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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Lots and lots of questions today.

Fact Sheet: HHS Announce intent to Amend the declaration under the PREP ACT for Medical Countermeasures Against Covid-19

Okay they have extended this to December 2024.
This deals with pharmacists and others connected in administering the Covid jab and tests.

Why has influenza been included??? Flu jabs have been given for years and now suddenly they are being included in the PREP ACT until December 2024. Something is not right here. It could be that co-administrating may be even more dangerous.

Now we have these same pharmacies giving children $5 to take a jab. There is something really off here.

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Just something to file in the recesses of our minds....

metallion made a thread [] detailing a massive shipment of supplies to a local school district.

Enough air purifiers for every classroom doesn't seen like a bad idea, and schools have been doing this since 2021 but what does seem odd is the amount of garbage bags, paper towels and kitty litter-far more than what the district could possibly hope to go through.

Perhaps TPTB are expecting a serious gastro-intestinal flu this year, even though predominate flu varieties don't usually get identified until much later in the season.
edit on 100000044America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

The Roosevelt Hotel in NYC has 1,025 rooms and American taxpayers are currently paying for every one of those rooms to be filled by illegal immigrants - At a cost of $6,000 per family of illegals, per month

currently paying for every one of those rooms to be filled by illegal immigrants - At a cost of $6,000 per family of illegals, per month

posted on Sep, 4 2023 @ 11:54 PM

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Mind if I add some thoughts?
From: New York Post

Jill Biden, 72, is “currently experiencing only mild symptoms,” her communications director Elizabeth Alexander said in a statement.

“She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,” Alexander added.

The first lady, who previously received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as well as a pair of booster shots, has tested positive for the coronavirus at least twice before.

Joe Biden, 80, was administered a COVID-19 test Monday night following the first lady’s positive test, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Does Cocaine use affect the Covid Tests? I only ask because that magic baggie that was left at the White House was not for Hunter according to sources in the know.

Then this beautiful tid-bit,

Jill Biden, 72, is “currently experiencing only mild symptoms,” her communications director Elizabeth Alexander said in a statement.

“She will remain at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware,” Alexander added.

The first lady, who previously received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine as well as a pair of booster shots, has tested positive for the coronavirus at least twice before.

Joe Biden, 80, was administered a COVID-19 test Monday night following the first lady’s positive test, according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Keep talking,

The first lady’s first positive COVID-19 test occurred on Aug. 16, 2022, after developing “cold-like symptoms” near the end of the first family’s stay on Kiawah Island, S.C.

She once again tested positive in a “rebound” case of the virus on Aug. 24, 2022, but experienced “no reemergence of symptoms.”

Is it too early to call her "Covid Jillian"?

Funny how Joey-Joe wants to create a new vaccine and suddenly as that Jill comes down with it. I bet she'll get some experimental med that clears her right up, and that will be proof enough to force it on everybody right before elections.

edit on 5-9-2023 by Guyfriday because: Had to fix the part where I sounded like a drunken monkey.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Dr Jill may be catching Covid more frequently because of her teaching job at Northern Virginia Community College. One would expect her to be more than fully occupied being First Lady or keeping a close eye on Biden.

Jill Biden Becomes First lady to work Outside the Whitehouse

I'm wondering now - her close connection with the leaders of the teachers union might have had a big influence on how the schools administrators responded during the plandemic. The leaders of the teacher's union could connect directly with Dr. Jill and her being one of the gang would be 100% on board.

But this goes deeper. I was speaking with a teacher and asked whether there were plans to do some summer school to help students catch up. The answer- no way, we love our summers off. A tin foil hat moment but the Biden family are highly compromised and what better way to continue to inflict more damage by keeping the children behind while China keeps driving more intensive education at earlier ages.
Ted Cruz brought his issue up and was asking the question- why isn't this issue being addressed?

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Another tin foil hat moment around the Burning Man Festival -

Balen cia ga Fashion Show

This is really a weird way to have a fashion show.
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal "Rain and Mud Test Spirits of Festival goers" on page A3=13.
It sounds like it must have been a miserable experience. It being held was in really poor taste considering the recent fire in Maui.
"On Monday, with sunshine returning, Burning Man organizers said they began allowing the thousands still stuck to gradually file out, an annual rite known as the exodus around 2 p.m. local time.
Scores of vehicles lined up across the desert as they attempted to leave and traffic was at a standstill on Monday afternoon, with attendees preparing to wait hours to exit."

