (non-targeted). This allows us to assess the effectiveness and consequences of a weaponized virus with absolute precision.

What you are looking at, is the full scientific breakdown of how they use smartdust as a biomonitering tool and then adapt viral agents around genetic biomarkers. Effectively allowing them to terminate people at will based off of unique markers that could be racial, gender oriented, or individualized etc etc.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
With T1 in the house, what better place to share this..(telegram web link)
In short, E has posted formulas for each step below.

Let's begin with how they want to target you currently. The end result of -Project Sanguine- aka "project kill switch"

Step 1: Genetic Vulnerability Score (GV_GeneX) Calculation
Step 2: Virus Replication Rate (β) Calculation
Step 3: Viral Load Dynamics (dV/dt)
Step 4: "Smart Dust" Attachment Rate (γ)
Step 5: Bio-Data Transmission Rate
Step 6: Customized Bioweapon Creation (Genetic Modification)
Step 7: Remote Control of Bioweapon
Step 8: Targeted Population Impact (Epidemiological Modeling)
Step 9: Targeted Population Impact (Continued)
Step 10: Epidemiological Impact on Targeted Population
Step 11: Comparison of Targeted vs. Non-Targeted Impact

By utilizing these mathematical equations, we can quantify and compare the impact of a customized bioweapon on the population with the genetic marker "GeneX" (targeted) versus the population without the marker (non-targeted). This allows us to assess the effectiveness and consequences of a weaponized virus with absolute precision.

What you are looking at, is the full scientific breakdown of how they use smartdust as a biomonitering tool and then adapt viral agents around genetic biomarkers. Effectively allowing them to terminate people at will based off of unique markers that could be racial, gender oriented, or individualized etc etc.

Looks like an attack on Gen X, I don't think it's working as they planned. Thank you for this, interesting. The "Remote control of bioweapon" caught my eye. Damn that 5G

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
With T1 in the house, what better place to share this..(telegram web link)
In short, E has posted formulas for each step below.

Let's begin with how they want to target you currently. The end result of -Project Sanguine- aka "project kill switch"

Step 1: Genetic Vulnerability Score (GV_GeneX) Calculation
Step 2: Virus Replication Rate (β) Calculation
Step 3: Viral Load Dynamics (dV/dt)
Step 4: "Smart Dust" Attachment Rate (γ)
Step 5: Bio-Data Transmission Rate
Step 6: Customized Bioweapon Creation (Genetic Modification)
Step 7: Remote Control of Bioweapon
Step 8: Targeted Population Impact (Epidemiological Modeling)
Step 9: Targeted Population Impact (Continued)
Step 10: Epidemiological Impact on Targeted Population
Step 11: Comparison of Targeted vs. Non-Targeted Impact

By utilizing these mathematical equations, we can quantify and compare the impact of a customized bioweapon on the population with the genetic marker "GeneX" (targeted) versus the population without the marker (non-targeted). This allows us to assess the effectiveness and consequences of a weaponized virus with absolute precision.

What you are looking at, is the full scientific breakdown of how they use smartdust as a biomonitering tool and then adapt viral agents around genetic biomarkers. Effectively allowing them to terminate people at will based off of unique markers that could be racial, gender oriented, or individualized etc etc.

Looks like an attack on Gen X, I don't think it's working as they planned. Thank you for this, interesting. The "Remote control of bioweapon" caught my eye. Damn that 5G

Just to add, what happens when they ramp up that 5G? Who is affected? It won't be the unvaxxed. Back to lurking.

Quick edit

5G combined with vax = MARBURG.
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: I care.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:23 PM

GeneX represents any genetic trait. It is a generic value placed where a specific genetic marker targeted would be.

You can see in the Allele frequency calculation followng how the expression of "geneX" or lack thereof is being tabulated in order to determine the efficacy or vulnerability of a specific person or subset.

edit on 9/5/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: dang links

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD

GeneX represents any genetic trait. It is a generic value placed where a specific genetic marker targeted would be.

You can see in the Allele frequency calculation followng how the expression of "geneX" or lack thereof is being tabulated in order to determine the efficacy or vulnerability of a specific person or subset.

