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posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 03:04 PM
October 4 is supposed to be the EBS test.
October 14 is a solar eclipse.

10 days

October 4th 1535 the Coverdale Bible (first “complete” Bible in English) is printed (488 years ago)

October 4th 1582 it was the last day of the Julian Calendar in Catholic countries. On October 5th the Gregorian calendar took effect under order of Pope Gregory XIII and became October 15th 1582. (441 years ago)

October 4th 1636 the first composed legal code in North America was introduced. guaranteeing citizens a trial by jury and that all laws were to be made with the consent of freemen (387 years ago)

October 4th 1774 the Town Meeting of Worcester, Mass declared that British rule was over and it was time to form a new government not answerable to the Crown and Parliment (249 years ago)

October 4th 1853 the Crimean War began as the Turkish, English, and French declared war on Russia (170 years ago)

October 4th 1957 Sputnik was launched (the first satellite into orbit) (66 years ago)

October 4th 1897 the George Bernard Shaw play “Devils Disciple” was the first theater premier in NYC (126 years ago)

October 4th 1921 the League of Nations refuses to assist starving Russians (102 years ago)

October 4th 1927 the sculpting of Mt. Rushmore begins (97 years ago)

October 4th 1940 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet at Brenner Pass in the Alps (83 years ago)

October 4th 1965 Pope Paul VI becomes the first catholic pope to leave Italy since 1809 and first to visit the Western Hemisphere, spending 14hrs in NYC to address the UN (58 years ago)

Russia, England, and France have all performed Nuclear tests on this day

October 4th 1974 Apple Records releases John Lennon 5th album “Walls and Bridges” #1 single “whatever gets you through the night” and #9 “Dreams” (49 yr ago)

October 4th 1991 the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty was opened for signature. It was enacted in 1998 and designates the Antarctic Continent as a “natural reserve, devoted to peace and science” (32 years ago)
Neither the Protocol nor the Antarctic treaty have a termination date
For the first 50 years of the treaty, it can only be modified by unanimous consent of all parties. After 2048 any party can call a review conference.

October 4th 2001 Siberia Airlines flight 1812 was downed by a Ukrainian missile. 78 killed.

October 4th 2006 Wikileaks is launched

Pivoting to historical events of October 14th

October 14th, 530. Discorus ends his reign as Catholic Anti-Pope (1493 years ago)

October 14th 1773 the UKs East Indian company tea ships cargo are burned at Annapolis Maryland (250 years ago)

October 14th 1933 Nazi Germany announces its withdrawal from the League of Nations (90 years ago)

October 14th 1939 German U boat sinks British Battleship HMS Royal Oak, 833 killed (84 years ago)

October 14th 1947 Chuck Yeager makes 1st supersonic flight (76 years ago)

October 14th 1949 14 US communist party leaders convicted of Sedition (74 years ago)

October 14th 1952 the UN General Assembly meets for the first time at its new headquarters in NY (71 years ago)

US, England, and Russia conduct more nuclear tests

October 14th 1960 the Peace Corps first suggested by JFK

As I was scrolling the Q drops to potentially relate any significance outside of 10 days of darkness and Red October I noticed Q post 2458 (November 7th 2018, which in Russian Calendars would be October 25th O.S. (Old style/julian) )

States: “red line on the anniversary of red October, now what are the odds of that. Q”

I brought up the Russian Calendar as red October actually happened on October 25th, led by Lenin. On 10/10/1917 OS they voted for a military uprising. (10/23/1917 NS)

October 14 1966 175 US warplanes bomb north Vietnam

October 14 1977 the band Kiss released their album “Alive II”

October 14 1977 RCA released David Bowies album “Heroes”

October 14th 1980 Ronald Reagan promises to name a woman to the Supreme Court

October 14 1982 Reagan proclaims war on drugs

October 14 1996 the Dow Jones closes over 6000 for the first time.

