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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: carewemust

Closest we've got to a dk interpretation is did knowingly... could it possibly point to one of the dakotas too?

I like "did knowingly" because that fits in with how Q frequently emphasized how top level crooks KNOWINGLY inflicted damage on society, to achieve their selfish goals. (Ref: )

Thank-you (once again!) RelSciHistItSufi.

edit on 9/3/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox


edit on 3-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 08:20 PM

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 09:16 PM
Dengue Fever

edit on 3-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I'd forgotten about the dk 93 day seed so cheers for the reminder!

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Could also be pneumonic plague.
From: CDC of all places

Pneumonic plague: The incubation period of pneumonic plague is usually just 1 to 3 days. Patients develop fever, headache, weakness, and a rapidly developing pneumonia with shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and sometimes bloody or watery mucous. Pneumonic plague may develop from inhaling infectious droplets or may develop from untreated bubonic or septicemic plague after the bacteria spread to the lungs. The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock. Pneumonic plague is the most serious form of the disease and is the only form of plague that can be spread from person to person (by infectious droplets).

And from: Health Line

Pneumonic plague symptoms may appear as quickly as one day after exposure to the bacteria. These symptoms include:

trouble breathing
chest pain
overall weakness
bloody sputum (saliva and mucus or pus from the lungs)

What would have happened if people at Burning Man got sprayed by "some playful people in costume"?
Could something have been added to the rain through "Crop Dusting" the Playa while the rain was happening.

Of course this could all be some type of scare tactic too, but something is off and it would be horrid (though after the vaccine tests, nothing surprises me) if this is what -Q- meant by "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......." Suppose these 70,000 people at Burning Man were being used to infect their neighbors and fellow employees. What if that failed by the virus being to active than expected?

I wonder if a lot of those people that sold their tickets at a discount knew, or had a feeling about something off this year? I remember a story out of New York about people not wanting to go this year for some reason, and it reminded me of the people that called in sick to work on September 11th '01. Maybe something in New York is different than else where.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 10:57 PM

Phil Godlewski reporting that:

1) US Treasury has been given a 21 trillion dollar check to pay off US recoverable debt,

2) Liens of 999 Trillion placed against each cabal state level corporation to stop them being able to pay anything and hence operate,

3) Same for other countries and thought to have happened on Sept 1st.

4) Says he's going to show the actual US 21 Trillion check soon,

5) The money has come from the White Hat world alliance. I assume this includes gold recovered etc., Various trust like St Germaine, Rodriguez.

6) Hinting strongly that EBS is very close as a result of above.

Phil Godlewski rumble live Sept 3rd
(From 40:50 mark to get straight to the nuggins)

edit on 3-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 11:47 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

We say that anything is possible at this point.

posted on Sep, 3 2023 @ 11:47 PM
edit on 3-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

edit on 4-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Like the inflation of these guys ego.

Nobody told them that all good things must end.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 06:20 AM
4 heart attacks 2 Save 1 life

“There were five cardiac arrest deaths in the vaccine group and only one in the placebo group. What that means is that if you take that vaccine, you’re [five times] more likely to die from a fatal cardiac arrest over the next six months than if you don’t. What it also means is that for every life they save by preventing a death from COVID, they are killing four people from cardiac arrest.”

a reply to: Thoughtful2

On Jan 6th, 2021, a known Ukraine Neo-Nazi spy was identified in front of the U.S. Capitol, and additionally confirmed to be a Ukrainian spy by the FBI in an interview with January 6th Defendant Jacob Chansley
@AmericaShaman, also known as the Q-Anon Shaman

Lara if you're reading this how bout some recognition next time way back machine
Guess they know why UKR is getting our tax dollars
This is new

Kent R. “Boneface” McLellan, 33, of Deltona, was arrested May 20, 2023 and charged with burglary with assault or battery. Bail was not set.
Now he’s a CIA asset who is working to recruit Nazis to join the Azov Batallion.
He made a deal with the CIA to be an informant in exchange for not going to jail for trafficking meth amphetamines

edit on 2023/9/4 by CrazyFox because: [DenmarK]

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

How many have died from the vaxxine ?