Thanks again. Gen X in my opinion is not a genetic trait. I'm sure we have all seen the "X" appear so much lately. The thing with Gen X, they are the main fighters against the corruption, they're smart too, they passed it on to the Millennials, well some but enough.

Good luck with any nano on my brain the nano won't stand a chance, I'm still here after so many attacks.

I guess I should link this post to Q, protect your DNA. I would love to know what people think Ascension is.

Quick edit, I'm not in the U.S I'm in UK, I didn't get the smartdust, I got the stupid dust.

edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Damn dust

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 07:40 PM
PM Mountain Laurel

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 07:49 PM
PM creep thumper.
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: No edit. next PM for skyfloating

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Quick edit, I'm not in the U.S I'm in UK, I didn't get the smartdust, I got the stupid dust.

I get the feeling this isn't limited to the US. I mean, the CEE I A operates worldwide, right?

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: OveRcuRrEnteD
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Quick edit, I'm not in the U.S I'm in UK, I didn't get the smartdust, I got the stupid dust.

I get the feeling this isn't limited to the US. I mean, the CEE I A operates worldwide, right?

Yes but not anymore. I won't say the letters in this post but you avoided saying it for a reason. I respect that. I'll say it in the next.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:09 PM
The CIA is done, the FBI is done. I've been asked to elaborate several times. What you see next will explain why I didn't have to. THEY'RE DONE, ALL OF THEM.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:18 PM
PM skyfloating

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:33 PM
Some here are scared to mention CIA or FBI, I'm not.

How many here have seen an Angel face to face? I have.

Q says biblical and this thread goes politics. What's the point.
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: BS

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:42 PM
Ex-Google executive fears AI will be used to create ‘more lethal pandemics’

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder and former head of applied AI at Google’s DeepMind, said the use of artificial intelligence will enable humans to access information with potentially deadly consequences.

The darkest scenario is that people will experiment with pathogens, engineered synthetic pathogens that might end up accidentally or intentionally being more transmissible,” Suleyman said The Diary of a CEO podcast on Monday.

“They can spread faster or [be] more lethal…They cause more harm or potentially kill, like a pandemic,” he added, calling for tighter regulation on AI software.

Suleyman said his biggest fear is that within the next five years a “kid in Russia” could genetically engineer a pathogen and unleash it so as to trigger a pandemic that’s “more lethal” than anything the world has seen thus far.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 08:46 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
The CIA is done, the FBI is done. I've been asked to elaborate several times. What you see next will explain why I didn't have to. THEY'RE DONE, ALL OF THEM.

Apparently, this post gave the agencies a wobble..
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Did you see it? ATS was down

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby
It's not that I'm scared, just cautious. It's enough that I posted what I did since it is only in one other place(that I know of) at the moment. It's not necessary to sharpen the stick when poking the bear.
edit on 9/5/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: ...some claim E is a fraud

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:14 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby
Honest question, how do we protect our DNA? When we give blood? Unfortunately nas someone who has been doing Genealogy for over 25 yrs, I confess me and my brother have spit in the tube. It concerns me now that all these companies are using our contributions for the wrong reason.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:47 PM

originally posted by: GAPeach3
a reply to: Imbackbaby
Honest question, how do we protect our DNA? When we give blood? Unfortunately nas someone who has been doing Genealogy for over 25 yrs, I confess me and my brother have spit in the tube. It concerns me now that all these companies are using our contributions for the wrong reason.

I'm not sure how to reply to this as you have 25 yrs in Genealogy. I'll try but please understand I'm not a Doctor etc.

I was born in 1972, right before the vaccines were increased, and now ridiculous levels today. I know two people personally that were born in 1976, one is almost deaf and the other is special needs although when he was born he was ok, they both were. Their parents blame themselves when they're not to blame.

Look at the U.S vaccination and Autism over the years, it connects.

I used to give blood myself, I hope whoever got it woke up. They told me no smokes or beer for 2 hours, I went straight to pub with ciggy.

How to protect your DNA? Don't let anything near it. You can protect it by having children but read above.

There's also other things we can't see, I've communicated with Dash about this, he knows.

Hey Dash, me loves ya

The above is why I fight.
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 09:47 PM
edit on 5-9-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Mirror.

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