October 14th 2014 the WHO announces the Ebola virus death toll at 4,447

October 14 2017 Producer Harvey Weinstein is expelled by the academy of motion picture arts and sciences

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 03:28 PM
World War III has 'already begun', claims Ukraine’s security chief as conflict rages on

Ukraine's Danilov said: "If somebody thinks that it [the conflict in Ukraine] is about settling the scores between Kyiv and Moscow then it’s a mistake

Head of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, Aleksey Danilov, on Wednesday said that World War III "is already underway," as the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has dragged the other countries into the conflict. Speaking at the Kyiv Security Forum on September 5, Danilov said that the Western military alliance NATO would need Ukraine as a member amid the global turbulence which is in its full momentum. Kyiv "will strengthen the NATO further," said the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council. chief-as-conflict-rages-on-articleshow.html

WW3 fears surge as NATO member Romania confirms Russian drone exploded on territory

Defence minister Angel Tilvar told local news channel Antena 3 CNN that parts of what was most likely a drone were discovered in the eastern Tulcea county, an area of the Danube that forms a natural border between Romania and war-torn Ukraine.

“I confirm that in this area, pieces that may be of a drone were found,” he said, adding that the pieces didn’t pose a threat.

NATO are downplaying stray Putin missiles landing in their territory to try and avoid being drawn into WW3, expert warns - as Romania says Russian drone DID come down on their territory

NATO could be downplaying strikes on its own territory 'out of fear of escalation', a security expert has warned following Romania's U-turn on whether a Russian drone came down on its territory earlier this week.

Vlad Şutea, founder and lead analyst at early warning and threatcasting group T-Intelligence, exclusively told MailOnline that Romania 'either failed to effectively investigate the impact site or aimed to cover it up' after officials today confirmed parts of a Russian drone had landed in Romania on 3 September - after saying they did not. n-WW3-expert-warns-Romania-says-Russian-drone-DID-come-territory.html

Poland unveils HAASTA prototype for drone-on-drone warfare

The Polish government today rolled out a new armed, unmanned aerial vehicle concept aimed at countering smaller drones, known as the HAASTA, to kick off the annual MSPO defense trade show.

In the announcement, the government stated the design draws on “insights gained from recent years of combat operations” — a not-so-veiled reference to the Ukraine conflict, which Poland has been studying intensely. Design of the system follow a new standard, STANAG 4703, which sets airworthiness requirements for fixed-wing light unmanned aircraft.

U.S. military launches ICBM in display of nuclear forces' readiness

The U.S. military on Wednesday launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile from California in a display of the U.S. nuclear forces' readiness.

The Air Force Global Strike Command launch was successfully carried out at Vandenberg Space Force Base at 1:26 a.m. PDT.

The Airmen and Guardians who perform this vital mission are some of the most skilfully trained and dedicated personnel in America's Air Force," said Col. Bryan Titus, Space Launch Delta 30 vice commander. "These test launches demonstrate the readiness of U.S. nuclear forces and provide confidence in the lethality and effectiveness of the nation's nuclear deterrent."

edit on 6-9-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

MT, The photo of HRC and Laurence Rockerfeller, in your link, appears in post #295:

So we see that that post now shows:

a) Renegade's allegiance to Islam,
b) 2 grandchildren of Hitler; Renegade and Merkel. Hitler in turn was a Rothschild,
c) 1 daughter-in-law of Rockerfellers; with Bill Clinton being Laurence's son... and Chelsea his granddaughter,
d) Since Chelsea Clinton married Marc Mezvinsky, who is George Soros nephew,the Rockerfellers and Soros's are now all family,

We have researched the possibility of Theresa May, Angela Merkel and Dalia Grybauskaitė all being sisters and grandchildren of Hitler and hence Rothschilds.

So we have, potentially, 4 Rothschild/Hitler grandchildren... NONE OF WHOM HAD CHILDREN!!
(We have worked out Sacha and Maia are not renegade's).