Interesting question. Remove how and it becomes an answer.
Too bad Hunter's psychiatrist cannot testify, maybe his neurologist.

respect authorities
edit on 2023/9/4 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 08:40 AM
Just noticed that the new covid variant is:

BA.2.HF (High Frequency)

Relates to theories that payloads in the vaccines break out of lipid nanoparticles after 5G HIGH FREQUENCY bursts.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:09 PM
Jogging accident... LAME! 2/10 and that's being generous. Fainting by pretzel... now that was legendary.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex

Was wondering if someone would mention this!

Yep, got his "black eye".


posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Well I'm reading through the book recommended by President Trump- War By Other Means.

President Trump could not have had a better national Security Advisor than General Kellogg. He has a tremendous amount of military experience ranging from Vietnam and other hot zones including 911.

He helped prepare the speech that Trump gave at The Center for the National Interest made on Aril 27, 2016.
Trump Speech about new foreign policy. youtube

It was rather hidden.

He knew exactly what Obama had done to the country.
"-Obama weakend our military by weakening the economy. He's crippled us with wasteful spending, massive debt, low growth and a huge deficit and open borders.
-Obama gutted our missel defense program, and then abandoned our missel defense plans with Poland and Czech Republic.
-He helped the Muslim Brotherhood expand.
-Obama allowed China to continue its economic assault on American jobs and wealth, refusing to enforce trade rules or apply leverage wrt NK.
- Obama allowed China to steal government secrets and engage in industrial espionage.
-He allowed the nuclear weapons to atrophy and is in desperate need of modernizatioin and renewal. Military forces shrunk from 2m to 1.3 million. Airforce is 1/3 smaller than 1991, along with aged 52 bombers. Ships went from 500 to 272.

It's almost as if Obama didn't like us.

If Obama's goal had been to weaken America he couldn't have done a better job."

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Since you know so much about the political side can you shed more light on this.
From the book general Keith Kellogg makes it very clear that Paul Manafort was not a positive for president Trump's campaign.
Apparently he was not interested in anything to do with national security nor anything about effective management. He felt those issues were not really important wrt the election. He was deep in on Washington DC way of doing things.

He was one of the key people who really pushed for Mike Pence to become VP along with Kellyanne Conway. We see how well that turned out.

I just wonder if he was involved with who was selected to be President Trump's national security advisors. General Kellogg had years of experience and was very highly connected. Of the five named Kellogg only knew one person- Walid Phares [anti terrorism]. The remainder- Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Joe Schmitz he had never heard of. Sam Clovis apparently assembled this team but perhaps Paul Manafort had a hand in the selection. Page 67.

What is your impression of Paul Manafort?

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I have more questions than answers now.

Shadow of Ezra tweet

If they are successful at removing President Trump as a candidate can people just write his name in? If he had the majority could he be elected a President?

President Trump- Calls on Vaccine companies to release the safety data

Things are heating up. Now we have Robert F Kennedy Jr as a democratic candidate calling for the same thing. He might have to become a write in candidate as well. Things are going to get interesting.

If they are both write in candidates that would mean the ballots would have to be manually tabulated. No smartmatic machines. This might be a potential go around.

This safety data is enormously important before another booster is unleashed upon the population. The big Q now is why isn't Bidden calling for the same release of safety information???

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

This safety data is enormously important. Going through Jikkyleaks and the mouse army we have some very serious ripening of the cheese.

Mandy Cohen became the Director of the CDC on July 10 ]17] 2023. She must have had a myocarditis/ pericarditis heart event. 3 days later this happened, approved by Mandy Cohen.

Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Report 13-17-19

How can they possibly expect to get away with this- just stop reporting using some * excuse?

The level of corruption is breath taking.
Jurassic Carl Tweet- Roar

Friends with benefits. What can we expect when they see the corruption at the very tip top? They can just get by with no accountability. anything goes.


These FOAI requests and the redactions are making a mockery of a system that is supposed to work. The amount of work this Mouse Army has done is amazing and they were censored for over two years when the public really needed to understand the danger of these jabs.

Can you imagine what is being done with the cancer data? There is a statistical significant increase but is that data even accurate?

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