Why does this have the feelz of Exodus from the bible?
Rain and Mud Test Sprits of Festival Goers

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

We need to circle back to the Bill Gates backed Oxitec GM mosquitoes projects.

A first for Paris

So the mosquito release was probably done in 2017 or 2018. Give it a few years because a plan takes time. Just amazing the timing around all of this. Just in time for Covid 2.0 and what better way to deal with those pesky protestors.

What about Maui?
Mosquitoe Suppression - Maui

When does a bird sing? What- another coincidence. There just happens to be 17 bird species that are considered at risk.
I wonder how many other countries have had these "helpful" releases?

A bit more about Maui and the fire.
I ndependent Investigator for the Maui Fire

I'm going to try and keep my skepticism in check. The subliminal blue beam at the bottom of the screen is rather distracting. Almost like it is suggesting a DEW or that we have fun and games ahead with Project Bluebeam.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 12:26 PM
93dk - noticed this being discussed here again and something just popped up in my newsfeed that could be related:


Currently leading ECOWAS is Nigerian President Bola Tinubu. Tinubu has earned plaudits in the West as a defender of democracy and someone not willing to let another country be taken over by the army. Yet Hundeyin was highly critical of his actions, describing him as someone who is “acting as a diplomatic puppet and seems determined to drag Nigeria into a war which nobody wants.”

Tinubu made his fortune from trafficking heroin in Chicago and had hundreds of thousands of dollars seized by the U.S. government. There are many other U.S. cases against Tinubu that have never seen the light of day, prompting many to speculate that he is an American intelligence asset.

Timeline of how Tinubu’s ‘buried’ drug case resurfaced

Due to a 1993 Illinois court judgment, Tinubu forfeited $460,000 in two of his bank accounts.

The forfeiture was the outcome of an investigation that linked over $2 million in several of Tinubu’s bank accounts to proceeds from the heroin trafficking of Adegboyega Mueez Akande and Abiodun Agbele, Chicago drug kingpins.

January 1992, Tinubu became the subject of a US federal investigation into heroin trafficking and money laundering in Illinois, Chicago.

July 26 1993

Signed copies of the US court document show bank accounts in Tinubu’s name were linked with drug trafficking and money laundering.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I've been trying to sort out what is happening in California and we may have something here.

Retail workers Could be Fined $18K for Who Do Not Accommodate Shoplifting

This is ridiculous but fits with the trend of destroying California. Connecting some dots here -
illegal immigration, rampant drug use, violence, crime, stores closing, empty office buildings, residents fleeing the state, over dependence on solar energy, fires, gender changing surgeries, destructive water policies, sky high taxes, homelessness, broken school systems. Looks like a total planned collapse.

What if the main goal is to make things so unbearable that on mass people flee the state? The EV truck mandate is especially concerning because that would impact the food supply at the same time.

Who would benefit if California is seriously weakened?

Now add in that China is building a deep water port in Peru which is on the west coast of South America - completion date sometime in 2024. That port is large enough to hold an entire Chinese Task force. Really not that far from Cali. The claim is it is for container shipping but the book "The Indictment" by Frank Gaffney highlights the deeper concern of how it can be repurposed.

Chinese Port in Peru Youtube

Feinstein, Pelosi, Newsome, Harris have been hard at work. Bill Gates, best friends with President Xi has been no slouch either. Plus we can't forget about Silicon Valley.

Imagine if China got a physical foot hold on the U.S. mainland.
Just too many pieces fit. They unleashed Covid on us, then the mRNA jabs and then under the cover of Covid started building that port.

A great deal of effort has gone into brain washing the people in that state. Ever since reading about that port this has been nagging at me.
Now add in the forced jabbing of our military.
Anyway this is just a conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Some more about the Maui fires. Wallstreet Apes is being seriously censored but I found a round about.


If this is true this looks really bad. Why censor WallStreet Apes twitter account unless over target?