Was this on purpose? Or is it the result of a weakening in THEIR DNA?

Is this why SOROS was allowed to become the 3rd family; alongside Rothschilds and Rockerfellers?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Guyfriday

I found myself believing the government figures about the number missing from the Lahaina fire but we were told to question everything.
The Numbers Do Lie

I'm finding evidence in the strangest of places- Linked In.
The number of children missing is more like 2000! Even one was too many.
The number is probably higher because who knows how many were being home schooled and so are not part of the school enrollment numbers.

I’m not in a position to have an informed opinion on how many children are really missing. But the way it is calculated may exaggerate that number.

My understanding is that they look at the number of kids enrolled in school before the fire and the number of kids now showing up at school after the fire. The difference is said to be the number missing.

But are they missing persons or just missing school? I’m thinking that families that have lost absolutely everything might have different priorities than making sure their kid doesn’t miss a day of class-- like finding food, water, and shelter just to survive, or going somewhere safe. School non-attendance numbers don’t necessarily equal dead or kidnapped numbers.

Sadly, there probably are many deaths not yet verified. We don’t really know yet. “Fog of war” or maybe coverup.

I also have to continually remind myself than there is disinformation on both sides of most of the issues we have discussed. Deniers, accusers, speculators, fake insiders, money-for-clicks grafters. Hope and doom both sell well.

I feel like following these issues has done wonders for my awareness of possibilities, but still somewhat less for my knowledge of truth.
edit on 9/6/2023 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 04:17 PM
Overlapping crises could fracture the global financial system

Global debt has hit unprecedented levels, weighing down a system still shaken by the pandemic. A shadow banking system of “non-bank financial intermediaries” emerged following the financial crisis of 2008, and now dominates about half of global financing. The unregulated financing attributable to NBFIs is about $240tn.

Meanwhile, the IMF and the World Bank struggle with their capacity to simultaneously tackle pandemic-induced deprivation and escalating climate change-triggered needs. Other risks, such as Russia’s war in Ukraine, add to the burden on the system. It is in this context that a worse-than-predicted climate crisis could bring the global financial system to its knees.

The 16 climatic tipping points, identified by a group of researchers in an article in Science, are triggers for a possible collapse in highly leveraged global financial markets. The markets, including regulators and central banks, have failed to integrate the physical, transition and liability risks from climate change into the observable market data.

World just endured its hottest summer on record. UN chief says ‘climate breakdown has begun’

The world just experienced its hottest three months on record by a substantial margin, according to the UN weather agency, prompting the UN chief to call for world leaders to take urgent climate action.

The UN's World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus on Wednesday announced that the June to August season of 2023 was the warmest such period in records that began in 1940.

"Climate breakdown has begun," UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement.

Scientists have long warned what our fossil fuel addiction will unleash," Guterres said, adding that "surging temperatures demand a surge in action."

The UN chief said that this latest global heat record must coincide with world leaders urgently pursuing climate solutions. "We can still avoid the worst of climate chaos – and we don't have a moment to lose," Guterres said.

The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, is the chief driver of the climate crisis.

Can Biden call a climate emergency to pause student loan payments?

Two questions have been trending all summer: Why is it so hot outside? And when is the student loan pause ending?

Climate change experts and student loan abolitionists believe the Biden administration can address both questions with one solution: declaring a national emergency for climate change.

Under the National Emergencies Act, enacted in 1976, President Biden could issue a declaration to address and combat climate change. This same act was used in 2020 by former President Trump to declare a national emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden could take immediate action on student debt relief by issuing a climate emergency,” the Debt Collective’s, the nation’s first debtor’s union, Thomas Gokey wrote in a perspectives piece for Reckon.

Gokey went on to explain: “This emergency declaration would allow state and local governments to take immediate action on climate change by limiting fossil fuel production and releasing government funds to be used on renewable energy. It also includes the ability to issue a new student loan payment pause, freeing up resources for millions of Americans grappling with the devastation of climate change.”

Calls for reform of global finance system dominate Africa climate talks

UN chief Antonio Guterres joined African leaders on Tuesday in demanding urgent reforms to the "outdated and unfair" global financial system, speaking at a landmark climate summit in Kenya aimed at showcasing the continent's green potential.

The Nairobi summit hopes to boost investment in renewables, with the UAE on Tuesday pledging $4.5 billion to accelerate Africa's clean energy transition as the continent's leaders look to reshape its economic narrative.

The three-day conference, which began Monday, has attracted heads of state, government and industry leaders from across Africa, as well as EU chief Ursula von der Leyen and US climate envoy John Kerry.

It is billed as an effort to define a shared African vision for green development on the diverse continent of 1.4 billion people ahead of the COP28 meeting in Dubai later this year.

Speakers at the Africa Climate Summit have doubled down on calls to reform global financial structures to align with climate goals, with leaders also urging more investment to support a push towards clean energy.

UN Secretary-General Guterres drew attention to Africa's unequal access to economic opportunities even as the continent bears the brunt of climate-related disasters despite contributing the least to global warming.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

Is this why SOROS was allowed to become the 3rd family; alongside Rothschilds and Rockerfellers?

Trusted servants of the Swiss Banking Families. I wonder who the Swiss Aristocracy trusts?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: G005E

G005E, synchronicity time!

As I was scrolling the Q drops to potentially relate any significance outside of 10 days of darkness and Red October I noticed Q post 2458 (November 7th 2018, which in Russian Calendars would be October 25th O.S. (Old style/julian) )

States: “red line on the anniversary of red October, now what are the odds of that. Q”

I've been investigating the smaller islands in the Hawaiian chain and found one called NECKER ISLAND. The name alone stands out because there is another Necker island, owned by Richard Branson, in the Virgin islands, close to Epstein's island. We have covered in the thread that the latter island is thought to perform the equivalent function of Epstein's island for royals.

Anywho, the Hawaiian Necker Island has these intriguing snippets:

As late as the early 1890s, the Kingdom of Hawaii's claim to Necker Island remained in dispute, and the United Kingdom was considering the island as a potential waypoint location for a submarine communications cable between Canada and Australia[27] as part of the British Empire telegraph network known informally as the ALL RED LINE.

(Re read 9 posts with RED LINE to see that the 4am talking points may be circulated via this telegraph system!)

According to the oral traditions of the people of Kauai, which lies to the southeast, Necker Island was the last known refuge for a race of mythical "little people" called the Menehune. According to the legend, the Menehune settled on Necker Island after being chased off Kauai by the stronger Polynesians and subsequently built the various stone structures there.

MENEHUNE hebrew gematria = 333

Why did they have to chase off a race of midgets? Perhaps because they were kidnapping children for adrenochrome and food?
Pictures of the island show that the island is BASALT with pinkish strata of PORPHYRY... like Epstein's island. It also has midget sized standing stones - only 0.5m tall!

Hawaiians visited from Nihoa and other nearby islands to worship at religious sites without establishing any permanent settlements.

Necker has 55 currently known sites including 33 ritual sites called heiau

(Something doesn't add up here... Why would you chase off a different race of "little people" but then visit their religious sites???)

I found the above after an Instagram video found that the 10 missing school busses from Lahaina may be disguised as cargo containers on Larry Ellison's LANAI island... Would you believe this has a connection to the Necker island "little people":

The Hawaiian-language name Lānaʻi is of uncertain origin, but the island has historically been called Lānaʻi o Kauluāʻau, which can be rendered in English as "day of the conquest of Kauluāʻau". This epithet refers to a legend about a Mauian prince who was banished to Lanai because of his wild pranks at his father's court in Lāhainā. The island was said to be haunted by Akua-ino, ghosts and goblins that Kauluāʻau chased away, bringing peace and order to the island and regaining his father's favor as a consequence.