Another source.
USA Today

We can use some hopium. Here it is.
Horsedewormer Indeed

The courts take forever but finally-
"The ruling goes on to say the 'FDA can inform, but it had identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers 'stop' taking medicine. And finally, 'Even tweet- sized doses of personalized medical advice are beyond the scope of the FDA's statutory authority."

Robert Califf heads the FDA. I wonder what he's up to these days?
Robert Califf - Pfizer North Carolina Plant

It's just so convenient that he just can't tell us what drugs Pfizer was making at the plant, but we know it is less than 10 drugs.
Disclosure rules- ha.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:40 PM
Return of US nuclear weapons to UK would be an escalation, says Russia

The Russian foreign ministry has said Moscow will view any move to return US nuclear weapons to the UK as an escalation and will respond with “countermeasures” for its own security.

The foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova was responding to a report last week about an item in the 2024 US air force budget for building a dormitory at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk for personnel on a “potential surety mission” – military jargon for nuclear safety and security. It raised the prospect of the return of US nuclear weapons to British soil for the first time in more than 15 years.

If this step is ever made, we will view it as escalation, as a step toward escalation that would take things to a direction that is quite opposite to addressing the pressing issue of pulling all nuclear weapons out of European countries,” Zakharova said.

“In the context of the transition of the United States and Nato to an openly confrontational course of inflicting a ‘strategic defeat’ on Russia, this practice and its development force us to take compensating countermeasures designed to reliably protect the security interests of our country and its allies.”

Increasing Evidence That The US Air Force’s Nuclear Mission May Be Returning To UK Soil

New U.S. Air Force budgetary documents strongly imply that the United States Air Force is in the process of re-establishing its nuclear weapons mission on UK soil.

The Air Force’s FY 2024 budgetary justification package, dated March 2023, notes the planned construction of a “surety dormitory” at RAF Lakenheath, approximately 100 kilometers northeast of London. The “surety dormitory” was also briefly mentioned in the Department of Defense’s testimony to Congress in March 2023, but with no accompanying explanation. “Surety” is a term commonly used within the Department of Defense and Department of Energy to refer to the capability to keep nuclear weapons safe, secure, and under positive control.

The justification documents note the new requirement to “Construct a 144-bed dormitory to house the increase in enlisted personnel as the result of the potential Surety Mission” [emphasis added]. To justify the new construction, the documents note, “With the influx of airmen due to the arrival of the potential Surety mission and the bed down of the two F-35 squadrons there is a significant deficiency in the amount of unaccompanied housing available for E4s and below at Royal Air Force Lakenheath”

Putin's propagandists threaten nuclear strikes on US territory in chilling WW3 warning

A prominent Kremlin propagandist has issued a dire nuclear threat against the United States.

Igor Korotchenko, editor of the newspaper National Defense and a frequent guest on Russia 1 channel, has sent shockwaves across international circles with his recent pronouncements.

Korotchenko's ominous warning came in response to criticism of Russian actions in the war-torn region.

He stated, "Russia is being warned and threatened that if we misbehave…he threatens us with more than just strikes on the Crimean bridge."

Korotchenko also suggested that Ben Hodges, NATO senior member for logistics, believed the U.S. might contemplate strikes on Russian Black Sea Fleet bases, Crimean troops, and even Russian naval installations in Tartus, Syria.
edit on 5-9-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I'm seeing the same thing, T2. Patriotism and military service are no longer synonymous and enlistments have been suffering for a long time.
Perhaps paying for gender reassignment will help? A military where you can no longer say 'yes, sir!'. 'Yes Them!' just doesn't have the same ring to it....

I have marveled at the slow roll-out over many decades to change the very fabric of society, and all it took was some creative writing and people gullible enough to believe those they elect to represent them have our best interests at heart and know so much more about the 'big picture' than we could ever hope to learn.

The internet has become the biggest threat to the power structure we've ever known; it's only a matter of time before that last bastion of free thought is neutralized.

China plays the Long Game; it's no secret that civil unrest in the US is and has been fueled by China. BP whistleblowers have said thousand of young Chinese males have been pouring across the border.
We have politicians employing Chinese spies; I'll stop there so as not to appear 'racist'.