(I wonder if the infamous Colonel Aquino named himself after the Akua-ino goblins?)

It is colloquially known as the Pineapple Island because of its past as an island-wide pineapple plantation.

Sooo... GOBLINS... PINEAPPLES (pineal gland symbolism)... Is this island where the practice of Adrenochrome drinking and cannabalism started? Did the goblins then become the pygmy races in Indonesia? Or did they come FROM Indonesia? Recall we've dug into the HOMO FLORESIENSIS, from FLORES island, that were only 1 metre tall. Recall also the theory that Renegade's real father was the President of Indonesia.

Lanai island is also APOSTROPHE shaped... Recall all the POTUS45 tweets and Q posts using 's to signify APOSTROPHE = HOOK. Consider Captain HOOK from Peter Pan; capturing children. Is Larry Ellison the latter day Captain Hook?

Lastly, recall that I posted a weird underwater TRYPTYCH under an island close to Maui... Well would you believe that Larry Ellison's Lanai island is the island between Maui and the Tryptych?

I feel the items above may require more digging to find more joins.

edit on 6-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:46 PM
The tech billionaires trying to build the California Forever ‘utopia’

Moy, a local politician who is now Fairfield’s mayor, was told that the mysterious organisation was raising hackles by secretly buying up tens of thousands of acres of rural land.

After some digging, she found that the firm, a Delaware-incorporated corporation whose registration means it does not disclose its backers, had offered sellers several times the market rate for purchases, spending $800m (£630m) on property and becoming the largest landowner in the local county.

Last week, the New York Times revealed that some of Silicon Valley’s most famous investors were behind the company, which aims to build at least one and as many as three new cities in the region.

Michael Moritz, the Welsh-born billionaire who invested in Google and Yahoo; Marc Andreessen, the Netscape founder and Facebook investor; Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs; and Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, are reportedly among the venture’s financiers. Sir Michael has been deeply involved, sounding out co-investors as early as 2017 for a vision of a walkable metropolis powered by renewable energy.

Jeffrey Berns, a cryptocurrency millionaire, has bought up thousands of acres of Nevada desert as part of plans to build a smart city named Painted Rock that would run on blockchain technology. A spokesman for the county told Bloomberg that there had been no updates on the project since local commissioners voted against a proposal for a new government.

California-based firm set to build a sustainable mega smart city

The Californian company recently went public and announced the launch of a new solar-based community from scratch that stretches across 55,000 acres of land in Solano County.

California Forever's new website depicts Mediterranean-styled homes and solar-based-agricultural activities. The people living in the county were illustrated cycling instead of driving.

The company is collaborating with Solano residents, elected officials, and other Solano stakeholders, including Travis Air Force Base, businesses, the agriculture sector, educators, police, the fire department, conservation agencies, and many others.

This announcement comes after The New York Times on Friday reported that Jan Sramek, a 36-year-old former Goldman Sachs trader, utilized $800 million in funding from prominent tech industry investors. The investors acquired more than 100 unexplained parcels of land through an entity known as Flannery Associates LLC.

The Times named the partners – Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn co-founder; venture capitalist Michael Moritz; Laurene Powell Jobs, the founder of the philanthropic group Emerson Collective and wife of the late Steve Jobs; Marc Andreessen, the investor and software developer; Patrick and John Collison, the sibling co-founders of the payment processor Stripe; and the entrepreneurs Daniel Gross and Nat Friedman.

The project plans to establish a new sustainable city with architectural homes of various sizes and costs in walkable neighborhoods near shops, schools, and open spaces around the community. They added that it could bring “thousands of permanent, good-paying local jobs” and a large solar farm.

Brian Brokaw, the spokesperson for California Forever, stated: “We are grateful to our elected officials for allowing us the chance to discuss our vision to deliver good-paying jobs, affordable housing, walkable communities, clean energy, sustainable infrastructure, open space and a healthy environment.”

Energy, transportation, water, and wildfire protection is the undertaking’s responsibility. The company emphasized that Eastern Solano benefits from existing transmission lines that could make it possible to build a large solar farm. This would initiate hundreds of jobs and accelerate California’s transition to clean energy.

edit on 6-9-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Dang.. lots of interesting theories in there. Makes me grateful to be back on ATS.

but that Goblin, islands, indonesia thing hmmmmmmm

Makes me wonder how the Mongol horde might intersect here

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Cheers Rel! I never know what to make of my date stuff but always feel compelled to add it for precisely these reasons! Other people see something and expand

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: TimeTravelX11

We need a language etymology expert to link Mongol Menehune !!

Or could the mongols have been split in two with Northern half going to Kazahkstan > Ukraine, and Southern half being chased down the chain of islands from indonesia to Hawaii?

What I didn't touch on is the possibility of the Goblins/Menehune being underground creatures... much like the Dwarves in Lord of the Rings... which leads on to the potential of them being the original tunnel builders.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: G005E

Very glad you followed your gut and posted it G005E!

Let's see if others can expand on any of the points.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 08:56 PM

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Thanks for info, T2

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Words say a lot.
Both from Websters

1 often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
2: an impractical scheme for social improvement
3: an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

But what they always promise is, Eutopia

: a country of ideal felicity and perfection

While Eutopia is often stated as utopia, one must wonder how highly educated and wealthy people could possibly get the two confused. The difference and word use does seem to be intentional. It's best to know the difference of what they want.

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 11:39 PM
Dan Scavino with a 1:13 min video tweet at 4:57 am UTC (23:57 EST or 3 mins to midnight):

See Law of war manual 11.3 and these 7 posts with 11.3.

In particular 11.3 =

11.3 - Podesta indicted
Proof to begin 11.3
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8696f9 No.172761 📁
Dec 25 2017 14:40:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a3a6a3 No.172726 📁
Dec 25 2017 14:34:01 (EST)
Merry Christmas Q!

Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a BIG way.
God bless you all.

Monday Sept 11th is supposed to be the true birthday of Jesuys Christ and hence Christmas Day.

EO13848 re election interference is due to expire Tuesday 12th!

Looking like a busy weekend!!
edit on 6-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 11:11 AM
Yestreday morning someone tried to get into my FB account. Just a few hours ago someone tried to access my microsoft account. Surely it's just a coincidence...right? My point is, I won't be following up on my latest posts and make sure your accounts are secure before posting certain things.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

.....the hottest summer since 1940. Which means absolutely NOTHING on a planetary scale. Thats literally like a second to us. I am positive that there have been much hotter summers relatively recently.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

"So we have potentially 4 Rothschild/Hitler grandchildren...NONE OF WHOM HAD CHILDREN."

Maybe this explains this-

Treasures from the Rothschild collection to be auctioned off

What is really strange is that it is being held in New York rather than Europe which I would expect might have a keener audience for that collection. Probably nothing to see here but the sale starts October 11th.
#1011 comes to mind.

The image of Obama with the 4 fingers and the gold ring.
Chuck Grassley tweet

Maybe a coincidence but Grassley is showing the same.
4 fingers with one pointing and a DQ Snickers Blizzard. The Storm.

Now we have Obama and his sexual orientation and drug use being revealed by Tucker.

Using his numbers he had 99 county meetings in August [8]

The "Chair" serves the Master.
Who is the Master?

Gematria dairy queen snickers blizzard

The Truth Will Set You Free, You Have More Than You Know, Enough is Enough is Not Enough.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

You have a point. I have been listening to Santa Surfing who is in Maui. You will find this very informative.

Santa Surfing More Evidence

It is rather chilling how the police redirected the traffic to head into the danger zone. I'm not really buying into the shark release but that private road that is owned by Oprah is going to become a big problem. She then has OW LLC purchasing land parcels which rather smacks of symbolism. These people are more than sick.

This will break your heart

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