I lived in Bridgeport, Washington in the early 70's. Thousands of acres of generational farm land, so it caused quite a stir when China bought the largest farm around-108 thousand acres, if memory serves.
All the other farmers had already told the Chinese buyers to get bent, and the sell-out guy became quite the pariah.
The deal was he got several times the value of his land and could keep it in the family and continue farming along with keeping all profits for 100 years. I've often wondered what became deal.

Perhaps Gates is just a front for the CCP with all the farm land he's been scooping up? We already know he owns Big Pharma and pulls the purse strings on oh, so many other vital enterprises.

I think China already owns and/or controls far more of our infrastructure and industries than we'll ever know.

As to the Burning Man mud pit, who knows?

Did you know? The Soviet leadership created artificial rain to save Moscow from the Chernobyl fallout- how we made it rain.

edit on 200000022America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 02:00 PM
The death of the bank branch! Wells Fargo closes 37 stores in 16 states as more and more firms axe their bricks and mortar locations - is YOUR local branch affected?

Wells Fargo has filed to close an additional 37 branches across the US, further accelerating America's transition to automated banking.

The latest round of closures come as America faces a banking bloodbath as big firms axe branches and ATMs at lightning speed.

Included in the OCC bulletin were applications from other banks, most notably Chase, which filed to close around seven. Bank of America filed for four closures, while Capital One and PNC announced plans to axe one each.

Branches continue to play an important role in the way we serve our customers, and we continuously evaluate our branch network in light of changing customer needs, the increase in the use of digital banking and market factors,' they added. ar-locations-local-branch-affected.html

Ex-Goldman Banker Says $1 Quadrillion Crypto Use-Case That ‘Dwarfs Everything’ Could Come to Industry

Former Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says there’s a use-case for crypto worth about $1 quadrillion that will eventually flow into the space.

In a new interview on Crypto Banter, the macro guru says that BlackRock’s recent push for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) has potentially paved the way for massive amounts of money to move onto blockchains and crypto platforms.

Ex-Goldman Banker Says $1 Quadrillion Crypto Use-Case That ‘Dwarfs Everything’ Could Come to Industry
Former Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says there’s a use-case for crypto worth about $1 quadrillion that will eventually flow into the space.

In a new interview on Crypto Banter, the macro guru says that BlackRock’s recent push for a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) has potentially paved the way for massive amounts of money to move onto blockchains and crypto platforms.

Says Pal,

“I think it’s very important what BlackRock have done. Not for the ETF, not for the flows, but for the message it sends to the entire financial industry.

Again, I know a lot of these people, BlackRock have been involved in crypto for a while now. Don’t forget, he (Larry Fink) talked about it in the last cycle. Apollo, massive. Goldman, JPMorgan – they’re all there, but what we’re doing is seeing them come to the surface and say, ‘This is a meaningful technology… ‘

XRP Will Replace US$ as World’s Reserve Currency: Ripple CTO

In a recent Twitter Spaces titled “What’s Happening with XRP,” David “JoelKatz” Schwartz, the CTO of Ripple hypothesized a scenario wherein XRP could emerge as the world’s reserve currency.

Speaking about world reserve currencies, Schwartz stated that he believed that a lot of the world was done with the American dollar as the reserve currency. Schwartz argued that several countries were willing to try an alternative to the dollar. “One of my wild case scenarios for digital assets is if countries realize the US currency is not going to be the reserve forever,” said the tech leader.


The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has announced that it now accepting Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a payment option through PayPal for Coloradans to renew driver's licenses, identification cards, and vehicle registrations.

“At the DMV, we’re always looking for ways to better serve Coloradans and leverage technology to offer our services,” said Senior Director Electra Bustle. “This new online cryptocurrency payment option is yet another way the DMV is providing innovative and convenient service delivery to our customers.”

Here's how it works: customers just have to select the cryptocurrency payment option, and they will be redirected to PayPal, where they can choose their preferred cryptocurrency to complete the transaction. The selected cryptocurrency is then converted into dollars, covering the total amount due along with applicable fees, before being remitted to the DMV.
edit on 5-9-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

James Clapper Audio Recording compliments of Amuse

It is remarkable that this is out there.

Gematria Dirty Tricks Squad

The lengths that they would go to and using children. They just stood by and let them be harmed all so that they could get compromising details on targeted individuals.
15 post with James Clapper.

Dude....WTF. Is this real? It surely seems real, and it ties back to A LOT of the stuff discussed here over the past few years.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 03:01 PM
DeepMind co-founder: Everyone will have their ‘own chief of staff’ in the next five years

DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman joins ‘Squawk Box’ to discuss Suleyman’s latest book, how quickly the artificial intelligence space is moving, and more. d%20co%2Dfounder%20Mustafa%20Suleyman,space%20is%20moving%2C%20and%20more.

Robots are pouring drinks in Vegas. As AI grows, the city's workers brace for change

Walk any direction in Las Vegas and it's easy to find machines doing human work.

Check-in kiosks have replaced people at the front desk of hotels. Text-bots now make restaurant recommendations instead of a concierge. Robots can serve food, and behind the bar, machines are pouring out drinks.

Automation and technology replacing jobs has long been a conversation in Nevada's most populated city. Studies show that between 38% to 65% of jobs there could be automated by 2035.

With the use of artificial intelligence on the rise, the economy of this city --which relies on tourism and hospitality — is at an inflection point, as companies look to technology to reduce labor costs.

Wherever the resort industry can replace their workers and not affect productivity, profits or the customer experience — wherever they can do that with artificial intelligence... they will," said John Restrepo, principal at RCG Economics in Las Vegas.

BMW to use Amazon cloud technology to build its autonomous driving features for new EVs

BMW will build its semi-autonomous driver assistance system on Amazon's cloud computing technology, the two companies said Tuesday.

The German automaker's next-generation advanced driver assistance system, or ADAS, will feature in its Neue Klasse range of electric cars that the company revealed on Saturday — that will launch in 2025.

ADAS will require large amounts of data processing as the software relies on hardware sets, including cameras and semiconductors. Artificial intelligence processes are key to underpinning these assisted driving systems.

That's where Amazon Web Services, or AWS, comes in. BMW will store and process lots of data in Amazon's cloud servers. As autonomous driving features advance, an increasing amount of data storage and processing will be required.

US govt. invests $22 million in smart surveillance clothing

SMART ePANTS, which sounds like ‘smarty pants’ when spoken out loud, is a US government program seeking to develop active smart textiles (AST) with sensors, cameras, and wires woven directly into garments. The person wearing this technology, in the form of a shirt, pants, or underwear, can record audio video in their surroundings, and their location will be trackable via a geolocation sensor.

The application of SMART ePANTS will be across agents and employees of intelligence, counterterrorism, and national security agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency National Security Agency, among others.

This eTextile technology could also assist personnel and first responders in dangerous, high-stress environments, such as crime scenes and arms control inspections, without impeding their ability to swiftly and safely operate,” said a press release by IARPA, which also noted that IARPA invests in high-risk, high-payoff research programs to tackle some of the most difficult challenges of the agencies and disciplines in the IC.

Air Force Issues BAA on AI Next Gen Command, Control Capabilities

The Department of the Air Force on Aug. 31 issued a broad agency announcement (BAA) on the development of next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to support the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) initiative.

According to the BAA, AI has the potential to transform “the Department of the Air Force and Joint Force Command and Control capabilities across strategic, operational, and tactical levels by enabling decision makers to effectively assess the battlespace, rapidly explore, create, and select the best plan, and direct and monitor forces at pace and scale in a distributed setting.”

Artificial intelligence flies XQ-58A Valkyrie drone

Artificial intelligence software successfully flew an XQ-58A Valkyrie drone, the Air Force Research Laboratory announced Aug. 2.

Meet your new colleague: Apollo, the humanoid robot

Humanoid robots are starting to work side by side with actual people in warehouses for the first time, moving heavy boxes and containers

Apptronik, with 85 employees, came out of the Human Centered Robotics Lab at the University of Texas, and worked on NASA's first bipedal robot, Valkyrie.

Other companies at or near Apptronik's stage of humanoid robot production include Figure, Agility Robotics and Sanctuary AI.
Big names in the field include Boston Dynamics and Tesla.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 03:25 PM
New AI-Generated COVID Drug Enters Phase I Clinical Trials and Shows Effectiveness Against All Variants

The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare has birthed a groundbreaking development in drug discovery. Insilico Medicine, a pioneering AI-driven biotech company with offices in Hong Kong and New York City, has unveiled a novel AI-designed drug targeting COVID-19. This significant leap has now entered Phase I clinical trials. This oral drug, distinct from a vaccine, can potentially become the first-ever alternative to Paxlovid, currently the solitary medication available for COVID-19 symptoms.

While the advent of AI-generated drugs like ISM3312 opens new doors in the realm of treatment, prudence remains paramount. Dr. Harvey Castro, a distinguished board-certified emergency medicine physician and AI expert, underscores the importance of measured optimism. Acknowledging ISM3312 as a significant step in the battle against COVID-19, Castro emphasizes the need for continued vigilance and data-driven decision-making.

Insilico’s breakthrough serves as a testament to the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. The convergence of AI and drug discovery presents an innovative approach that could reshape the landscape of medical advancements. With AI’s ability to swiftly identify and assess new solutions, the journey from lab to treatment could become markedly more efficient, aiding in the fight against evolving strains and preventing future pandemics.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

James Clapper Audio Recording compliments of Amuse

It is remarkable that this is out there.

Gematria Dirty Tricks Squad

The lengths that they would go to and using children. They just stood by and let them be harmed all so that they could get compromising details on targeted individuals.
15 post with James Clapper.

Dude....WTF. Is this real? It surely seems real, and it ties back to A LOT of the stuff discussed here over the past few years.

Great to see you again Pokey, I hope you and Fam are good

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
New AI-Generated COVID Drug Enters Phase I Clinical Trials and Shows Effectiveness Against All Variants

The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare has birthed a groundbreaking development in drug discovery. Insilico Medicine, a pioneering AI-driven biotech company with offices in Hong Kong and New York City, has unveiled a novel AI-designed drug targeting COVID-19. This significant leap has now entered Phase I clinical trials. This oral drug, distinct from a vaccine, can potentially become the first-ever alternative to Paxlovid, currently the solitary medication available for COVID-19 symptoms.

While the advent of AI-generated drugs like ISM3312 opens new doors in the realm of treatment, prudence remains paramount. Dr. Harvey Castro, a distinguished board-certified emergency medicine physician and AI expert, underscores the importance of measured optimism. Acknowledging ISM3312 as a significant step in the battle against COVID-19, Castro emphasizes the need for continued vigilance and data-driven decision-making.

Insilico’s breakthrough serves as a testament to the transformative potential of AI in healthcare. The convergence of AI and drug discovery presents an innovative approach that could reshape the landscape of medical advancements. With AI’s ability to swiftly identify and assess new solutions, the journey from lab to treatment could become markedly more efficient, aiding in the fight against evolving strains and preventing future pandemics.

There's them damn open doors again, castro lol. We are in a movie.

Talking of movies.....The Adjustment Bureau, amount of times "17" is shown is unreal. About them open doors, watch it again.........

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 05:44 PM
here's an update on those Chinese Bio-Labs found in California.
From: MSN News

A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews with people who did business with Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI), a California medical supply firm, raises serious questions about its legitimacy and Chinese ties – as well as an apparently illicit biolab.

The underground biolab in the central California town of Reedley – population 25,000 – was discovered late last year and immediately set off alarm bells with local officials who said they were unaware of what was taking place inside the previously vacant warehouse.

As multiple local, state and federal governmental agencies continue to look into the biolab, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 20 different infectious agents inside the building, which was once used to package food. That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria interspersed with old lab equipment and slipshod storage, along with dead and dying mice in an overall unsanitary environment.

Lets reread that last part:

That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria

First, I'm sorry to say that I might have been wrong about Plague at Burning Man, but it does look like Dengue could be a possibility.

Secondly, Covid, TB, and reports of Malaria have been on the rise in recent months in the US. Could these have been a bio-attack on the US by China? Oh and to those who think that this was just a one off thing, the local Law Enforcement in the town where I live discovered a building that might be a Bio-Lab as well when they set out to bust an illegal birthing ring (one of those "be a tourist and give birth in the US, for Chinese Citizens only"). This is what a slow invasion looks like.

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